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Isaac Eizik Abraham Hoedeschoonmaker-Levie, birth 1747 Amsterdam
Event: event between 1777 and 1783 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery:
on 16 Tishre 5538 - child
on 13 Elul 5543 - child of Isaac Abraham Hoedemacher.
Poorlist 1809 Amsterdam: on the list under nr. 28.22: Isaac Abraham = Eizik ben Abraham Hoedenmacher, 63 yrs.old, married, hatmaker, with 1 daughter of 18 yrs.
Event: was naturalized 14 Jan 1812 Amsterdam assumption of name Hoedeschoonmaker; then living at Jode Houttuinen 24, with 1 son and 2 daughters;
son: Salomon, 48 yrs.old;
daughters: Vogeltje, 37 yrs. and Sara, 27 yrs.old.

Married 1767 Amsterdam, dtb 743/323; witn.groom: f.Abraham Levie; witn.bride: m.Sara Abraham.
Event (family) got engaged Dec 1765 Amsterdam Tnaim rishonim in act 5526/35 on 21 Kislev 5526;
groom: Eizik, accompanied by father Abraham ben Isaac Levie;
bride: Jettele, accompanied by mother Sara bat Abraham z.l;
committed for groom: Chaim ben Shabtay;
committed for bride: stepfather Zimle ben k"h Feibelman Emden.
Judith Jettele Salomon Samuel Cohen-Fuchs, birth 1742 Amsterdam, daughter of Samuel Salomon Pinchas-Zelig Cohen-Fuchs and Sara Abraham Grewel
1) Samuel Isaac Eizik Hoedeschoonmaker-Levie, birth 1767 Amsterdam, died 23 Sep 1834 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Samuel Isaac Hoedemaker, 70 yrs.old, widower of Sara Hartog [??].
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Poorlist 1809 Amsterdam: on the list under nr. 28.27: Samuel Isaac = Samuel ben Eizik Hoedenmacher, 42 yrs.old, married, hatmaker, with 1 son of 4 months.
Event: event FROM 10 MRT 1813 TO 1 Jun 1816 Amsterdam death of children: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
on 10 Mar 1813 - Marjana Samuel Hoedemaker, 6 weeks old, daughter of Samuel Isaac Hoedemaker, 49 yrs.old & Grietje Gerson.
on 1 Jun 1816 - stillborn son of Samuel Isaac Hoedemaaker & Judic Gerson Koffiemoolen.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married ONG 1808 to:
Grietje Gerrit Gerson Koffijmolenmaker, birth ONG 1774, died 1 Feb 1822 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

udic Abraham[?], 47 yrs.old, spouse of Samuel Isaac Hoedemaker.
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Event: event 20 Apr 1836 Norg, Drente demise of daughter?:
Saartje Judith Koffijmolen, 44 yrs.old.
2) Sara Isaac Hoedeschoonmaker-Levie, birth 1784 Amsterdam
Event: event 25 Nov 1816 Amsterdam death of child: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Juda Saartje Hoedeschoonmaker, 1 month old, son of Saartje Isaac Hoedeschoonmaker.
Notifier: Samuel Isaac Hoedeschoonmaker, 50 yrs.old, uncle.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married 1804 Amsterdam, dtb 652/182; witn.groom: m.Sara Zacharias; witn.bride: f.Isaac Abraham. to:
Isaac Abraham, birth 1781 Amsterdam
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