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Jacob Joseph Schweid, birth 1740 Amsterdam, son of Joseph Salomon Shlomo Schweid and Schoontje Sjeinche Levie
Event: event between Aug 1770 and Jun 1783 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery:
on 28 Aw 5530 - child
on 22 Kislev 5532 - child
on 2 Elul 5537 - child
on 3 Shevat 5538 - child
on 6 Ijar 5538 - child
on 24 Shevat 5540 - stillborn child
on 13 Ijar 5543 - child of Jacob Joseph Schweid.[this is perhaps the father himself].

Married 1766 Amsterdam, dtb 742/359; witn.groom: f.Joseph Salomon; witn.bride: m.Marianne Frankfort. to:
Branca Brein Meyer Boas, birth 1744 Amsterdam, died 9 Jan 1816 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

etje Meyer Boas, 74 yrs.old, lastly widow of [Hartog] Aron Spier.
Notifier: Joseph Sweed, 34 yrs.old, son.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
1st marriage 2nd marriage
1) Truitje Fraadche Jacob Swijt Schweid, birth ONG 1766 Amsterdam, died ONG 20 Jan 1834 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Vrouwtje Jacob Sweet, 66 yrs.old, widow of Levie Leendert Mouw.
Notifier: Joseph Sweet, 52 yrs.old, brother.
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married ONG MRT 1788 Amsterdam, no dtb.
Tnaim acharonim in act 5548/23 on 2 Adar I 5548;
groom: Leib ben Leizer;
bride: Fraadche bat Jacob Schweid z.l, accompanied by mother Brein bat Meyer;
it is stipulated that the conditions are changed basically, and therefor the contents of the previous tnaim rishonim are nullified;
signed by bride's mother Brein 'hierzu authorisiert und attestiert' by my husband Hirsch ben Aron Spier.
Levie Eliaser Leizer Mouw, birth ONG 1760, died 22 Nov 1832 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Levie Eliazer Mouw, 70 yrs.old, spouse of Truitje Jacob Swijt.
Notifier: Joseph Swijd, 52 yrs.old, brother[-in-law]
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
2) Yoshia Jacob Schweid, birth Jan 1770 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 20 Teveth 5530 - birth of Yoshua ben Jacob ben Joseph Schweit
on 27 Teveth 5530 - circumcision of Yoshia ben Jacob ben Joseph Schweid.
3) Joseph Jacob Sweed schweid, birth 1779 Amsterdam, died 12 Jun 1834 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

oseph Sweet, 55 yrs.old, spouse of Grietje Boekbinder.
Notifier: Levie Emanuel Kloot, 26 yrs.old, son-in-law.
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married 1801 Amsterdam, dtb 647/465; witn.groom: m.Betje Meyer Boas; witn.bride: m.Betje Michiel[?] to:
Grietje Godschalk Boekbinder, birth 1773 Amsterdam, died 17 Sep 1837 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Grietje Godschalk Boekbinder, 68 yrs.old, widow of Joseph Jacob Sweet.
Notifiers: Levie Emanuel Kloot, 30 yrs.old, son-in-law and Levie Daniel Sjouwerman, 25 yrs.old, son-in-law.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
, daughter of Jacob Getschlig Michiel Michael Buchbinder and Vrouwtje Betje Pes Isaac Eizik Schoonenburg
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