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Family names starting with AP

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Last nameFirst nameDetailsTree
Apelboom Marcus birth ± 1900 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Apfel-Leib Jochem Nachum Levie died 3 Aug 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apfelbaum Florence H. birth 1910 - died 1993 CLEARWATER, FL. asser
Apking Jeltje Fisbone PRIVACY FILTER haringman
Apon Frederik Hendrik birth 16 Dec 1917 Madioen - died 18 Oct 1976 Leidschendam kooperberg
Apon Th.J. zeldenrust
Apoteker Philip Peis Joseph Yoshua-Heschel Charleville died Aug 1757 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Abraham Philip Peis Polak birth 23 OKT 1794 Amsterdam - died 24 Jan 1893 Sleen ashkenazi
Apotheker Annette deventer
Apotheker Annette trompetter
Apotheker Bloeme Blihm Philip Peis Polak birth 23 MEI 1809 Amsterdam - died 2 Aug 1834 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Clara Keile Hartog Hirsch ashkenazi
Apotheker David birth ± 1905 haringman
Apotheker David birth 1908 Bardejov - Slowakije, died 1995 trompetter
Apotheker David birth 1908 Bardejov - Slowakije, died 1995 Tel Aviv, Israel deventer
Apotheker Emanuel Mendele Philip Peis Polak birth 9 Jan 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Jansje Philip Polak birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Joseph Philip Peis Polak birth 25 Jul 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Marcus Mordechai Philip Peis Polak birth 20 OKT 1806 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Marianne Malka Philip Peis Polak birth 1804 Amsterdam - died 24 MEI 1876 Leeuwarden ashkenazi
Apotheker Mozes Philip Peis Polak birth 17 Nov 1795 Amsterdam - died 5 Nov 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker NN deventer
Apotheker NN trompetter
Apotheker Philip Joseph Polak birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 24 Jun 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Salomon deventer
Apotheker Salomon trompetter
Apotheker Tobias Philip Peis Polak birth 10 Apr 1802 Amsterdam - died 7 Jan 1846 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Apotheker Zadok Philip Peis Polak birth 7 Jan 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel-Levie Levie Jochem Nachum birth 23 Apr 1769 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1833 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Aaltje Abraham birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1821 Amsterdam ashkenazi
APPEL Abraham pruym
Appel Abraham birth 17 Dec 1841 Amsterdam - died 17 Oct 1916 Amsterdam mok
Appel Abraham birth 1842 willing
Appel Abraham Levie trompetter
Appel Abraham Levie birth 31 Jan 1779 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Abraham Mozes birth 23 Aug 1834 Amsterdam - died 6 Jan 1891 Amsterdam trompetter
Appel Abraham Mozes birth 23 Aug 1834 Amsterdam - died before 1891 speelman
Appel Amalia Malie birth 18 Aug 1912 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Oct 2001 haringman
Appel Antje deleeuw
APPEL Barend konijn
APPEL Barend birth 14 Jul 1934 AMSTERDAM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR konijn
Appel Barend Abraham mok
Appel Barend Abraham birth 9 Aug 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Beletje Jacob birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
APPEL Bloeme birth 13 Nov 1872 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 26 Dec 1940 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Appel Brigitte beck
Appel Clara Abraham birth 27 Aug 1873 Amsterdam - died 27 Jul 1916 Amsterdam trompetter
Appel Cornelia ndbeli
Appel Cornelia birth 1 OKT 1874 Amsterdam - died 13 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Appel David birth 30 Apr 1897 Antwerpen Belgie - died 6 Dec 1935 Amsterdam speelman
Appel Dina Jochem abas
Appel Dina Jochem Nachum birth ONG 1769 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1843 Middelburg ashkenazi
APPEL Efrayim Fishel pruym
Appel Esther trompetter
APPEL Esther troostwi
Appel Esther birth 5 Jan 1872 Amsterdam sisteren
Appel Eva David birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 10 MEI 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Fijtje birth ± 1828 Amsterdam speelman
Appel Goldchen jacobs
Appel Hannaatje birth 3 Sep 1894 Amsterdam - died 21 Sep 1942 Auschwitz maarssen
Appel Helena Barbera birth 11 Mar 1902 IJsselstein muller
Appel Hendrika birth 20 Mar 1888 Amsterdam - died 6 Mar 1944 Auschwitz deleeuw
Appel Hendrika birth 20 MRT 1888 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1944 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Appel Henriette denbosch
Appel Isaac Jochem birth 29 Oct 1825 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland zwolle_regio
Appel Isaac Jochem birth 29 OKT 1825 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Appel Jochem Levie birth 1794 ndbcore
Appel Joseph deleeuw
Appel Joseph deventer
Appel Joseph birth 14 Sep 1865 Parijs Frankrijk - died 8 Aug 1922 Amsterdam speelman
Appel Joseph Barend birth 2 May 1845 Amsterdam sisteren
Appel Josephina Marianne speelman
Appel Levie David birth 29 MRT 1806 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1838 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Levie David died 30 Dec 1838 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland harlingen_regio
Appel Levie David died 30 Dec 1838 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Appel Levie David died 30 Dec 1838 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Appel Marianne Levie birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam - died 4 MEI 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Marianne Mirjam Abraham birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam - died 26 OKT 1839 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Mietje deventer
APPEL MIETJE birth 05 Apr 1864 AMSTERDAM - died 10 Feb 1941 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
APPEL MIETJE birth 05 Apr 1864 AMSTERDAM - died 10 Feb 1941 AMSTERDAM noach
APPEL Moshe Salomon birth ± 1900 Brashov - Rumania, died 7 Jul 1973 Gedera, Israel pruym
Appel Mozes birth 24 Dec 1859 Amsterdam - died 3 Apr 1924 Antwerpen Belgie speelman
Appel Mozes Abraham birth ± 1803 Amsterdam trompetter
Appel Mozes Abraham birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Mozes Jochem birth 1 Feb 1824 Deventer - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Appel Nathan birth 4 Jul 1907 Amsterdam - died 5 Sep 1941 Mauthausen slagter
Appel Philip David birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
APPEL Rachel pruym
Appel Rachel birth 24 Nov 1850 Amsterdam - died 28 Aug 1906 Haarlem mok
Appel Rachel van birth 2 Mar 1873 Amsterdam denbosch
Appel Rachel van birth 2 Mar 1873 Amsterdam kooperberg
Appel Rebecca birth 7 Sep 1888 Amsterdam, - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor willing
Appel Roosje David birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appel Saartje ndbcore
Appel Saartje ndbeli
Appel Saartje David birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam - died 6 Nov 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
APPEL Salomon birth 25 Dec 1936 AMSTERDAM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR konijn
Appel Sara trompetter
Appel Sara birth 4 Nov 1869 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1926 Haarlem mok
APPEL Simon birth 21 Aug 1908 AMSTERDAM - died 9 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR konijn
Appel Simon Barend denbosch
Appel Simon Barend deventer
Appel Vrouwtje Levie birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelbaum Louis winkel
Appelbaum M slagter
Appelboom Abraham Salomon birth 15 Jan 1883 Amsterdam - died 6 OKT 1883 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Alexander deventer
Appelboom Alexander birth 21 Jan 1887 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1942 Auschwitz bak
Appelboom Alexander Ziskind Jacob Koppel birth 24 Sep 1785 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Betje Philip birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam - died 31 OKT 1834 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Branca birth 1877 Amsterdam spier
Appelboom Branca Gerrit slagter
Appelboom Catharina Samuel birth 18 Sep 1868 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Appelboom David birth 15 MEI 1895 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor flessedrager
Appelboom Elias birth 14 MEI 1914 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz bak
Appelboom Elisabet birth 22 OKT 1884 Amsterdam - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor vega
Appelboom Elisabeth birth 2 Feb 1921 Amsterdam - died 18 Jan 1945 Auschwitz flessedrager
Appelboom Esther Samuel birth 12 Jan 1859 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Eva flessedrager
Appelboom Fijtje birth 28 Apr 1865 Amsterdam - died 6 Dec 1921 Amsterdam deventer
Appelboom Gerrit Gershon Jacob Koppel birth 13 Jan 1788 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Gerrit Jacob slagter
Appelboom Gerrit Samuel birth 2 Apr 1857 Amsterdam - died 16 Feb 1858 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Gerrit Samuel birth 27 Sep 1866 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
APPELBOOM Hanna konijn
Appelboom Hanna birth 12 MEI 1852 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Nov 1882 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Appelboom Hannah Samuel birth 9 Dec 1852 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Heintje ndbeli
Appelboom Heintje birth 15 Jul 1857 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Appelboom Jacob birth ± 1895 Amsterdam sisteren
Appelboom Jacob Alexander birth 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Jacob Gerrit birth 24 Apr 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Joseph birth 18 Apr 1926 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz flessedrager
Appelboom Juda birth ± 1887 Amsterdam hoffman
Appelboom Judic-Judith birth 20 Mar 1830 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Appelboom Judic ndbcore
Appelboom Judic birth 30 Jan 1829 Amsterdam cohdelft
Appelboom Judic Gerrit birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Judic Gerrits beck
Appelboom Judic Levie birth 28 Jan 1829 Amsterdam - died 27 Sep 1921 Amsterdam mok
Appelboom Judik Levie birth 20 MRT 1830 Amsterdam slagter
APPELBOOM Judith Jetje birth 20 Mar 1867 Amsterdam - died 5 Nov 1904 Amsterdam halberstadt
APPELBOOM Judith Levie birth 28 Jan 1829 Amsterdam gelder
Appelboom Klara Philip birth 4 Jul 1822 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Klara Philip birth ONG 1822 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Levie trompetter
Appelboom Levie birth 5 Sep 1858 Amsterdam bak
Appelboom Levie Levie birth 9 Jul 1825 Amsterdam - died 2 Feb 1911 Amsterdam ricardo
Appelboom Levie Liepman Jacob Koppel birth 27 Nov 1793 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Marianne Jacob birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Mathilde birth 29 Dec 1918 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor flessedrager
Appelboom Mozes Salomon birth 12 Jan 1889 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Appelboom Philip birth ± 1861 Amsterdam hoffman
Appelboom Philip Peis Jacob Koppel birth 4 Dec 1789 Amsterdam - died 8 Apr 1861 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Rebecca birth 5 Nov 1921 Amsterdam - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor Poland sisteren
Appelboom Rebecca Samuel birth 27 Dec 1860 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Appelboom Roosje birth 30 Dec 1871 Amsterdam - died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor ricardo
Appelboom Roosje Samuel birth 19 Sep 1864 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Appelboom Salomon birth 11 Feb 1855 Amsterdam - died 30 MRT 1931 Amsterdam flessedrager
Appelboom Salomon Samuel birth 11 Feb 1855 Amsterdam - died 30 MRT 1931 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Samuel Gerrit birth 21 Aug 1823 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1917 Amsterdam flessedrager
Appelboom Samuel Gerrit birth 21 Aug 1823 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1917 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Samuel Salomon birth 21 Dec 1885 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Sara bak
Appelboom Sara Gerrits birth 1820 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Appelboom Schoontje Juda slagter
Appelboom Sientje Salomon birth 21 Jul 1881 Amsterdam - died 12 Apr 1882 Amsterdam slagter
Appelboom Simon Gerrit birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelboom Simon Samuel birth 1 Feb 1863 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1863 Amsterdam slagter
APPELBOOM Veronica peeper
Appell Joy beck
Appelman-Levie Ester Jochem birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 22 Aug 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelman Anna Nathan birth ONG 1778 Amsterdam - died 24 Dec 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelman Barend Berman ashkenazi
Appelman Barend Mozes birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelman Jochem Nachum Barend Yissachar-Berman birth 9 Jan 1795 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appelman Mozes Barend Berman birth ONG 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appenman Arend Aron Daniel Gedalya Aap birth ONG 1758 Amsterdam - died 20 Feb 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Appenman Daniel Gedalya Michiel ashkenazi
Appenman Levie Daniel Gedalya Aap birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 27 Jan 1839 Amsterdam ashkenazi
APPERLOO Hendrik Jan pruym
APPERLOO Jacob pruym
APPERLOO Jan Harm pruym
Applebaum Rebecca rabbie
Applebaum Rebecca vpraag
APPLEYARD Rebecca birth ± 1778 vazdias
Aproot Mozes birth 28 Jul 1867 Leek voss
Aproot Simon voss
Apte Surendra vanburen
Apte Surendra willing
Aptrood Betje denneboom
Aptrood Helena Betje birth 1901 Appingedam denneboom
Aptrood Lazarus birth 13 Feb 1875 Martenshoek-Hoogezand - died 16 Feb 1931 Amsterdam denneboom
Aptroot Abraham Elia birth 6 May 1880 Chairman Sjirei Kodesh choir ndbeli
Aptroot Abraham Elia birth 6 MEI 1880 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Abraham Elia birth 6 MEI 1880 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Alagonda-Gonne Hendrina birth 23 Oct 1873 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Alagonda Henderina birth 23 Oct 1873 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Alagonda Henderina birth 23 OKT 1873 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Alagonda Hendrina birth 23 OKT 1873 Hoogezand - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Alfred birth 29 Aug 1928 Hoogezand - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Alfred birth 29 Aug 1928 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Alfred birth 29 Aug 1928 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Alfred birth 29 Aug 1928 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Berendiba ndbeli
Aptroot Bernard birth 7 Sep 1865 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Bernard birth 7 Sep 1865 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Bernard birth 18 Mar 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1943 Bobrek, Oper-Silezie, Duitsland groningen_regio
Aptroot Bernard birth 18 Mar 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1943 Bobrek, Oper-Silezie, Duitsland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Bernard birth 18 Mar 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1943 Kdo Bobrek, Oper-Silezie, Duitsland ndbeli
Aptroot Bernard birth 18 MRT 1893 Hoogezand - died 31 MRT 1943 Bobreck cohdelft
Aptroot Bernard birth 18 MRT 1893 Hoogezand - died 31 MRT 1943 Bobrek cohdelft
Aptroot Bernard birth 18 MRT 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 MRT 1943 Bobrek, Oper-Silezie, Duitsland ndbcore
Aptroot Bernard birth 21 Feb 1877 Hoogezand - died 6 OKT 1877 Hoogezand cohdelft
Aptroot Bernard birth 21 Feb 1877 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Oct 1877 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Bernard birth 21 Feb 1877 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 OKT 1877 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Bernard birth 21 Feb 1877 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, died 6 Oct 1877 Martenshoek, Hoogezand ndbeli
Aptroot Bertha birth 2 Oct 1884 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Bertha birth 2 OKT 1884 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Bertha birth 27 Oct 1884 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Bertha birth 27 OKT 1884 Hoogezand - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor hoos
Aptroot Bertha Henderina birth 27 OKT 1884 Hoogezand - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Bertold birth 28 Apr 1881 Leek - died 31 Dec 1886 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Bertoldt birth 28 Apr 1881 Leek - died 31 Dec 1886 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Bertoldt birth 28 Apr 1881 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Dec 1886 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Betje ndbcore
Aptroot Betje ndbeli
Aptroot Betje vantijn
Aptroot Betje birth 6 Feb 1873 Leek - died 8 Sep 1873 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Betje birth 6 Feb 1873 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Sep 1873 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Betje birth 8 Jan 1878 cohdelft
Aptroot Betje birth 8 Jan 1878 Leek - Groningen, Nederland enschede_regio
Aptroot Betje birth 8 Jan 1878 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Betje birth 8 Jan 1878 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Betje birth 13 Mar 1894 ndbeli
Aptroot Betje birth 21 Mar 1849 Leek - died 30 Oct 1923 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
APTROOT Betje birth 21 Mar 1849 Leek - Groningen, died 30 Oct 1923 Amsterdam joachimsthal
Aptroot Betje birth 21 MRT 1849 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Betje birth 21 MRT 1849 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Betje birth 26 Jan 1899 Leek - died 10 Feb 1944 Auschwitz* ndbeli
Aptroot Betje birth 26 Jan 1899 Leek - died 10 Feb 1944 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Betje birth 26 Jan 1899 Leek - died 10 Feb 1944 Auschwitz hoek
Aptroot Betje birth 26 Jan 1899 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 10 Feb 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Betje birth 1878 Leek vanburen
Aptroot Billa birth 27 May 1883 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Billa birth 27 MEI 1883 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Billa birth 27 MEI 1883 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Billa birth 27 MEI 1883 Leek deventer
Aptroot Billa birth 27 MEI 1883 Leek duitser
Aptroot David Mozes hoos
Aptroot Duif ndbeli
Aptroot Eduard birth 20 Jul 1900 Leek - died 24 Aug 1900 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Eduard birth 20 Jul 1900 Leek - died 28 Aug 1900 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Eduard birth 20 Jul 1900 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Elisabeth birth 4 Apr 1891 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Elizabet birth 4 Apr 1891 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Elizabet birth 4 Apr 1891 Leek cohdelft
APTROOT Emilia Frieda birth 13 Dec 1932 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor joachimsthal
Aptroot Emma birth 13 Mar 1890 Enschede OV denbosch
Aptroot Emma birth 13 Mar 1890 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Emma birth 13 MRT 1890 Enschede - Overijssel, Nederland enschede_regio
Aptroot Emma birth 13 MRT 1890 Enschede - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Emma birth 13 MRT 1890 Enschede cohdelft
Aptroot Ester birth 1 MEI 1900 Nietap - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Esther birth 1 May 1900 Nietap - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Evan Hartog birth 3 Oct 1918 Hoogezand - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Evan Hartog birth 3 OKT 1918 Hoogezand - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Frederika-Frieda Isadore birth 9 May 1907 London - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Frederika Isadora birth 9 MEI 1907 Londen - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Goltje birth 16 Dec 1813 Leek - died 13 MRT 1869 Winsum cohdelft
Aptroot Goltje birth 28 May 1857 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Mar 1863 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Goltje birth 28 MEI 1857 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Goltje Golda Gonda Heimans birth 16 Dec 1813 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Mar 1869 Winsum, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Goltje Gouda birth 16 Dec 1813 Leek - died 13 Mar 1869 Winsum klei_berg
Aptroot Goltje Heimans birth 16 Dec 1813 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 MRT 1869 Winsum, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Heiman-Hein Nathan birth 14 Sep 1901 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Heiman birth 1 Aug 1924 Hoogezand - died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Heiman birth 1 Aug 1924 Hoogezand - died 13 MRT 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman birth 7 May 1904 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 17 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen almelo_regio
Aptroot Heiman birth 7 May 1904 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 19 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Heiman birth 7 May 1904 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland meppel_regio
Aptroot Heiman birth 7 MEI 1904 Meppel - died 19 Aug 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman birth 7 MEI 1904 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Heiman birth 9 Sep 1890 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Jun 1988 ndbeli
Aptroot Heiman birth 9 Sep 1890 Leek - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Heiman birth 9 Sep 1890 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Heiman birth 9 Sep 1890 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman birth 17 Aug 1845 Leek - died 29 Aug 1925 Groningen cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman birth 17 Aug 1845 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Aug 1925 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Heiman birth 17 Aug 1845 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Aug 1925 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Heiman birth 23 Apr 1842 Leek - died 31 MEI 1921 Kalkwijk cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman birth 23 Apr 1842 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 May 1921 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Heiman birth 23 Apr 1842 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 MEI 1921 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Heiman Mozes birth 23 Apr 1842 Leek - died 31 May 1921 Kettwich ndbeli
Aptroot Heiman Mozes birth 27 May 1780 Kassel - Hessen, Germany, died 15 Feb 1870 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Heiman Mozes birth 27 May 1780 Kichous - Hessen, Germany, died 15 Feb 1870 Leek klei_berg
Aptroot Heiman Mozes birth 27 MEI 1780 Kichous - Kassel Hessen, Duitsland, died 15 Feb 1870 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Heiman Mozes birth 27 MEI 1780 Kirchhein - died 15 Feb 1870 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman Nathan birth 14 Sep 1901 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Heiman Simon birth 17 Aug 1845 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 1896 Chairman Jewish community ndbeli
Aptroot Helena Betje birth 4 Jun 1901 Sappemeer - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Helena Betje birth 21 Jun 1901 Sappemeer - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Aptroot Helena Grietje birth 21 Mar 1920 Hoogezand - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Helena Grietje birth 21 MRT 1920 Hoogezand - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Helene Betje birth 4 Jun 1901 Sappemeer - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Henderina birth 11 Jul 1855 Leek - died 29 Aug 1942 Amsterdam cohdelft
Aptroot Henderina birth 11 Jul 1855 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died NA 1893 ndbeli
Aptroot Henderina birth 11 Jul 1855 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Henderina birth 11 Jul 1855 Leek geuns
Aptroot Henderina birth 21 Apr 1893 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Henderina birth 21 Apr 1893 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Henderina birth 21 Apr 1893 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Henderina birth 26 Sep 1885 Leek - died 24 Jan 1888 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Henderina birth 26 Sep 1885 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 24 Jan 1888 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Henderina birth 27 Sep 1885 Leek - died 24 Jan 1888 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Henderina Heimans birth 14 Jul 1811 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1879 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Henderina Heimans birth 14 Jul 1811 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1879 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Henderina Hendel Heimans birth 14 Jul 1811 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1879 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Henderina Hijmans birth 14 Jul 1811 Leek - died 3 Dec 1879 Hoogezand cohdelft
Aptroot Herman Frederik birth 29 Jul 1910 Groningen - died 30 Nov 1944 Auschwitz cohdelft
APTROOT Herman Frederik birth 29 Jul 1910 Groningen - died 30 Nov 1944 Auschwitz joachimsthal
Aptroot Herman Frederik birth 29 Jul 1910 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Nov 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Aptroot Herman Frederik birth 29 Jul 1910 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Nov 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Herman Frederik birth 29 Jul 1910 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Nov 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Hester birth 14 May 1883 Leek - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Hester birth 14 MEI 1883 Leek - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Hester birth 14 MEI 1883 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Hinderiena birth 24 Jan 1852 Roden ndbeli
Aptroot Hinderina birth 24 Jan 1852 Roden - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Hinderina birth 24 Jan 1852 Roden cohdelft
Aptroot Hulda ndbcore
Aptroot Hulda winschoten_regio
Aptroot Hulda birth 9 Oct 1863 Leek - died 1 Feb 1936 Winschoten ndbeli
Aptroot Hulda birth 9 OKT 1863 Leek - died 16 Feb 1936 Winschoten cohdelft
Aptroot Ido groningen_regio
Aptroot Ido ndbcore
Aptroot Ido ndbeli
Aptroot Ido birth 20 Sep 1938 Groningen - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Isidoor birth 20 Jun 1888 Leek - died Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Isidoor birth 20 Jun 1888 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 Jun 1897 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Isidor birth 20 Jun 1888 Leek - died 25 Jun 1897 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Izaak birth 23 Apr 1842 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Izaak birth 23 Apr 1842 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Izak birth 2 Jul 1896 Leek - died 21 Jan 1945 Blechhammer cohdelft
Aptroot Izak birth 2 Jul 1896 Leek - died 21 Jan 1945 Blechhammer ndbeli
Aptroot Izak birth 2 Jul 1896 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1945 Blechhammer, Bayern, Duitsland ndbcore
Aptroot Jacob Lazarus birth 3 Nov 1911 Hoogezand - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Jacob Lazarus birth 3 Nov 1911 Hoogezand - died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Jacob Lazarus PRIVACY FILTER hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Jacob Lazarus PRIVACY FILTER ndbcore
Aptroot Johan Adolf cohdelft
Aptroot Johan Adolf ndbcore
Aptroot Johan Adolf ndbeli
Aptroot Johan Adolf PRIVACY FILTER eelde_regio
Aptroot Jonas ndbeli
Aptroot Jonas weijel
Aptroot Jonas birth 8 Mar 1909 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Feb 1945 Central Europe ndbeli
Aptroot Jonas birth 8 Mar 1909 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Feb 1945 Midden Europa groningen_regio
Aptroot Jonas birth 8 MRT 1909 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Feb 1945 Midden Europa ndbcore
Aptroot Jonas birth 15 May 1844 Leek - died 01 Feb 1922 Groningen zilversmit
Aptroot Jonas birth 15 May 1844 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Feb 1922 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Jonas birth 15 May 1844 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Feb 1922 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Jonas birth 15 MEI 1844 Leek - died 1 Feb 1922 Groningen cohdelft
Aptroot Jonas birth 15 MEI 1844 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Feb 1922 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Jonas birth 26 Nov 1912 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Jonas PRIVACY FILTER ndbcore
Aptroot Jozef birth 25 Mar 1876 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen meppel_regio
Aptroot Jozef birth 25 Mar 1876 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Jozef birth 25 MRT 1876 Leek - died 26 MRT 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Jozef birth 25 MRT 1876 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 26 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Judik birth 26 Aug 1859 Leek - died 20 Aug 1939 Amsterdam frank_veendam
Aptroot Judik birth 26 Aug 1859 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Judik birth 26 Aug 1859 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Judik birth 26 Aug 1859 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Julius birth 12 Nov 1921 Hoogezand - died 2 MEI 1945 Duitsland cohdelft
Aptroot Julius birth 12 Nov 1921 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Julius birth 12 Nov 1921 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Julius birth 12 Nov 1921 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Julius birth 25 Nov 1869 Leek - died 25 MRT 1934 Groningen cohdelft
Aptroot Julius birth 25 Nov 1869 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 Mar 1934 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Julius birth 25 Nov 1869 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 Mar 1934 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Julius birth 25 Nov 1869 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 MRT 1934 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Lazarus ndbcore
Aptroot Lazarus ndbeli
Aptroot Lazarus trompetter
Aptroot Lazarus birth 13 Feb 1875 Hoogezand - died 16 Feb 1931 Hoogezand cohdelft
Aptroot Lazarus birth 13 Feb 1875 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Feb 1931 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Lazarus birth 13 Feb 1875 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Feb 1931 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Lazarus birth 13 Feb 1875 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, died 16 Feb 1931 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Lazarus birth 19 Feb 1931 Sappermeer - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Lazarus Leo birth 21 Jun 1932 Hoogezand - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Lazarus Leo birth 21 Jun 1932 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Lazarus Leo birth 21 Jun 1932 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Lazarus Leo birth 21 Jun 1932 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Lazarus PRIVACY FILTER sappemeer_regio
Aptroot Lea-Leentje groningen_regio
Aptroot Lea-Leentje birth 20 Jul 1855 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Lea birth 20 Jul 1855 Leek - died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Lea birth 25 Jul 1878 Leek - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Lea birth 25 Jul 1878 Leek - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor zilversmit
Aptroot Lea birth 25 Jul 1878 Leek - died 14 MEI 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Lea birth 25 Jul 1878 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 14 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen enschede_regio
Aptroot Lea birth 25 Jul 1878 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 14 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Lea birth 25 JulI 1878 Leek Gr - died 14 MEI 1943 Sobibor weijel
Aptroot Lea or Leentje birth 20 Jul 1855 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Leentje birth 5 May 1848 Leek - died 17 Nov 1872 Winsum klei_berg
Aptroot Leentje birth 5 MEI 1848 Leek - died 17 Nov 1872 Winsum cohdelft
Aptroot Leentje birth 5 MEI 1848 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Leentje birth 27 Feb 1878 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Leentje birth 27 Feb 1878 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Leentje Siemons birth 5 May 1848 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Nov 1872 Winsum ndbeli
Aptroot levenloze zoon birth 21 Jul 1886 Enschede - Overijssel, Nederland, died 21 Jul 1886 Enschede, Overijssel, Nederland enschede_regio
Aptroot levenloze zoon birth 21 Jul 1886 Enschede - Overijssel, Nederland, died 21 Jul 1886 Enschede, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Loek birth 20 Jul 1900 Leek - died 28 Aug 1900 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Loek birth 20 Jul 1900 Leek - died 28 Aug 1900 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Marta birth 23 Sep 1846 Leek - died 30 Jun 1924 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Marta or Martha birth 23 Sep 1846 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Martha birth 1 May 1900 Nietap - died 12 Oct 1945 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Martha birth 1 May 1900 Nietap RodenDR - died 12 Oct 1942 Auschwitz denbosch
Aptroot Martha birth 1 MEI 1900 Roden - died 12 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Martha birth 10 Nov 1852 Leek - died 14 Feb 1906 Groningen cohdelft
Aptroot Martha birth 10 Nov 1852 Leek - died 14 Feb 1906 Groningen frank_veendam
Aptroot Martha birth 10 Nov 1852 Leek - died 14 Feb 1906 Wildervank trompetter
Aptroot Martha birth 10 Nov 1852 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 14 Feb 1906 Wildervank, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Martha birth 10 Nov 1852 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 14 Feb 1906 Wildervank, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Martha birth 23 Sep 1846 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Jun 1924 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Mathilda birth 23 Mar 1890 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 May 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Mathilda birth 23 Mar 1890 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, died 28 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Mathilda birth 23 MRT 1890 Hoogezand - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Mathilda birth 23 MRT 1890 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Maurits birth 2 Feb 1905 Sappemeer - died 31 MRT 1944 Midden Europa cohdelft
Aptroot Maurits birth 2 Feb 1905 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1944 Central Europe ndbeli
Aptroot Maurits birth 2 Feb 1905 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1944 Midden Europa sappemeer_regio
Aptroot Maurits birth 2 Feb 1905 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 MRT 1944 Midden Europa ndbcore
APTROOT Max Jacob birth 24 Jun 1931 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor joachimsthal
Aptroot Mietje birth 13 Dec 1902 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Mietje birth 13 Dec 1902 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Mietje birth 13 Feb 1902 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Mietje birth 30 Aug 1912 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Aptroot Mietje birth 30 Aug 1912 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Mietje birth 30 Aug 1912 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Moses birth 9 MEI 1877 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 MEI 1877 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
APTROOT Moses Heiman birth 26 Oct 1808 Leek - Groningen, died 20 Feb 1886 Leek, Groningen joachimsthal
Aptroot Mozes hoek
Aptroot Mozes klei_berg
Aptroot Mozes ndbcore
Aptroot Mozes birth 9 May 1877 Leek - died 20 May 1877 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Mozes birth 9 MEI 1877 Leek - died 19 MEI 1877 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1878 Hoogezand - died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
APTROOT Mozes birth 26 Nov 1878 Hoogezand - died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor joachimsthal
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1878 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1878 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen meppel_regio
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1878 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1880 Leek - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1880 Leek - died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1880 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 21 May 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen groningen_regio
Aptroot Mozes birth 26 Nov 1880 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Mozes birth 28 Jul 1867 Leek - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Mozes birth 28 Jul 1867 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Mozes birth 28 Jul 1867 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Mozes Heiman birth 26 Nov 1878 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Aptroot Mozes Heiman birth 26 Oct 1808 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Feb 1886 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Mozes Heiman birth Oct 1808 Leek - died 20 Feb 1886 Leek klei_berg
Aptroot Mozes Heimans birth 26 OKT 1808 Leek - died 20 Feb 1886 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Mozes Heimans birth 26 OKT 1808 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Feb 1886 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Mozes Simon ndbeli
Aptroot Nathan Meijer birth 23 OKT 1888 Enschede - Overijssel, Nederland, died 16 Feb 1889 Enschede, Overijssel, Nederland enschede_regio
Aptroot Nathan Meijer birth 23 OKT 1888 Enschede - Overijssel, Nederland, died 16 Feb 1889 Enschede, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Roosje-Rosa-Rose Heiman birth 16 Jun 1816 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 Feb 1894 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Roosje deventer
Aptroot Roosje birth 16 Jun 1816 Leek - died 25 Feb 1894 Groningen cohdelft
Aptroot Roosje birth 16 Jun 1816 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 Feb 1894 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Aptroot Roosje birth 16 Jun 1816 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 25 Feb 1894 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Roosje birth 28 Nov 1861 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Roosje birth 28 Nov 1861 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Roosje birth 28 Nov 1861 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Rosa or Rose ndbcore
Aptroot Rosetta birth 2 Aug 1882 Leek - Groningen, Nederland enschede_regio
Aptroot Rosetta birth 27 Aug 1882 Leek - died 10 Jan 1961 Salford, Engeland deventer
Aptroot Rosetta birth 27 Aug 1882 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Rosetta birth 27 Aug 1882 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Rosetta birth 27 Aug 1882 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Rosina birth 12 Feb 1888 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Rosina birth 12 Feb 1888 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Rosina birth 13 Feb 1888 Hoogezand - died 29 MEI 1939 Groenlo cohdelft
Aptroot Rosina birth 13 Feb 1888 Martenshoek - Hoogezand ndbeli
Aptroot Rosina Bertha birth 30 Nov 1883 Hoogezand - died 19 Dec 1883 Hoogezand cohdelft
Aptroot Rosina Bertha birth 30 Nov 1883 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Dec 1883 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Rosina Bertha birth 30 Nov 1883 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Dec 1883 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Rosina Bertha birth 30 Nov 1883 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, died 19 Dec 1883 Martenshoek, Hoogezand ndbeli
Aptroot Saartje birth 21 May 1858 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Saartje birth 21 MEI 1858 Leek - died 31 Dec 1941 Arnhem cohdelft
Aptroot Saartje birth 21 MEI 1858 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Salomon birth 2 Apr 1850 Leek - Groningen, Nederland enschede_regio
Aptroot Salomon birth 2 Apr 1850 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Salomon birth 2 Apr 1850 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Aptroot Salomon birth 2 Apr 1850 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Salomon birth 2 Apr 1850 Leek deventer
Aptroot Salomon birth 16 Jan 1886 Leek - died 8 Apr 1944 Auschwitz* ndbeli
Aptroot Salomon birth 16 Jan 1886 Leek - died 8 Apr 1944 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Salomon birth 1911 - died 30 May 1965 Kvutzat Yavne Isr asscher
Aptroot Sara Ruth birth 19 Jun 1914 Londen - Engeland, died 12 Nov 1987 Den Haag deventer
Aptroot Siemon deventer
Aptroot Siemon birth 2 May 1874 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Aptroot Siemon birth 2 MEI 1874 Leek - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Aptroot Siemon birth 2 MEI 1874 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Siemon birth 2 MEI 1874 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Siemon birth 16 Jul 1895 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Siemon birth 16 Oct 1880 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Siemon birth 16 OKT 1880 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Siemon birth 16 OKT 1880 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Siemon birth 22 Sep 1895 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Siemon birth 22 Sep 1895 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Siemon birth 22 Sep 1895 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Siemon birth 25 Jul 1819 Leek - died 4 Jun 1893 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Siemon Heiman birth 2 May 1874 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 1939 In Groningen also member of municipal council ndbeli
Aptroot Siemon Simon Heimans birth 25 Jul 1819 Leek - died 4 Jun 1893 Leek klei_berg
Aptroot Simon asscher
Aptroot Simon birth 16 Jul 1895 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Simon birth 16 Jul 1895 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Simon Heiman trompetter
Aptroot Simon Heiman birth 25 Jul 1819 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died between. 1875 - 1880 Chairman Jewish community ndbeli
Aptroot Simon Heimans frank_veendam
Aptroot Simon Heimans birth 25 Jul 1819 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 4 Jun 1893 Leek, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Solomo birth 16 Jan 1886 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Apr 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Aptroot Stijntje birth 12 Jul 1879 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Stijntje birth 12 Jul 1879 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Stijntje birth 12 Jul 1879 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot Victor birth 19 Apr 1888 Leek - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Aptroot Victor birth 19 Apr 1888 Leek cohdelft
Aptroot Victor birth 19 Apr 1888 Leek ndbeli
Aptroot\Efrati Salomon birth 16 May 1912 Antwerpen - died 30 May 1965 Kvutzat Javne duizend