Family Tree CollectionMain index A-Z Total index Names Index placesCOHEN (Descendants of Salomon Eljakum Cohen)

Family page
Ezechiel Hartog Schabracq, birth ± 1746 Amsterdam, died 27 Mar 1816 Amsterdam, Age 75 yrs, translateur Prinsengracht, married to Ester Cohen, Informant Petrus van Genabeth son in law 23 yrs, teacher., son of Hartog Isaac Levie and Caatje Ezechiel Cohen
Merchant, from 1769 partner in his fathers diamond and jewelry business. In 1772 he bought the family home at the Muiderstraat from his mother, it may have been the workplace too. In 1779 he bought a house at the Amstel (now no 87, which is a rebu ilt copy, only the top gable is original), it is certain his mother and brother Leonard lived there in 1779. He lived in Paris for some time (his eldest son Henri was born there), and its likely he and Emanuel were involved in Isaac's diamond fac tory there. In 1785 he sold the house in the Muiderstraat, it is unknown when he sold the house at the Amstel. From 1787 onwards he lived in a rented house at the Muidergracht.

In June 1780 Naturalization letters were granted by Louis XXVI:
"Lettres de naturalitÔe en faveur des S. Ezechiel Schabracq, et autres ses fráeres,
Louis par la grÁe de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre áa tous prÔesents et áa venir : Salut. Nos
bien aimÔes* EzÔechiel Schabracq, Isaac Schabracq et Emmanuel Schabracq, fráeres originaires
de Hollande, nÔegociants demeurant áa Paris, nous ont tráes humblement fait exposer que, depuis
tráes longtemps eux et les auteurs se sont occupÔes de la taille, prÔeparation, coupe et commerce
de diamants ; que ce commerce important est aujourd&Aelig;hui concentrÔe dans la ville
d&Aelig;Amsterdam ... etc. etc." (many thanks to Bleue-Marine Massard)
Full civil rights were given to the three brothers, their (future) wives and legitimate children. The brothers are wellcome to choose a place in Paris for a factory and their trading.

1 Sep1888 Ezechiel signed a contract with Salomon Lapidoth to a company to make starch. Ezechiel would reveal the secret of starch production to the other, and would invest 4000 guilders. If the production of starch would be successful the firs t year, he would invest another 8000. Probably due to a bankruptcy Lapidoth was forced to hand over the business to Ezechiel in March 1790. His brother Leonard seems to have run the business: in the inventory of Ezechiels estate in April 1791 barr els of starch, sacks of ground grain, 6 pigs and 8 piglets, all part of the process, are Leonards property. A slight loss in 1790. (Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Desolate Boedelkamer, Ezechiel Schabracq 1791). Ezechiel and Leonard signed a contrac t to form a company in starch making on 5 Jan 1791; the company was dissolved in May 1792. In June 1793 Ezechiel sold everything related to the starchmaking.
The 1791 inventory suggests he had two, maybe three children at that time.
In the meantime he was a sworn translator, taught several languages and book-keeping (newspaper adverts)
He was active in Felix Libertate:, but returned to the old community in 1803 (Not vd Meersch 18785/100)

Married 4 Jun 1780 Amsterdam to:
Ester Jacob Cohen, birth 1754 Amersfoort, died 14 Sep 1818 Amsterdam, Ester Jacob Cohen died at age 68, at the Roeters IJland no 38, born in Amersfoort, widow of Ezechiel Schabracq. Informants son Philip Schabracq, age 34, translator, Warmoesstraat and Ezechiel Cohen Jacobs age 59, schoolteacher, Weesperveld, brothe r of the deceased., daughter of Jacob Philip Cohen and Eva Jonas Cohen
1) Henri Ezechiel Schabracq, birth 1781 Paris
A small poem, dated 1796, written by young Henri, on the website of Frank Schabracq:

He probably died in 1804:: on 5 Jun 1804 the burial of an unmarried son of Yecheskel ben Hirsch Schabracq at the Muiderberg cemetery.
2) Philip Ezechiel Schabracq, birth 11 Jan 1784 Amsterdam, Fijbelman Jechezkel Levi Sj'abr'ak born 17 teveth 5544, Fijbelman Jechezkel SeG''L circumcision 24 teveth 5544, died 23 Apr 1821 Amsterdam, Philip Ezechiel Schabracq 37 yrs Roeters IJland no.23, died there, unmarried son of Ezechiel Schabracq and Ester Cohen Jacobs. Informants Ezechiel Cohen Jacobs from Amersfoort 62 yrs, teacher, uncle.
3) Vrouwtje Ezechiel Schabracq, died 26 Aug 1799 Amsterdam, Buried in the Overveen cemetery of Adath Jeschurun : N:16 Vrouwtje Schabracq, died 26 Aug 1799
I assume she was a daughter of Ezechiel and Ester because of the burial at Overveen, Ezechiel being involved with Felix Libertate at that time.
4) Maria Louisa Catharina Eugenia Schabracq, birth 13 Oct 1791 Amsterdam, died 26 Sep 1847 Amsterdam
The order of the forenames varies. MLCE when she married and when she died, MCLE in the birth certificates of all her children. Her original name must have been a variant of Catharina/Caatje. In Nov 1816 (Not v Meersch) she names herself Catharin a Eugenia.

She was baptized in a convent in Paris in 1812 and converted to the Roman Catholic religion (info from the marriage supplements).

When she married she was a teacher in Amsterdam at the same school as Petrus van Genabeth. In 1817 Petrus got an appointment in Doornik (Tournay), in 1819 in Brugge. The Belgian revolution forced them back north, first Sluis, then Middelburg, de n Haag, where they arrived in dire circumstance, and finally back to Amsterdam, where Maria started another school.

Married 10 Jul 1816 Amsterdam to:
Petrus or Pieter van Genabeth, died 19 Sep 1852 Amsterdam
A few biographies

J.G. Frederiks en F. Jos. van den Branden, Biographisch woordenboek der Noord- en Zuidnederlandsche letterkunde. L.J. Veen, Amsterdam 1888-1891:
Genabeth (Petrus van), in de Roomsch-Kath. kerk op het Begijnenhof te Amst. gedoopt den 10 Febr. 1793, werd 19 Oct. 1814 op 21-jarigen leeftijd onderw. van den derden, twee jaar later van den tweeden rang, was destijds openb. onderw. te Amst., waa r hij een paar maanden vroeger gehuwd was met E.L.C.E. Schabracq, eene onderwijzeres van Isr. herkomst, met wie hij daar eene school had. Hij werd in 1817 leeraar in de Nederd. taal aan het Athenaeum te Doornik, en twee jaren daarna aan dat te Bru gge. Door de Belgische revolutie tot de vlucht genoodzaakt, ging hij terug naar Amst., waar hij een jaargeld kreeg en zijne vrouw weder een school opzette, terwijl Pieneman hem in 1843 klerk en opzichter bij de tentoonstellingen van Arti et Amicit iae maakte. Hij overleed te Amsterdam 19 Sept. 1852. etc etc.
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