12,139 Ashkenazi marriages
Parents of spouses - Last name starting with S (4883 persons)
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Aandagt, Sara mother at wedding of Philip Sluis and Marianne Koster on 10-09-1919
Aandagt, Schoontje mother at wedding of Salomon Witsen v. and Alida David on 02-01-1935
Aandagt, Schoontje mother at wedding of Isaac Mug and Esther Brilleman on 09-08-1916
Aap, Schoontje mother at wedding of Simon Berklou and Reintje Kopee on 30-03-1927
Aap, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jacob Berklou and Mijntje Kopee on 21-10-1925
Aardewerk, Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Kets de Vries and Leentje Bed on 13-07-1921
Abas, Schoontje mother at wedding of Calman Poons and Johanna Dasberg on 07-06-1899
Acathan, Simcha mother at wedding of Meijer Gans and Rachel Gans on 21-02-1906
Achttienribbe, Sientje mother at wedding of Salomon Kijzer and Alida Waterman on 27-05-1925
Achttienribbe, Sientje mother at wedding of Maurits Brilleslijper and Sara Waterman on 06-07-1927
Acohen, Sara mother at wedding of David Augurkiesman and Rebecca Vas Nunes on 07-02-1935
Acohen, Sara mother at wedding of Arnold Drilsma and Betsie Vas Nunes on 08-06-1899
Agsteribbe, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Noach and Elisabeth Wagenaar on 01-09-1927
Agsteribbe, Sophia mother at wedding of Johan Matteman and Esther Polak on 24-04-1929
Ailjon, Sara mother at wedding of Emanuel Vet and Sara Gomes de Mesquita on 21-12-1927
Allegro, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Hilsum and Eva Druif on 11-01-1912
Allegro, Sebine mother at wedding of Salomon Swart and Clara Zwalf on 12-12-1917
Allemans, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Frank and Helene Rijnveld on 28-01-1937
Altenberg, Sara mother at wedding of David Jacobsen and Anna Corper on 28-12-1898
Ameringen v., Sara mother at wedding of Max Aronson and Flora Alvares Vega on 25-07-1918
Amerongen v., Sientje mother at wedding of Jacob Rooij de and Cato Berg v.d. on 05-08-1925
Amerongen v., Sientje mother at wedding of Louis Rine and Betsy Praag v. on 04-09-1935
Andriesse, Saartje mother at wedding of Anton Wolff and Elisabeth Zeldenrust on 20-11-1906
Andriesse, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Grootkerk and Hanna Zeldenrust on 29-10-1908
Anholt, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Werkheim and Leonora Zetter on 25-08-1915
Anthowitz, Sophia mother at wedding of Michiel Cohen and Brania Zagackier on 07-07-1937
Antkowitz, Sophia mother at wedding of Hijman Rood de and Sura Zagachier on 18-09-1929
Appel, Sara mother at wedding of David Vleesdrager and Aaltje Smeer on 24-11-1915
Appel, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Rijksman and Heintje Smeer on 24-10-1906
Appelboom, Schoontje mother at wedding of Gerrit Wijnschenk and Betje Zwarte de on 19-03-1914
Appelboom, Schoontje mother at wedding of Salomon Wijnschenk and Vogeltje Zwarte de on 15-10-1919
Aron, Sarah mother at wedding of Henri Gelder v. and Gonda Isaacs on 20-09-1905
Arons, Sara mother at wedding of Coenraad Vries de and Eva Kater on 23-06-1915
Asbacher, Sophia mother at wedding of Aron Lesegeld and Rachel Lier v. on 19-12-1918
Asser, Schoontje mother at wedding of Samuel Lierens and Hannaatje Appel on 05-07-1916
Augurkie, Saartje mother at wedding of Karel Bondt and Mietje Gelderen v. on 21-12-1921
Augurkie, Schoontje mother at wedding of Samuel Visjager and Sara Korper on 10-09-1919
Baale v., Saartje mother at wedding of Willem Jacobs and Rosette Nopol on 22-12-1915
Baale v., Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Noach and Caroline Nopol on 01-10-1919
Babad, Szewe mother at wedding of Jakob Klafter and Mizi Hollander on 11-08-1927
Bacharach, Sara mother at wedding of Moses Slier and Johanna Bacharach on 14-11-1928
Bachrach, Sara mother at wedding of Godfried Vries de and Elisabeth Creveld v. on 20-12-1928
Bachrach, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Matteman and Vrouwtje Parser on 06-09-1906
Back, Sara mother at wedding of Daniel Woudhuijsen and Naatje Kanter on 23-05-1918
Back, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Polak and Jennij Kanter on 06-06-1923
Barber, Saartje mother at wedding of Andries Amerongen v. and Esther Veffer on 20-02-1935
Baren v., Sellie mother at wedding of Benedictus Kolthoff and Hester Stork on 28-03-1933
Barend, Sara mother at wedding of Raphael Gassan and Flora Buitekant on 29-08-1937
Barend, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Waas and Maria Wurms on 26-01-1927
Barend, Sophia mother at wedding of Zadok Turfkruijer and Rebecca Wurms on 15-11-1916
Barend, Sophia mother at wedding of Hartog Koekoek and Rebecca Scheffer on 21-05-1919
Barends, Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Citroen and Bella Waag on 07-11-1918
Bargeboer, Schanette mother at wedding of Mozes Berg v.d. and Betsie Simons on 10-07-1935
Bargeboer, Schanette mother at wedding of Barend Berg v.d. and Betje Simons on 26-09-1929
Bartels, Sara mother at wedding of Israel Wurms and Catharina Boeken on 05-12-1923
Bartels, Sipora mother at wedding of Abraham Harschel and Anna Ketellapper on 17-04-1929
Baruch, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Beffie and Laura Vaz Dias on 05-12-1935
Barzilaij, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Turfrijer and Esther Bleekveld on 26-02-1925
Bed, Sippora mother at wedding of Emanuel Katoen and Anna Milhado on 06-06-1912
Bed, Sippora mother at wedding of Aaron Hamburger and Branca Milhado on 24-02-1921
Bed, Sippora mother at wedding of Barend Barend and Lea Milhado on 26-06-1929
Beekman, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Mof and Marianna Ketellapper on 15-08-1906
Beekman, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Franco and Judith Polak on 23-08-1905
Beer de, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Weening and Elisabeth Kuijper on 12-11-1918
Beer de, Sophia mother at wedding of Elias Adelaar and Klara Vries de on 15-03-1923
Beetz v., Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Witteboon and Judith Prins on 21-12-1933
Beetz v., Sipora mother at wedding of Jonas Stork and Hendrika Polak on 19-03-1908
Beetz v., Sipora mother at wedding of Mozes Krant and Judith Polak on 29-05-1907
Beffie, Schoontje mother at wedding of Maurits Polak and Anna Kaas on 02-09-1915
Beffie, Schoontje mother at wedding of Alexander Reens and Catharina Kaas on 13-06-1916
Behr, Saartje mother at wedding of Moses Cleef v. and Marie Roco on 12-09-1929
Behr, Salina mother at wedding of Mozes Meijers and Betje Ensel on 22-07-1925
Behr, Salina mother at wedding of Abraham Ensel and Maria Ensel on 05-04-1905
Behr, Salina mother at wedding of Levie Walvis and Alida Ensel on 20-06-1923
Behr, Salina mother at wedding of Salomon Goldberg and Sara Ensel on 09-02-1916
Behr, Salino mother at wedding of Philip Hond de and Hanna Ensel on 09-06-1915
Bella de la, Sophia mother at wedding of Karel Abram and Klaartje Brandon on 21-06-1916
Bella dela, Sophia mother at wedding of Louis Tas and Paulina Brandon on 30-12-1914
Bella dela, Sophia mother at wedding of Raphael Italiaander and Rebecca Brandon on 19-10-1919
Benjamins, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Oesteren v. and Flora Jong de on 07-02-1923
Ber, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Adler and Ida Michael on 02-11-1921
Ber, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Goldman and Malie Michael on 09-06-1921
Berg v.d., Sientje mother at wedding of Jesaia Adelaar and Rosalina Stibbe on 05-04-1916
Berg v.d., Sientje mother at wedding of Hartog Spijer and Sara Stibbe on 22-05-1907
Berg v.d., Susanna mother at wedding of Levie Nikkelsberg and Lea Berg v.d. on 06-01-1937
Berkhof, Sientje mother at wedding of Marcus Schraal and Eva Visser on 14-06-1905
Berklou, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Soubice and Marianne Pach on 08-09-1909
Berklou, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Zwalf and Esther Pach on 28-07-1915
Berklou, Sara mother at wedding of Manus Prins and Johanna Pach on 18-09-1918
Berlijn, Sara mother at wedding of Philip Velde v.d. and Rosette Koen on 30-01-1907
Berlijn, Schoontje mother at wedding of Joseph Koperberg and Rachel Beer de on 03-01-1923
Berlijn, Susanna mother at wedding of Isidor Praag v. and Rebecca Veerman on 06-04-1916
Beugeltas, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Soesan and Sara Reens on 15-09-1915
Beugeltas, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jacob Dam v. and Josephina Reens on 17-02-1927
Beugeltas, Schoontje mother at wedding of Juda Wagenhuis and Rosette Reens on 01-11-1923
Bever v., Sara mother at wedding of Bernard Visser and Eva Kleerekooper on 25-03-1908
Bever v., Sara mother at wedding of Simon Reiss and Duifje Kleerekooper on 02-02-1905
Biallosterski, Sippora mother at wedding of Asser Klein and Elisabeth Koren on 14-03-1928
Biener, Sara mother at wedding of Mercellus Frenkel and Charlotte Kunke Ball on 20-12-1933
Bierschenk, Saartje mother at wedding of Bernard Polak and Martha Bierschenk on 30-04-1919
Bijl v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Matthijs Rooselaar and Dina Vollenhoven v. on 07-03-1929
Bing, Sarah mother at wedding of Abraham Hamel and Elisabeth Leer v. on 03-05-1916
Bles, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Lever and Marie Beetz v. on 12-11-1925
Blits, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Isaakje Drukker on 03-05-1905
Blitz, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Blitz and Esther Boedels on 28-09-1921
Blitz, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Beek and Eva Roodveldt on 09-01-1907
Blitz, Sophia mother at wedding of Juda Waas and Betje Schelvis on 25-10-1906
Blog, Sara mother at wedding of Karel Straten v. and Mietje Pach on 30-11-1933
Blok, Sophia mother at wedding of Joseph Gokkes and Dina Mouwes on 20-03-1912
Blom, Saartje mother at wedding of Michel Blom and Jeannette Dingsdag on 03-04-1935
Blom, Sara mother at wedding of Machiel Prins and Adele Zante on 27-10-1915
Blom, Sophia mother at wedding of Julius Sachs and Bertha Dikker on 17-10-1929
Blom, Sophia mother at wedding of Albert Kamermann and Hendrika Dikker on 26-05-1921
Blumenthal, Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Levy and Mathilda Rosenthal on 02-06-1868
Blunist, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Vleeschhouwer and Rebecca Nunes Vas on 21-08-1929
Boas, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Beekman and Naatje Meijer on 09-02-1916
Boas, Sippora mother at wedding of Philip Veffer and Schoontje Appelboom on 04-07-1923
Boas, Sippora mother at wedding of Alexander Bartels and Henriette Appelboom on 26-11-1930
Boas, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Roodenburg and Rosa Kraal on 27-06-1928
Boas, Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Hartlooper and Rachel Kraal on 23-10-1918
Boek, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Deitchman and Hanna Kanter on 15-02-1912
Boeken, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Druijf and Rachel Rooij de on 25-11-1908
Boeken, Sara mother at wedding of Coenraad Rooij de and Anna Veffer on 27-09-1933
Boeken, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Frank and Esther Rooij de on 21-04-1909
Boeken, Sara mother at wedding of Maurits Polak and Rachel Veffer on 24-12-1929
Boekman, Sientje mother at wedding of Abraham Abram and Mietje Gans on 12-04-1923
Boer de, Schoontje mother at wedding of Lucas Raalte v. and Rachel Emden v. on 14-03-1907
Boers de, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Drukker and Esther Amerongen v. on 01-11-1921
Bok de, Saartje mother at wedding of Barend Kool and Francisca Eliazar on 24-01-1923
Bokke v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Lena Speelman on 26-06-1935
Bolle, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Swaap and Flora Bleekveld on 24-02-1937
Bolle, Sara mother at wedding of Herman Slomper and Elisabeth Mok on 13-09-1933
Bolle, Sara mother at wedding of Joel Frank and Martha Mok on 26-06-1929
Bolle, Sarah mother at wedding of Salomon Koster and Rebecca Solomons on 01-11-1933
Bonettemaker, Sipora mother at wedding of Maurits Wurms and Rozette Mok on 02-08-1928
Bonewit, Sara mother at wedding of Isidor Wolf and Rebecca Engelander on 15-03-1933
Bonewit, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Verdoner and Sophia Engelander on 18-03-1925
Bonn, Sophia mother at wedding of Mozes Praag v. and Catharina Cok on 24-12-1929
Bonnist, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Snitslaar and Elsje Amerongen v. on 22-04-1914
Bont, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Sjouwerman and Schoontje Veen v.d. on 11-10-1923
Bont, Saartje mother at wedding of Barend Dingsdag and Schoontje Veen v.d. on 07-03-1937
Bont, Saartje mother at wedding of Philip Vries de and Rachel Veen v.d. on 28-10-1925
Boom, Sara mother at wedding of Eli Sternfeld and Judith Melkman on 18-05-1916
Borg v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Israel Hakker and Esther Overste on 24-07-1912
Bosboom, Sientje mother at wedding of Meijer Polak and Vogelientj Dreese on 08-07-1925
Bosnak, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Sluzewski and Rebecca Bos on 30-08-1899
Bosnak, Sara mother at wedding of Isidore Win v. and Marie Bos on 23-12-1909
Bout, Saartje mother at wedding of David Cohen and Lizetje Veen v.d. on 18-01-1928
Boutelje, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacobus Sturhoofd and Ester Loonstein on 27-12-1899
Boutelje, Sarline mother at wedding of Salomon Asscher and Henriette Paauw de on 04-05-1905
Brandel, Saartje mother at wedding of Marcus Dwinger and Jansje Gigch v. on 27-01-1921
Brandon, Sophie mother at wedding of Izak Achttienribbe and Rebecca Vintura on 19-01-1899
Brave de, Sophia mother at wedding of Louis Metz and Marianna Jessurun d'Oliveir on 21-12-1933
Bravo de, Sarah mother at wedding of Salomon Hart v.d. and Sophia Swart on 21-12-1916
Bremer, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Sarlui and Johanna Praag v. on 05-06-1935
Bremer, Sophia mother at wedding of Hijman Swaab and Rachel Vries de on 02-11-1933
Bresko, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Stork and Elisabeth Amerongen v. on 09-07-1919
Bril, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Roos and Bloeme Dikker on 18-09-1919
Bril, Sientje mother at wedding of Jacob Peereboom and Lotje Hartog on 17-11-1921
Bril, Sophia mother at wedding of Philip Goede de and Anna Waterman on 14-12-1927
Brilleman, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Kesnig and Leentje Glasbeek on 10-06-1909
Brilleman, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Wurms and Naatje Glasbeek on 22-08-1907
Brilleman, Sophia mother at wedding of Andries Appelboom and Rika Blom on 27-03-1935
Brilleslijper, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jozef Erwteman and Sientje Bromet on 05-06-1912
Brilleslijper, Sientje mother at wedding of Nathan Kornalijnslijper and Eva Tertaas on 10-02-1937
Brillesljper, Schoontje mother at wedding of Leendert Berg v.d. and Duifje Polak on 21-03-1923
Brink ten, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Hoop de and Rozette Verduin on 17-11-1909
Brink v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Jozef Verdoner and Klarina Leeuw de on 30-10-1935
Broekhuizen, Sophie mother at wedding of Hartog Oostra and Henriette Jong de on 22-06-1921
Bromet, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Roselaar and Maria Koopman on 07-11-1928
Bromet, Sipora mother at wedding of Jacobus Dam v. and Lena Visser on 18-12-1907
Bronkhorst, Sientje mother at wedding of Gabriel Dresden and Margaretha Bokke v.d. on 08-01-1919
Bruin de, Sara mother at wedding of Raphael Halverstad and Esther Kesnar on 12-02-1929
Bruin de, Sara mother at wedding of David Rood and Roosje Leeuw de on 12-04-1916
Buig, Schoontje mother at wedding of Levie Leeuwin and Sara Praag v. on 09-09-1908
Busnach, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Klint and Klaartje Hakker on 03-11-1921
Busnach, Sara mother at wedding of Raphael Gobets and Sophia Hakker on 07-10-1908
Busnach, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Polak and Aaltje Loggem v. on 01-03-1906
Buzaglo, Sara mother at wedding of Karel Nieuwkerk and Carolina Fischel on 23-05-1905
Caffe, Saartje mother at wedding of Arnold Meijerson and Henrietta Vries de on 21-12-1905
Caffe, Sophia mother at wedding of George Vries de and Therese Davids on 22-06-1899
Cahen, Sophia mother at wedding of Simon Barends and Dora Hamburger on 24-07-1923
Canes, Sophia mother at wedding of Alfred Leek and Elisabeth Vreedenburg on 15-02-1928
Carels, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Kollem v. and Elisabeth Goudeket on 09-08-1933
Cartoef, Sara mother at wedding of Wolf Cune and Rebecca Hekster on 20-12-1906
Cartoef, Sara mother at wedding of Joel Dreese and Clara Hekster on 14-12-1905
Cartoef, Sara mother at wedding of Alexander Reens and Esther Hekster on 16-08-1923
Casseres de, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Barend and Rachel Casseres de on 04-07-1928
Casseres de, Sara mother at wedding of Jakob Zijl v.d. and Eva Boas on 27-05-1915
Casseres de, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Kloos and Rachael Boas on 08-05-1929
Casseres de, Sippora mother at wedding of Jacob Kattenburg and Eva Boas on 26-05-1921
Casseres de, Sippora mother at wedding of Louis Melkman and Aaltje Boas on 03-12-1908
Catsiohn, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Zwaaf and Rozette Judels on 06-12-1916
Chapon, Sara mother at wedding of Tobias Beugel v.d. and Esther Neeter on 19-04-1928
Citroen, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Bramson and Rosetje Samuels on 06-04-1905
Coenraad, Saartje mother at wedding of Meijer Cohen and Mietje Koekoek on 03-05-1905
Coeverden v., Saartje mother at wedding of Mozes Coeverden v. and Betje Cohen on 31-10-1923
Coevorden v., Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Drukker and Elisabeth Knokker on 13-06-1907
Cohen Bromet, Saartje mother at wedding of Lammert Rootveldt and Leentje Walg on 28-10-1896
Cohen Farro, Sara mother at wedding of Leon Koperberg and Marianne Ricardo on 01-02-1905
Cohen Farro, Sipora mother at wedding of Jonas Knoop and Elisabeth Sitters on 31-05-1899
Cohen v.Vliet, Schoontje mother at wedding of Frederik Groot de and Johanna Costima on 07-01-1914
Cohen v.d. Berg, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Kuijt and Rebecca Grand le on 23-08-1906
Cohen v.d.Berg, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Roos and Berendina Grand le on 09-10-1907
Cohen, Saartje mother at wedding of Lev Schrijver and Rachel Fransman on 08-12-1937
Cohen, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Bijl v.d. and Esther Stratum v. on 31-07-1918
Cohen, Saartje mother at wedding of Andries Mossel and Mietje Stratum v. on 24-11-1915
Cohen, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Frank and Judikje Cohen on 22-01-1896
Cohen, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Loonstijn and Sophia Levie on 18-04-1928
Cohen, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Brommet and Berta Zilvergerg on 09-08-1899
Cohen, Sara mother at wedding of Maurits Rudelsheim and Elisabeth Franken on 19-01-1909
Cohen, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Timkin and Heintje Moppes v. on 12-08-1908
Cohen, Sara mother at wedding of Aaron Moscou and Johanna Klein on 02-07-1921
Cohen, Schoontje mother at wedding of Isaac Boers de and Sophia Dreese on 07-07-1927
Cohen, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jonas Morell and Maria Moppes v. on 25-07-1912
Cohen, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Boom and Sophia Tabak on 16-05-1907
Cohen, Sientje mother at wedding of Barend Velzen v. and Maria Frank on 29-11-1899
Cohen, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Frankfort and Hillegonda Frank on 18-11-1919
Cohen, Susanna mother at wedding of Isaac Beesemer and Saartje Zilverberg on 18-11-1914
Collem v., Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Frank and Debora Blog on 13-12-1933
Collem v., Sara mother at wedding of Levie Potzer and Rachel Blog on 14-09-1921
Collem v., Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Kroese and Elisabeth Blog on 25-11-1925
Colmans, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mordechai Kan and Roosje Haagman on 18-03-1925
Content, Sipora mother at wedding of Maurits Voorzanger and Frederika Os v. on 22-08-1918
Corper, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Cozijn and Sippora Premseler on 12-08-1908
Corper, Saartje mother at wedding of Francois Swaab and Antoinetta Premseler on 04-09-1912
Cosman, Sara mother at wedding of Nochem Peekel and Rosette Klijnkramer on 21-09-1921
Cosman, Sara mother at wedding of Noach Halberstadt and Esther Klijnkramer on 13-11-1918
Cosman, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Nebig and Rika Klijnkramer on 20-02-1907
Cosman, Schoontje mother at wedding of Levie Nebig and Rika SLier on 02-06-1915
Costa da Fonseca, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Kamerik v. and Elisabeth Gobes on 17-04-1929
Costa da Fonseca, Schoontje mother at wedding of Izak Scheffer and Rebecca Gobes on 06-04-1927
Coster, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Cohen and Anna Agsteribbe on 26-06-1907
Costers, Sophia mother at wedding of Elkan Polak and Jeannette Meijer on 30-06-1927
Croese, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Aluin and Roosje Lever on 08-01-1919
Cune, Siena mother at wedding of Benjamin Tertaas and Julia Gelder v. on 27-02-1919
Curlijn, Sara mother at wedding of Josua Vries de and Lea Korper on 15-08-1912
Dagloonder, Sientje mother at wedding of Salomon Sarlui and Fijtje Dagloonder on 27-12-1899
Dal v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Zwart and Branca Vuijsje on 12-06-1929
Dalsheim, Saartje mother at wedding of Meijer Parsser and Frouwke Levie de on 04-04-1906
David, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Houtkruijer and Esther Jong de on 06-12-1933
Davids, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Staal and Clara Agsteribbe on 06-11-1918
Davidson, Sophia mother at wedding of Izaak Salomons and Kaatje Koning de on 20-03-1907
Davidson, Sophia mother at wedding of Simon Hekster and Sara Beer on 19-09-1907
Davidson, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Schelvis and Jetje Luza on 12-12-1923
Davidson, Sophia mother at wedding of Samuel Blog and Rachel Luza on 23-04-1925
Degen, Saartje mother at wedding of Mozes Heigmans and Jansje Krant on 17-01-1923
Degen, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Groenewoudt and Sippora Polak on 04-11-1914
Delden, Sara mother at wedding of Mandel Michelson and Eva Schrijver on 21-10-1896
Delden, Sophia mother at wedding of Simon Dingsdag and Rachel Groen on 06-09-1916
Delmonte, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Schavrien and Elisabeth Beth on 17-03-1937
Delmonte, Simcha mother at wedding of Marcus Rine and Judith Coutinho on 24-06-1896
Diamant, Sara mother at wedding of Izak Velde v.d. and Elisabeth Sajet on 01-12-1921
Digtmaker, Saartje mother at wedding of Gerrit Witteboon and Rachel Pampel on 28-12-1916
Digtmaker, Saartje mother at wedding of Nathan Plukker and Klara Pampel on 26-02-1914
Digtmaker, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Kreeveld v. and Esther Pampel on 04-08-1915
Digtmaker, Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Polak and Roosje Pampel on 25-07-1907
Digtmaker, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Vlessing and Betje Pampel on 21-06-1899
Digtmaker, Saartje mother at wedding of Hijman Loon v. and Eva Pampel on 15-02-1923
Dingsdag, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Melkman and Anna Herpen v. on 30-05-1912
Dingsdag, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Kapper and Vrouwtje Hond on 31-10-1917
Dingsdag, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Groen and Grietje Groenteman on 03-03-1909
Dingsdag, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Soep and Elisabeth Groenteman on 07-06-1906
Dingsdag, Sipora mother at wedding of Joseph Fransman and Rebecca Appelboom on 19-07-1899
Dondorp, Sara mother at wedding of Ezechiel Schabracq and Heintje Agtsteribbe on 25-04-1906
Dondorp, Sara mother at wedding of Isak Vries de and Rosette Agtsteribbe on 22-12-1915
Doof, Sara mother at wedding of Elkan Gobits and Anna Pront on 10-07-1919
Doof, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Waas and Anna Loggem v. on 22-02-1933
Doof, Sophia mother at wedding of Mozes Platvoet and Esther Sacksioni on 09-01-1907
Doof, Sophia mother at wedding of Hartog Hakker and Naatje Sacksionie on 06-06-1918
Dreese, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Keizer and Esther Croese on 11-07-1929
Dreese, Sara mother at wedding of Guillaume Cohen and Vrouwtje Kar v.d. on 21-12-1905
Dresden, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Bleekveld and Heintje Cohen on 19-01-1898
Dresden, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Tertaas and Jansje Sluijser on 02-11-1921
Drievoet, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Oesteren v. and Klara Brandon
Drijver, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Simons and Sipoa Degen on 31-01-1937
Drijver, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Appelboom and Mathilda Degen on 06-12-1916
Drilsma, Sippora mother at wedding of Marcus Blom and Hanna Arends on 07-11-1906
Druk, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Tempel and Hendrika Koekoek on 19-02-1925
Druk, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Korte te and Judith Koekoek on 08-12-1921
Drukker, Saartje mother at wedding of Mozes Koekoek and Mietje Frenkel on 02-02-1921
Drukker, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Velleman and Hanna Frenkel on 20-07-1921
Drukker, Saartje mother at wedding of Elias Velleman and Judikje Frenkel on 31-08-1916
Drukker, Sara mother at wedding of Benedictus Kolthoff and Clara Kater on 22-05-1907
Duits, Sara mother at wedding of Antonie Harpman and Jansje Sarfaty on 22-09-1921
Ebers, Sophia mother at wedding of Henri Dikker and Susanne Moresco on 12-06-1918
Ebers, Suzanna mother at wedding of Maurits Vos and Bertha Lapeman on 26-06-1918
Eberst, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Deen and Hanna Barug on 14-04-1927
Eichemvald, Sara mother at wedding of Alexander Gompertz and Wilhelmina Noach on 12-12-1929
Eisendrath, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Sijes v. and Sophia Lisser on 16-11-1933
Ekstein, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Noach and Rachel Mozes on 04-05-1905
Elcus, Sophia mother at wedding of Mozes Grunwald and Jeannette Jacobson on 14-06-1899
Elekan, Sophia mother at wedding of Max Kan and Rozetta Barber on 19-03-1918
Elze, Sara mother at wedding of Izaak Grootkerk and Johanna Eliasar on 29-11-1933
Embden v., Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Leeuwe de and Alida Emden v. on 06-11-1929
Emden v., Saartje mother at wedding of Louis Duim and Sientje Hildesheim on 18-08-1915
Emden v., Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Roozelaar and Rosette Hildesheim on 06-07-1921
Emden v., Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Hond de and Naatje Hildesheim on 30-05-1928
Emden v., Sara mother at wedding of Lionel Isaac and Helena Winter de on 17-12-1918
Emden v., Sara mother at wedding of Herschel Barmat and Helena Winter de on 29-03-1921
Emden v., Sophia mother at wedding of Hartog Lewijt and Naatje Tertaas on 20-06-1906
Emrik v., Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Simons and Vrouwtje Mossel on 26-07-1899
Emrik v., Saartje mother at wedding of Pinchas Witteboon and Betje Mossel on 03-06-1908
Emrik v., Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Koekoek and Jetje Mossel on 28-10-1908
Emrik v., Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Vos de and Sipora Polak on 11-10-1933
Engel v., Sara mother at wedding of Philip Elsas and Judik Vlessing on 19-09-1935
Engelsman, Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Vries de and Schoontje Mestriz on 20-08-1925
Engelsman, Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Viskoper and Anna Bever v. on 22-11-1899
Engelsman, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Cohen and Femmie Waterman on 05-01-1927
Engelsman, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Matteman and Debora Waterman on 11-11-1914
Engelsman, Sara mother at wedding of Gerrit Crost and Jansje Wans on 25-01-1905
Engelsman, Sophia mother at wedding of Levie Brandon and Judith Parsser on 03-12-1908
Engers, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Poppegaaij and Dientje Costa da Senior on 20-06-1929
Englander, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Rens and Eva Hammel on 01-08-1912
Ert, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Berkowitz and Henriette Speijer on 12-11-1919
Ert, Sophia mother at wedding of Asser Polak and Leentje Speijer on 05-11-1919
Erwteman, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Presser and Henriette Peeper on 21-07-1937
Erwteman, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Stodel and Mietje Peeper on 26-02-1919
Ettlinger, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Thaler and Clara Baruch on 06-07-1916
Farber, Sprinca mother at wedding of Isaac Metzelaar and Hendel Limkowski on 26-01-1905
Ferro, Sara mother at wedding of Jesaija Roodenburg and Catharina Coronel on 20-08-1925
Ferro, Sara mother at wedding of Hendrik Dikker and Leopoldina Coronel on 19-01-1921
Finsi, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Meents and Simcha Overste on 09-03-1916
Finsij, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Beer de and Reina Overste on 30-08-1916
Fles, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Lobe and Marianne Lelie on 01-08-1907
Flesschedrager, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Lampie and Gratia Berg v.d. on 17-08-1921
Flesseman, Sara mother at wedding of Martin Levenbach and Clara Fontijn on 12-04-1921
Frank v., Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Cohen and Sientje Tokkie on 27-01-1915
Frank v., Sientje mother at wedding of Herman Overste and Poulina Leeuwe de on 08-06-1927
Frank, Saartje mother at wedding of Marcus Velleman and Marianne Houtkruijer on 03-09-1925
Frank, Sophie mother at wedding of Matthias Elias and Johanna Levie on 11-08-1914
Frank, Subilla mother at wedding of Meijer Hes and Rosa Polak on 23-06-1909
Frankenhuis, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Vries de and Henriette Franken on 27-12-1933
Frankfort, Saartje mother at wedding of Karel Witteboon and Rachel Spier on 17-12-1919
Frankfort, Sara mother at wedding of Henri Cohen and Jeanne Polak on 22-02-1921
Frankfort, Sarah mother at wedding of Isaac Trompetter and Eva Susan on 01-09-1927
Frankforter, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Vreeland and Grietje Goldsmith on 05-01-1921
Fransman, Sientje mother at wedding of Pinehas Waaker and Engelina Geldere v. on 06-12-1933
Fransman, Sientje mother at wedding of Leendert Noord v. and Marie Geldere v. on 19-02-1919
Fransman, Sientje mother at wedding of Barend Cleef v. and Sophia Geldere v. on 19-02-1919
Fransman, Sipora mother at wedding of Lion Winnik and Alida Segal on 20-06-1923
Fransman, Sipora mother at wedding of Moses Magtige de and Reina Segal on 01-09-1920
Friedmann, Sima mother at wedding of Daniel Sijes and Margola Riwlin on 24-08-1921
Friedmann, Sima mother at wedding of Louis Bakker and Chana Rijwlin on 25-10-1923
Frijda, Sophia mother at wedding of David Drukker and Esther Witsen v. on 10-04-1907
Frijda, Sophia mother at wedding of Samuel Nopol and Betje Witsen v. on 09-07-1914
From, Saartje mother at wedding of Wolf Kleinberger and Mietje Stibbe on 20-05-1925
Fruitman, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Neuberger and Sara Trijtel on 20-02-1929
Gans, Sara mother at wedding of Sander Frank and Hendrieka Premselaar on 25-11-1908
Gans, Sara mother at wedding of Joel Verdoner and Esther Premselaar on 02-08-1899
Gans, Sara mother at wedding of David Lijs v.d. and Betje Roos de on 02-08-1899
Gans, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Stodel and Elisabeth Premselaar on 12-05-1915
Gans, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Roeg and Clara Frankfort on 25-09-1935
Gans, Sophia mother at wedding of Leopold Jacobs and Emma Buzaglo on 11-04-1905
Garf, Sarah mother at wedding of Juda Araten and Henriette Leeuw de on 22-12-1925
Garf, Sarah mother at wedding of Henrij Westerborg v. and Rebecca Leeuw de on 15-10-1918
Gazan, Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Bloemist and Roza Frank on 28-03-1935
Gelder v., Saartje mother at wedding of Philip Coppenhagen and Etlina Son v. on 15-05-1919
Gelder v., Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Goudsmit and Stella Ricardo on 07-12-1905
Gelder v., Sara mother at wedding of Willem Wouthuijsen and Esther Ricardo on 24-07-1912
Gelder v., Sara mother at wedding of Gompel Hamburger and Sophia Roodenburg on 24-01-1906
Gelder v., Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Abram and Kaatje Glazer on 29-09-1921
Gelderen v., Saartje mother at wedding of Nathan Schelvis and Reintje Hoed on 29-05-1929
Gelderen v., Sara mother at wedding of Aron Gobitz and Reine Harpman on 30-11-1927
Gelderen v., Sara mother at wedding of Philip Polak and Bertha Gelderen v. on 31-01-1906
Gelderen v., Sipora mother at wedding of Salomon Krammer and Engeltje Gelderen v. on 26-07-1928
Gelderen v., Sipora mother at wedding of Salomon Leef de and Jentje Gelderen v. on 24-07-1918
Gelderen v., Sippora mother at wedding of Salomon Batavier and Naatje Menist on 11-08-1909
Gelderen v., Sippora mother at wedding of Levie Scheermes and Judith Menist on 23-12-1908
Gelderen v., Sippora mother at wedding of Saul Schavrien and Debora Menist on 23-03-1905
Gelderen v., Sippora mother at wedding of Louis Vischschraper and Rijntje Goudeketting on 03-11-1937
Gelderen v., Sippora mother at wedding of Meijer Kleinkramer and Aaltje Menist on 07-05-1919
Getreide, Sara mother at wedding of Philip Jong de and Lotta Kiesel on 20-10-1937
Gilpen v., Sophia mother at wedding of Louis Vries de and Sara Groenberg on 27-03-1919
Glokman, Sorai mother at wedding of Kusiel Katz and Pesja Novoselok on 23-11-1933
Gobes, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Polak and Grietje Frankfort on 15-11-1906
Gobes, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Pront and Rachel Katwijk on 13-11-1919
Gobes, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Gosselaar and Mietje Schrijver on 30-10-1919
Gobetz, Saartje mother at wedding of Mozes Krijn and Rebecca Mauw on 11-06-1896
Goedel, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Jong de and Mina Beer de on 08-11-1905
Goldsmit, Sara mother at wedding of David Drieduite and Evelina Ockersen on 28-05-1919
Goldsteen, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Lierens and Judikje Gokkes on 27-12-1899
Goldstein, Seraphina mother at wedding of Meijer Prins and Emma Crooneberg on 12-09-1906
Gompers, Saartje mother at wedding of David Veder and Rosette Peper on 04-07-1905
Gompers, Sarah mother at wedding of Samuel Gompers and Esther Moscoviter on 22-08-1918
Gompertz, Sellie mother at wedding of Simon Polak and Jetje Winnik on 02-10-1929
Gompertz, Sellie mother at wedding of Salomon Gelderen v. and Sara Winnik on 01-09-1915
Gorter de, Sara mother at wedding of Jack Gaster and Frederika Springer on 06-02-1923
Gosler, Sara mother at wedding of Hijman Kool and Anna Schelvis on 17-08-1927
Gottschalk, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Sajet and Rozette Philips on 19-09-1929
Goudeket, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Hakker and Esther Grushaber on 27-12-1923
Goudket, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Rood and Anna Levie Montezinos on 05-09-1912
Goudsmit, Saartje mother at wedding of Moses Halberstad and Leentje Kornalijnlijper on 16-08-1905
Goudsmit, Saartje mother at wedding of Manus Goede de and Magdalena Saphier on 16-01-1908
Goudsmit, Saartje mother at wedding of Bernard Groenstad and Colette Saphier on 06-04-1905
Goudsmit, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Moppes v. and Esther Mosch du on 31-08-1921
Goudsmit, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Lessing and Catharina Mosch du on 25-04-1906
Goudsmit, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Beugeltas and Esther Mosch du on 29-12-1926
Goudsmit, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Gobits and Mietje Mosch du on 17-06-1914
Graveur, Schoontje mother at wedding of Emanuel Fortuin and Sara Aletrino on 24-11-1937
Grijsaard, Schoontje mother at wedding of Alexander Waterman and Marianne Velzen v. on 21-04-1909
Groen, Sara mother at wedding of David Cosman and Elisabeth Hamel on 17-08-1905
Groen, Sara mother at wedding of Elkan Kan and Fanny Cohen on 07-10-1914
Groen, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Vorst and Henriette Vieijra on 18-12-1935
Groen, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Mossel and Pessa Biloen on 01-07-1914
Groen, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Stein and Rebecca Cohen on 19-07-1899
Groen, Sara mother at wedding of Berel Olsbanger and Pessa Biloen on 23-11-1904
Groen, Schoontje mother at wedding of Joseph Kool and Jansje Erwteman on 13-08-1919
Groenstad, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Cohen and Esther Serlui on 21-01-1909
Groente, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Ketellapper and Vrouwtje Kloot on 23-08-1905
Gronsfeld, Selma mother at wedding of Philippus Berkleij and Johanna Windmuller on 07-12-1906
Groot de, Schoontje mother at wedding of Izaak Feitsma and Fijtje Viskoop on 07-01-1925
Grootkerk, Sientje mother at wedding of Abraham Schenkkan and Saartje Bas on 31-12-1919
Grootkerk, Sientje mother at wedding of Leman Sacksionie and Rebecca Kar v.d. on 05-08-1914
Grootkerk, Sientje mother at wedding of Philip Hond de and Heintje Kar v.d. on 16-06-1915
Grootkerk, Sientje mother at wedding of Mozes Kar v.d. and Grietje Kar v.d. on 22-11-1905
Grootkerk, Sientje mother at wedding of Barend Hartlooper and Lea Bas on 29-12-1921
Haagman, Sara mother at wedding of Maurits Presburg and Roosje Hamme on 23-01-1929
Haamerslag, Sara mother at wedding of Leendert Aardewerk and Rozette Been on 28-11-1923
Haan de, Sara mother at wedding of Jonas Moscou and Rachel Pimentel on 04-10-1923
Haas de, Schoontje mother at wedding of Meijer Zegerius and Chrisje Scheffer on 25-02-1914
Hakker, Sara mother at wedding of Raphael Gassan and Catharina Vries de on 25-09-1929
Hakker, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Curlijn and Lea Vries de on 27-05-1925
Hakker, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Agsteribbe and Klara Hond de on 01-03-1928
Hakker, Sientje mother at wedding of Gerard Zeldenrust and Rebecca Staveren v. on 14-10-1923
Halberstad, Saartje mother at wedding of Barend Kornalijnslijper and Vrouwtje Schouten on 16-11-1921
Halberstad, Saartje mother at wedding of Machiel Kokernoot and Betje Schouten on 18-08-1909
Halberstad, Saartje mother at wedding of Jonas Polak and Marianne Schouten on 30-05-1917
Halberstad, Sara mother at wedding of David Cleef v. and Marianne Pinto on 22-08-1928
Halberstad, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Vries de and Geertruida Roodenburg on 10-04-1907
Halberstadt, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Booleman and Esther Speijer on 12-12-1912
Halberstadt, Sara mother at wedding of Kalman Walvis and Grietje Speijer on 14-12-1905
Hamburg, Sara mother at wedding of Eduard Dam v. and Elisabeth Snijders on 29-11-1933
Hamburger, Sophia mother at wedding of Sallij Mendels and Sophia Weijl on 27-06-1906
Hamerslag, Sara mother at wedding of Bernard Meents and Elisabeth Been on 24-07-1918
Hammelburg, Sophia mother at wedding of Isidore Kleinkramer and Anna Cohen on 04-03-1937
Hanouwer, Sophia mother at wedding of Jochem Vrieslander and Mietje Verduin on 01-05-1912
Hanouwer, Sophia mother at wedding of Benjamin Visser and Annaatje Verduin on 09-09-1908
Haringman, Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Park and Rebecca Platvoet on 22-05-1907
Hart, Saartje mother at wedding of Juda Kool and Sophia Morpurgo on 25-01-1905
Hartlooper, Sara mother at wedding of Samson Pach and Roosje Melkman on 25-01-1899
Hartlooper, Sophia mother at wedding of Tobias Winnink and Flora Jong de on 16-03-1899
Hartz, Sara mother at wedding of Arend Philips and Rosette Scheermes on 15-07-1908
Hazeman, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Engelander and Naatje Doof on 03-02-1916
Hazeman, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Aluin and Keetje Doof on 17-05-1899
Heigmans, Sara mother at wedding of Godschalk Waagenaar and Duifje Jong de on 04-10-1899
Heigmans, Schoontje mother at wedding of Levie Moppis v. and Amalia Sijes on 12-04-1916
Heijmans, Saartje mother at wedding of Morris Polak and Laura Leeuw de on 09-03-1916
Heijmans, Sibilla mother at wedding of Marits Groenheim and Lea Gobes on 14-07-1921
Heimans, Saartje mother at wedding of Vit Elte and Rosalie Tijn v. on 29-03-1933
Hekster, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Polak and Naatje Waas on 02-03-1921
Hekster, Sara mother at wedding of Aron Delden and Marianne Waas on 02-04-1919
Hekster, Sara mother at wedding of Wolf Blitz and Branca Waas on 11-08-1915
Hekster, Sophia mother at wedding of Joseph Truder and Margaretha Peereboom on 05-12-1917
Hekster, Sophia mother at wedding of Isaac Truder and Mietje Peereboom on 27-11-1923
Hekster, Susanna mother at wedding of Samuel Roodveldt and Leentje Visser on 08-11-1899
Hen, Sophia mother at wedding of Isaak Noach and Rebecca West v. on 27-11-1912
Henriques, Sara mother at wedding of Philip Aandagt and Eva Nunes Vas on 08-01-1919
Hering, Scheine mother at wedding of Nosson Fogelevitch and Ida Jawitz
Herschel, Sara mother at wedding of Lemon Franschman and Betje Abrahamson on 10-11-1914
Hes, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Stibbe and Allegonda Vorst on 23-03-1927
Hes, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Bronkhorst and Bloeme Worms on 15-08-1928
Hillesheim, Sophia mother at wedding of Bernard Koopman and Sara Saphier on 19-03-1919
Hillesheim, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Cohen and Schoontje Saphier on 19-03-1919
Hilsum, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Rozelaar and Regina Maijkels on 29-10-1907
Hirsch, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Vries de and Henriette Cohen on 16-05-1928
Hirsch, Sarah mother at wedding of Alexander Abrahams and Esther Rubens on 11-04-1923
Hoed, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Loonstijn and Jansje Tulp on 14-10-1925
Hoedemaker, Sophia mother at wedding of Elchanan Lissauer and Lea Fruitman on 11-02-1914
Hoedemaker, Sophia mother at wedding of Salomon Jong de and Dora Fruitman on 29-12-1927
Hoek v.d., Susanna mother at wedding of Abraham Veffer and Hester Berg v.d. on 24-12-1929
Hoepelman, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Slager and Esther Tas on 22-08-1923
Hoepelman, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Vleesdrager and Betje Tas on 28-10-1908
Hoepelman, Sara mother at wedding of Coenraad Boeken and Rachel Tas on 16-08-1916
Hofstede, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Grijsaard and Aaltje Mol on 25-03-1914
Hond de, Saartje mother at wedding of Isidorus Schijvenschuurder and Sientje Praag v. on 12-02-1919
Hond, Sara mother at wedding of Willem Kaas and Judith Wurms on 15-01-1919
Hond, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Swaab and Betje Wurms on 17-10-1906
Hoost, Schoontje mother at wedding of Barend Kollem and Clara Praag v. on 03-06-1925
Hoost, Schoontje mother at wedding of Marcus Groot de and Rosa Praag v. on 14-10-1925
Horn, Sebilla mother at wedding of Jacob Witmondt and Carolina Souweine on 04-01-1899
Horst v.d., Sabbiline mother at wedding of Izak Franschman and Elisabeth Cohenno on 06-07-1927
IJzerman, Schoontje mother at wedding of Gerrit Schaap and Judith Pach on 02-06-1937
Isaac, Selma mother at wedding of Philip Jong de and Ilse Rose on 13-11-1935
Italiaander, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Katwijk and Betje Bierman on 10-04-1918
Italiaander, Sara mother at wedding of Ezechiel Sluijs and Vrouwtje Bierman on 12-07-1916
Jacobs, Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Jacobs and Keetje Leidensdorff on 19-04-1906
Jacobs, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Lelie and Maria Fonteijn on 29-10-1925
Jacobs, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Maijkels and Rachel Koningsberger on 12-01-1909
Jacobs, Sara mother at wedding of Maurits Cohen and Rebecca Platvoet on 01-09-1909
Jacobs, Sara mother at wedding of Rudolf Cohen and Eva Konigsberger on 10-03-1921
Jacobs, Schoontje mother at wedding of Levie Ketellapper and Betje Hammelburg on 05-12-1923
Jacobs, Schoontje mother at wedding of Lodewijk Velde v.d. and Rachel Hammelburg on 08-04-1896
Jacobs, Schoontje mother at wedding of Benjamin Zetter and Betje Hammelburg on 05-01-1916
Jacobson, Saartje mother at wedding of Louis Vogel and Rosa Hartog on 22-08-1929
Jacobson, Santje mother at wedding of Hartog Cohen and Rebecca Rees v. on 07-08-1918
Jacobson, Sientje mother at wedding of Philip Polak and Hendrina Cohen on 27-12-1899
Jager de, Sara mother at wedding of Roelof Groen and Kaatje Zwaag on 30-07-1919
Janzen, Sohia mother at wedding of Izak Jong de and Johanna Moser on 28-04-1927
Joffe, Sipe mother at wedding of Israel Lagawier and Jeanne Ginzberg on 03-08-1899
Jong de, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Keizer and Schoontje Lessing on 12-04-1899
Jong de, Saartje mother at wedding of Daniel Altenberg and Betje Polak on 24-08-1916
Jong de, Sara mother at wedding of Hijman Blitz and Rika Godschalk on 24-12-1925
Jong de, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Baaren v. and Klaartje Wagenhuis on 21-10-1925
Jong de, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Jerozolimsky and Andrea Kingsbergen on 06-09-1921
Jong de, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Korper and Kaatje Wagenhuis on 06-03-1907
Jong de, Sara mother at wedding of Manuel Hartog and Judith Kinsbergen on 21-03-1918
Jong de, Sellie mother at wedding of Aaron Polak and Johanna Gelder v. on 30-12-1909
Jongh de, Saartje mother at wedding of Barend Boekman and Hendrina Lenson on 25-05-1899
Jongh de, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Boer de and Betje Lenson on 16-10-1907
Jongh de, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Bak and Sara Lessing on 22-02-1905
Jongh de, Saartje mother at wedding of Emanuel Anholt and Sientje Lenson on 25-05-1899
Jongh de, Sophia mother at wedding of Simon Overste and Rachel Halmans on 02-01-1935
Jongh de, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Deen and Selline Halmans on 14-10-1925
Jongh de, Sophia mother at wedding of Levie Leeuw de and Jeannette Emden v. on 29-08-1928
Kahn, Sophie mother at wedding of Joseph Werner and Hilde Forster on 05-10-1937
Kalf, Sibilla mother at wedding of Meijer Englander and Hendrika Bierman on 16-06-1921
Kalf, Sibilla mother at wedding of Abraham Goudeket and Esther Bierman on 22-01-1914
Kan, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Wit de and Frederika Polak on 16-02-1933
Kanes, Saartje mother at wedding of Juda Kroonenberg and Mina Papegaaij on 27-06-1928
Kanes, Schoontje mother at wedding of Bernard Vries de and Maria Sonepouse on 24-03-1937
Kar v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Hijman Naarden and Marianne Frank on 20-09-1916
Katan, Saartje mother at wedding of Emil Spanjaard and Sophie Ameringen v. on 09-12-1909
Katan, Sara mother at wedding of Martin Ham v. and Rosette Ameringen v. on 08-08-1907
Kater, Sippora mother at wedding of Emanuel Mok and Rebecca Kar v.d. on 15-02-1899
Keijl, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Bremer and Elisabeth Rood on 04-08-1909
Keil, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Praag v. and Elisabeth Oesterman on 10-08-1899
Keiser, Sara mother at wedding of Daniel Bergh v.d. and Clementine Goudsmit on 03-05-1912
Keiser, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Vries de and Bettie Goudsmit on 21-12-1905
Keiser, Sara mother at wedding of Aron Isaac and Ella Goudsmit on 04-08-1896
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Wolf Bollegraf and Bertha Cohen on 28-04-1921
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Jonas Bruin de and Kaatje Cohen on 23-11-1921
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Heiman Hessen v. and Clara Bloch on 11-02-1909
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Sander Zanten v. and Judikje Cohen on 07-12-1933
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Philippus Feitsma and Judikje Cohen on 13-09-1906
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Eliazer Heertjes and Jette Cohen on 03-02-1916
Keizer, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Feitsma and Rachel Cohen on 13-08-1919
Keizer, Sippora mother at wedding of Maurits Menko and Sophia Bonte on 01-12-1909
Kesner, Sophia mother at wedding of Nathan Levie and Betje Worms on 01-05-1935
Kesner, Sophia mother at wedding of Nathan Pinto and Sara Worms on 25-08-1937
Kesnig, Sara mother at wedding of Hijman Peper and Rachel Slap on 08-02-1933
Ketellapper, Sara mother at wedding of Leonard Polak and Roza Bromet on 29-12-1937
Kijl, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Soep and Klaartje Bloemist on 18-12-1918
Kijzer, Sara mother at wedding of Gerrit Koster and Bertha Gokkes on 28-08-1929
Kleef v., Saartje mother at wedding of Julius Boer de and Judith Kool on 19-12-1935
Kleef v., Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Fransman and Simona Kool on 23-02-1933
Kleef v., Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Mot and Jeannette Kool on 18-03-1925
Kleef v., Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Embden v. and Esther Gobes on 25-08-1909
Kleef v., Sara mother at wedding of Simon Roos and Eva Gobes on 10-09-1919
Kleef v., Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Aardewerk and Naatje Godschalk on 04-09-1918
Kleerekoper, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Kisch and Eva Spitz on 06-06-1905
Kleerekoper, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Premzela and Ganna Spitz on 02-03-1899
Kleermaker, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Naarden and Sientje Zwarte de on 21-02-1907
Kleinkramer, Sophia mother at wedding of Ruben Kelinkramer and Rachel Tijn v. on 02-08-1933
Klerekoper, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Blitz and Schoontje Nabarro on 07-03-1907
Klijn de, Sientje mother at wedding of Isaac Velmans and Rebecca Hakker on 13-03-1918
Klijnkramer, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Cohen and Esther Aalsvel on 17-11-1937
Kloeten v., Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Lisser and Henriette Spetter on 26-05-1928
Klok, Sara mother at wedding of Henri Staal and Esther Witsenhuijsen on 12-06-1918
Klok, Sara mother at wedding of Joachim Neeter and Helena Witsenhuijsen on 12-06-1919
Klok, Sara mother at wedding of George Schrijver and Clara Witsenhuijsen on 16-03-1927
Kloos, Susanna mother at wedding of Meijer Hoek v.d. and Eva Stodel on 10-04-1935
Kloot, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Stoodel and Debora Cleef v on 09-06-1909
Kloot, Saartje mother at wedding of Maurits Buijs and Branca Scheermes on 27-11-1935
Knoek, Sophia mother at wedding of Hartog Hoop de and Susanna Cohen on 13-08-1896
Koen, Sophia mother at wedding of George Polak and Maria Polak on 28-06-1928
Kokernoot, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Papegaai and Naatje Cohen on 20-12-1933
Kokernoot, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Polak and Esther Cohen on 23-08-1905
Kokernoot, Schoontje mother at wedding of Nathan Bierschenk and Marianne Ketellapper on 27-05-1896
Kollem v., Sara mother at wedding of Maurits Simons and Betje Carels on 29-11-1923
Kollem v., Sara mother at wedding of Herman Italie and Heintje Carels on 06-09-1923
Kollem v., Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Lelie and Celie Lampie on 26-06-1918
Kollem v., Sophia mother at wedding of Nathan Coevorden v. and Schoontje Valenca de on 04-07-1928
Konijn, Sara mother at wedding of Jozeph Posener and Schoontje Werkheim on 18-10-1923
Koningsberger, Sabina mother at wedding of Maurits Koetzer and Paula Eschwege on 03-07-1905
Kool, Sara mother at wedding of Filippus Emmering and Hendrika Praag v. on 21-04-1909
Kool, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Hakker and Jeannette Arpels on 24-07-1929
Kool, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Saphier and Grietje Bolle on 24-01-1907
Kooter, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Ensel and Beatrix Grishaver on 08-12-1926
Kop v.d., Saartje mother at wedding of Willem Arian and Esther Kloot on 21-09-1921
Kop v.d., Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Hildisheom and Rachel Kloot on 28-09-1921
Kop v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Philip Jong de and Elizabeth Emanuel on 25-11-1925
Kops, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Barend and Lea Barend on 14-08-1918
Kops, Sara mother at wedding of Samson Orpes and Heintje Kleef v. on 27-10-1915
Kops, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Kater and Esther Barend on 08-12-1937
Kops, Sara mother at wedding of Charles Geuns v. and Marianne Barend on 08-08-1923
Kops, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Halberstadt and Jetje Barend on 17-02-1915
Kornalijnslijper, Sether mother at wedding of Daniel Pels and Sara Koekoek on 19-03-1919
Korper, Sientje mother at wedding of Mozes Kops and Naatje Engelsman on 04-10-1899
Koster, Saartje mother at wedding of Emanuel Blom and Anna Vleeschhouwer on 28-06-1899
Koster, Sara mother at wedding of Leman Cohen and Grietje Bromet on 10-03-1915
Koster, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Lochem v. and Eva Bromet
Koster, Sellie mother at wedding of Salomon Stodel and Elisabeth Morpurgo on 18-08-1925
Koster, Sipora mother at wedding of Levie Melkman and Leentje Goudsmit on 11-03-1896
Kous v.d., Sybilla mother at wedding of Abraham Abas and Sophia Kleerekoper on 01-05-1935
Kramer, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Visser and Henriette Brilleslijper on 05-04-1899
Kramer, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Voorzanger and Dientje Brilleslijper on 09-01-1908
Kramer, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Roe and Grietje Brilleslijper on 25-08-1915
Kramer, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Beekman and Hanna Brilleslijper on 10-01-1906
Krant, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Cohen and Geertruida Kan on 10-07-1929
Krant, Schoontje mother at wedding of Emile Leeraar and Sarah Groot de on 30-08-1933
Krant, Sientje mother at wedding of Hartog Blitz and Elisabeth Uijenkruijer on 17-10-1929
Krijn, Sara mother at wedding of David Cohen and Cornelia Slijper on 21-08-1912
Krijn, Sara mother at wedding of Izaak Cohen and Virginie Slijper on 02-06-1909
Kroese, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Frank and Hanna Lopes de Leao on 18-12-1918
Kroonenberg, Sientje mother at wedding of Jacob Fransman and Celine Fransman on 07-09-1927
Kroonenberg, Sophia mother at wedding of Joachim Fransman and Sellie Waas on 05-02-1896
Kuijl, Saartje mother at wedding of Jeremias Hillesum and Grietje Hillesum on 14-06-1899
Laar v., Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Keesje and Susanna Philip on 28-06-1905
Laar v., Susanna mother at wedding of Barend Buitekant and Johanna Agsteribbe on 06-10-1937
Lakmaker, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Konstenaar and Bloeme Lakmaker on 27-11-1912
Lakmaker, Sara mother at wedding of Karel Barber and Heintje Moffie on 22-08-1923
Lakmaker, Sara mother at wedding of Juda Verdoner and Helena Stodel on 09-09-1925
Lampie, Susanna mother at wedding of Meijer Kloos and Sara Witsenhuijsen on 29-09-1937
Lampie, Susanna mother at wedding of Ezechiel Praag v. and Susanna Witsenhuijsen on 06-06-1928
Lampie, Susanna mother at wedding of Alexander Koopman and Clara Witsenhuijsen on 15-03-1933
Landauer, Sara mother at wedding of Aron Paauw de and Bertha Dinner on 22-06-1899
Landauer, Sara mother at wedding of Aron Paauw de and Hanna Dinner on 22-02-1906
Landauer, Sara mother at wedding of Coenraad Kleef v. and Amalia Dinner on 27-06-1912
Lankvoorder, Saartje mother at wedding of Bernard Trompetter and Marianna Coppenhagen on 12-04-1928
Lap, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Spijer and Klara Goudsmit on 07-08-1919
Lap, Sara mother at wedding of Hijman Roodveldt and Clara Wurms on 12-06-1907
Lap, Sipora mother at wedding of David Soesan and Debora Visschoonmaker on 24-11-1921
Lapidaire, Sophia mother at wedding of Salomon Polak and Wilhelmina Heijmans on 04-09-1919
Lazarus, Sarah mother at wedding of Manus Goede de and Julia Salomons on 14-06-1921
Leeda, Sara mother at wedding of Maurits Plas and Rachel Degen on 22-03-1933
Leefsma, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Vries de and Klara Norden on 29-10-1919
Leefsma, Saartje mother at wedding of Henri Cats and Anna Norden on 10-03-1909
Leer v., Sameline mother at wedding of Bernard Trompetter and Ganna Polak on 11-04-1923
Leeuw de, Saartje mother at wedding of Hendrik Aalsvel and Jetje Philips on 01-02-1899
Leeuw de, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Speijer and Anna Worms on 18-10-1923
Leeuw de, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Levie and Rosette Worms on 29-10-1908
Leeuw de, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Overst and Elisabeth Worms on 25-03-1925
Leeuw de, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Blits and Sophia Salomons on 19-12-1912
Leeuwen v., Saartje mother at wedding of Jozeph Zwart and Eva Wijnberg on 15-12-1937
Legerman, Sientje mother at wedding of Isidor Lange de and Marianna Leefsma on 12-09-1918
Leibowna, Scheiva mother at wedding of Joseph Vries de and Sara Burstein on 23-05-1923
Leip, Sara mother at wedding of Joel Roet and Grietje Wurms on 18-03-1914
Lek, Sarah mother at wedding of Isidoor Dasberg and Marianne Weening on 04-08-1937
Lelie, Sientje mother at wedding of Levie Dingsdagt and Rebecca Pach on 17-05-1916
Lelie, Sientje mother at wedding of Michel Heertje and Marie Pach on 24-07-1929
Lelie, Sientje mother at wedding of Salomon Buitenkant and Elisabeth Pach on 13-08-1919
Lenson, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Leeuwe de and Rosette Bachra on 11-02-1925
Lenson, Sophie mother at wedding of Aaron Wolf and Bennette Bachra on 27-10-1915
Lenson, Sophie mother at wedding of Machiel Swaab and Naatje Bachra on 20-03-1919
Leon de, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Berclau and Rachel Park on 25-07-1918
Leon, Sara mother at wedding of Moses Cohen and Mietje Vaz Dias on 13-12-1933
Lessing, Schoontje mother at wedding of Eliazer Koster and Sara Keizer on 17-08-1921
Leuw, Saartje mother at wedding of Zadok Stokvisch and Eva Swart on 14-01-1914
Leuw, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Samechtini and Leentje Swart on 26-03-1908
Leuw, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Slier and Rebecca Swart on 29-06-1905
Leuw, Saartje mother at wedding of Adolph Slier and Elisabeth Piller on 25-01-1928
Leuw, Saartje mother at wedding of Gerrit Wagenuhuizen and Leentje Swart on 27-06-1923
Leuw, Saartje mother at wedding of Aron Springer and Anna Piller on 14-12-1927
Levee, Sophia mother at wedding of Meijer Judels and Marietje Mok on 27-01-1937
Levij, Sara mother at wedding of Michel Velleman and Anna Speijer on 04-10-1916
Levij, Sara mother at wedding of Leendert Beem v. and Jetta Speijer on 23-10-1919
Levij, Sara mother at wedding of Hugo Mendelsohn and Johanna Metz on 04-09-1935
Levit, Sara mother at wedding of David Laan v.d. and Biena Smilde on 05-07-1906
Levy, Selma mother at wedding of Joel Schaap and Hedwig Jakob on 05-06-1935
Lewenstein, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Kan and Jette Israel on 28-02-1929
Lewenstein, Saartje mother at wedding of Elias Kok and Rosette Israel on 27-05-1896
Lewin, Sara mother at wedding of Chmonil Schmoikler and Rachel Modijefsky on 05-06-1912
Lewin, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Nord and Jeannette Modyefsky on 06-03-1918
Lewin, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Nord and Betsy Modyefsky on 06-03-1918
Lier v., Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Elion and Helena Os v. on 08-06-1933
Lierens, Saartje mother at wedding of Nathan Blitz and Betje Mok on 02-12-1908
Lierens, Saartje mother at wedding of Meijer Wurms and Anna Hakker on 05-01-1927
Lierens, Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Aleng and Mietje Hakker on 06-11-1935
Lierens, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Kops and Aaltje Hakker on 14-08-1935
Lierens, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacobus Coezijn and Mietje Mok on 26-08-1914
Lierens, Sippora mother at wedding of Heiman Cohen and Marianne Hoop de on 26-06-1929
Liest, Schoontje mother at wedding of Levie Beugeltas and Margaretha Rine on 12-08-1896
Lijmer, Saartje mother at wedding of Bernard Aussen and Margaretha Witsen v. on 24-11-1909
Linde v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Davids and Roosje Leeuw de on 05-09-1935
Lissauer, Schoontje mother at wedding of Isaac Wessel and Jansje Vries de on 13-06-1906
Lisser, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Beekman and Abigael Belinfante on 29-10-1914
Lisser, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Gelder v. and Judikje Spreekmeester on 18-12-1935
Lisser, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Leefmans and Betje Belinfante on 15-08-1918
Lisser, Sara mother at wedding of Benedictus Springer and Charlotte Beer on 30-03-1927
Lisser, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Gobets and Lea Roodveldt on 28-01-1925
Lisser, Sophia mother at wedding of Hijman Lochem v. and Kaatje Roodveldt on 02-01-1907
Lochem v., Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Kroet and Branca Agsteribbe on 10-05-1933
Loeza, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Blits and Selina Presser on 19-08-1925
Loeza, Sara mother at wedding of Jonas Dotsch and Esther Presser on 17-04-1912
Loeza, Sellij mother at wedding of Simon Canes and Anna Casseres on 11-04-1923
Loeza, Sellij mother at wedding of Hartog Lap and Reina Casseres on 18-02-1925
Logger, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Beetz v. and Margaretha Groot de on 10-12-1935
Logger, Sophia mother at wedding of Samuel Orgelist and Rebecca Groot de on 16-06-1937
Logger, Sophia mother at wedding of Maurits Agsteribbe and Maria Groot de on 28-01-1937
Logger, Sophia mother at wedding of Alexander Houtkruijer and Maria Groot de on 18-06-1929
Loos, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Wijnschenk and Esther Worms on 17-10-1923
Lopes Cardozo, Sara mother at wedding of David Hartog and Rozetta Frank on 29-11-1928
Loterijman, Susanna mother at wedding of Joseph Waagenaar and Evelina Susan on 14-12-1899
Lowij, Selma mother at wedding of Fritz Lowenstein and Edith Kaufmann on 23-07-1937
Lucasse, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Bloch and Jetje Glasbeek on 29-06-1927
Maandag, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Wilde de and Lena Polak on 27-02-1908
Maandag, Sara mother at wedding of Izak Mok and Rachel Polak on 19-08-1925
Mand, Sara mother at wedding of Bernhard Barnstijn and Helena Cohen on 11-06-1896
Marx, Sophia mother at wedding of Maurits Hamburger and Helena Gerson on 19-03-1918
Marx, Sophia mother at wedding of Emile Wolff and Alice Gerzon on 05-03-1912
Matteman, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Berg v.d. and Esther Matteman on 15-06-1927
Meekren v., Sophia mother at wedding of Ernst Heilbut and Flora Kalker on 27-06-1916
Meents, Saartje mother at wedding of Maurits Wessels and Sophia Hakker on 08-04-1937
Meibergen, Saartje mother at wedding of Herman Wijk v.d. and Judik Leeuw de on 28-08-1907
Meiboom, Susanna mother at wedding of Maurits Kogel and Marianna Pereira on 22-08-1918
Meijer, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Goudeketting and Bloeme Sister v. on 13-10-1915
Meijers, Sophia mother at wedding of Michel Mulder Kanter and Jeannette Meijers on 13-09-1905
Melkman, Saartje mother at wedding of Wolf Loonstijn and Elisabeth Salomon on 23-11-1916
Melkman, Sara mother at wedding of Gompel Schuitevoerder and Mathilda Melkman on 01-07-1885
Melkman, Sippora mother at wedding of Aron Delden and Jael Garcia on 06-04-1927
Mendels, Sara mother at wedding of Joel Kaas and Pietje Sanders on 06-01-1909
Mendels, Sibilla mother at wedding of Mozes Hachgenberg and Geertruida Stam v.d. on 18-12-1918
Mendes, Sophie mother at wedding of Samuel Kropveld and Judith Gelder v. on 02-02-1921
Menko, Sientje mother at wedding of Meijer Drukker and Margaretha Sternfeld on 06-04-1916
Mesrits, Schoontje mother at wedding of Meijer Tas and Sara Hirschel on 15-02-1928
Mesritz, Schoontje mother at wedding of Hartog Blitz and Catharina Groenewoudt on 24-11-1909
Messias, Simcha mother at wedding of Marcus Hakker and Esther Cohen Rodrigues on 10-02-1909
Messias, Sophie mother at wedding of Nathan Velleman and Katherine Woolf on 10-08-1927
Metzelaar, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Kar v.d. and Dina Kar v.d. on 17-01-1918
Metzelaar, Sara mother at wedding of Philip Kartoef and Helena Frankfort on 10-07-1935
Metzelaar, Sientje mother at wedding of Elias Klatser and Margaretha Smalhout on 02-12-1925
Minden v., Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Abas and Esther Wit de on 27-08-1896
Mingelgrun, Sara mother at wedding of Juda Schwarz and Paula Kampler on 25-03-1925
Mingelgrun, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Zeichner and Feigle Kempler on 08-04-1925
Miranda de, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Soester and Rachel Acohen on 26-03-1908
Miranda de, Sara mother at wedding of Hertog Bruin de and Rachel Acohen on 06-02-1929
Mof, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Pach and Esther Spanjar on 11-01-1899
Mok, Sara mother at wedding of Herman Wolff and Rozette Koopman on 18-08-1927
Mok, Sara mother at wedding of Gerrit Lakmaker and Jeannette Embden v. on 18-01-1933
Mok, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Slier and Kaatje Prins on 08-05-1918
Mok, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Brander and Elsje Prins on 24-12-1929
Mok, Sophia mother at wedding of Salomon Hijmans and Flora Baske on 23-10-1919
Mok, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Vleeschdraager and Sara Jacobs on 29-04-1937
Mok, Sophia mother at wedding of Meijer Soubice and Heintje Baske on 19-06-1912
Mok, Suzanna mother at wedding of Isaac Polak and Sippora Polak on 03-06-1908
Molen v.d., Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Cosman and Elisabeth Krieks on 18-06-1908
Molen v.d., Schoontje mother at wedding of Bernard Zeckendorf and Marie Krieks on 27-02-1919
Monasch, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Gelder v. and Rozette Hartog on 06-01-1937
Montanhes, Sara mother at wedding of Andries Agsteribbe and Sara Leon de on 23-08-1906
Montesinos, Sara mother at wedding of Leendert Neuburger and Rosette Lopes Diaz on 14-02-1906
Montesinos, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Rooij de and Kaatje Lopes Diaz on 12-08-1908
Montezinos, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Berklou and Hanna Lopes Dias on 13-09-1906
Moosberg, Selma mother at wedding of Jacobus Heimans and Lucy Heimans on 03-08-1925
Moppes v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Hartog Lisser and Anna Costima on 15-06-1905
Morell, Sophia mother at wedding of Jehuda Dinner and Debora Benjamin on 15-03-1905
Morell, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Levisson and Anna Benjamin on 07-12-1915
Morpurgo, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Reiss and Rachel Beem on 27-12-1933
Morpurgo, Sara mother at wedding of Andries Groot de and Elsje Rudelsheim on 15-08-1907
Morpurgo, Sara mother at wedding of Bernard Koetzer and Elisabeth Rudelsheim on 26-01-1905
Moses, Sophia mother at wedding of Felix Leviticus and Anna Asscher on 30-03-1899
Mossel, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Klepman and Rebecca Vogel on 06-03-1912
Mossel, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Boeken and Debora Vogel on 05-01-1905
Mossel, Sarah mother at wedding of Mozes Koopal and Leah Morell on 11-08-1909
Mossel, Schoontje mother at wedding of Leopold Steindecker and Alida Polak on 12-05-1937
Mozes, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Waaker and Dora Eckstein on 26-08-1937
Mozessont, Sara mother at wedding of Judel Grunblatt and Lina Michelson on 04-01-1905
Mug, Schoontje mother at wedding of Joseph Swaab and Maria Kanes on 10-05-1933
Muis, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Izaaks and Jetje Wagenhuis on 16-03-1921
Muis, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Nijkerk and Rosa Wagenhuis on 06-12-1906
Muis, Sippora mother at wedding of Israel Gobetz and Jetje Komkommer on 30-05-1912
Muller, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Krant and Debora Klein on 19-12-1906
Muller, Saartje mother at wedding of Mordechai Breemer and Mietje Klein on 19-12-1907
Muller, Saartje mother at wedding of Izaak Teeboom and Veronica Klein on 02-01-1919
Muller, Sara mother at wedding of David Wagenhuis and Anna Talhuizen on 06-10-1915
Muller, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Kesner and Lea Talhuizen on 16-01-1929
Muller, Sara mother at wedding of George Verduin and Catharina Talhuizen on 14-10-1925
Nabarro, Sipora mother at wedding of Wolf Jong de and Naatje Presser on 13-06-1923
Neeter, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Gelder v. and Elisabeth Visjager on 03-01-1912
Neter, Schoontje mother at wedding of Simon Schuitevoerder and Heintje Turfrijer on 21-07-1915
Neter, Schoontje mother at wedding of Joel Matteman and Jansje Turfrijer on 02-02-1916
Neter, Schoontje mother at wedding of Daniel Matteman and Sientje Turfrijer on 30-04-1919
Neter, Sipora mother at wedding of Samuel Hoop de and Catharina Lisser on 18-12-1929
Nias, Saartje mother at wedding of Raphael Frenkel and Betje Zeelander on 25-11-1908
Nikkelsberg, Sara mother at wedding of Emanuel Wijnschenk and Hendrina Lakmaaker on 18-10-1923
Noord, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Pront and Judith Noord on 22-07-1896
Noot, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Ensel and Clara Kleef v. on 06-06-1906
Noot, Sara mother at wedding of Jesaija Staveren v. and Reintje Kleef v. on 25-11-1908
Nunes Vaz, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Brilleman and Mietje Pinto on 11-11-1914
Nunes Vaz, Simcha mother at wedding of Abraham Klijn de and Rebecca Cohen Rodrigues on 08-01-1919
Oedler, Sima mother at wedding of Moszek Rotszstein and Fania Lewinson on 10-11-1927
Oesterman, Sientje mother at wedding of Samson Leijden v.Amstel and Vogeltje Zorg v. on 16-05-1907
Oesterman, Sientje mother at wedding of Hartog Doof and Grietje Zorg v. on 08-04-1896
Oesterman, Sientje mother at wedding of Emanuel Fierlier and Rachel Zorg v. on 21-12-1905
Oliveijra d', Sophia mother at wedding of Jacob Eljon and Marianne Mendes on 05-03-1908
Oostra, Sophia mother at wedding of Abraham Muzikant and Hendrika Zwarts on 25-01-1923
Oostra, Sophia mother at wedding of Wilhelm Slier and Grietje Zwarts on 20-08-1925
Oostra, Sophia mother at wedding of Matthijs Sluijter and Sara Zwarts on 02-04-1925
Orpes, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Sluis v.d. and Julia Rozette on 11-06-1919
Ossedrijver, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Kool and Grietje Kar v.d. on 26-07-1916
Ossendrijver, Saartje mother at wedding of Philip Green and Rozetta Verdoner on 21-07-1921
Paartje, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Kopee and Helena Paartje on 31-05-1916
Paij, Sara mother at wedding of Aron Goldbart and Chane Garber on 26-07-1899
Pais, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Weren v. and Rebecca Vijevano on 18-07-1929
Pais, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Bleekveld and Schoontje Hakker on 12-09-1928
Papegaay, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Brilleslijper and Henriette Tas on 05-07-1933
Park, Sara mother at wedding of Alexander Kok and Heintje Vries de on 25-01-1906
Parser, Sara mother at wedding of Herman Baggers and Flora Gompers on 21-08-1919
Parsser, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Kleef v. and Mietje Clarenburg on 02-12-1896
Peekel, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Moscoviter and Aaltje Koopman on 29-04-1908
Peekel, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Vischschraper and Eva Koopman on 23-08-1905
Peekel, Sara mother at wedding of Roelof Glasbeek and Jetje Koopman on 15-05-1919
Peekel, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Vries de and Marianne Koopman on 19-12-1923
Peeper, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Goudeketting and Jansje Wegloop on 27-09-1933
Peereboom, Sientje mother at wedding of Jozef Moffie and Vrouwtje Beetz v. on 12-01-1916
Pemper, Scheindel mother at wedding of Isaac Pakter and Bluma Lemgerger on 06-03-1935
Peper, Saartje mother at wedding of Mozes Brouwer and Lea Tas on 17-04-1912
Peper, Saartje mother at wedding of Gompert Kar v.d. and Rachel Tas on 21-04-1909
Peper, Sara mother at wedding of Alexander Bing and Judith Wegloop on 22-06-1927
Peper, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Veen v.d. and Saartje Bont on 08-11-1899
Peper, Schoontje mother at wedding of Levie Pampel and Betje Roeper on 08-09-1920
Peper, Schoontje mother at wedding of Benjamin Grishaaver and Rebecca Kollem v. on 01-08-1923
Peper, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Waterman and Sophia Roeper on 22-01-1914
Peper, Sippora mother at wedding of Hartog Park and Lea Snijders on 14-06-1916
Peper, Sippora mother at wedding of Raphael Dam v. and Julia Snijders on 26-07-1927
Peperwortel, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Swarte de and Lena Bak on 30-08-1933
Pezaro, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Vredenburg and Abigael Baruch on 17-04-1912
Pezaro, Sara mother at wedding of Herman Melkman and Frederika Querido on 20-08-1919
Philips, Sara mother at wedding of Nehemia Jacobson and Louise Dien v. on 15-06-1921
Piller, Saartje mother at wedding of Meijer Bak and Mietje Polak on 05-11-1925
Piller, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Engelsman and Clara Barend on 24-12-1919
Piller, Sientje mother at wedding of Levie Gans and Naatje Swaalep on 10-06-1909
Pimentel, Sara mother at wedding of Juda Monas and Rachel Vleeschdrager on 25-07-1907
Pimentel, Susanna mother at wedding of Louis Knegje and Clara Vleeschhouwer on 04-08-1937
Pinkhoff, Sara mother at wedding of Sallij Voorzanger and Rebecca Jacobson on 06-12-1899
Pinkhoff, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Vollenhoven v. and Henriette Jacobson on 04-10-1899
Pinto, Sara mother at wedding of Bernard Hoorn v. and Leentje Croese on 24-10-1923
Pinto, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Hoeden v.d. and Marianne Croese on 07-06-1905
Pisarowski, Sosfia mother at wedding of Maurits Groen and Rosa Friedmann on 11-12-1928
Pisarowski, Sossia mother at wedding of Gerson Beijlin and Rebecca Friedmann on 12-06-1923
Plas, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Kaas and Henriette Sturkop on 31-07-1907
Plas, Saartje mother at wedding of Hermanus Straten v. and Rosalie Sturkop on 24-08-1899
Plukker, Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Beek and Klara Barend on 15-06-1916
Polak, Saartje mother at wedding of Barend Aap and Rebecca Bosboom on 08-02-1899
Polak, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Bierman and Esther Mok on 01-07-1925
Polak, Saartje mother at wedding of Willem Leeda and Heintje Bosboom on 07-06-1905
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Lierens and Gesina Praag v. on 08-11-1916
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Stokvisch and Elisabeth Lierens on 29-12-1937
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Halberstadt and Roosje Lierens on 02-12-1925
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Alexander Salomons and Roosje Hes on 04-05-1921
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Eliazer Polak and Rika Praag v. on 22-08-1923
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Godschalk Hoost and Leentje Beugeltas on 21-01-1915
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of David Peper and Eva Gobes on 10-03-1921
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Vleeschhouwer and Rebecca Praag v. on 03-04-1935
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Italiaander and Lea Gobes on 09-10-1918
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Benedictus Lootsteen and Judith Lierens on 20-03-1935
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Nebig and Margaretha Gobes on 29-12-1927
Polak, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Menist and Marianna Magtige de on 09-08-1923
Polak, Sarah mother at wedding of Simon Vries de and Mietje Rabbie on 06-10-1921
Polak, Sarah mother at wedding of Barend Berlijn and Rachel Berg v.d. on 20-10-1937
Polak, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Achtsteribbe and Grietje Romijn on 27-08-1919
Polak, Schoontje mother at wedding of Moizes Kets de Vries and Sara Romijn on 28-03-1906
Polak, Schoontje mother at wedding of Isaac Roeper and Vrouwtje Velzen v. on 28-10-1925
Polak, Sientje mother at wedding of Marcus Spijer and Elsje Roselaar on 14-07-1921
Polak, Sientje mother at wedding of Simon Viool and Debora Roselaar on 06-11-1935
Polak, Sientje mother at wedding of Philip Praag v. and Schoontje Meijer on 21-10-1909
Polak, Sipora mother at wedding of Hijman Roodenburg and Duifje Speijer on 04-05-1921
Polak, Sophia mother at wedding of Jozef Vries de and Alida Vries de on 10-04-1929
Polk, Sara mother at wedding of Hermanus Leeuw de and Selina Voorzanger on 11-06-1919
Polk, Sientje mother at wedding of Alexander Trijtel and Barbara Wertheim on 08-10-1896
Polk, Sientje mother at wedding of Nathan Peper and Leentje Zoete de on 17-07-1935
Pool, Sophie mother at wedding of Hartog Teeboom and Alida Dam v. on 18-01-1933
Pool, Susanna mother at wedding of David Polak and Rebecca Philips on 18-10-1922
Poorten v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Levie and Rachel Kolm v. on 30-05-1923
Poorten v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Israel Loen v. and Gesina Kolm v. on 17-09-1919
Poorten v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Levie Kesnig and Mietje Kolm v. on 14-03-1929
Poorten v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Mendes Davidson and Rebecca Kolm v. on 26-05-1921
Poppelhouwer, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Wiener and Rachel Bendien on 20-08-1908
Praag v., Saartje mother at wedding of Jacob Zurel and Sophie Kesner on 11-01-1899
Praag v., Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Leer v. and Elisabeth Helmstadt on 06-11-1907
Praag v., Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Noot v.d. and Lea Tailleur on 21-04-1909
Praag v., Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Hamburger and Julia Waterman on 11-08-1915
Praag v., Sara mother at wedding of Karel Witteboon and Betje Jacobs on 25-03-1914
Praag v., Sara mother at wedding of Izak Witsenhuijsen and Esther Glas v.d. on 14-06-1916
Praag v., Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Zwanenweber and Geertruida Tailleur on 05-04-1916
Praag v., Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Boas and Clara Waterman on 15-12-1915
Praag v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Samuel Blom and Eva Fransman on 21-10-1915
Praag v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Jacob Springer and Vrouwtje Velleman on 26-02-1908
Praag v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Simon Wilde de and Jette Blok on 22-07-1915
Praag v., Sellij mother at wedding of Jakob Polak and Estella Praag v. on 10-11-1908
Preso, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Wagenhuijzen and Vogeltje Bonn on 22-11-1923
Presser, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Smeer and Grietje Bromet on 13-09-1905
Presser, Saartje mother at wedding of Israel Springer and Roosje Bromet on 15-04-1896
Presser, Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Bever v. and Leentje Bromet on 23-08-1899
Presser, Saartje mother at wedding of Nathan Blom and Sientje Bromet on 27-11-1912
Presser, Sara mother at wedding of Salomo Trijtel and Sippora Goudsmit on 06-01-1909
Presser, Schoontje mother at wedding of Machiel Blom and Roosje Goedel on 22-05-1907
Presser, Sientje mother at wedding of Machiel Buitekant and Roosje Roodveldt on 01-11-1905
Presser, Sophia mother at wedding of Elias Wilde de and Evalina Soesan on 22-12-1937
Presser, Sophia mother at wedding of Salomon Lisser and Saartje Bromet on 02-10-1918
Prijs, Sara mother at wedding of Leendert Schijveschuurder and Dientje Jong de on 27-06-1912
Prijs, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Jas and Jansje Jong de on 20-06-1923
Prins, Sientje mother at wedding of Jonas Praag v. and Sophia Winnik de Jong on 24-12-1896
Pront, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Buijs and Rachel Yzerkoper on 20-12-1899
Pront, Saartje mother at wedding of Levie Cohen and Dina Yzerkoper on 14-03-1906
Pssendrijver, Schoontje mother at wedding of Hijman Kalf and Beletje Kattenburg on 09-10-1918
Querido, Sara mother at wedding of Henri Barkelo and Catharina Staal on 14-02-1918
Raggelaar, Sara mother at wedding of Jonas Wolf and Mirjam Cassuto on 13-08-1896
Raseerder, Sara mother at wedding of Gompel Schuitevoerder and Vrouwtje Bierman on 13-10-1909
Ratofini, Sara mother at wedding of Raphael Goudeketting and Lina Jons on 02-04-1919
Reens, Saartje mother at wedding of Willem Ritmeester and Rachel Dooseman on 21-03-1912
Reens, Saartje mother at wedding of Simon Trijtel and Heintje Melkman on 26-05-1915
Reens, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Loete and Rebecca Rabbie on 17-09-1919
Reens, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Pam and Rachel Rabbie on 01-03-1899
Reens, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Cohen and Roza Doof on 03-03-1937
Reichenheimer, Serlina mother at wedding of Mozes Gelder v. and Leentje Leeuwen v. on 22-06-1904
Rheenen v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Jonas Drukker and Alida Suesan on 10-04-1935
Rhijn v., Saartje mother at wedding of Samuel Bendik and Johanna Hart on 11-11-1909
Ricardo, Sarah mother at wedding of Rephael Smit and Janet Ricardo on 16-02-1899
Rijne, Schoontje mother at wedding of Simon Dam v. and Helena Swaap on 17-08-1921
Rimini, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Soesan and Esther Lazarus on 20-07-1923
Rips, Sirach mother at wedding of Max Toubkin and Sara Rapoport on 14-05-1908
Rivlakohn, Sura mother at wedding of Josif Schwartz and Brana Krzijwanowska on 17-02-1937
Rodrigues Loopes, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Honsdrecht and Lena Jacobson on 06-07-1905
Rodrigues Lopes, Sophia mother at wedding of Simon Bles and Rozette Soesan on 24-02-1915
Rodrigues Mercado, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Meijer and Gracia Bueno de Mesquita on 30-12-1914
Rodrigues Miranda, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Sluis and Henriette Valhe del on 27-01-1927
Rodrigues, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Stuiver and Gratia Miranda de on 30-10-1918
Rodrigues, Schoontje mother at wedding of Isaac Mok and Elisabeth Worms on 27-02-1929
Rodrigues, Sophia mother at wedding of Zadok Zwaap and Lena Rootveld on 14-05-1919
Roe, Schoontje mother at wedding of Ephraim Goslau and Klara Waas on 29-08-1923
Roe, Schoontje mother at wedding of Maurits Werkendam and Leentje Klijbos on 21-08-1929
Roe, Sophia mother at wedding of Simon Engelander and Sara Bonewit on 21-03-1906
Roe, Sophia mother at wedding of Levie Cohen and Clara Bonewit on 06-04-1921
Roe, Sophia mother at wedding of Ephraim Sluis v.d. and Cornelia Bonewit on 17-07-1929
Roeg, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Engelsman and Margaretha Linda v. on 05-04-1933
Roeg, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Gobets and Hendrika Linda v. on 28-01-1925
Roeg, Schoontje mother at wedding of Philip Gans and Frederika Bever v. on 19-10-1937
Roeg, Schoontje mother at wedding of Gerrit Sluis v.d. and Berendje Bever v. on 24-07-1923
Roeper, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Truder and Caroline Weren v. on 14-03-1923
Roeper, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Vischjager and Caroline Weren v. on 13-04-1921
Roet, Schoontje mother at wedding of Aaron Hagenaar and Esther Blom on 18-10-1906
Rokkestikker, Saartje mother at wedding of David Roeg and Eva Waterman on 04-12-1935
Romijn, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Tak and Elisabeth Swalef on 29-09-1921
Romijn, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Kool and Rachel Swalef on 27-12-1912
Romijn, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Stuiver and Roosje Swalef on 06-11-1912
Romijn, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Jut and Schoontje Swalef on 11-11-1925
Romijn, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Aandagt and Mina Swalef on 25-07-1923
Romijn, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Vries de and Anna Benjamins on 14-02-1907
Roodenburg, Sophia mother at wedding of Hartog Levee and Anna Wolf on 03-05-1905
Roodenburg, Sophie mother at wedding of Mozes Onderwijzer and Sara Wolf on 23-06-1909
Roodfeld, Saartje mother at wedding of Fredrik Groente and Femmetje Roselaar on 17-10-1906
Roodveldt, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Agtsteribbe and Betje Canes on 23-11-1921
Roodveldt, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Jong de and Eva Walvis on 23-12-1925
Roodveldt, Sara mother at wedding of Eliazer Posener and Judith Prins on 31-10-1907
Roodveldt, Sientje mother at wedding of Hijman Kat and Betje Jut on 25-04-1906
Roodveldt, Sientje mother at wedding of Jonas Schaap and Betje Zwaaf on 21-07-1915
Roodveldt, Sientje mother at wedding of Nathan Sluijs and Klaartje Zwaaf on 03-05-1905
Roodveldt, Sientje mother at wedding of David Lesgever and Aaltje Zwaaf on 29-12-1927
Rooijen v., Sara mother at wedding of Simon Boas and Maria Zelander on 15-02-1916
Roos, Selma mother at wedding of Joseph Salm and Elisabeth Hertzberger on 08-09-1925
Rootveld, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Canes and Branca Loggem v. on 23-02-1927
Rootveld, Sophia mother at wedding of Samuel Verdooner and Sara Mosch du on 20-12-1933
Rosa, Saartje mother at wedding of Eliazer Sijes v. and Susette Wolff on 02-03-1899
Roseboom, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Smit and Kaatje Sluis v.d. on 05-09-1935
Roselaar, Sientje mother at wedding of Lehman Oesterman and Elsje Abraham on 28-03-1912
Rosenberg, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Polak and Hanna Leijser on 07-11-1923
Rossmann, Sophie mother at wedding of Mozes Benjamins and Bertha Buchthal on 10-05-1895
Rothschild, Selma mother at wedding of Ludwig Vomberg and Julia Prins on 09-08-1933
Rothschild, Selma mother at wedding of Izak Jacobson and Martha Prins on 06-03-1929
Rozette, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Koekoek and Sippora Bijl v.d. on 30-03-1927
Rubens, Saartje mother at wedding of Wolf Lelie and Susanna Gans on 24-04-1918
SLier, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Nebig and Rika SLier on 02-06-1915
Saames, Abraham father at wedding of Isaac Saames and Duijfje Rudelsheim on 16-02-1870
Saames, Abraham father at wedding of Abraham Rudelsheim and Rachel Saames on 09-02-1870
Sabe, Rifke mother at wedding of Moses Einhorn and Sara Engelsman on 18-11-1925
Sacharias Baruch, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Jong de and Sara Lopes Leao Laguna on 03-11-1909
Sachs, Arthur father at wedding of Julius Sachs and Bertha Dikker on 17-10-1929
Sachs, Eva mother at wedding of Herman Cracau and Rosalia Leffmann on 10-04-1919
Sachs, Loman father at wedding of Joel Kous v.d. and Bertina Sachs on 11-04-1912
Sack, Wulf father at wedding of Jacob Sack and Henriette Zeehandelaar on 29-08-1935
Sacksioni, Gerson father at wedding of Hartog Sacksioni and Judith Loggem v. on 18-12-1907
Sacksioni, Gerson father at wedding of Mozes Platvoet and Esther Sacksioni on 09-01-1907
Sacksioni, Hartog father at wedding of Philip Schrijver and Anna Sacksioni on 17-02-1937
Sacksioni, Hartog father at wedding of Louis Sluijter and Margaretha Sacksioni on 27-10-1937
Sacksioni, Joseph father at wedding of Nathan Smeer and Sara Sacksioni on 20-10-1937
Sacksioni, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Sacksioni and Elisabeth Noort on 27-12-1934
Sacksioni, Levie father at wedding of Hartog Sacksioni and Mathilda Perel on 22-11-1906
Sacksioni, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Sacksioni and Theresia Kuit on 19-09-1923
Sacksioni, Levie father at wedding of Jozef Peereboom and Vrouwtje Sacksioni on 08-01-1908
Sacksioni, Levie father at wedding of Benjamin Fles and Hendrika Sacksioni on 23-08-1916
Sacksioni, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Marcus Peereboom and Anna Prins on 06-10-1937
Sacksionie, Gerson father at wedding of Leman Sacksionie and Rebecca Kar v.d. on 05-08-1914
Sacksionie, Gerson father at wedding of Hartog Hakker and Naatje Sacksionie on 06-06-1918
Sacksionie, Gerson father at wedding of Isaac Sacksionie and Marianna Meents on 23-02-1921
Sajet, Abraham father at wedding of Simon Philips and Henriette Sajet on 19-01-1928
Sajet, Benedictus father at wedding of Salomon Sajet and Sophia Keijzer on 30-11-1870
Sajet, Benedictus father at wedding of David Sajet and Esther Kanes on 21-08-1929
Sajet, Benedictus father at wedding of Abraham Sajet and Hanna Groenstad on 19-12-1929
Sajet, Benedictus father at wedding of George Sajet and Rozetta Leverpoll on 19-12-1929
Sajet, Benedictus father at wedding of Arie Sajet and Lea Drukker on 11-03-1857
Sajet, Emanuel father at wedding of Abraham Ossendrijver and Johanna Sajet on 17-03-1937
Sajet, Emanuel father at wedding of Isaac Dreese and Eva Sajet on 17-07-1935
Sajet, Frederika mother at wedding of Louis Duis and Sara Waterman on 14-12-1921
Sajet, Frederika mother at wedding of Barend Duis and Saartje Blits on 22-08-1909
Sajet, Hanna mother at wedding of Gerrit Dreesde and Sophia Hess v. on 18-10-1906
Sajet, Israel father at wedding of Emanuel Sajet and Mietje Allegro on 06-06-1907
Sajet, Israel father at wedding of Abraham Sajet and Rozette Philips on 19-09-1929
Sajet, Jacob father at wedding of Benedictus Sajet and Haia Raismann on 18-12-1912
Sajet, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Sajet and Elisabeth Rodrigues on 25-10-1906
Sajet, Levie father at wedding of Eliazer Sajet and Henriette Montesinos on 01-10-1919
Sajet, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Sajet and Sara Kar v.d. on 02-11-1916
Sajet, Meijer father at wedding of Benedictus Sajet and Rebecca Korper on 22-12-1886
Sajet, Meijer father at wedding of Levie Sajet and Mijntje Schellevis on 30-10-1878
Sajet, Raphael father at wedding of Izak Velde v.d. and Elisabeth Sajet on 01-12-1921
Sajet, Salomon father at wedding of Benedictus Sajet and Saartje Noord on 05-11-1908
Sajet, Salomon father at wedding of Aaron Sajet and Branca Goede de on 06-07-1905
Sajet, Sophia mother at wedding of Philip Sammes and Elise Dikker on 12-06-1907
Sak, Hijman father at wedding of Levie Appelboom and Clara Sak on 07-06-1906
Sak, Meijer father at wedding of Hartog Sak and Marianne Buitenkant on 07-01-1874
Sak, Meijer father at wedding of Abraham Goudsmit and Rachel Sak on 05-08-1868
Saks, father at wedding of Abraham Leest and Mietje Saks on 26-10-1842
Saks, Isaac father at wedding of Emanuel Saks and Klara Duitz on 09-08-1878
Saks, Jacob father at wedding of Jacob Kinsbergen and Flora Saks on 05-04-1888
Saks, Leentje mother at wedding of Herman Minckenhof and Alice Binger on 15-11-1928
Saks, Sientje mother at wedding of Coenraad Kleef v. and Amalia Dinner on 27-06-1912
Saks, Simon father at wedding of Henri Courlander and Margaretha Saks on 21-11-1912
Salantzky, Marcus father at wedding of Abraham Vleeschhouwer and Dobe Salantzky on 05-02-1908
Salemon, Engelina mother at wedding of Barend Warradijn and Sophie Jong de on 15-02-1921
Salemon, Nathan father at wedding of Gerard Vries de and Rebecca Salemon on 06-08-1914
Salhuisen, Samson father at wedding of Abraham Salhuisen and Klaartje Italiaander on 08-05-1872
Saligman, father at wedding of Joseph Schoonveld and Magdalena Saligman on 16-03-1859
Salm, Brunvette mother at wedding of Joseph Salm and Elisabeth Hertzberger on 08-09-1925
Salm, Jakob father at wedding of Joseph Salm and Elisabeth Hertzberger on 08-09-1925
Salmon, Henriette mother at wedding of Alfred Cohen and Johanna Kan on 20-01-1915
Salomo, father at wedding of Philip Frenkel and Sara Salomo on 20-01-1842
Salomo, Chalumcan father at wedding of Hermanus Salomo and Esther Raap on 07-08-1873
Salomo, Harmanus father at wedding of Jacob Koegel and Saartje Salomo on 25-06-1873
Salomo, Rachel mother at wedding of Henri Lankhout and Esther Zwart on 17-05-1899
Salomo, Sara mother at wedding of Henri Boas and Estella Koegel on 18-05-1899
Salomon, father at wedding of Harmanus Salomon and Ester Koegel on 19-01-1843
Salomon, father at wedding of Adolf Salomon and Sara Drukker on 22-10-1879
Salomon, Barend father at wedding of Andries Salomon and Gesina Hoed on 22-03-1916
Salomon, Barend father at wedding of Levie Cohen and Saartje Salomon on 09-03-1899
Salomon, Betje mother at wedding of Heiman Cohen and Marianne Hoop de on 26-06-1929
Salomon, David father at wedding of Wolf Loonstijn and Elisabeth Salomon on 23-11-1916
Salomon, David father at wedding of Sijmon Brouwer and Engelina Salomon on 04-04-1878
Salomon, David father at wedding of Abraham Salomon and Sipora Praag v. on 22-08-1918
Salomon, Engelina mother at wedding of Mozes Brouwer and Lea Tas on 17-04-1912
Salomon, Esther mother at wedding of Barend Springer and Rebekka Swaalep on 21-08-1918
Salomon, Esther mother at wedding of Isaac Springer and Sara Stuiver on 21-03-1923
Salomon, Klara mother at wedding of Erich Leopold and Louise Herz on 30-10-1935
Salomon, Leon father at wedding of Andries Slier and Aaltje Salomon on 05-08-1896
Salomon, Manus father at wedding of Isaac Aleng and Henriette Salomon on 28-06-1916
Salomon, Manus father at wedding of Jacob Brilleman and Hendrika Salomon on 25-04-1906
Salomon, Maria mother at wedding of Salomon Hijmans and Flora Baske on 23-10-1919
Salomon, Maria mother at wedding of Maurits Hijmans and Kittij Lemans on 08-02-1923
Salomon, Meijer father at wedding of Abraham Wertheim and Margaretha Salomon on 18-03-1925
Salomon, Mietje mother at wedding of Sallij Kesnar and Roosje Wurms on 26-06-1935
Salomon, Mozes father at wedding of Marcus Springer and Esther Salomon on 13-01-1886
Salomon, Roosje mother at wedding of Abraham Dukker and Klara Waterman on 03-01-1918
Salomon, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Wolf and Rebecca Minden on 21-04-1909
Salomon, Saartje mother at wedding of Louis Moppes v. and Margaretha Minden on 01-07-1909
Salomon, Salomon father at wedding of Barend Salomon and Betje Groen on 20-06-1877
Salomon, Salomon father at wedding of Samuel Salomon and Rachel Rodrigues Pereira on 09-05-1888
Salomon, Salomon father at wedding of Juda Drukker and Roosje Salomon on 22-07-1885
Salomon, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Salomon and Rosa Cartoef on 04-06-1884
Salomon, Salomon father at wedding of Simon Salomon and Rachel Gelder v. on 06-02-1918
Salomon, Samuel father at wedding of Gerard Sper and Elisabeth Salomon on 17-08-1921
Salomon, Sophia mother at wedding of Emanuel Swaab and Marianna Leisen on 04-08-1937
Salomon, Susanna mother at wedding of Salomon Kleef v. and Catharina Rosenbach on 11-04-1907
Salomon, Susanna mother at wedding of Barend Verduin and Rebekka Rosenbach on 18-10-1906
Salomon, Susanna mother at wedding of Samuel Swaab and Mietje Rosenbach on 15-08-1907
Salomon, Wolf father at wedding of Isaac Salomon and Tellij Polak on 19-07-1888
Salomon, Wolf father at wedding of Manus Salomon and Benedicta Levison on 15-07-1886
Salomon, Wolf father at wedding of Izaak Salomon and Sara Heilbron on 15-11-1899
Salomons, father at wedding of Levie Aalst v. and Kaatje Salomons on 23-04-1862
Salomons, father at wedding of Daniel Salomons and Elisabeth Oppenheim on 30-06-1847
Salomons, father at wedding of Aron Salomons and Eva Bloemendaal on 09-08-1843
Salomons, father at wedding of Kalmar Salomons and Helena Polak on 08-06-1843
Salomons, Aaron father at wedding of Hartog Blits and Sophia Salomons on 19-12-1912
Salomons, Aaron father at wedding of Abraham Salomons and Sophia Brest on 24-01-1912
Salomons, Aaron father at wedding of Joseph Lierens and Nancij Salomons on 20-10-1937
Salomons, Abraham father at wedding of Aaron Salomons and Sara Leeuw de on 16-05-1878
Salomons, Abraham father at wedding of Benjamin Benjamins and Cornelia Salomons on 23-04-1873
Salomons, Alexander father at wedding of Henoch Salomons and Jetje Schellevis on 21-02-1907
Salomons, Anna mother at wedding of Joseph Nikkelsberg and Roselina Speijer on 27-12-1928
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Marcus Salomons and Catharina Klerk on 24-06-1886
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Jacob Esso v. and Johanna Salomons on 09-09-1919
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Jacques Salomons and Judith Pezaro on 24-08-1927
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Manus Goede de and Julia Salomons on 14-06-1921
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Joseph Salomons and Laura Neubauer on 25-05-1880
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Abraham Salomons and Clara Mar dela on 06-07-1905
Salomons, Aron father at wedding of Salomon Salomons and Esther Pakkedrager on 26-02-1896
Salomons, Asser father at wedding of Jacques Goudsmit and Sophia Salomons on 30-10-1912
Salomons, Asser father at wedding of Joseph Salomons and Mietje Salomons on 07-01-1914
Salomons, David father at wedding of Philip Salomons and Rebecca Daniels on 24-09-1878
Salomons, David father at wedding of Louis Frenkel and Rachel Salomons on 28-10-1873
Salomons, David father at wedding of Jacques Salomons and Jennij Benedictus on 08-01-1878
Salomons, David father at wedding of Henry Salomons and Mirjam Mulder on 22-10-1878
Salomons, Eva mother at wedding of Salomon Waas and Lea Finsie on 20-04-1899
Salomons, Flora mother at wedding of Alexander Mossel and Henriette Springer on 06-01-1915
Salomons, Flora mother at wedding of Salomon Mossel and Rebecca Polak on 24-10-1907
Salomons, Frederika mother at wedding of Jozef Cohen and Esther Serlui on 21-01-1909
Salomons, Grietje mother at wedding of Sigmund Thijn v. and Betsy Kool on 06-07-1927
Salomons, Hannah mother at wedding of Michael Lelie and Klara Krijn on 12-03-1925
Salomons, Hannah mother at wedding of Meijer Lelie and Esther Sluijter on 29-05-1918
Salomons, Hijntje mother at wedding of Levie Moppes v. and Heintje Salomons on 26-06-1907
Salomons, Isaac father at wedding of Joseph Salomons and Mietje Salomons on 07-01-1914
Salomons, Isaac father at wedding of Wolf Worms and Eva Salomons on 05-12-1912
Salomons, Isaac father at wedding of Henri Praag v. and Jeanette Salomons on 19-11-1919
Salomons, Isaac father at wedding of Mozes Salomons and Grietje Kogel on 31-08-1905
Salomons, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Salomons and Rebecca Leuiken on 26-09-1928
Salomons, Joel father at wedding of Abraham Salomons and Annaatje Maijkels on 23-08-1899
Salomons, Joel father at wedding of Mozes Salomons and Elisabeth Salomons on 14-04-1875
Salomons, Joel father at wedding of Abraham Salomons and Clara Keezing on 09-06-1869
Salomons, Jozef father at wedding of Philip Worms and Rebecca Salomons on 19-03-1914
Salomons, Julius father at wedding of Abraham Hond de and Marianne Salomons on 20-05-1937
Salomons, Leon father at wedding of Salomon Cauveren and Esther Salomons on 01-08-1912
Salomons, Levie father at wedding of Hijman Theeboom and Vrouwtje Salomons on 23-11-1916
Salomons, Levie father at wedding of Philip Salomons and Rebecca Braasem on 06-12-1899
Salomons, Levie father at wedding of Isaac Salomons and Sara Lobatto on 06-06-1912
Salomons, Louis father at wedding of Lion Salomons and Joanna Outs on 29-08-1935
Salomons, Machiel father at wedding of Meijer Salomons and Bloeme Paauw de on 25-11-1885
Salomons, Machiel father at wedding of Abraham Salomons and Rosette Abrahams on 12-01-1888
Salomons, Machiel father at wedding of Jozef Salomons and Rebekka Jong de on 16-06-1873
Salomons, Marianne mother at wedding of Aron Leijden v.Amstel and Alida Muller on 27-12-1933
Salomons, Meijer father at wedding of Isaac Salomons and Mina Buitenkant on 12-06-1929
Salomons, Meijer father at wedding of Arnold Praag v. and Frederica Salomons on 29-11-1923
Salomons, Meijer father at wedding of Abraham Blom and Isabella Salomons on 22-04-1925
Salomons, Meijer father at wedding of Philip Salomons and Betje Kollem v. on 03-05-1916
Salomons, Meijer father at wedding of Salomon Woudstra and Sophie Salomons on 06-09-1933
Salomons, Mina mother at wedding of Samuel Leuw and Roosje Velleman on 21-11-1929
Salomons, Mina mother at wedding of Salomon Leuw and Betje Wolf de on 02-04-1914
Salomons, Mozes father at wedding of Meijer Peper and Zilpa Salomons on 31-08-1904
Salomons, Mozes father at wedding of Aron Salomons and Esther Oudkerk on 16-06-1925
Salomons, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Schmalberger and Marianna Salomons on 17-06-1908
Salomons, Mozes father at wedding of Samuel Hoop de and Susanna Salomons on 14-02-1888
Salomons, Mozes father at wedding of Leopold Stokvis and Anna Salomons on 21-08-1929
Salomons, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Leijden v. Amstel and Marianne Salomons on 04-01-1905
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Moppes v. and Heintje Salomons on 26-06-1907
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Salomons and Elisabeth Salomons on 14-04-1875
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Woudhuijsen and Henriette Salomons on 18-08-1886
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Leuw and Mina Salomons on 21-01-1885
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Mossel and Flora Salomons on 27-02-1878
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Salomons and Flora Gelder v. on 29-06-1870
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Samuel Stodel and Raatje Salomons on 27-12-1883
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Aron Salomons and Sophia Davidson on 19-10-1899
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Salomons and Sara Vries de on 05-01-1888
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Simon Salomons and Neeltje Leuw on 18-11-1885
Salomons, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Salomons and Hanna Carels on 15-09-1875
Salomons, Samuel father at wedding of Izak Salomons and Bertha Speelman on 02-12-1885
Salomons, Samuel father at wedding of Maurits Salomons and Elisabeth Duizend on 13-05-1937
Salomons, Samuel father at wedding of Izaak Salomons and Kaatje Koning de on 20-03-1907
Salomons, Sara mother at wedding of Emanuel Schaap and Elisabeth Enthoven on 13-06-1899
Salomons, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Natkiel and Elisabeth Natkiel on 22-02-1912
Salomons, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Knoop and Vrouwtje Noord on 16-08-1933
Salomons, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Groot de and Hendrika Noord on 01-08-1928
Salomons, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Polak and Jeannette Levie on 27-10-1909
Salomons, Simon father at wedding of Louis Salomons and Cato Leeuw de on 19-05-1880
Salomons, Simon father at wedding of Maurits Beer and Nanette Salomons on 14-08-1919
Salomons, Simon father at wedding of Machiel Salomons and Sara Duque on 05-01-1921
Salomons, Simon father at wedding of Alexander Salomons and Roosje Hes on 04-05-1921
Salomons, Zilpa mother at wedding of Samuel Peper and Rebecca Ancona on 04-12-1935
Salomons, Zilpa mother at wedding of Maurice Peper and Cornelia Blik on 21-08-1929
Salomonson, Hendrik father at wedding of Hendrik Salomonson and Hermine Keezer on 25-11-1937
Salomonson, Herman father at wedding of Julius Compris and Mietje Salomonson on 21-03-1899
Salomonson, Herman father at wedding of Hendrik Salomonson and Isabella Tas on 21-01-1908
Salomonson, Philip father at wedding of Eliazar Slier and Salina Salomonson on 09-02-1921
Salvador, father at wedding of Asser Nierop v. and Rachel Salvador on 21-06-1843
Salzedo, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Filip Troeder and Judith Aarons on 15-12-1925
Salzedo, Ribca mother at wedding of Levie Metz and Klaartje Bobbe on 16-08-1927
Salzedo, Salomon father at wedding of Isaac Roodveldt and Sara Salzedo on 20-03-1878
Salzedo, Sara mother at wedding of Gaim Metz de and Rebecca Roodveldt on 27-06-1923
Salzedo, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Simons and Reina Acohen on 08-02-1933
Salzedo, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Zwaaf and Bloeme Roodveldt on 25-03-1908
Samas, Esther mother at wedding of Karel Cozijn and Ruth Cohen on 28-01-1937
Samas, Esther mother at wedding of Barend Cozijn and Alida Peeper on 10-11-1927
Samas, Roosje mother at wedding of Abraham Pinto and Rebecca Goen v.d. on 08-06-1933
Samas, Roosje mother at wedding of Machiel Pinto and Jansje Hamel on 24-04-1918
Samas, Salomon father at wedding of Karel Samas and Sophia Eckstein on 30-04-1914
Samechtini, Meijer father at wedding of Isaac Samechtini and Leentje Swart on 26-03-1908
Samektini, Emanuel father at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Flora Samektini on 26-05-1868
Sames, Salomon father at wedding of Salomon Witteboon and Roosje Sames on 23-01-1908
Samethini, Isaac father at wedding of Samuel Bleekveld and Sara Samethini on 16-08-1933
Samethini, Samuel father at wedding of Meijer Samethini and Leentje Bril on 06-06-1888
Samkalden, Hartog father at wedding of Arnold Nova and Hanna Samkalden on 08-09-1914
Sammes, father at wedding of Abraham Lissauer and Rebecca Sammes on 17-02-1886
Sammes, Abraham father at wedding of Israel Pinto and Roosje Sammes on 21-10-1885
Sammes, Joseph father at wedding of Joseph Arons and Rachel Sammes on 19-03-1879
Sammes, Joseph father at wedding of Philip Sammes and Elise Dikker on 12-06-1907
Sammes, Meijer father at wedding of Joseph Sammes and Klaartje Veldman on 11-12-1929
Sammes, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Polak and Margaretha Brander on 07-09-1916
Sammes, Simon father at wedding of Abraham Agsteribbe and Aaltje Sammes on 08-01-1908
Sammes, Simon father at wedding of Meijer Brander and Sara Sammes on 13-06-1888
Sammes, Simon father at wedding of Isaac Jong de and Rebecca Sammes on 28-07-1909
Samson, Abraham father at wedding of Samson Samson and Saartje Noort on 26-05-1921
Samson, Abraham father at wedding of Maurits Walg and Jetje Samson on 24-12-1919
Samson, Carolina mother at wedding of Antonie Cohen and Rebecca Lijdesdorff on 13-08-1908
Samson, Eva mother at wedding of Abraham Moppes v. and Sientje Goudsmit on 27-12-1933
Samson, Hartog father at wedding of Jacob Visjager and Duifje Samson on 22-12-1915
Samson, Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Samson and Fijtje Tertaas on 05-05-1909
Samson, Hartog father at wedding of Levie Samson and Rebecca Brilleman on 17-08-1904
Samson, Hona father at wedding of Philippus Hartogs and Mina Samson on 05-03-1919
Samson, Hona father at wedding of Mauritz Jacobson and Schoontje Samson on 12-06-1918
Samson, Israel father at wedding of Hartog Kar v.d. and Sara Samson on 20-07-1899
Samson, Israel father at wedding of Hartog Huisman and Engelina Samson on 23-05-1888
Samson, Israel father at wedding of Abraham Samson and Leentje Jong de on 24-03-1886
Samson, Israel father at wedding of Levie Samson and Rachel Citroen on 16-03-1921
Samson, Israel father at wedding of Samuel Samson and Judith Verdoner on 09-07-1878
Samson, Jacob father at wedding of Leopold Jacobsen and Sophie Samson on 19-04-1909
Samson, Jansje mother at wedding of Levie Cohen and Anna Vliet v. on 18-01-1923
Samson, Jansje mother at wedding of Jacob Cohen and Regina Cohen on 04-10-1916
Samson, Levie father at wedding of Joel Samson and Judith Pront on 29-12-1927
Samson, Levie father at wedding of Zacharias Klijbos and Roosje Samson on 16-11-1906
Samson, Levie father at wedding of Isaak Samson and Marianne Groot de on 21-08-1935
Samson, Levie father at wedding of Abraham Samson and Mietje Verdoner on 25-08-1875
Samson, Mosf father at wedding of Barend Blik and Marie Samson on 06-04-1933
Samson, Netje mother at wedding of Salomon Aptroot and Annie Duitz on 14-04-1937
Samson, Nicha mother at wedding of Simon Cohen and Hester Koster on 18-01-1933
Samson, Roosje mother at wedding of Maurits Kan and Heijntje Coppenhagen on 14-04-1927
Samson, Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Simons and Reina Morpurgo on 26-10-1899
Samson, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Samson and Rebecca Gobes on 11-09-1919
Samson, Salomon father at wedding of Israel Cohen and Jansje Samson on 22-04-1886
Samson, Samson father at wedding of Moses Samson and Mietje Goudsmit on 18-08-1921
Samson, Samson father at wedding of Isaac Vogel and Antje Samson on 06-10-1869
Samson, Samuel father at wedding of Levie Vos and Eva Samson on 27-07-1904
Samson, Samuel father at wedding of Emanuel Straten v. and Roosje Samson on 03-06-1885
Samson, Samuel father at wedding of Joseph Waterman and Debora Samson on 04-04-1907
Samson, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Kar v.d. and Frederica Mock on 29-07-1937
Samuel, Isaak father at wedding of Leo Roet and Grete Samuel on 30-09-1925
Samuel, Sara mother at wedding of Ernest Heijermans and Keetje Neter on 19-03-1896
Samuels, Aaltjen mother at wedding of Samuel Muller and Julia Gelder v. on 13-03-1907
Samuels, Esriel father at wedding of Abraham Bramson and Rosetje Samuels on 06-04-1905
Samuels, Netje mother at wedding of Aron Levie and Duifje Engelander on 06-12-1923
Sander, Fijtje mother at wedding of Benjamin Groot de and Fina Mulder Canter on 19-12-1923
Sanders, father at wedding of Mozes Sanders and Sara Spier on 01-08-1912
Sanders, father at wedding of Mozes Oesteren v. and Klara Sanders on 26-08-1880
Sanders, Aaron father at wedding of Benjamin Collem v. and Hesther Sanders on 04-01-1928
Sanders, Aaron father at wedding of Benjamin Sanders and Judith Querido on 21-03-1906
Sanders, Abraham father at wedding of Jonas Sanders and Anna Joachimsthal on 13-07-1916
Sanders, Alexander father at wedding of Mozes Sanders and Bertina Haas de on 27-05-1885
Sanders, Aron father at wedding of Jacob Groot de and Fijtje Sanders on 27-05-1868
Sanders, Benjamin father at wedding of Paul Sanders and Elisabeth Herzberg on 12-12-1916
Sanders, Benjamin father at wedding of Herman Stempel v.d. and Rosa Sanders on 17-10-1907
Sanders, Boas father at wedding of Joel Kaas and Pietje Sanders on 06-01-1909
Sanders, Carolina mother at wedding of Aaron Hoorn v. and Grietje Hond de on 17-06-1896
Sanders, David father at wedding of Joseph Katoen and Eliza Sanders on 19-06-1907
Sanders, David father at wedding of Izaak Vecht and Margaretha Sanders on 17-04-1912
Sanders, Doortje mother at wedding of Mozes Sanders and Sara Spier on 01-08-1912
Sanders, Doortje mother at wedding of Lion Walvis and Judith Waas on 05-04-1916
Sanders, Doortje mother at wedding of Goas Englander and Flora Pinto on 14-11-1923
Sanders, Elias father at wedding of Heiman Sanders and Saartje Prins on 28-10-1919
Sanders, Elkan father at wedding of Meijer Goldsmit and Esther Sanders on 27-05-1908
Sanders, Elkan father at wedding of Wolf Sanders and Schoontje Rozette on 09-11-1921
Sanders, Esther mother at wedding of Benjamin Goldsmit and Selina Speijer on 15-05-1935
Sanders, Eva mother at wedding of Hartog Pront and Scheindel Gottesman on 28-03-1928
Sanders, Flora mother at wedding of Herman Spits and Vrouwgien Wijnberg on 26-09-1935
Sanders, Hadassa mother at wedding of Joseph Magtige de and Dora Gelderen v. on 23-10-1935
Sanders, Heiman father at wedding of Joseph Sanders and Sara Frank on 15-03-1933
Sanders, Hendrik father at wedding of Abraham Posener and Rozina Sanders on 22-07-1896
Sanders, Hijman father at wedding of Meijer Stempel v.d. and Froukje Sanders on 18-08-1896
Sanders, Israel father at wedding of Sander Sanders and Grietje Polak on 03-10-1899
Sanders, Israel father at wedding of Hermann Sanders and Sara Ferrares on 19-06-1935
Sanders, Israel father at wedding of Abraham Winnik and Jeannette Sanders on 14-12-1905
Sanders, Jacob father at wedding of Simon Ven v.d. and Rachel Sanders on 28-11-1923
Sanders, Jacob father at wedding of Marc Boasson and Bella Sanders on 03-12-1918
Sanders, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Geldere v. and Eva Sanders on 30-10-1929
Sanders, Jacob father at wedding of Zacharias Blog and Judik Sanders on 15-08-1918
Sanders, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Sanders and Rozetta Horst v.d. on 05-08-1914
Sanders, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Sanders and Rosette Lap on 20-09-1916
Sanders, Joachim father at wedding of Frederik Klein and Bertha Sanders on 10-10-1935
Sanders, Joachim father at wedding of Elkan Sanders and Betsy Kooperberg on 03-09-1935
Sanders, Jochem father at wedding of Bendix Sanders and Clara Hamburger on 05-06-1935
Sanders, Joseph father at wedding of Abraham Pront and Eva Sanders on 16-12-1886
Sanders, Juda father at wedding of Joseph Sanders and Keetje Duitz on 16-06-1859
Sanders, Leentje mother at wedding of Henoch Salomons and Jetje Schellevis on 21-02-1907
Sanders, Levie father at wedding of Eliaser Praag v. and Rachel Sanders on 14-02-1888
Sanders, Lowiena mother at wedding of Nico Levie de and Eva Neeter on 17-10-1929
Sanders, Marianna mother at wedding of Sander Adelsbergen v. and Betje Vries de on 11-11-1925
Sanders, Moses father at wedding of Simon Friedman and Esther Sanders on 26-11-1919
Sanders, Moses father at wedding of Giljon Sanders and Rebecca Goedhart on 13-12-1916
Sanders, Moses father at wedding of Abraham Witteboon and Marianne Sanders on 05-06-1912
Sanders, Mozes father at wedding of Bernard Sanders and Voogje Fransman on 15-08-1935
Sanders, Mozes father at wedding of Philip Sanders and Grietje Stork on 11-02-1909
Sanders, Naatje mother at wedding of David Viskoper and Rachel Reisel on 19-12-1935
Sanders, Philip father at wedding of Joel Sanders and Roosje Voorzanger on 21-05-1879
Sanders, Philip father at wedding of Joseph Sanders and Annaatje Molen v.d. on 05-02-1862
Sanders, Rebecca mother at wedding of Benjamin Vreeland and Sara Spier on 18-10-1923
Sanders, Rebecca mother at wedding of Abraham Vreeland and Anna Spier on 18-10-1923
Sanders, Rebecca mother at wedding of Hijman Koperberg and Klaartje Gazan on 15-09-1915
Sanders, Rebecca mother at wedding of Marcus Vreeland and Jetje Staveren v. on 30-01-1929
Sanders, Rosetta mother at wedding of Herman Kisch and Henriette Rooij de on 17-05-1905
Sanders, Rozina mother at wedding of Joseph Posener and Frederika Jonge de on 18-08-1937
Sanders, Rozina mother at wedding of Jozeph Posener and Schoontje Werkheim on 18-10-1923
Sanders, Salomon father at wedding of Henri Sanders and Jeannette Davids on 31-10-1928
Sanders, Samuel father at wedding of Mozes Sanders and Betsij Stoppelman on 19-12-1916
Sanders, Sander father at wedding of Aaron Sanders and Sara Meijer on 05-05-1875
Sanders, Sander father at wedding of Abraham Sanders and Johanna Joachimsthal on 03-06-1869
Sanders, Sander father at wedding of Mauritz Mesritz and Esther Sanders on 28-07-1937
Sanders, Sipora mother at wedding of Jacob Mossel and Rozettina Soesman on 24-01-1907
Sandler, Sisal mother at wedding of Gedalia Frenkel and Bertha Ravalowitsch on 14-12-1927
Sandor, Salomon father at wedding of David Sandor and Johanna Stodel on 01-10-1925
Sanger, father at wedding of David Sanger and Rosette Koch on 04-11-1834
Sank, Feiga mother at wedding of Adolf Heimann and Rebecca Sealtiel on 17-02-1909
Sann, Leib father at wedding of Adolf Sann and Judik Drukker on 14-08-1923
Santcroos, Haim father at wedding of Aron Blaaser and Sara Santcroos on 26-05-1937
Santen v., father at wedding of Moses Kampen v. and Marianne Santen v. on 09-03-1859
Santen v., Isaac father at wedding of Simon Santen v. and Jansje Gompers on 29-06-1916
Santen v., Marianne mother at wedding of Jacob Polak and Kaatje Vijevano on 08-03-1923
Santen v., Salomon father at wedding of Jozef Santen v. and Judith Jong de on 05-07-1905
Santen v., Samuel father at wedding of Salomon Santen v. and Sophia Bleekrode on 05-01-1870
Santen, father at wedding of Philip Dagloonder and Fijtje Santen on 07-09-1859
Santen, father at wedding of Emanuel Vorm de and Hanna Santen on 31-12-1856
Santen, Barend father at wedding of Salomon Walvis and Reintje Santen on 09-03-1927
Santen, Barend father at wedding of Abraham Santen and Sara Wagenhuizen on 01-02-1888
Santen, Barend father at wedding of Mozes Santen and Sara West v. on 29-12-1886
Santen, Barend father at wedding of Salomon Santen and Hilletje Berklou on 06-04-1927
Santen, Barend father at wedding of Salomon Santen and Esther Susan on 11-08-1875
Santen, Benedictus father at wedding of Joseph Glasbeek and Esther Santen on 16-08-1933
Santen, David father at wedding of Barend Delden and Rachel Santen on 22-08-1923
Santen, David father at wedding of Mozes Santen and Roosje Krost on 02-08-1933
Santen, Esther mother at wedding of Aron Nikkelsberg and Anna Emmerik on 01-04-1925
Santen, Joel father at wedding of Samuel Santen and Susanna Vries de on 29-07-1885
Santen, Maria mother at wedding of Benedictus Croese and Geertruida Groot de on 31-07-1935
Santen, Maria mother at wedding of David Croese and Esther Canes on 11-04-1923
Santen, Maria mother at wedding of Salomon Croese and Jansje Wittenburg on 15-08-1923
Santen, Mozes father at wedding of Barend Santen and Sientje Menko on 31-10-1912
Santen, Phoebe mother at wedding of Marcus Blog and Hendrika Turfreijer on 28-12-1927
Santen, Rachel mother at wedding of Salomon Winnik and Rebecca Benjamins on 04-07-1928
Santen, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Koopman and Fenna Santen on 28-08-1918
Santen, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Vischschraper and Duifje Santen on 07-11-1906
Santen, Salomon father at wedding of David Santen and Mietje Sarlui on 18-10-1899
Santen, Salomon father at wedding of Barend Santen and Mietje Gelderen v. on 10-04-1907
Santen, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Santen and Rozette Brilleman on 20-09-1916
Santen, Salomon father at wedding of Benedictus Santen and Saartje Winnik on 03-01-1906
Santilhano, father at wedding of Isaac Stokking and Sara Santilhano on 07-11-1860
Santilhano, Mozes father at wedding of Joseph Verduin and Branca Santilhano on 26-06-1935
Santilhano, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Gobes and Alida Santilhano on 28-12-1921
Santilhano, Rebecca mother at wedding of Salomon Poppelsdorf and Sara Jessurun on 15-07-1908
Santilhano, Rebecca mother at wedding of Juda Poppelsdorf and Naatje Gaarkeuken on 23-06-1915
Saperstein, Haim father at wedding of Aaron Saperstein and Sophia Stein on 25-07-1918
Saphier, father at wedding of Jacob Presburg and Lea Saphier on 17-09-1834
Saphier, Betje mother at wedding of Abraham Metzelaar and Rebecca Swaab on 03-03-1899
Saphier, Jacob father at wedding of Hartog Saphier and Judith Rosenbach on 27-05-1880
Saphier, Jacob father at wedding of Alexander Zonligt and Leentje Saphier on 23-05-1867
Saphier, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Koopman and Roosje Saphier on 07-05-1884
Saphier, Joseph father at wedding of Marcus Saphier and Sophia Hillesheim on 27-11-1878
Saphier, Marcus father at wedding of Elias Saphier and Naatje Blik on 17-03-1915
Saphier, Marcus father at wedding of Abraham Cohen and Schoontje Saphier on 19-03-1919
Saphier, Marcus father at wedding of Bernard Koopman and Sara Saphier on 19-03-1919
Saphier, Marcus father at wedding of Salomon Saphier and Grietje Bolle on 24-01-1907
Saphier, Margaretha mother at wedding of Izak Vries de and Marie Kaufman on 24-05-1899
Saphier, Margaretha mother at wedding of Siegmund Vries de and Elisabeth Vigeveno on 18-08-1908
Saphier, Reine mother at wedding of Samuel Cauveren and Sara Vlessing on 01-02-1933
Saphier, Salomon father at wedding of Hartog Hagenaar and Sara Saphier on 28-12-1932
Saphier, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Saphier and Colette Roozeboom on 17-04-1873
Saphier, Salomon father at wedding of Max Saphier and Sara Degen on 23-10-1935
Saphier, Salomon father at wedding of Hermanus Daniels and Saartje Saphier on 02-10-1929
Saphier, Samuel father at wedding of Hijman Speijer and Rachel Saphier on 21-05-1879
Saphier, Samuel father at wedding of Simon Speijer and Elisabeth Saphier on 21-05-1879
Saphier, Samuel father at wedding of Manus Goede de and Magdalena Saphier on 16-01-1908
Saphier, Samuel father at wedding of Salomon Saphier and Marianne Adelaar on 29-03-1906
Saphier, Samuel father at wedding of Bernard Groenstad and Colette Saphier on 06-04-1905
Saphier, Schoontje mother at wedding of Ephraim Mouwes and Sippora Rozette on 10-10-1907
Sarf, Josef father at wedding of Moritz Sarf and Engelina Haas on 20-06-1907
Sarfatij, Isaac father at wedding of Josephus Lijn v.d. and Sara Sarfatij on 16-01-1907
Sarfatij, Jesaia father at wedding of Mozes Worms and Rosa Sarfatij on 02-01-1884
Sarfatij, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Bonnettemaker and Sara Sarfatij on 14-05-1862
Sarfatij, Rachel mother at wedding of Isidor Italiaander and Esther Stad on 01-08-1928
Sarfaty, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Bruinvels and Naatje Sarfaty on 15-02-1933
Sarfaty, Benvenida mother at wedding of Abraham Meijer and Hester Dijk v. on 20-08-1919
Sarfaty, Josua father at wedding of Salomon Israel and Marianne Sarfaty on 08-06-1927
Sarfaty, Mozes father at wedding of Antonie Harpman and Jansje Sarfaty on 22-09-1921
Sarfaty, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Plas and Esther Sarfaty on 08-01-1896
Sarlie, Esther mother at wedding of Louis Blitz and Daisy Hoofien on 12-06-1928
Sarlie, Esther mother at wedding of Bernard Cohen and Naatje Beer de on 05-08-1937
Sarlie, Hartog father at wedding of Jesaijes Jesaijes and Sophia Sarlie on 20-06-1912
Sarlie, Hartog father at wedding of Abraham Lever and Clara Sarlie on 01-02-1923
Sarlie, Jozeph father at wedding of Raphael Sarlie and Hannatje Bril on 02-09-1868
Sarlie, Levie father at wedding of Joseph Sarlie and Vogel Swalf on 04-12-1867
Sarlie, Lucas father at wedding of Hartog Sarlie and Vrouwtje Hen on 13-05-1874
Sarlie, Marianne mother at wedding of Lucas Raalte v. and Rachel Emden v. on 14-03-1907
Sarlie, Raphael father at wedding of Hartog Sarlie and Esther Jong de on 02-08-1923
Sarlie, Raphael father at wedding of Nathan Cohen and Rachel Sarlie on 13-09-1923
Sarlie, Sara mother at wedding of Raphael Italiaander and Rebecca Brandon on 19-10-1919
Sarlie, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Italiaander and Sara Mol on 03-05-1899
Sarlie, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Kleinkramer and Sophia Italiaander on 20-10-1927
Sarlie, Sara mother at wedding of Levie Italiaander and Roosje Polak on 29-05-1907
Sarlouis, father at wedding of Eliazer Sarlouis and Trijntje Roodenburg on 23-07-1846
Sarlouis, Eleazer father at wedding of Salomon Sarlouis and Rosette Warradijn on 07-08-1873
Sarlouis, Eliazer father at wedding of Isaac Asscher and Marianne Sarlouis on 10-08-1870
Sarlouis, Hartog father at wedding of Lodewijk Sarlouis and Lea Asscher on 29-08-1912
Sarlouis, Marianne mother at wedding of Eliazer Asscher and Stephanie Fischer on 04-01-1915
Sarlouis, Meijer father at wedding of Levie Logger and Maria Sarlouis on 30-12-1868
Sarlui, father at wedding of Benedictus Sarlui and Louisa Koe on 13-09-1843
Sarlui, Beletje mother at wedding of Hijman Kopee and Mietje Tak on 09-12-1908
Sarlui, Beletje mother at wedding of Elias Kopee and Grietje Cohen on 18-02-1925
Sarlui, Elias father at wedding of Moses Sarlui and Vrouwtje Gelder v. on 24-11-1869
Sarlui, Elias father at wedding of Abraham Sarlui and Johanna Praag v. on 05-06-1935
Sarlui, Elias father at wedding of Jacob Spreekmeester and Esther Sarlui on 31-03-1920
Sarlui, Esther mother at wedding of Philip Pachter and Rachel Gobits on 07-06-1933
Sarlui, Esther mother at wedding of Philip Pachter and Duifje Wegloop on 02-01-1929
Sarlui, Esther mother at wedding of Hartog Kijl and Hendrika Nikkelsberg on 17-04-1918
Sarlui, Esther mother at wedding of Gerrit Kijl and Naatje Pront on 14-12-1921
Sarlui, Esther mother at wedding of Hijman Kijl and Esther Roeper on 14-03-1906
Sarlui, Hijman father at wedding of Salomon Kijl and Esther Sarlui on 28-10-1885
Sarlui, Hijman father at wedding of Zacharias Koe and Marianne Sarlui on 15-11-1916
Sarlui, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Sarlui and Judith Brave de on 31-12-1925
Sarlui, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Sarlui and Anna Hagenaar on 06-09-1933
Sarlui, Jozef father at wedding of Israel Sarlui and Sara Groenstad on 21-07-1880
Sarlui, Kaatje mother at wedding of Levie Presser and Elisabeth Polak on 05-01-1927
Sarlui, Levie father at wedding of Levie Pach and Esther Sarlui on 26-11-1919
Sarlui, Levie father at wedding of Jochem Loos and Rebecca Sarlui on 29-08-1906
Sarlui, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Sarlui and Elisabeth Pens on 06-06-1906
Sarlui, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Sarlui and Fijtje Dagloonder on 27-12-1899
Sarlui, Mietje mother at wedding of Mozes Santen and Roosje Krost on 02-08-1933
Sarlui, Mietje mother at wedding of Mozes Pam and Esther Root on 24-01-1906
Sarlui, Mozes father at wedding of Louis Sarlui and Marianna Zegerius on 17-10-1923
Sarlui, Mozes father at wedding of Mozes Polak and Adriana Sarlui on 20-04-1933
Sarlui, Mozes father at wedding of David Santen and Mietje Sarlui on 18-10-1899
Sarlui, Mozes father at wedding of Ephraim Sarlui and Duifje Lelyveld on 30-03-1933
Sarlui, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Sarlui and Femmetje Menist on 26-05-1915
Sarlui, Salomon father at wedding of Cosman Sarlui and Eva Wegloop on 21-03-1928
Sarlui, Salomon father at wedding of Barend Blom and Branka Sarlui on 21-09-1921
Sarluij, Alexander father at wedding of Joseph Sarluij and Rosa Dijk v. on 07-06-1905
Sarluij, Alida mother at wedding of Juda Suesan and Naatje Batavier on 13-03-1918
Sarluij, Joseph father at wedding of Alexander Sarluij and Neeltje Peper on 08-01-1873
Sarluij, Joseph father at wedding of Isaac Witsenhuijsen and Sientje Sarluij on 28-10-1868
Sarluij, Mietje mother at wedding of Abraham Pam and Sara Swaab on 18-10-1899
Sarluij, Mietje mother at wedding of Joseph Pam and Rachel Rabbie on 01-03-1899
Sarphatie, Gabriel father at wedding of Abraham Hijman and Lea Sarphatie on 14-12-1870
Sarphatie, Isaac father at wedding of Mordechai Praag v. and Hanna Sarphatie on 25-10-1877
Sarphatie, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Fransman and Abigael Sarphatie on 15-02-1906
Sarphti, Hijman father at wedding of Nardus Ploeg v. and Catharina Sarphti on 07-06-1933
Sarphti, Joseph father at wedding of Levie Ketellapper and Sara Sarphti on 14-06-1906
Sarphti, Sara mother at wedding of Alexander Veerman and Catharina Ketellapper on 17-07-1929
Sarphti, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Mozes Parsser and Esther Stokvis on 31-03-1921
Sarphtie, Abraham father at wedding of Heiman Jacobs and Rachel Sarphtie on 11-03-1915
Sarphtie, Bilha mother at wedding of Abraham Druijf and Margaretha Trompetter on 28-01-1909
Sarphtie, Esther mother at wedding of Abraham Moscoviter and Rosa Lopuit on 06-03-1935
Sarphtie, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Isaac Parsser and Judith Pais on 03-03-1921
Sassen, Henriette mother at wedding of Jacob Wegloop and Schoontje Wijnschenk on 30-04-1919
Sasson, Jacob father at wedding of Levie Wegloop and Amalia Sasson on 27-12-1916
Sax, Elias father at wedding of Nathan Meijer and Setje Sax on 03-06-1874
Sax, Elias father at wedding of Isaac Bak and Leentje Sax on 03-04-1878
Sax, Elias father at wedding of Philip Sax and Henriette Monnikendam on 21-07-1880
Sax, Izaak father at wedding of Mozes Wallach and Rachel Sax on 15-04-1923
Sax, Izaak father at wedding of Abraham Costima and Rosette Sax on 27-06-1906
Sax, Leentje mother at wedding of Meijer Bak and Mietje Polak on 05-11-1925
Sax, Mozes father at wedding of Louis Sax and Anna Waag on 15-04-1885
Sax, Mozes father at wedding of Fredrik Sax and Isabella Gelder v. on 23-04-1914
Sax, Riza mother at wedding of Bension Ratoet and Rosette Stranders on 14-06-1905
Saxen v., Abraham father at wedding of Alexander Rubens and Petronella Saxen v. on 06-01-1927
Saxen v., Louisa mother at wedding of Jacque Zwaanenburgh v. and Eva Beek on 19-11-1919
Saxen v., Meijer father at wedding of Josua Saxen v. and Sara Wagenaar on 10-06-1909
Schaap de, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Henselijn and Dina Schaap de on 28-06-1933
Schaap de, Abraham father at wedding of Samuel Mok and Sara Schaap de on 23-12-1937
Schaap de, Ephraim father at wedding of Heiman Schaap de and Dina Wijnberg on 24-04-1873
Schaap de, Ephraim father at wedding of David Schaap de and Lea Costa da Fonseca on 23-09-1868
Schaap de, Jacob father at wedding of Eduard Dantzich v. and Reina Schaap de on 02-02-1929
Schaap, father at wedding of Levie Waterpomp and Roosje Schaap on 17-09-1834
Schaap, father at wedding of Eliazer Wijnberg and Essien Schaap on 09-08-1873
Schaap, father at wedding of Mannus Keizer and Heintje Schaap on 10-06-1857
Schaap, father at wedding of David Meliono and Marianne Schaap on 01-09-1858
Schaap, father at wedding of Abraham Schaap and Rachel Menser on 22-11-1843
Schaap, father at wedding of David Asser and Cornelia Schaap on 10-09-1862
Schaap, father at wedding of Gompel Schaap and Rosette Brander on 17-02-1841
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Schaap and Esther Smeer on 21-01-1914
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Gerrit Schaap and Judith Pach on 02-06-1937
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Willem Schaap and Elisabeth Groen on 05-12-1906
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Gustave Schaap and Debora Visser on 03-07-1935
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Schaap and Johanna Hilversum on 20-03-1929
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Abraham Buijtekant and Judith Schaap on 17-08-1921
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Chaim Schaap and Judic Buren v. on 07-04-1869
Schaap, Abraham father at wedding of Benjamin Visjager and Marianne Schaap on 15-09-1915
Schaap, Alijda mother at wedding of Lazarus Tijn v. and Esther Kops on 27-10-1915
Schaap, Asser father at wedding of Philip Velzen v. and Rachel Schaap on 08-05-1929
Schaap, Benjamin father at wedding of Levie Swaab and Sophia Schaap on 07-07-1908
Schaap, Benjamin father at wedding of Liepman Prins and Judith Schaap on 15-07-1908
Schaap, Benjamin father at wedding of Salomon Hijmans and Sophia Schaap on 29-06-1925
Schaap, Benjamin father at wedding of Eduard Spanjaard and Rachel Schaap on 15-01-1896
Schaap, Betje mother at wedding of Joseph Rabbie and Rebecca Glas v.d. on 30-09-1908
Schaap, Betje mother at wedding of Jozef Stodel and Reintje Haag on 06-01-1937
Schaap, Diena mother at wedding of Louis Vries de and Johanna Vries de on 08-08-1923
Schaap, Duifje mother at wedding of Maurits Kukenheim and Joanna Hartog on 03-06-1909
Schaap, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Lewis Prins and Ernestina Loewenthal on 08-04-1908
Schaap, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Liepman Prins and Judith Schaap on 15-07-1908
Schaap, Emanuel father at wedding of Maurits Schaap and Rachel Schellevis on 14-02-1912
Schaap, Fredrika mother at wedding of Mannus Haas and Jette Schaap on 08-08-1918
Schaap, Gaim father at wedding of Abraham Schaap and Rosette Buseck on 12-03-1925
Schaap, Gompel father at wedding of Hartog Schaap and Kaatje Lootsteen on 28-10-1925
Schaap, Gompel father at wedding of Jonas Schaap and Betje Zwaaf on 21-07-1915
Schaap, Hantje mother at wedding of Hartog Kroet and Jeannette Corper on 12-06-1935
Schaap, Heintje mother at wedding of Abraham Kroet and Schoontje Roselaar on 27-03-1929
Schaap, Henriette mother at wedding of Salomon Gans and Betje Cosman on 21-12-1927
Schaap, Herman father at wedding of Leman Speijer and Sara Schaap on 28-03-1878
Schaap, Hijman father at wedding of Abraham Schaap and Keetje Schaap on 20-06-1888
Schaap, Isaac father at wedding of Louis Schaap and Roosje Swart on 10-08-1927
Schaap, Jacob father at wedding of Isaac Tasch and Roosje Schaap on 28-11-1906
Schaap, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Schaap and Klara Stodel on 30-12-1885
Schaap, Jonas father at wedding of Abraham Schaap and Keetje Schaap on 20-06-1888
Schaap, Jonas father at wedding of Salom Wegloop and Roosje Schaap on 28-10-1885
Schaap, Joseph father at wedding of Meijer Witsen v. and Marianna Schaap on 18-08-1921
Schaap, Joseph father at wedding of Isaac Croonenberg and Sara Schaap on 15-08-1928
Schaap, Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Schaap and Mietje Kuijt on 31-07-1907
Schaap, Joseph father at wedding of Simon Schaap and Clara Cosman on 02-06-1909
Schaap, Jozua father at wedding of Joel Schaap and Hedwig Jakob on 05-06-1935
Schaap, Jozua father at wedding of Joel Schaap and Mathilda Berg v. on 13-01-1907
Schaap, Jozua father at wedding of Izaak Schaap and Lea Asser on 19-06-1912
Schaap, Keetje mother at wedding of Michael Stork and Esther Rijne on 17-05-1905
Schaap, Keetje mother at wedding of Jacob Limburg and Rachel Caransa on 29-04-1908
Schaap, Keetje mother at wedding of Jonas Stork and Hendrika Polak on 19-03-1908
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Maurits Aardewerk and Rachel Schaap on 20-12-1928
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Meijer Spreekmeester and Jeannette Schaap on 23-01-1929
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Emanuel Fransman and Anna Schaap on 12-12-1928
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Philip Schaap and Maria Erwteman on 31-10-1928
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Emanuel Oven v. and Sophia Schaap on 17-09-1918
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Abraham Schaap and Lea Son on 29-08-1918
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Emanuel Schaap and Elisabeth Enthoven on 13-06-1899
Schaap, Levie father at wedding of Victor Breemer and Branca Schaap on 26-10-1916
Schaap, Lion father at wedding of Philip Schaap and Jeannette Bartels on 11-08-1937
Schaap, Marianne mother at wedding of Emile Leeraar and Sarah Groot de on 30-08-1933
Schaap, Mietje mother at wedding of Salomon Kijl and Heintje Peeper on 06-05-1925
Schaap, Mietje mother at wedding of Mozes Kijl and Elisabeth Speijer on 19-06-1918
Schaap, Mirjam mother at wedding of Jochem Loos and Rebecca Sarlui on 29-08-1906
Schaap, Mozes father at wedding of Julius Cohen and Marie Schaap on 06-03-1929
Schaap, Mozes father at wedding of Hartog Levit and Rachel Schaap on 08-11-1916
Schaap, Mozes father at wedding of Jesaia Schaap and Fenny Diamant on 26-05-1915
Schaap, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Loonstein and Elisabeth Schaap on 02-08-1928
Schaap, Philipp father at wedding of Zadok Veerman and Rosette Schaap on 28-05-1918
Schaap, Philipp father at wedding of Arnold Veerman and Regine Schaap on 10-06-1914
Schaap, Rebecca mother at wedding of Mozes Noot and Mietje Waterman on 17-04-1912
Schaap, Rebecca mother at wedding of Abraham Wijnschenk and Marianne Reiss on 16-01-1918
Schaap, Roosje mother at wedding of Jacob Vorst and Esther Borstel on 19-05-1909
Schaap, Roosje mother at wedding of Marcus Wegloop and Rosette Waas on 29-08-1923
Schaap, Roosje mother at wedding of Jonas Wegloop and Elisabeth Bever v. on 27-12-1916
Schaap, Ruben father at wedding of Israel Schaap and Saartje Hangjas on 10-11-1886
Schaap, Ruben father at wedding of Jesaias Schaap and Rozetta Heijans on 19-10-1899
Schaap, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Nord and Kaatje Hakker on 24-02-1909
Schaap, Saartje mother at wedding of Isaac Meents and Rebecca Nord on 21-09-1905
Schaap, Saartje mother at wedding of Willem Nord and Klaartje Pront on 04-01-1905
Schaap, Salomon father at wedding of Meijer Schaap and Lea Rood de on 02-05-1907
Schaap, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Schaap and Heintje Druijf on 22-02-1912
Schaap, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Wijnschenk and Rebecca Schaap on 19-02-1879
Schaap, Salomon father at wedding of Mannus Haas and Jette Schaap on 08-08-1918
Schaap, Samuel father at wedding of Zacharias Schaap and Rachel Eger on 08-02-1865
Schaap, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Frenk and Helena Praag v. Sigaar on 03-07-1919
Schaap, Sara mother at wedding of Joseph Markus and Elisabeth Jacobs on 28-04-1915
Schaap, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Agsteribbe and Clara Knoop on 22-02-1933
Schaap, Sara mother at wedding of Andries Meerloo and Sophia Vromen on 10-04-1912
Schaap, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Barend and Cato Agsteribbe on 05-08-1937
Schaap, Sientje mother at wedding of Joseph Elzas and Kaatje Lootsteen on 08-07-1914
Schaap, Sophie mother at wedding of Jacob Israel and Hendrika Lap on 10-01-1935
Schaap, Willem father at wedding of Juda Schaap and Branca Kool on 19-04-1933
Schaap, Wolf father at wedding of Aron Loos and Mirjam Schaap on 15-01-1873
Schaapwol, father at wedding of Nathan Schaapwol and Judik Collem v. on 09-08-1843
Schabacker, Jakob father at wedding of Isaac Noort and Adele Schabacker on 06-06-1928
Schabracq, father at wedding of Gerrit Schabracq and Sophie Hertz on 27-04-1843
Schabracq, Abraham father at wedding of Emanuel Schabracq and Gracia Nabarro on 23-04-1879
Schabracq, Christina mother at wedding of Hartog Waterman and Betje Werkheim on 11-08-1937
Schabracq, Christina mother at wedding of Emanuel Waterman and Betsy Brandon on 20-10-1926
Schabracq, Emanuel father at wedding of Ezechiel Schabracq and Heintje Agtsteribbe on 25-04-1906
Schabracq, Emanuel father at wedding of Alexander Waterman and Christina Schabracq on 17-05-1905
Schabracq, Ezechiel father at wedding of Isaac Kok and Christina Schabracq on 21-03-1906
Schabracq, Henriette mother at wedding of Emanuel Zomerplaag and Lea Vos on 22-05-1929
Schafer, Hermann father at wedding of Herbert Schafer and Marianne Mendels on 25-11-1919
Schaie, Simon father at wedding of Alix Schaie and Duifje Kukenheim on 06-04-1905
Schaiewitz, Abraham father at wedding of Heiman Schaiewitz and Saartje Bokkie on 26-01-1916
Schapira, Jozef father at wedding of Mendel Heijman and Malke Schapira on 13-06-1935
Schar, Isaac father at wedding of Leo Denneboom and Marianne Schar on 19-05-1880
Schar, Marianne mother at wedding of Joel Denneboom and Debora Gazan on 12-12-1906
Schar, Mozes father at wedding of Meijer Schar and Leentje Schar on 29-03-1916
Schar, Samuel father at wedding of Meijer Schar and Leentje Schar on 29-03-1916
Schar, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Vries de and Hanna Blog on 31-10-1917
Schar, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Vries de and Klara Erwteman on 15-06-1921
Schar, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Elisabeth Stedum v. on 09-02-1921
Scharf, Herman father at wedding of Jozua Hoek v.d. and Auguste Scharf on 24-02-1937
Scharis, father at wedding of Isaschar Scharis and Fijtje Leeda on 09-11-1859
Scharis, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Wortelboer and Rebecca Scharis on 27-08-1879
Scharis, Isachar father at wedding of Lodewijk Scharis and Rika Haas de on 10-03-1886
Scharis, Jacob father at wedding of Lodewijk Scharis and Carolina Vredenburg on 17-03-1909
Scharis, Lodewijk father at wedding of Meijer Scharis and Hendrika Kiek on 23-05-1923
Scharlewie, David father at wedding of Joel Jas and Rosette Scharlewie on 11-06-1879
Scharlewie, Rosette mother at wedding of Abraham Jas and Fijtje Lierens on 24-07-1907
Scharlewie, Rosette mother at wedding of Mozes Jas and Mietje Hes v. on 12-12-1923
Scharlewie, Rosette mother at wedding of Tobias Jas and Sara Zwaap on 26-01-1927
Scharlewie, Rosette mother at wedding of Salomon Jas and Jansje Jong de on 20-06-1923
Scharlewie, Salomon father at wedding of Tobias Scharlewie and Louise Content on 08-04-1908
Schatz, Jacob father at wedding of Jacob Prins and Sara Schatz on 27-05-1896
Schatz, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Schatz and Marianne Praag v. on 24-06-1868
Schatz, Salomon father at wedding of Nathan Cohen and Jeannette Schatz on 09-06-1909
Schavrien, Anna mother at wedding of Isaac Frank and Anna Agsteribbe on 09-10-1918
Schavrien, Anna mother at wedding of Joseph Frank and Henriette Brandon on 01-06-1921
Schavrien, Annaatje mother at wedding of Mozes Salomons and Grietje Kogel on 31-08-1905
Schavrien, Geertje mother at wedding of Hartog Troeder and Sara Bleekveld on 21-08-1929
Schavrien, Geertje mother at wedding of Mozes Troeder and Sara Engelsman on 14-08-1935
Schavrien, Joseph father at wedding of Saul Schavrien and Debora Menist on 23-03-1905
Schavrien, Joseph father at wedding of Juda Troeder and Geertje Schavrien on 07-10-1896
Schavrien, Saul father at wedding of Joseph Schavrien and Elisabeth Beth on 17-03-1937
Schechter, Chaim father at wedding of Jacob Mok and Bertha Schechter on 05-08-1914
Scheele v.d., Marianne mother at wedding of Gerrit Peeper and Elisabeth Leeuw de on 09-08-1899
Scheermes, father at wedding of Marcus Vragtedrager and Paulina Scheermes on 28-05-1862
Scheermes, Jacob father at wedding of Maurits Buijs and Branca Scheermes on 27-11-1935
Scheermes, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Scheermes and Saartje Kloot on 03-06-1909
Scheermes, Levie father at wedding of Leendert Ossedrijver and Sara Scheermes on 29-11-1933
Scheermes, Samuel father at wedding of Arend Philips and Rosette Scheermes on 15-07-1908
Scheermes, Samuel father at wedding of Levie Scheermes and Judith Menist on 23-12-1908
Scheffer, father at wedding of Samuel Scheffer and Beletje Matteman on 13-01-1847
Scheffer, Aaltje mother at wedding of Salomon Loonstijn and Debora Brilleslijper on 05-09-1935
Scheffer, Aaltje mother at wedding of Meijer Loonstijn and Sara Beem v. on 08-07-1908
Scheffer, Aaltje mother at wedding of Wolf Loonstijn and Elisabeth Salomon on 23-11-1916
Scheffer, Aaltje mother at wedding of Meijer Loonstijn and Sophia Levie on 18-04-1928
Scheffer, Aaltje mother at wedding of Mozes Loonstijn and Sara Biet on 02-07-1919
Scheffer, Aaltje mother at wedding of Nathan Loonstijn and Jansje Tulp on 14-10-1925
Scheffer, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Scheffer and Veronica Polak on 16-08-1928
Scheffer, Abraham father at wedding of Andries Scheffer and Marianna Dotsch on 25-08-1937
Scheffer, Andries father at wedding of Jacob Scheffer and Fijtje Bril on 05-09-1906
Scheffer, Andries father at wedding of Benjamin Scheffer and Johanna Lisser on 09-06-1927
Scheffer, Andries father at wedding of Aaron Scheffer and Mietje Kool on 15-05-1918
Scheffer, Andries father at wedding of Hartog Vries de and Gretha Scheffer on 14-11-1935
Scheffer, Andries father at wedding of Philip Roodveldt and Grietje Scheffer on 09-09-1908
Scheffer, Barend father at wedding of Benjamin Pach and Esther Scheffer on 25-01-1905
Scheffer, Barend father at wedding of Isaac Romijn and Louise Scheffer on 09-10-1912
Scheffer, Chrisje mother at wedding of Nathan Scheffer and Elisabeth Blog on 22-09-1921
Scheffer, Elias father at wedding of Andries Scheffer and Clara Blog on 14-12-1921
Scheffer, Elias father at wedding of Hartog Scheffer and Eva Roet on 23-12-1914
Scheffer, Elias father at wedding of Eduard Scheffer and Eva Vries de on 23-10-1919
Scheffer, Elias father at wedding of Aaron Koster and Margaretha Scheffer on 18-06-1919
Scheffer, Eva mother at wedding of Levie Groot de and Engelina Kollem on 09-09-1914
Scheffer, Eva mother at wedding of Levie Groot de and Dina Feitsma on 05-03-1919
Scheffer, Eva mother at wedding of Marcus Groot de and Rosa Praag v. on 14-10-1925
Scheffer, Gerrit father at wedding of Salomon Scheffer and Roosje Wertheim on 28-11-1906
Scheffer, Gerrit father at wedding of Meijer Zegerius and Chrisje Scheffer on 25-02-1914
Scheffer, Hartog father at wedding of Gerrit Scheffer and Schoontje Haas de on 06-11-1878
Scheffer, Hartog father at wedding of Andries Scheffer and Rebekka Worms on 06-12-1871
Scheffer, Hartog father at wedding of Elias Scheffer and Betje Bril on 16-09-1885
Scheffer, Hartog father at wedding of Hartog Koekoek and Rebecca Scheffer on 21-05-1919
Scheffer, Hartog father at wedding of Wolf Scheffer and Rebecca Bebber on 18-12-1872
Scheffer, Hartog father at wedding of Izak Scheffer and Rebecca Gobes on 06-04-1927
Scheffer, Jacob father at wedding of Hartog Sloog and Matje Scheffer on 25-03-1868
Scheffer, Jacob father at wedding of Levie Scheffer and Klaartje Lisser on 03-06-1868
Scheffer, Jacob father at wedding of Samuel Dresden and Grietje Scheffer on 22-01-1896
Scheffer, Kaatje mother at wedding of Salomon Gelder v. and Sara Vleesdrager on 14-11-1935
Scheffer, Manuel father at wedding of Levie Scheffer and Rozette Barend on 17-02-1937
Scheffer, Manuel father at wedding of Gerrit Scheffer and Rachel Frank on 26-06-1935
Scheffer, Manuel father at wedding of Jacob Scheffer and Esther Goudeketting on 21-08-1929
Scheffer, Marcus father at wedding of Calman Scheffer and Kato Lissing on 21-11-1918
Scheffer, Marcus father at wedding of Isaac Scheffer and Margaretha Bonnewit on 11-04-1923
Scheffer, Marianna mother at wedding of Jacob Stad and Mietje Franken on 24-08-1916
Scheffer, Mozes father at wedding of Elias Halverstad and Saartje Scheffer on 21-03-1928
Scheffer, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Loggem v. and Elisabeth Scheffer on 08-01-1919
Scheffer, Mozes father at wedding of Nathan Scheffer and Elisabeth Blog on 22-09-1921
Scheffer, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Snoek and Schoontje Scheffer on 13-02-1929
Scheffer, Paulina mother at wedding of Maurits Beer and Nanette Salomons on 14-08-1919
Scheffer, Saartje mother at wedding of Bernard Waterman and Grietje Hoepelman on 13-08-1924
Scheffer, Saartje mother at wedding of Gompel Gompertz and Jetje Gotzer on 15-06-1916
Scheffer, Salli father at wedding of Jacob Scheffer and Eva Zante on 27-06-1923
Scheffer, Salli father at wedding of Isaac Scheffer and Chaja Widawska on 30-09-1936
Scheffer, Salli father at wedding of Meijer Neter and Sientje Scheffer on 24-10-1928
Scheffer, Salli father at wedding of Mozes Scheffer and Rebecca Orgelist on 09-08-1916
Scheffer, Salomon father at wedding of Heiman Scheffer and Jansje Zwaaf on 04-08-1937
Scheffer, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Brilleman and Schoontje Scheffer on 04-07-1928
Scheffer, Salomon father at wedding of Michiel Scheffer and Hanna Drukker on 19-04-1933
Scheffer, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Verdoner and Keetje Scheffer on 02-02-1916
Scheffer, Samuel father at wedding of David Goubitz and Schoontje Scheffer on 21-10-1885
Scheffer, Sientje mother at wedding of Arnold Arons and Clara Querido on 13-07-1927
Scheffer, Willem father at wedding of Juda Crost and Sara Scheffer on 08-03-1933
Scheffer, Wolf father at wedding of Hartog Gelder v. and Kaatje Scheffer on 27-12-1899
Scheffer, Wolf father at wedding of Philip Blom and Grietje Scheffer on 02-03-1905
Scheffer, Wolf father at wedding of Barend Scheffer and Betje Lelie on 22-08-1877
Scheffer, Wolf father at wedding of Juda Loonstijn and Aaltje Scheffer on 09-01-1884
Schefffer, Marcus father at wedding of Salomon Schefffer and Sophia Kool on 06-11-1919
Schein, Leib father at wedding of Jozef Vogel and Golda Schein on 08-03-1933
Scheiner, Sabiny mother at wedding of Isaak Brand and Frijda Brand on 01-11-1933
Schellevis, Aaltje mother at wedding of Jacob Poppegaai and Magdalena Gokkes on 18-04-1928
Schellevis, Aaltje mother at wedding of Hartog Poppegaaij and Dientje Costa da Senior on 20-06-1929
Schellevis, Abraham father at wedding of Hijman Groen and Elizabeth Schellevis on 29-11-1871
Schellevis, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Sajet and Mijntje Schellevis on 30-10-1878
Schellevis, Abraham father at wedding of Philip Kanes and Duifje Schellevis on 06-05-1885
Schellevis, Abraham father at wedding of Henoch Salomons and Jetje Schellevis on 21-02-1907
Schellevis, Barend father at wedding of Abraham Fransman and Matje Schellevis on 15-07-1874
Schellevis, Barend father at wedding of Wolf Goudsmit and Mietje Schellevis on 22-12-1886
Schellevis, Barend father at wedding of Gompel Schellevis and Betje Bever v. on 11-09-1878
Schellevis, Barend father at wedding of Meijer Schellevis and Elisabeth Cunha da on 04-04-1935
Schellevis, Betje mother at wedding of Mozes Plukker and Roosje Berclouw on 19-12-1928
Schellevis, Clara mother at wedding of Leendert Aap and Vrouwtje Cleef v. on 30-01-1918
Schellevis, Elias father at wedding of Gabriel Schellevis and Clara Schellevis on 24-11-1875
Schellevis, Flora mother at wedding of Mozes Bleekveld and Schoontje Hakker on 12-09-1928
Schellevis, Gompel father at wedding of Salomon Doof and Marianna Schellevis on 28-04-1969
Schellevis, Gompel father at wedding of Salomon Schellevis and Martha Kar v.d. on 30-05-1912
Schellevis, Gompel father at wedding of Meijer Witteboon and Eva Schellevis on 06-09-1906
Schellevis, Gompel father at wedding of Barend Schellevis and Sophia Brilleslijper on 30-06-1909
Schellevis, Gonpert father at wedding of Samuel Cohen and Schoontje Schellevis on 21-10-1868
Schellevis, Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Peper and Mietje Schellevis on 15-03-1905
Schellevis, Hartog father at wedding of Mozes Schellevis and Heintje Wertheim on 02-09-1896
Schellevis, Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Schellevis and Heintje Blitz on 15-01-1908
Schellevis, Isaac father at wedding of Hartog Schellevis and Engelina Wagenhuizen on 02-08-1933
Schellevis, Jonas father at wedding of Noach Wegloop and Dina Schellevis on 17-02-1915
Schellevis, Jonas father at wedding of Ruben Witzenhausen and Betje Schellevis on 14-01-1914
Schellevis, Kaatje mother at wedding of Marcus Jut and Grietje Cohen on 05-06-1935
Schellevis, Marianne mother at wedding of Hartog Doof and Grietje Zorg v. on 08-04-1896
Schellevis, Meijer father at wedding of Maurits Schaap and Rachel Schellevis on 14-02-1912
Schellevis, Meijer father at wedding of Abraham Schellevis and Saartje Schuitevoerder on 06-11-1929
Schellevis, Meijer father at wedding of Salomon Schellevis and Hijltje Berlijn on 04-11-1914
Schellevis, Meijer father at wedding of Nathan Witzenhuizen and Sara Schellevis on 14-02-1912
Schellevis, Meijer father at wedding of Barend Schellevis and Fijtje Pijnappel on 22-12-1909
Schellevis, Meijer father at wedding of Hijman Vleesdraager and Rosina Schellevis on 23-12-1908
Schellevis, Mietje mother at wedding of Levie Peper and Sara Vischschoonmaker on 18-02-1925
Schellevis, Mietje mother at wedding of Maurits Peper and Sara Beseme v. on 28-08-1935
Schellevis, Mijntje mother at wedding of Salomon Sajet and Sara Kar v.d. on 02-11-1916
Schellevis, Mijntje mother at wedding of Salomon Kopee and Schoontje Aap on 19-04-1899
Schellevis, Mijntje mother at wedding of Eliazer Sajet and Henriette Montesinos on 01-10-1919
Schellevis, Mozes father at wedding of Gabriel Schellevis and Clara Schellevis on 24-11-1875
Schellevis, Mozes father at wedding of Elias Kopee and Jetje Schellevis on 26-03-1879
Schellevis, Mozes father at wedding of Hartog Schellevis and Rachel Vet on 16-08-1916
Schellevis, Mozes father at wedding of Machiel Schellevis and Anna Schijveschuurder on 07-10-1925
Schellevis, Salomon father at wedding of Hartog Schellevis and Judic Engelsman on 15-08-1866
Schellevis, Salomon father at wedding of Emanuel Bruin de and Lena Schellevis on 28-08-1935
Schellevis, Schoontje mother at wedding of Heiman Duitscher and Rachel Cohen on 29-07-1909
Schellevisch, father at wedding of Jacob Soep and Betje Schellevisch on 08-08-1860
Schellevisch, Barend father at wedding of Jacques Wolf and Schoontje Schellevisch on 12-06-1935
Schellevisch, Betje mother at wedding of Mozes Soep and Elisabeth Groenteman on 07-06-1906
Schellevisch, Betje mother at wedding of Meijer Soep and Anna Vogel on 23-06-1909
Schellevisch, Judith mother at wedding of Alexander Kopee and Sara Gobits on 21-01-1914
Schellevisch, Judith mother at wedding of Jacob Kopee and Aaltje Elsas on 29-04-1914
Schellevisch, Salomon father at wedding of Benedictus Schellevisch and Eva Italiaander on 25-01-1888
Schelvis, father at wedding of Gabriel Schelvis and Hanna Benjamins on 28-05-1862
Schelvis, father at wedding of Salomon Schelvis and Duifje Blom on 16-01-1907
Schelvis, father at wedding of Barend Schelvis and Saartje Naarden on 22-11-1843
Schelvis, Aaron father at wedding of Hartog Schelvis and Betje Kanes on 29-03-1916
Schelvis, Aaron father at wedding of Hijman Kool and Anna Schelvis on 17-08-1927
Schelvis, Arie father at wedding of Salomon Schelvis and Esther Vos on 03-03-1937
Schelvis, Arie father at wedding of Wolf Schelvis and Rebecca Woude v.d. on 06-06-1928
Schelvis, Benedictus father at wedding of Salomon Schelvis and Matje Canes on 25-02-1925
Schelvis, Benedictus father at wedding of Nathan Hakker and Esther Schelvis on 06-06-1906
Schelvis, Esther mother at wedding of Jonas Brilleslijper and Bloeme Brink ten on 11-10-1933
Schelvis, Esther mother at wedding of Hijman Hakker and Dina Walvis on 27-11-1929
Schelvis, Gabriel father at wedding of Levie Schelvis and Betje Bak on 30-05-1923
Schelvis, Hartog father at wedding of Mozes Duim and Leentje Schelvis on 13-02-1884
Schelvis, Hartog father at wedding of Levie Meents and Duifje Schelvis on 23-04-1879
Schelvis, Hartog father at wedding of Levie Waterman and Sophie Schelvis on 28-03-1928
Schelvis, Hartog father at wedding of Nathan Schijvenschuurder and Branca Schelvis on 20-11-1929
Schelvis, Hartog father at wedding of Abraham Schelvis and Naatje Brilleman on 23-05-1923
Schelvis, Hartog father at wedding of Jacob Schelvis and Sara Groenstad on 27-06-1923
Schelvis, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Schelvis and Rachel Slap on 12-02-1896
Schelvis, Joseph father at wedding of Juda Waas and Betje Schelvis on 25-10-1906
Schelvis, Joseph father at wedding of Jacob Schelvis and Sipora Farro on 04-07-1929
Schelvis, Joseph father at wedding of Jacob Schelvis and Sara Kar v.d. on 13-03-1907
Schelvis, Judith mother at wedding of Elias Vischjager and Sara Coezijn on 23-10-1935
Schelvis, Klaartje mother at wedding of Hartog Hangjas and Clara Groen on 25-10-1933
Schelvis, Klaartje mother at wedding of Israel Hangjas and Betje Boeken on 19-11-1919
Schelvis, Klaartje mother at wedding of Abraham Hangjas and Jetje Piller on 24-07-1918
Schelvis, Leendert father at wedding of Hartog Schelvis and Marianne Beezema on 12-06-1912
Schelvis, Leendert father at wedding of Hartog Bever v. and Schoontje Schelvis on 19-04-1933
Schelvis, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Schelvis and Esther Papegaaij on 21-03-1918
Schelvis, Levie father at wedding of Gabriel Schelvis and Gezina Agsteribbe on 21-02-1929
Schelvis, Levie father at wedding of Bernard Schelvis and Roosje Fierlier on 07-04-1937
Schelvis, Mietje mother at wedding of Levie Vrachtdoender and Rebecca Brave de on 21-10-1925
Schelvis, Mietje mother at wedding of Mozes Vrachtdoender and Grietje Pront on 21-07-1937
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Arie Schelvis and Elsje Polak on 24-11-1909
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Vischjager and Judic Schelvis on 14-08-1907
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Joseph Schelvis and Sophia Blitz on 26-06-1867
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Schelvis and Jetje Luza on 12-12-1923
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Joseph Heide and Schoontje Schelvis on 21-07-1937
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Kalmon Dresden and Betje Schelvis on 29-04-1868
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Schelvis and Kaatje Leuiken on 17-04-1912
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Kreeveld v. and Rachel Schelvis on 06-11-1907
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Jesaija Schelvis and Flora Pachter on 28-04-1915
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Schelvis and Sophia Bos on 21-08-1929
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Salomon Schelvis and Hanna Kleef v. on 05-06-1907
Schelvis, Mozes father at wedding of Hartog Schelvis and Saartje Kornalijnslijper on 04-09-1912
Schelvis, Naatje mother at wedding of Mozes Vischschoonmaaker and Rachel Franschman on 02-08-1933
Schelvis, Naatje mother at wedding of Salomon Vischschoonmaker and Judic Kloot on 25-07-1928
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Meijer Keizer and Margaretha Schelvis on 13-08-1879
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Levie Pach and Esther Schelvis on 02-01-1918
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of David Pach and Esther Schelvis on 07-06-1933
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Meijer Polak and Sara Schelvis on 01-07-1925
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Marcus Binger and Anna Schelvis on 15-02-1928
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Levie Scholte and Vrouwtje Schelvis on 12-05-1920
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Philip Schelvis and Rachel Melkman on 17-07-1935
Schelvis, Nathan father at wedding of Salomon Schelvis and Jansje Dresden on 23-05-1923
Schelvis, Rebecca mother at wedding of Mozes Canes and Betje Barmhartigheid on 05-01-1916
Schelvis, Rebecca mother at wedding of Salomon Schelvis and Duifje Blom on 16-01-1907
Schelvis, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Tas and Esther Goudeketting on 09-10-1918
Schelvis, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Schelvis and Marianne Wurms on 05-11-1879
Schelvis, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Schelvis and Rebecca Vet on 25-01-1933
Schelvis, Salomon father at wedding of Sally Schelvis and Duifje Platvoet on 23-03-1927
Schelvis, Salomon father at wedding of Nathan Schelvis and Reintje Hoed on 29-05-1929
Schelvis, Samuel father at wedding of Mozes Bierschenk and Duifje Schelvis on 19-09-1923
Schelvis, Samuel father at wedding of Philip Schelvis and Lena Grijsaart on 25-07-1928
Schelvis, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Degen and Mietje Fransman on 30-10-1919
Schelvis, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Degen and Roosje Stempel on 05-09-1906
Schelvis, Sara mother at wedding of Meijer Hond de and Duifje Degen on 28-06-1905
Schelvis, Schoontje mother at wedding of David Korper and Clara Nebbig on 02-09-1925
Schelvis, Schoontje mother at wedding of Marcus Kloos and Judic Nebbig on 07-11-1923
Schelvis, Schoontje mother at wedding of Hartog Korper and Bloeme Nebbig on 27-09-1933
Schelvis, Sophia mother at wedding of Leendert Worms and Bloeme Springer on 29-12-1927
Schelvisch, Barend father at wedding of Alexander Haan de and Belia Schelvisch on 07-10-1885
Schenk, Geertrui mother at wedding of Jacob Manasse and Elisabeth Parsser on 27-05-1925
Schenk, Geertruida mother at wedding of Philippus Berkleij and Johanna Windmuller on 07-12-1906
Schenk, Geertruida mother at wedding of Salomon Knap and Mathilda Groot de on 23-06-1909
Schenk, Truitje mother at wedding of Elias Berkleij and Alida Dooseman on 19-04-1906
Schenkkan, father at wedding of Hijman Schenkkan and Judic Smit on 15-09-1841
Schenkkan, Belia mother at wedding of Ezechiel Schabracq and Heintje Agtsteribbe on 25-04-1906
Schenkkan, Clara mother at wedding of Isaac Okker and Engeltje Serlui on 09-08-1906
Schenkkan, Clara mother at wedding of Simon Okker and Keetje Kloots on 07-09-1909
Schenkkan, Eliazer father at wedding of Mozes Schenkkan and Esther Beth on 12-02-1879
Schenkkan, Eliazer father at wedding of Levie Schenkkan and Marianne Peper on 08-01-1879
Schenkkan, Isaac father at wedding of Hartog Rabbie and Branke Schenkkan on 30-10-1867
Schenkkan, Isaac father at wedding of Mozes Schenkkan and Maria Brilleman on 06-05-1874
Schenkkan, Isaac father at wedding of Hartog Okker and Klara Schenkkan on 11-08-1880
Schenkkan, Leendert father at wedding of Hijman Slosser and Jeannette Schenkkan on 28-03-1935
Schenkkan, Levie father at wedding of Meijer Rood and Naatje Schenkkan on 14-08-1907
Schenkkan, Levie father at wedding of Eliazer Schenkkan and Claartje Magtige de on 07-09-1927
Schenkkan, Mozes father at wedding of Simon Blits and Rosette Schenkkan on 19-12-1906
Schenkkan, Mozes father at wedding of Daniel Elzas and Belia Schenkkan on 07-09-1916
Schenkkan, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Schenkkan and Saartje Bas on 31-12-1919
Schenkkan, Rachel mother at wedding of Jacob Ullem v. and Carolina Waterman on 04-08-1937
Schenkkan, Samuel father at wedding of Jonas Ullem v. and Rachel Schenkkan on 20-11-1912
Schenkkan, Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Asser and Rebecca Schenkkan on 29-04-1885
Schepp, Salomon father at wedding of Isidor Schepp and Hester Dam v. on 09-09-1886
Schiff, Chaim father at wedding of Eugen Bitterman and Cutel Schiff on 14-08-1935
Schijvenschuurder, father at wedding of Isidorus Schijvenschuurder and Sientje Praag v. on 12-02-1919
Schijvenschuurder, father at wedding of Nathan Schijvenschuurder and Branca Schelvis on 20-11-1929
Schijvenschuurder, Eva mother at wedding of Isidorus Schijvenschuurder and Sientje Praag v. on 12-02-1919
Schijvenschuurder, Eva mother at wedding of Nathan Schijvenschuurder and Branca Schelvis on 20-11-1929
Schijvenschuurder, Jacob father at wedding of Joel Keijzer and Rebecca Schijvenschuurder on 25-08-1929
Schijvenschuurder, Jacob father at wedding of Benjamin Corper and Vrouwtje Schijvenschuurder on 13-02-1878
Schijveschuurder, father at wedding of Jonas Swaab and Clara Schijveschuurder on 02-10-1935
Schijveschuurder, father at wedding of Elias Schijveschuurder and Saartje Theeboom on 10-08-1916
Schijveschuurder, father at wedding of Moses Schijveschuurder and Betje Zwalf on 25-10-1843
Schijveschuurder, Abraham father at wedding of Leendert Schijveschuurder and Grietje Speijer on 07-01-1914
Schijveschuurder, Abraham father at wedding of Wolf Schijveschuurder and Sara Kollem v. on 28-07-1909
Schijveschuurder, Abraham father at wedding of Isaac Schijveschuurder and Duifje Roodfeld on 14-08-1919
Schijveschuurder, Abraham father at wedding of Barend Schijveschuurder and Serline Straten v. on 11-09-1935
Schijveschuurder, Abraham father at wedding of Benjamin Agsteribbe and Sophia Schijveschuurder on 24-07-1907
Schijveschuurder, Abraham father at wedding of Benedictus Schijveschuurder and Saartje Engelander on 09-08-1916
Schijveschuurder, Barend father at wedding of Jozef Vleeschhouwer and Rebecca Schijveschuurder on 16-08-1905
Schijveschuurder, Barend father at wedding of Abraham Schijveschuurder and Sophia Vleeschhouwer on 10-05-1906
Schijveschuurder, Barend father at wedding of Asser Schijveschuurder and Elisabeth Sons on 21-02-1907
Schijveschuurder, Barend father at wedding of Jacob Schijveschuurder and Vrouwtje Pront on 02-06-1869
Schijveschuurder, Barend father at wedding of Nathan Straten v. and Clara Schijveschuurder on 21-06-1916
Schijveschuurder, Eva mother at wedding of Elias Schijveschuurder and Saartje Theeboom on 10-08-1916
Schijveschuurder, Hartog father at wedding of Nathan Vries de and Klara Schijveschuurder on 21-07-1937
Schijveschuurder, Joseph father at wedding of Abraham Schijveschuurder and Jansje Nebig on 21-12-1921
Schijveschuurder, Judic mother at wedding of Benjamin Hond de and Betje Kloos on 05-02-1896
Schijveschuurder, Leendert father at wedding of Isaac Presser and Elisabeth Schijveschuurder on 19-04-1916
Schijveschuurder, Leendert father at wedding of Machiel Schellevis and Anna Schijveschuurder on 07-10-1925
Schijveschuurder, Leendert father at wedding of Soesman Groot de and Rebecca Schijveschuurder on 03-02-1915
Schijveschuurder, Magtel mother at wedding of Machiel Gosselaar and Fijtje Cleef v. on 19-08-1896
Schijveschuurder, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Schijveschuurder and Marianne Jongh de on 05-08-1909
Schijveschuurder, Mozes father at wedding of Leendert Schijveschuurder and Dientje Jong de on 27-06-1912
Schijveschuurder, Mozes father at wedding of Salomon Schijveschuurder and Judith Hes v. on 17-04-1912
Schijveschuurder, Rebecca mother at wedding of Barend Vleeschhouwer and Lina Hillesum on 29-03-1933
Schijveschuurder, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Abraham Corper and Rebecca Kleerekooper on 12-12-1907
Schijveschuurder, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Jacob Corper and Dorothea Polak on 15-11-1906
Schijveschuurder, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Jacob Corper and Vrouwtje Star v.d. on 24-05-1933
Schild, father at wedding of Jacob Leeuw de and Saartje Schild on 25-06-1845
Schild, father at wedding of Emanuel Woudhuijsen and Ester Schild on 08-06-1842
Schilo, Jacob father at wedding of Uri Cohen and Eva Schilo on 26-07-1923
Schilo, Jacob father at wedding of Maijer Schilo and Frieda Frank on 20-09-1916
Schilt, Abraham father at wedding of Bernard Perel and Rachel Schilt on 15-08-1923
Schilt, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Jong de and Klara Schilt on 30-04-1918
Schlachter, Jankel father at wedding of Leo Grunfeld and Sophia Schlachter on 30-06-1927
Schlagter, Jankel father at wedding of Mordechai Grinfeld and Amelia Schlagter on 07-10-1937
Schleimer, Chaim father at wedding of Samuel Emanuel and Jetty Schleimer on 24-12-1929
Schlesinger, Gertrud mother at wedding of Rudolph Elias and Hildegard Kalischer on 04-10-1933
Schlosser, Abraham father at wedding of Gottfried Pool and Jetta Schlosser on 14-03-1906
Schlosser, Abraham father at wedding of Gerson Wezel v. and Johanna Schlosser on 07-06-1905
Schlosser, Jacob father at wedding of Samuel Engelsman and Helena Schlosser on 20-01-1927
Schlosser, Jetta mother at wedding of Abraham Pool and Carolina Verdoner on 28-07-1937
Schmalberger, Joseph father at wedding of Jacob Schmalberger and Marianna Salomons on 17-06-1908
Schmoikler, Jacob father at wedding of Chmonil Schmoikler and Rachel Modijefsky on 05-06-1912
Schneiders, father at wedding of Zadok Schneiders and Natje Zegerius on 19-02-1834
Schnitzler, Abraham father at wedding of Eduard Hamburger and Louise Schnitzler on 17-06-1885
Schnitzler, Catharina mother at wedding of Lehman Haaff de and Mietje Wessel on 08-08-1906
Schnitzler, Henri father at wedding of Abraham Schnitzler and Sara Rudelsheim on 09-03-1899
Schnitzler, Jansje mother at wedding of Mozes Fresco and Bendita Meljado on 07-04-1937
Schnitzler, Mozes father at wedding of Jonas Fresco and Jansje Schnitzler on 22-04-1914
Schnitzler, Mozes father at wedding of Israel Ziff and Sellie Schnitzler on 09-02-1916
Schoenlapper, father at wedding of Salomon Lisser and Katootje Schoenlapper on 20-11-1843
Schoenlapper, father at wedding of Salomon Levie and Grietje Schoenlapper on 04-01-1843
Schoenlapper, Manus father at wedding of Isaac Blitz and Keetje Schoenlapper on 01-07-1908
Schoijer, Nathan father at wedding of Eleazer Beer and Abigael Schoijer on 07-01-1885
Schoijer, Salomon father at wedding of Marcus Schoijer and Helena Barends on 25-07-1907
Scholerowa, Edith mother at wedding of Josef Kleimann and Brandel Muller on 21-07-1937
Scholte, father at wedding of Gotschalk Berg v.d. and Marianne Scholte on 26-10-1859
Scholte, Barend father at wedding of Meijer Segal and Anna Scholte on 07-09-1921
Scholte, Barend father at wedding of Hijman Scholte and Martha Monnickendam on 01-09-1921
Scholte, Barend father at wedding of Simon Brilleman and Klaartje Scholte on 24-08-1927
Scholte, Barend father at wedding of Samuel Scholte and Rachel Waas on 23-03-1927
Scholte, Barend father at wedding of Levie Scholte and Vrouwtje Schelvis on 12-05-1920
Scholte, Joseph father at wedding of Leendert Italiaander and Leentje Scholte on 09-10-1918
Scholte, Joseph father at wedding of Israel Scholte and Marianne Koekoek on 20-11-1918
Scholte, Joseph father at wedding of Hijman Scholte and Leentje Beem v. on 18-06-1914
Scholten, Jacob father at wedding of Izaak Scholten and Rosa Frankfort on 23-10-1935
Schonberg, Lazar father at wedding of Josef Schumer and Alte Schonberg on 24-01-1935
Schonberg, Lob father at wedding of Wolf Schonberg and Rosette Kopuit on 17-08-1909
Schonberg, Marrij mother at wedding of Leon Premsela and Elizabeth Trijbits on 20-01-1925
Schonberg, Moses father at wedding of Maurice Lamm and Fany Schonberg on 30-01-1935
Schonberg, Mozes father at wedding of Baruch Schumer and Sara Schonberg on 22-02-1928
Schonberger, Heinrich father at wedding of Abraham Crost and Jenny Schonberger on 10-04-1935
Schonberger, Leontine mother at wedding of David Goldschmidt and Sara Lopes Cardozo on 09-02-1933
Schondorff, Leffman father at wedding of Kurt Schondorff and Ella Meijer on 17-07-1935
Schonfeld, Jeremias father at wedding of Ephraim Schonfeld and Eva Berg on 23-07-1868
Schonfeld, Zelik father at wedding of Henri Schonfeld and Sara Dribbel on 10-05-1933
Schonfeldt, Jette mother at wedding of Mozes Beek v.d. and Kaatje Jong de on 16-02-1899
Schonhorn, Hersch father at wedding of Wilhelm Schonhorn and Bertha Rozenheimer on 28-07-1937
Schoninga, Maria mother at wedding of Marcus Heijmans and Sara Nerden on 06-05-1925
Schoolmeester, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Hillesum and Jansje Schoolmeester on 08-03-1916
Schoolmeester, Isaac father at wedding of Joseph Hillesum and Naatje Schoolmeester on 04-02-1915
Schoolmeester, Matje mother at wedding of Hijman Witjas and Sara Waterman on 03-11-1909
Schoolmeester, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Schoolmeester and Eva Sjouwerman on 29-07-1885
Schoolmeester, Mozes father at wedding of Simon Waas and Sientje Schoolmeester on 11-10-1888
Schoolmeester, Rosalie mother at wedding of Albert Frank and Elisabeth Vis on 23-04-1929
Schoonhoed, Abraham father at wedding of Meijer Citroen and Roosje Schoonhoed on 03-02-1921
Schoonhoed, Jetje mother at wedding of Berend Levie and Keetje Sluis on 03-03-1915
Schoonhoed, Philip father at wedding of Mendele Schoonhoed and Rachel Mol on 26-02-1914
Schoonhoedt, Jetje mother at wedding of Jacob Levie and Rachel Kolm v. on 30-05-1923
Schoonveld, father at wedding of Joseph Schoonveld and Magdalena Saligman on 16-03-1859
Schop, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Muller and Anna Schop on 22-03-1906
Schorlesheim, Machiel father at wedding of Wolf Schorlesheim and Alida Dresden on 09-04-1896
Schorlesheim, Simon father at wedding of Michel Schorlesheim and Marianne Konijn on 23-04-1925
Schornesheim, Betje mother at wedding of Abraham Ludel and Elisabeth Rasseerder on 05-02-1908
Schott, Esther mother at wedding of Samson Levie and Rebecca Davidson on 30-12-1929
Schott, Regina mother at wedding of Philip Levie de and Regina Gelder v. on 30-10-1918
Schout, Pieter father at wedding of Theodore Philips and Pieternell Schout on 01-05-1935
Schouten, father at wedding of Mozes Schouten and Betje Waterman on 09-06-1847
Schouten, Barend father at wedding of Mozes Schouten and Grietje Kloot on 20-08-1908
Schouten, Barend father at wedding of Nachman Schouten and Margaretha West v. on 04-11-1908
Schouten, Barend father at wedding of Hartog Schouten and Grietje Venetianer on 28-02-1918
Schouten, Barend father at wedding of Jonas Polak and Marianne Schouten on 30-05-1917
Schouten, Barend father at wedding of Machiel Kokernoot and Betje Schouten on 18-08-1909
Schouten, Barend father at wedding of Barend Kornalijnslijper and Vrouwtje Schouten on 16-11-1921
Schouten, Hartog father at wedding of Lehman Waas and Rachel Schouten on 10-11-1937
Schouten, Mozes father at wedding of Barend Schouten and Saartje Halberstad on 07-11-1878
Schouten, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Star v.d. and Zoetje Schouten on 08-11-1871
Schouten, Rachel mother at wedding of Juda Waas and Betje Schelvis on 25-10-1906
Schouten, Rachel mother at wedding of Jacob Waas and Sophia Cohen on 24-01-1912
Schouten, Rachel mother at wedding of Abraham Waas and Antje Bartels on 15-06-1921
Schouten, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Moses Halberstad and Leentje Kornalijnlijper on 16-08-1905
Schouten, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Abraham Halberstad and Jetje Pachter on 01-08-1923
Schouten, Zoetje mother at wedding of Joseph Star v.d. and Roosje Gaarkeuken on 24-05-1933
Schpektor, Abram father at wedding of Wolf Schpektor and Margaretha Nutkiewietz on 07-02-1928
Schraal, Heintje mother at wedding of Gompert Kar v.d. and Rachel Tas on 21-04-1909
Schraal, Heintje mother at wedding of Philip Kar v.d. and Ribca Rodrigues Garcia on 03-12-1919
Schraal, Heintje mother at wedding of Salomon Kar v.d. and Sara Speelman on 05-07-1906
Schraal, Judith mother at wedding of Isaac Trompetter and Marianne Gosler on 21-11-1906
Schraal, Judith mother at wedding of Gerrit Trompetter and Marianne Hillesum on 18-12-1907
Schraal, Marcus father at wedding of Mozes Schraal and Vrouwtje Weijl on 01-06-1859
Schraal, Marcus father at wedding of Emanuel Stokvis and Mietje Schraal on 09-03-1870
Schraal, Mozes father at wedding of Marcus Schraal and Eva Visser on 14-06-1905
Schram, Flora mother at wedding of Karel Lam and Helena Mulder Kanter on 20-10-1909
Schram, Flora mother at wedding of Maurits Lam and Judith Mulder Canter on 03-06-1914
Schreeuwer, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Schreeuwer and Frederika Praag v. on 11-09-1929
Schreeuwer, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Markus and Sara Dagloonder on 14-10-1925
Schreeuwer, Sara mother at wedding of Wolf Markus and Anna Vries de on 29-10-1919
Schreeuwer, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Markus and Anna Overste on 25-08-1927
Schreeuwer, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Markus and Johanna Philips on 28-10-1925
Schreeuwer, Sara mother at wedding of Izak Bakker and Mietje Markus on 06-03-1918
Schreeuwer, Wolf father at wedding of Mozes Schreeuwer and Rebecca Zwart on 13-05-1903
Schreeuwer, Wolf father at wedding of Mozes Elsas and Rachel Schreeuwer on 13-03-1918
Schreuder, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jacob Tromp and Roosje Meliono on 24-07-1907
Schreuder, Schoontje mother at wedding of Hartog Tromp and Vrouwtje Meliono on 05-09-1906
Schreuders, Meijer father at wedding of Jacob Schreuders and Fokje Bluhm on 11-12-1918
Schrijver, father at wedding of Abraham Schrijver and Rebecca Berlijn on 24-08-1842
Schrijver, Abraham father at wedding of Philip Schrijver and Anna Sacksioni on 17-02-1937
Schrijver, Abraham father at wedding of Hartog Schrijver and Roosje Speijer on 28-07-1880
Schrijver, Abraham father at wedding of Andries Ensel and Aaltje Schrijver on 06-12-1876
Schrijver, Abraham father at wedding of Jacques Praag v. and Rachel Schrijver on 02-06-1915
Schrijver, Betje mother at wedding of Hartog Lewijt and Naatje Tertaas on 20-06-1906
Schrijver, David father at wedding of Levie Schrijver and Elisabeth Lopes Cardozo on 20-10-1927
Schrijver, David father at wedding of Abraham Schrijver and Marianna Wolff on 24-06-1925
Schrijver, David father at wedding of Louis Schrijver and Cornelia Krijn on 19-09-1905
Schrijver, Eva mother at wedding of Juda Michelson and Rosa Belinfante on 17-06-1925
Schrijver, Grietje mother at wedding of Samuel Dresden and Naatje Kool on 07-07-1927
Schrijver, Grietje mother at wedding of Henricus Dresden and Vrouwtje Witteboon on 28-11-1928
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Jacob Schrijver and Jansje Kool on 30-04-1918
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Abraham Deen and Jansje Schrijver on 09-08-1906
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Abraham Schrijver and Fijtje Korper on 21-04-1909
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Joseph Schrijver and Naatje Pimentel on 16-10-1907
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Mandel Michelson and Eva Schrijver on 21-10-1896
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Schrijver and Marianna Jong de on 13-09-1916
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Meijer Speijer and Sara Schrijver on 08-10-1919
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Jochem Cleef v. and Rebecca Schrijver on 01-12-1915
Schrijver, Hartog father at wedding of Louis Amerongen v. and Eva Schrijver on 31-01-1928
Schrijver, Hijman father at wedding of Lev Schrijver and Rachel Fransman on 08-12-1937
Schrijver, Hijman father at wedding of Levie Ouds and Sara Schrijver on 27-10-1869
Schrijver, Hijman father at wedding of David Schrijver and Selina Hertzberger on 02-01-1918
Schrijver, Hijman father at wedding of Israel Schrijver and Annaatje Roeper on 23-12-1868
Schrijver, Joseph father at wedding of Samuel Hond de and Roosje Schrijver on 16-02-1927
Schrijver, Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Aldewereld and Lena Schrijver on 17-02-1937
Schrijver, Joseph father at wedding of Machiel Schrijver and Judic Barber on 07-03-1923
Schrijver, Joseph father at wedding of Hijman Schrijver and Anna Stodel on 11-09-1873
Schrijver, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Schrijver and Rosette Courant on 13-07-1959
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Hartog Schrijver and Sara Delden on 18-11-1868
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Salomon Schrijver and Alida Verdoner on 06-03-1927
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Philip Schrijver and Grietje Gokkes on 11-09-1935
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Hartog Schrijver and Eva Plukker on 23-12-1915
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of George Schrijver and Clara Witsenhuijsen on 16-03-1927
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Abraham Gosselaar and Mietje Schrijver on 30-10-1919
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Willem Polak and Marianne Schrijver on 15-08-1935
Schrijver, Juda father at wedding of Isaac Velde v.d. and Naatje Schrijver on 29-01-1873
Schrijver, Marianne mother at wedding of Machiel Bromet and Roosje Meiboom on 11-07-1929
Schrijver, Marianne mother at wedding of Joseph Bromet and Sara Ketellapper on 01-07-1909
Schrijver, N. father at wedding of Mozes Schrijver and Aaltje Nussbaum on 11-06-1862
Schrijver, Naatje mother at wedding of Philip Velde v.d. and Rosette Koen on 30-01-1907
Schrijver, Naatje mother at wedding of Juda Velde v.d. and Elisabeth Pimentel on 01-03-1899
Schrijver, Naatje mother at wedding of Juda Velde v.d. and Bloeme Roodveldt on 01-04-1914
Schrijver, Nehem father at wedding of Joseph Schrijver and Saartje Praag v. on 04-03-1868
Schrijver, Philip father at wedding of Heijman Leeuw de and Saartje Schrijver on 17-06-1908
Schrijver, Philip father at wedding of David Schrijver and Fijtje Posener on 28-03-1928
Schrijver, Rebecca mother at wedding of Asser Kool and Rachel Lijmer on 19-01-1916
Schrijver, Rebecca mother at wedding of Elias Kool and Grietje Kar v.d. on 26-07-1916
Schrijver, Rebekka mother at wedding of Philip Jong de and Lotta Kiesel on 20-10-1937
Schrijver, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Dresden and Grietje Scheffer on 22-01-1896
Schrijver, Simon father at wedding of Mozes Bromet and Marianne Schrijver on 18-06-1873
Schuijer, Abraham father at wedding of Simon Schuijer and Sophia Blitz on 15-06-1927
Schuijer, Jaantje mother at wedding of Samuel Logher and Marianna Zendijk on 20-12-1933
Schuijer, Marianne mother at wedding of Aaron Turksma and Rebekka Cohen on 29-07-1925
Schuit, father at wedding of Salomon Drees and Naatje Schuit on 01-08-1832
Schuit, father at wedding of Gerson Schuit and Judic Lochem v. on 15-06-1859
Schuit, father at wedding of Abraham Schuit and Rebecca Baruch on 07-06-1843
Schuit, Aaltje mother at wedding of Samuel Muijs and Sara Stokvisch on 30-03-1899
Schuit, Aaltje mother at wedding of Samuel Muijs and Eva Bleekveld on 24-07-1918
Schuit, Abraham father at wedding of Meijer Kornalijnslijper and Jansje Schuit on 28-01-1937
Schuit, Ariel father at wedding of Salomon Schuit and Anna Barenstein on 13-01-1937
Schuit, Bloeme mother at wedding of Simon Veffer and Vrouwtje Kuit on 10-10-1923
Schuit, Gerson father at wedding of Jesaias Peeper and Rica Schuit on 26-07-1876
Schuit, Heintje mother at wedding of Samuel Roodveldt and Leentje Visser on 08-11-1899
Schuit, Heintje mother at wedding of Lammert Rootveldt and Leentje Walg on 28-10-1896
Schuit, Heintje mother at wedding of Mozes Rootveldt and Rachel Groen on 12-07-1905
Schuit, Joseph father at wedding of Juda Schuit and Elisabeth Groenteman on 17-10-1923
Schuit, Joseph father at wedding of David Wijnschenk and Cornelia Schuit on 24-10-1918
Schuit, Joseph father at wedding of Leman Schuit and Clara Dotsch on 29-07-1925
Schuit, Lammert father at wedding of Abraham Schuit and Roosje Gans on 03-05-1905
Schuit, Lammert father at wedding of Machiel Schuit and Rebecca Kat on 09-11-1905
Schuit, Margaretha mother at wedding of David Verdooner and Heintje Lap on 28-11-1906
Schuit, Mijntje mother at wedding of Levie Gans and Rebecca Kroonenberg on 14-06-1933
Schuit, Rica mother at wedding of Barend Peeper and Grietje Frank on 18-11-1914
Schuit, Samuel father at wedding of Salomon Muijs and Aaltje Schuit on 19-05-1869
Schuit, Samuel father at wedding of Meijer Verdooner and Margaretha Schuit on 17-08-1870
Schuit, Samuel father at wedding of Lammert Schuit and Cornelia Waterman on 17-10-1866
Schuit, Samuel father at wedding of Jonas Schuit and Sientje Soep on 22-12-1927
Schuit, Samuel father at wedding of Ezechiel Zwart and Naatje Schuit on 30-03-1859
Schuit, Sara mother at wedding of Joel Bolle and Naatje Hond de on 01-04-1914
Schuit, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Hond de and Annegie Mozes on 16-12-1925
Schuit, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Soep and Rika Hond de on 20-06-1928
Schuit, Schoontje mother at wedding of Isac Vos and Catharina Presser on 25-02-1925
Schuit, Schoontje mother at wedding of Mozes Presser and Sara Blitz on 19-05-1937
Schuitefoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Druijf and Selina Schuitefoerder on 16-03-1927
Schuitevoerder, father at wedding of Salomon Schuitevoerder and Blanca Blitz on 25-10-1843
Schuitevoerder, Betje mother at wedding of Marcus Berg v.d. and Helena Bos on 05-04-1933
Schuitevoerder, David father at wedding of Benedictus Schuitevoerder and Klaartje Allegro on 10-06-1908
Schuitevoerder, David father at wedding of David Barend and Esther Schuitevoerder on 08-05-1918
Schuitevoerder, David father at wedding of Simon Schuitevoerder and Heintje Turfrijer on 21-07-1915
Schuitevoerder, Gompel father at wedding of Benjamin Schuitevoerder and Ribca Lopes Dias on 21-04-1909
Schuitevoerder, Gompel father at wedding of Salomon Schuitevoerder and Esther Lopes Dias on 18-12-1912
Schuitevoerder, Hartog father at wedding of Joseph Schuitevoerder and Rachel Straten v. on 28-05-1914
Schuitevoerder, Hartog father at wedding of Marcus Schuitevoerder and Saartje Wegloop on 04-03-1885
Schuitevoerder, Hartog father at wedding of Jacob Schuitevoerder and Aaltje Krant on 21-06-1906
Schuitevoerder, Hartog father at wedding of Benedictus Schuitevoerder and Marianne Halberstad on 21-11-1907
Schuitevoerder, Heintje mother at wedding of Izaac Heeks v. and Judic Groen on 29-07-1896
Schuitevoerder, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Schuitevoerder and Vogie Kopuit on 12-12-1918
Schuitevoerder, Isaac father at wedding of Andries Italiaander and Betje Schuitevoerder on 05-03-1908
Schuitevoerder, Jacob father at wedding of Jesaia Schuitevoerder and Anna Vlesschedrager on 15-08-1935
Schuitevoerder, Jacob father at wedding of Emanuel Schuitevoerder and Selly Lierens on 22-02-1899
Schuitevoerder, Jacob father at wedding of Marcus Schuitevoerder and Ester Stodel on 07-11-1877
Schuitevoerder, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Schuitevoerder and Leentje Druif on 18-04-1888
Schuitevoerder, Jacob father at wedding of Simon Jacobs and Sara Schuitevoerder on 29-07-1896
Schuitevoerder, Jansi mother at wedding of Leon Kinsbergen and Clara Kinsbergen on 02-10-1929
Schuitevoerder, Marcus father at wedding of Salomon Schuitevoerder and Betsij Maandag on 27-06-1912
Schuitevoerder, Marcus father at wedding of Hartog Duijs and Lea Schuitevoerder on 01-06-1922
Schuitevoerder, Marcus father at wedding of Simon Krijn and Marianne Schuitevoerder on 23-07-1925
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Gompel Schuitevoerder and Vrouwtje Bierman on 13-10-1909
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Schuitevoerder and Ester Bobbe on 20-12-1905
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Gompel Schuitevoerder and Mathilda Melkman on 01-07-1885
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of David Schuitevoerder and Femma Susan on 15-12-1875
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Schellevis and Saartje Schuitevoerder on 06-11-1929
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Zorg v. and Heintje Schuitevoerder on 16-09-1908
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Blitz and Elisabeth Schuitevoerder on 28-06-1865
Schuitevoerder, Salomon father at wedding of Isaac Schuitevoerder and Klaartje Kollem v. on 26-08-1915
Schuitevoerder, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jacob Polak and Judith Wegloop on 02-05-1928
Schuitevoerder, Schoontje mother at wedding of Noach Wegloop and Flora Cleef v. on 15-06-1927
Schuitevoerder, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jacob Wegloop and Mina Colijn on 07-06-1933
Schuitevoerder, Vogeltje mother at wedding of Jacob Barend and Sara Blits on 15-03-1933
Schulman, Jacob father at wedding of Andreas Schulman and Henriette Gerzon on 23-05-1905
Schulman, Jacob father at wedding of Maurits Schulman and Geertruida Raalte v. on 27-06-1912
Schulman, Jacob father at wedding of Bernard Gelder v. and Helena Schulman on 20-06-1905
Schulman, Maurits father at wedding of Levie Vries de and Amalia Schulman on 19-11-1908
Schumer, Aron father at wedding of Baruch Schumer and Sara Schonberg on 22-02-1928
Schumer, Aron father at wedding of Josef Schumer and Alte Schonberg on 24-01-1935
Schutz, Chaim father at wedding of Salomon Pach and Breindel Schutz on 05-05-1937
Schutzman, Abraham father at wedding of Isidor Schutzmann and Sara Schutzman on 10-06-1919
Schutzmann, Berl father at wedding of Isidor Schutzmann and Sara Schutzman on 10-06-1919
Schwabe, Franz father at wedding of Fritz Schwabe and Alice Gonsenheimer on 06-09-1927
Schwaitzar, Chiller father at wedding of Wolf Schwaitzar and Esther Kan on 17-02-1916
Schwalb, Maria mother at wedding of Joel Bolle and Naatje Hond de on 01-04-1914
Schwalb, Maria mother at wedding of Nathan Bolle and Hilda Meijerowitz on 03-07-1914
Schwalb, Maria mother at wedding of Alexander Bolle and Johanna Biet on 23-08-1905
Schwalb, Roza mother at wedding of Simon Buijs and Mietje Ossendrijver on 02-09-1915
Schwarer, Birbala mother at wedding of Andor Grunwald and Rachel Sealtiel on 19-05-1937
Schwartz, Samuel father at wedding of Josif Schwartz and Brana Krzijwanowska on 17-02-1937
Schwarz, Benjamin father at wedding of Nathan Schwarz and Johanna Frank on 26-06-1923
Schwarz, Emma mother at wedding of Jakob Polak and Estella Praag v. on 10-11-1908
Schwarz, Emma mother at wedding of Jakob Polak and Eliseba Polak on 09-06-1914
Schwarz, Leonhard father at wedding of Salomon Zwarte de and Maria Schwarz on 20-05-1937
Schwarz, Levi father at wedding of Joseph Briska and Ella Schwarz on 07-08-1928
Schwarz, Motio father at wedding of Juda Schwarz and Paula Kampler on 25-03-1925
Schwarz, Sara mother at wedding of Juda Schwarz and Paula Kampler on 25-03-1925
Schwarzman, Boxuch father at wedding of Schia Schwarzman and Heintje Bierschenk on 12-06-1918
Schwavrien, Saul father at wedding of Mozes Vischschraper and Benvenida Schwavrien on 21-12-1927
Schweiger, Carolina mother at wedding of Mozes Menist and Eva Beer de on 20-06-1928
Schweiger, Levie father at wedding of Simon Deen and Vietje Schweiger on 05-07-1905
Schweiger, Levie father at wedding of Eduard Schweiger and Elisabeth Gompers on 15-01-1914
Schweitzer, Raphael father at wedding of Maurits Schweizer and Leonora Schweitzer on 28-02-1918
Schweizer, Hille father at wedding of Benjamin Vries de and Schijndel Schweizer on 17-04-1929
Schweizer, Hiller father at wedding of Abraham Karp and Tauba Schweizer on 28-02-1918
Schweizer, Hiller father at wedding of Maurits Schweizer and Leonora Schweitzer on 28-02-1918
Schwerin, father at wedding of Aron Mok and Theresia Schwerin on 13-10-1847
Schwiel, Rebecca mother at wedding of Mozes Woronick and Esperance Stokvis on 10-09-1908
Schwietzer, Hiller father at wedding of Simon Wijnschenk and Rifka Schwietzer on 08-07-1925
Sealtiel, David father at wedding of Andor Grunwald and Rachel Sealtiel on 19-05-1937
Sealtiel, David father at wedding of David Goudsmit and Frederika Sealtiel on 16-10-1929
Sealtiel, David father at wedding of Jacob Glasoog and Rebecca Sealtiel on 09-09-1868
Sealtiel, David father at wedding of David Lierens and Roosje Sealtiel on 20-02-1929
Sealtiel, Debora mother at wedding of Salomon Soubice and Marianne Pach on 08-09-1909
Sealtiel, Isaac father at wedding of Raphael Koekoek and Heintje Sealtiel on 11-08-1915
Sealtiel, Israel father at wedding of Adolf Heimann and Rebecca Sealtiel on 17-02-1909
Sealtiel, Joost father at wedding of Meijer Duijm v. and Rachel Sealtiel on 04-02-1874
Sealtiel, Joseph father at wedding of Lion Sonbice and Debora Sealtiel on 14-07-1886
Sealtiel, Meijer father at wedding of Barend Doof and Schoontje Sealtiel on 07-08-1918
Sealtiel, Philip father at wedding of David Kokernoot and Femmij Sealtiel on 02-11-1927
Sealtiel, Sara mother at wedding of Benjamin Straten v. and Dina Heilbron on 24-07-1929
Sealtiel, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Rubens and Rozette Straten v. on 11-07-1935
Sealtiel, Sarah mother at wedding of Machiel Groenteman and Keetje Moffie on 11-10-1928
Sealtiel, Susanna mother at wedding of Barend Doof and Schoontje Sealtiel on 07-08-1918
Seckel, Henriette mother at wedding of Izaak Boasson and Adriana Koopmans on 25-09-1906
Seelig, Joseph father at wedding of Julius Seelig and Hildegard Blumenfeld on 28-04-1937
Seeligmann, Aaron father at wedding of Sigmund Seeligmann and Juliette Veershijm on 12-12-1905
Seemer, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Drukker and Sipora Seemer on 04-01-1888
Seemer, Eva mother at wedding of Abraham Polak and Esther Denneboom on 12-12-1906
Seemer, Eva mother at wedding of Mozes Polak and Jetje Walvis on 06-11-1918
Seemer, Eva mother at wedding of Frederik Polak and Maria Woudhuijsen on 09-03-1905
Seemer, Nathan father at wedding of Gerrit Polak and Esther Seemer on 11-04-1907
Seemer, Nathan father at wedding of Abraham Seemer and Keetje Brave de on 21-08-1907
Seemer, Sipora mother at wedding of Marcus Drukker and Dina Dijk v. on 30-04-1919
Segal, father at wedding of Salomon Bijl v. and Betje Segal on 11-12-1861
Segal, Abraham father at wedding of David Kropveld and Sipora Segal on 27-02-1935
Segal, Feiga mother at wedding of Isak Neuman and Hendrika Rocardo on 27-12-1933
Segal, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Segal and Leentje Sijs v. on 12-06-1912
Segal, Isaac father at wedding of Meijer Segal and Anna Scholte on 07-09-1921
Segal, Isaac father at wedding of Lion Winnik and Alida Segal on 20-06-1923
Segal, Isaac father at wedding of Leopold Segal and Sara West v. on 25-05-1927
Segal, Isaac father at wedding of Moses Magtige de and Reina Segal on 01-09-1920
Segal, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Segal and Elisabeth Visser on 23-05-1928
Segal, Meijer father at wedding of Levie Segal and Saartje Polak on 13-08-1879
Segal, Rebecca mother at wedding of Meijer West v. and Anna Lange de on 01-03-1933
Seiden, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Vries de and Ettel Seiden on 22-01-1918
Seidenwerg, Juda father at wedding of Markus Seidenwerg and Aaltje Matteman on 17-04-1935
Seijffers, Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Seijffers and Mietje Duren v. on 28-01-1885
Seijffers, Meijer father at wedding of Mozes Goldsmit and Alida Seijffers on 07-08-1919
Seijffers, Moise father at wedding of Coenraad Coster and Bertha Seijffers on 12-06-1922
Seijffers, Mozes father at wedding of Flip IJssel v. and Ida Seijffers on 06-01-1937
Seijffers, Rosa mother at wedding of Marcus Goldsmit and Gerardina Walewijk on 06-01-1909
Seijffers, Rosa mother at wedding of Louis Goldsmit and Roosje Dormits on 16-03-1921
Seijffers, Rosa mother at wedding of Salomon Goldsmit and Rebecca Polak on 03-02-1921
Seijffers, Rosa mother at wedding of Mozes Goldsmit and Alida Seijffers on 07-08-1919
Seijffers, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Bierman and Louisa Seijffers on 19-12-1907
Seijffers, Sophia mother at wedding of Emanuel Kijzer and Marianne Rimini on 06-06-1923
Seijffers, Sophia mother at wedding of Salomon Kijzer and Alida Waterman on 27-05-1925
Seile, father at wedding of Leopold Seile and Betje Jeune le on 12-10-1875
Seligmann, Julius father at wedding of Mozes Kar v.d. and Fanni Seligmann on 18-09-1929
Selka, Chajim father at wedding of Menachem Selka and Ilsa Jacobi on 09-12-1937
Seltiel, Benjamin father at wedding of Hartog Turfrijer and Ester Seltiel on 13-04-1921
Senator, Frederik father at wedding of Wolf Walvis and Schoontje Senator on 11-11-1914
Senator, Schoontje mother at wedding of Abraham Frank and Margaretha Walvis on 27-05-1937
Senior Coronel, father at wedding of Salomon Aardewerk and Rachel Senior Coronel on 26-03-1862
Senior Coronel, Moses father at wedding of Michel Hartogs and Rebecca Senior Coronel on 20-12-1899
Sequeira, Jacob father at wedding of David Lioni and Flota Sequeira on 19-02-1914
Sequeira, Rachel mother at wedding of Nicolaas Kapper and Clara Sloghem on 31-10-1907
Sequira, Rachel mother at wedding of Jacques Kapper and Elisabeth Sweijd on 10-08-1916
Sequira, Rachel mother at wedding of Raphael Kapper and Bela Geens v. on 07-12-1899
Sequira, Samuel father at wedding of Hartog Praag v. and Rachel Sequira on 29-08-1878
Serlie, father at wedding of Leon Raalte v. and Mietje Serlie on 16-10-1879
Serlie, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Serlie and Grietje Zodij on 10-02-1885
Serlui, father at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Sara Serlui on 10-06-1840
Serlui, father at wedding of Philip Bot and Sara Serlui on 26-05-1847
Serlui, father at wedding of Levie Soester and Judith Serlui on 18-12-1878
Serlui, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Serlui and Heintje Swart on 02-01-1867
Serlui, Abraham father at wedding of Wolf Jager de and Grietje Serlui on 21-04-1868
Serlui, Grietje mother at wedding of Abraham Gobes and Elisabeth Premseler on 25-11-1909
Serlui, Israel father at wedding of Jozef Cohen and Esther Serlui on 21-01-1909
Serlui, Machiel father at wedding of Mozes Serlui and Schoontje Couzijn on 18-05-1869
Serlui, Mozes father at wedding of David Cosman and Betje Serlui on 17-04-1929
Serlui, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Okker and Engeltje Serlui on 09-08-1906
Serlui, Salom father at wedding of Jacob Serlui and Elisabeth Zwalf on 18-03-1909
Serlui, Salomon father at wedding of Samuel Serlui and Reintje Spreekmeester on 15-10-1896
Serlui, Samuel father at wedding of Salomon Serlui and Leentje Wijnschenk on 11-07-1923
Serlui, Samuel father at wedding of Emanuel Serlui and Vrouwtje Pais on 10-10-1928
Serlui, Samuel father at wedding of Joseph Bos and Mathilda Serlui on 15-05-1918
Serlui, Samuel father at wedding of Levie Serlui and Jansje Hijman on 15-12-1869
Serlui, Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Cohen and Henriette Serlui on 05-08-1925
Serlui, Samuel father at wedding of Isidore Praagh v. and Elisabeth Serlui on 06-06-1923
Serlui, Sientje mother at wedding of Philip Vischschraper and Saartje Wolff on 03-05-1923
Serphos, Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Elzas and Antje Boekman on 09-10-1912
Servos, Salomon father at wedding of Izak Grootkerk and Pauline Servos on 04-08-1911
Shapira, Aba father at wedding of Henry Shapira and Greta Grunwald on 02-03-1927
Shelitskie, Bernard father at wedding of David Shelitskie and Henriette Tabakspinder on 20-08-1912
Shijer, father at wedding of Simon Shijer and Carolina Rubens on 03-01-1843
Sibernberg, Sophia mother at wedding of Herman Wolff and Rozette Koopman on 18-08-1927
Sickel, father at wedding of Jacob Veen ter and Adele Sickel on 10-06-1847
Siemchowiecz, father at wedding of Abraham Siemchowiecz and Bloeme Hond de on 07-04-1937
Siemchowiecz, Judera mother at wedding of Abraham Siemchowiecz and Bloeme Hond de on 07-04-1937
Siemons, Lazarus father at wedding of Simon Siemons and Marianne Straten v. on 09-02-1937
Siemons, Rebekka mother at wedding of Machiel Polak and Rachel Morpurgo on 21-06-1906
Sierles, Barend father at wedding of Wolf Sierles and Aaltje Marchand on 05-02-1862
Sierles, Meijer father at wedding of Zacharias Staveren v. and Betje Sierles on 14-02-1906
Sierles, Meijer father at wedding of Meijer Sierles and Jansje Kleerekoper on 20-03-1918
Sigaar, Helena mother at wedding of Tobias Beugel v.d. and Esther Neeter on 19-04-1928
Sigaar, Jacob father at wedding of David Dotsch and Flora Sigaar on 10-11-1937
Sigaar, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Sigaar and Judith Engelsman on 25-11-1937
Sigaar, Marianne mother at wedding of Hartog Soester and Rachel Acohen on 26-03-1908
Sigaar, Philip father at wedding of Meijer Sigaar and Sara Leeuwe de on 14-12-1916
Sigaar, Salomon father at wedding of Philip Sigaar and Henriette Brandon on 04-02-1925
Sigaar, Susanna mother at wedding of Simon Santen v. and Jansje Gompers on 29-06-1916
Sijes v., Abraham father at wedding of Eliazer Sijes v. and Susette Wolff on 02-03-1899
Sijes v., Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Sijes v. and Friederika Rooselaar on 02-09-1874
Sijes v., Abraham father at wedding of Jozef Sijes v. and Sara Slap on 17-10-1906
Sijes v., Eliazer father at wedding of Abraham Sijes v. and Sophia Lisser on 16-11-1933
Sijes v., Levie father at wedding of Salomon Poppegaai and Naatje Sijes v. on 24-07-1878
Sijes, Anna mother at wedding of Willem Wertheim and Alida Heere on 02-08-1923
Sijes, Anna mother at wedding of Jacob Wertheim and Grietje Beetz on 29-08-1918
Sijes, Anna mother at wedding of Philip Wertheim and Rosina Parser on 18-09-1935
Sijes, Benjamin father at wedding of Alexander Sijes and Grietje Reens on 21-07-1915
Sijes, David father at wedding of Jacob Boutelje and Rozette Sijes on 22-03-1916
Sijes, Elias father at wedding of Joseph Benjamins and Naatje Sijes on 15-11-1899
Sijes, Elias father at wedding of Daniel Sijes and Margola Riwlin on 24-08-1921
Sijes, Elias father at wedding of Philip Sijes and Duifje Hijmans on 19-07-1899
Sijes, Joel father at wedding of Israel Stork and Henriette Sijes on 07-02-1906
Sijes, Joel father at wedding of Joseph Snuijf and Rosette Sijes on 18-06-1879
Sijes, Leentje mother at wedding of Henri Citroen and Johanna Kater on 25-11-1925
Sijes, Meijer father at wedding of Levie Moppis v. and Amalia Sijes on 12-04-1916
Sijes, Philip father at wedding of Benjamin Sijes and Jeannette Sturkop on 25-02-1869
Sijes, Philip father at wedding of Joel Sijes and Rachel Kaas on 08-12-1958
Sijes, Philip father at wedding of Mozes Parser and Jeannette Sijes on 02-04-1925
Sijes, Philip father at wedding of Marcus Sijes and Marianne Vuijsje on 29-11-1928
Sijes, Philip father at wedding of Elias Sijes and Saartje Slier on 21-08-1873
Sijes, Sara mother at wedding of Eliazer Swaep and Sipora Speijer on 14-03-1907
Sijes, Sophia mother at wedding of Aaron Wagenaar and Judith Oeb Brandon on 25-01-1899
Sijmons, Elkan father at wedding of Nathan Leuw and Henriette Sijmons on 19-01-1870
Sijs v., father at wedding of Hartog Sijs v. and Judic Dietenheim on 09-02-1859
Sijs v., Aaron father at wedding of Samson Polak and Johanna Sijs v. on 28-02-1923
Sijs v., Hartog father at wedding of Barend Engelsman and Marianna Sijs v. on 27-10-1869
Sijs v., Hartog father at wedding of Salomon Sijs v. and Betje Klijn de on 29-11-1879
Sijs v., Marcus father at wedding of Elkan Sijs v. and Rachel Vrachtdoender on 16-08-1933
Sijs v., Salomon father at wedding of Marcus Sijs v. and Vrouwtje Croese on 20-06-1906
Sijs v., Salomon father at wedding of Elkan Sijs v. and Henriette Hagenaar on 04-05-1921
Sijs v., Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Segal and Leentje Sijs v. on 12-06-1912
Silas, Eliazer father at wedding of Juda Silas and Clara Gobitz on 06-11-1919
Silas, Eliazer father at wedding of Salomon Meijer and Eva Silas on 28-03-1928
Silas, Jacob father at wedding of Willem Silas and Lea Rimini on 29-07-1925
Silas, Juda father at wedding of Levie Silas and Leentje Woudhuijsen on 11-03-1909
Silas, Juda father at wedding of Joseph Walvisch and Saartje Silas on 08-06-1887
Silas, Saartje mother at wedding of Maurits Walvisch and Rosette Valenca de on 02-06-1915
Silas, Saartje mother at wedding of Juda Walvisch and Sara Breebaart on 01-07-1914
Silberang, Leizer father at wedding of Ilija Greisbard and Dina Silberang on 20-12-1923
Silberfeld, Breindel mother at wedding of Aron Lesegeld and Rachel Lier v. on 19-12-1918
Silberstein, Roebin father at wedding of Wigder Silberstein and Matthea Woude v.d. on 19-12-1923
Silberstein, Roebin father at wedding of Abraham Silberstein and Marianne Kanes on 20-06-1923
Silva da Abenatar, Isaac father at wedding of Louis Zwaap and Esther Silva da Abenatar on 17-05-1923
Silva da Abenatar, Salomon father at wedding of Philip Tas and Rachel Silva da Abenatar on 15-04-1885
Silva da Curiel, father at wedding of Mozes Silva da Curiel and Sippora Peper on 14-05-1919
Silva da Curiel, Ester mother at wedding of Mozes Silva da Curiel and Sippora Peper on 14-05-1919
Silva da Curiel, Esther mother at wedding of Jacob Pens and Jansje Visser on 27-11-1907
Silva da Rosa, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Presser and Esther Silva da Rosa on 18-11-1868
Silva da Solis, Daniel father at wedding of Samson Monnikendam and Mirjam Silva da Solis on 24-07-1907
Silva da, Daniel father at wedding of Samuel Flesseman and Esther Silva da on 16-01-1906
Simmeren, Bonnem father at wedding of Herman Stokvis and Klaartje Simmeren on 12-06-1929
Simmeren, Henderine mother at wedding of Mozes Noort and Cornelia Straten v. on 15-06-1899
Simon, Carolina mother at wedding of Karl Groedel and Else Lier v. on 04-08-1925
Simon, Elias father at wedding of Leo Simon and Rebecca Bosnak on 26-05-1885
Simon, Emilie mother at wedding of Paul Goldschmidt and Paula Eltzbacher on 07-03-1899
Simon, Hermann father at wedding of Werner Simon and Helene Weisberger on 17-11-1933
Simon, Josef father at wedding of Lion Kater and Karolina Simon on 15-07-1908
Simons, father at wedding of Salomon Wijnschenk and Naatje Simons on 27-11-1839
Simons, father at wedding of Joseph Simons and Raatje Furth v. on 24-08-1843
Simons, Abraham father at wedding of Liepman Simons and Esther Gosschalk on 11-04-1888
Simons, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Simons and Sophia Kleerekoper on 26-06-1918
Simons, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Simons and Johanna Berlijn on 07-08-1918
Simons, Anna mother at wedding of Emil Spanjaard and Sophie Ameringen v. on 09-12-1909
Simons, Antje mother at wedding of Mozes Voolen v. and Elza Straus on 14-07-1927
Simons, Aron father at wedding of Joel Blom and Esther Simons on 07-03-1906
Simons, Aron father at wedding of Simon Simons and Vrouwtje Mossel on 26-07-1899
Simons, Aron father at wedding of Eliazer Simons and Sara Beem v. on 20-09-1916
Simons, Aron father at wedding of Hartog Simons and Aaltje Engelsman on 06-04-1927
Simons, Benjamin father at wedding of Andries Gootdorp and Charlotte Simons on 02-10-1935
Simons, David father at wedding of Abraham Simons and Sipoa Degen on 31-01-1937
Simons, Eliazer father at wedding of Aron Simons and Jetje Elsas on 01-09-1937
Simons, Eliazer father at wedding of Hartog Simons and Reina Morpurgo on 26-10-1899
Simons, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Abraham Mol and Aleida Tijn v. on 23-05-1923
Simons, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Marcus Overste and Reintje Ancona d' on 09-12-1896
Simons, Elisabeth mother at wedding of David Overste and Helena Leeuw de on 24-10-1907
Simons, Emma mother at wedding of Artur Struch and Sara Kollem v. on 05-06-1935
Simons, Esther mother at wedding of Maurits IJzer and Margaretha Rijk v. on 14-03-1918
Simons, Froukje mother at wedding of Raphael Frenkel and Betje Zeelander on 25-11-1908
Simons, Hartog father at wedding of Mozes Berg v.d. and Betsie Simons on 10-07-1935
Simons, Hartog father at wedding of Maurits Simons and Betje Carels on 29-11-1923
Simons, Hartog father at wedding of Louis Simons and Rachel Waas on 12-12-1906
Simons, Hartog father at wedding of Simon Meijerson and Annette Simons on 03-10-1888
Simons, Hartog father at wedding of Barend Berg v.d. and Betje Simons on 26-09-1929
Simons, Hartog father at wedding of Jacques Gompers and Lea Simons on 10-12-1925
Simons, Herman father at wedding of Isaac Simons and Julie Godfrinon on 20-05-1886
Simons, Isak father at wedding of Bernard Engel v. and Klara Simons on 19-06-1935
Simons, Israel father at wedding of Levie Simons and Veronica Levie on 31-10-1906
Simons, Izaak father at wedding of Nathan Simons and Heintje Jacobs on 21-09-1905
Simons, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Hagenaar and Eva Simons on 28-08-1929
Simons, Jacob father at wedding of Michel Brave de and Sibilla Simons on 20-07-1921
Simons, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Simons and Elizabeth Simons on 09-03-1870
Simons, Liepman father at wedding of Adolph Oosten v. and Sara Simons on 15-06-1916
Simons, Louis father at wedding of Simon Simons and Rebecca Cohen a on 09-01-1935
Simons, Louis father at wedding of Leon Mol and Hanna Simons on 24-10-1906
Simons, Louis father at wedding of Isaac Metz de and Sara Simons on 03-09-1919
Simons, Louis father at wedding of Mozes Simons and Eve Locham v. on 29-05-1912
Simons, Louis father at wedding of Eliazer Simons and Heintje Metz de on 24-03-1915
Simons, Louis father at wedding of Alexander Gelderen v. and Clara Simons on 15-08-1918
Simons, Naatje mother at wedding of Jacob Hoeden v.d. and Sara Polak on 01-03-1921
Simons, Nathan father at wedding of Jacques Simons and Elisabeth Franschman on 09-06-1937
Simons, Rijntje mother at wedding of Louis Gelder v. and Frederika Beer on 17-11-1896
Simons, Rijntje mother at wedding of Louis Gelder v. and Rosalie Frank on 11-06-1912
Simons, Rijntje mother at wedding of Bernard Gelder v. and Helena Schulman on 20-06-1905
Simons, Rosette mother at wedding of Wolf Thijn v. and Wilhelmina Leeuwin on 30-04-1919
Simons, Saartje mother at wedding of Barend Bollegraaf and Judith Waterman on 31-05-1923
Simons, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Simons and Reina Acohen on 08-02-1933
Simons, Samuel father at wedding of Hartog Simons and Elizabeth Simons on 09-03-1870
Simons, Samuel father at wedding of Israel Simons and Raatje Jong de on 12-05-1875
Simons, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Abraham and Johanna Drilsma on 18-08-1937
Simons, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Abraham and Frederika Linden v.d. on 23-12-1937
Simons, Schoontje mother at wedding of Hartog Pampel and Betje Aandagt on 11-11-1908
Simons, Schoontje mother at wedding of Jonas Pampel and Roosje Aandagt on 26-02-1919
Simons, Simon father at wedding of Arnold Chits and Elisabeth Simons on 26-08-1909
Simons, Simon father at wedding of Mozes Pampel and Schoontje Simons on 24-06-1885
Simons, Simon father at wedding of Meijer Jong de and Henriette Simons on 04-11-1915
Simons, Sofia mother at wedding of Mozes Vos and Frida Leser on 21-06-1933
Simson, Rachel mother at wedding of Abraham Karp and Tauba Schweizer on 28-02-1918
Sinaasappel, Johanna mother at wedding of Alfred Leek and Elisabeth Vreedenburg on 15-02-1928
Sindler, Sanna mother at wedding of Salomon Bremer and Elisabeth Boutelje on 12-09-1935
Sister v., E. father at wedding of Manuel Soester and Wilhelmina Sister v. on 26-05-1958
Sister v., Isaac father at wedding of Mozes Sister v. and Jetje Sternfeld on 29-06-1921
Sister v., Isaac father at wedding of Simon Sister v. and Sara Kool on 08-02-1933
Sister v., Isaac father at wedding of Juda Velde v.d. and Bloeme Sister v. on 25-09-1929
Sister v., Leendert father at wedding of Abraham Goudeketting and Bloeme Sister v. on 13-10-1915
Sister v., Simon father at wedding of Joseph Reindorp and Debora Sister v. on 24-05-1923
Sister v., Simon father at wedding of Josua Velleman and Elsje Sister v. on 29-12-1915
Sister v., Vogeltje mother at wedding of Leendert Blik and Elisabeth Vries de on 01-11-1905
Sister v., Vogeltje mother at wedding of Joseph Blik and Antje Franken on 29-08-1912
Sister v., Vogeltje mother at wedding of Zacharias Blik and Schoontje Polak on 01-11-1916
Sisteren v., father at wedding of Meijer Plukker and Hanna Sisteren v. on 19-11-1862
Sisteren v., Benjamin father at wedding of Gaim Polak and Regina Sisteren v. on 14-06-1916
Sisteren v., Benjamin father at wedding of Jacob Vleeschdraager and Lena Sisteren v. on 28-05-1914
Sisteren v., Benjamin father at wedding of Barend Zeldenrust and Jane Sisteren v. on 28-05-1914
Sisteren v., Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Blitz and Margaretha Sisteren v. on 17-05-1905
Sisteren v., Jeannette mother at wedding of Meijer Slier and Mietje Groen on 30-12-1915
Sisteren v., Jeannette mother at wedding of Benjamin Slier and Rachel Bos on 15-06-1916
Sisteren v., Lea mother at wedding of Leendert Boer de and Elisabeth Cracau on 12-06-1907
Sisteren v., Lea mother at wedding of Leendert Boer de and Hanna Cohen on 04-05-1921
Sitter, Betje mother at wedding of Marcus Ossendrijver and Sara Brandon on 26-09-1928
Sitter, Marcus father at wedding of Mozes Baale v. and Klara Sitter on 06-01-1869
Sitters, father at wedding of Nathan Sitters and Marianne Valk on 30-11-1831
Sitters, father at wedding of Levie Sitters and Rachel Allemans v. on 22-02-1843
Sitters, father at wedding of Hartog Boekverkoper and Beletje Sitters on 17-02-1847
Sitters, father at wedding of Samuel Nachtlicht and Klara Sitters on 26-06-1844
Sitters, Leentje mother at wedding of Zacharias Klijbos and Roosje Samson on 16-11-1906
Sitters, Leentje mother at wedding of Nathan Klijbos and Schoontje Roe on 01-11-1899
Sitters, Manuel father at wedding of Jonas Knoop and Elisabeth Sitters on 31-05-1899
Sitters, Marcus father at wedding of Emanuel Sitters and Rebecca Druijf on 21-12-1927
Sitters, Nathan father at wedding of Hartog Frank and Eva Sitters on 29-01-1873
Sjenitzer, Lewek father at wedding of Maijer Sjenitzer and Rosette Augurki on 15-04-1886
Sjer, Abraham father at wedding of Sjloeme Sjer and Betje Goldsmit on 27-03-1912
Sjouwerman, father at wedding of Hijman Betel and Leentje Sjouwerman on 15-01-1879
Sjouwerman, A. father at wedding of Tobias Sjouwerman and Jetje Rudelsheim on 02-03-1859
Sjouwerman, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Sjouwerman and Elsje Rudelsheim on 17-06-1875
Sjouwerman, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Sjouwerman and Schoontje Veen v.d. on 11-10-1923
Sjouwerman, Abraham father at wedding of Mozes Sjouwerman and Dina Bonn on 14-04-1915
Sjouwerman, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Sjouwerman and Saarje Tabak on 03-07-1879
Sjouwerman, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Sjouwerman and Mietje Rijn v. on 27-05-1869
Sjouwerman, Abraham father at wedding of Daniel Sjouwerman and Hendrika Moppes v. on 15-08-1928
Sjouwerman, Alida mother at wedding of Levie Samson and Rebecca Gobes on 11-09-1919
Sjouwerman, Daniel father at wedding of Gerrit Lakmaker and Eva Sjouwerman on 02-01-1919
Sjouwerman, Debora mother at wedding of Joachim Boutelje and Marie Zanten v. on 21-03-1933
Sjouwerman, Eduard father at wedding of Moses Zomerplaag and Henriette Sjouwerman on 17-12-1919
Sjouwerman, Emanuel father at wedding of David Sjouwerman and Elsje Jong de on 03-06-1909
Sjouwerman, Esther mother at wedding of Isaac Rabbie and Elisabeth Borstel on 09-08-1933
Sjouwerman, Femmetje mother at wedding of Isidoor Meijer and Selma Weinberg on 12-06-1935
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Louis Sjouwerman and Sophia Weezel v. on 24-01-1923
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Levie Sjouwerman and Henriette Jongh de on 09-01-1908
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Meijer Sjouwerman and Alida Isaac on 08-08-1928
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Joseph Sjouwerman and Aaltje Stoller on 12-03-1919
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Juda Groot de and Lena Sjouwerman on 25-06-1908
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Joseph Sjouwerman and Vrouwtje Kar v.d. on 19-12-1866
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Emanuel Sjouwerman and Aaltje Preso on 05-12-1866
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Willem Tak and Prinsje Sjouwerman on 27-04-1899
Sjouwerman, Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Cohen and Adelia Sjouwerman on 24-07-1929
Sjouwerman, Isaac father at wedding of Daniel Sjouwerman and Marianne Brilleman on 07-07-1886
Sjouwerman, Isaac father at wedding of Juda Koster and Raatje Sjouwerman on 21-07-1915
Sjouwerman, Jacob father at wedding of Maurits Sjouwerman and Josephina Bergh v.d. on 28-06-1921
Sjouwerman, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Sjouwerman and Debora Batavier on 02-12-1896
Sjouwerman, Joseph father at wedding of Nehemias Rooij de and Alida Sjouwerman on 24-01-1929
Sjouwerman, Jozef father at wedding of Joel Rabbie and Esther Sjouwerman on 22-01-1896
Sjouwerman, Leentje mother at wedding of Isaac Betel and Josina Degen on 13-10-1909
Sjouwerman, Leentje mother at wedding of Barend Groenman and Femmetje Zonligt on 11-08-1909
Sjouwerman, Leentje mother at wedding of Mozes Groenman and Alida Koster on 04-12-1907
Sjouwerman, Levie father at wedding of Barend Sjouwerman and Margaretha Orpes on 19-12-1906
Sjouwerman, Marianna mother at wedding of Jonas Bierman and Rebekka Rebi on 27-03-1912
Sjouwerman, Maurits father at wedding of Israel Dijk v. and Jetje Sjouwerman on 11-08-1927
Sjouwerman, Nathan father at wedding of Isaac Schoolmeester and Eva Sjouwerman on 29-07-1885
Sjouwerman, Rebekka mother at wedding of Tobias Beer de and Rachel Praag v. on 09-11-1905
Sjouwerman, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Ziekenoppasser and Lea Sjouwerman on 01-11-1905
Sjouwerman, Sientje mother at wedding of Levie Brouwer and Marianne Kattenburg on 06-06-1912
Sjouwerman, Soesman father at wedding of Tobias Sjouwerman and Geertruida Polak on 14-08-1912
Sjouwerman, Soesman father at wedding of Emanuel Polak and Aaltje Sjouwerman on 13-04-1916
Sjouwerman, Sophia mother at wedding of Jacques Wilde de and Eva Rozenberg on 04-04-1935
Sjouwerman, Tobias father at wedding of Maurits Sjouwerman and Lea Baruch on 05-10-1899
Sjouwerman, Tobias father at wedding of Nathan Sjouwerman and Eva Jacobs on 05-09-1923
Sjouwerman, Tobias father at wedding of Soesman Sjouwerman and Hanna Vedder on 29-04-1885
Sjowerman, Lena mother at wedding of Jacob Groot de and Duifje Delden on 24-08-1933
Slaager, father at wedding of Nathan Willing and Dina Slaager on 11-10-1843
Slager, Benjamin father at wedding of Benedictus Berklou and Leentje Slager on 29-06-1927
Slager, Benjamin father at wedding of Levie Slager and Saartje Sluijter on 23-01-1918
Slager, Benjamin father at wedding of Marcus Slager and Esther Tas on 22-08-1923
Slager, Benjamin father at wedding of Harrie Slager and Sara Fierlier on 10-08-1921
Slager, Etje mother at wedding of Nathan Smeer and Esther Hes v. on 29-09-1921
Slager, Etje mother at wedding of Joseph Smeer and Naatje Beek on 04-09-1929
Slager, Eva mother at wedding of Marcus Haan de and Marie Hoedemaker on 28-02-1929
Slager, Izaak father at wedding of Willem Vorsanger and Rachel Slager on 10-11-1927
Slager, Izak father at wedding of David Slager and Lydia Jacobs on 28-06-1928
Slager, Jannetje mother at wedding of Zadok Zwaap and Lena Rootveld on 14-05-1919
Slager, Jannetje mother at wedding of Mozes Zwaap and Rachel Bos on 28-08-1907
Slager, Leentje mother at wedding of Hartog Beezem v. and Betje Cohen on 31-07-1935
Slager, Marianne mother at wedding of Levie Kloot and Rebecca Druijf on 19-08-1914
Slager, Marianne mother at wedding of Jacob Kloot and Roosje Hakker on 24-08-1905
Slager, Mozes father at wedding of Wolf Smeer and Esther Slager on 10-02-1886
Slager, Philip father at wedding of Bernard Slager and Esther Cohen on 08-06-1905
Slager, Reintje mother at wedding of David Gelderen v. and Roosje Heide on 04-12-1912
Slager, Saartje mother at wedding of Joel Denneboom and Schoontje Blom on 19-06-1929
Slager, Saartje mother at wedding of Willem Orgelist and Johanna Denneboom on 12-08-1925
Slager, Saartje mother at wedding of Noach Benneboom and Mietje Mossel on 21-09-1927
Slager, Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Denneboom and Elisabeth Vries de on 14-11-1935
Slager, Saartje mother at wedding of Michel Galitzien and Judith Harpman on 27-08-1925
Slager, Saartje mother at wedding of Hijman Denneboom and Sara Gans on 05-12-1928
Slager, Zadok father at wedding of Hartog Kloot and Marianne Slager on 28-08-1872
Slager, Zadok father at wedding of Levie Zwaap and Jannetje Slager on 27-05-1874
Slagter, Barend father at wedding of Mozes Slagter and Aaltje Plukker on 20-12-1899
Slagter, Hartog father at wedding of Salomon Frank and Jeannette Slagter on 11-11-1868
Slagter, Joseph father at wedding of Benjamin Slagter and Jeanne Hamme on 01-03-1907
Slagter, Samuel father at wedding of Barend Swaab and Rebecca Slagter on 13-10-1921
Slap, Aaron father at wedding of Hijman Peper and Rachel Slap on 08-02-1933
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Hijman Slap and Rachel Mok on 14-10-1896
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Delden and Mietje Slap on 05-04-1916
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Marcus Drukker and Saartje Slap on 23-10-1907
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Ephraim Slap and Vrouwtje Kar v.d. on 20-12-1906
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Hijman Slap and Maria Groente on 02-02-1905
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Abraham Snoek and Roosje Slap on 01-05-1918
Slap, Abraham father at wedding of Hartog Schelvis and Rachel Slap on 12-02-1896
Slap, Bloeme mother at wedding of Joseph Zeehandelaar and Sara Geleerd on 05-09-1907
Slap, Bloeme mother at wedding of Abraham Zeehandelaar and Roza Lange de on 09-08-1916
Slap, Elias father at wedding of Hijman Slap and Rebecca Slap on 03-11-1921
Slap, Eva mother at wedding of Mozes Waas and Judith Embden on 22-02-1933
Slap, Eva mother at wedding of Jacob Speelman and Sara Wittenburg on 27-06-1907
Slap, Gerrit father at wedding of Hijman Slap and Elisabeth Weezel v. on 07-04-1927
Slap, Grietje mother at wedding of Meijer Polak and Louisa Davidson on 18-01-1928
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Levie Polak and Grietje Slap on 24-12-1885
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Isaac Slap and Clara Sluis on 18-05-1899
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Ephraim Slap and Sophia Hamburger on 22-10-1868
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Joseph Praag v. and Matthea Slap on 24-03-1886
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Abraham Slap and Elisabeth Klijn de on 28-12-1921
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Abraham Slap and Judith Cohen on 06-04-1905
Slap, Hijman father at wedding of Israel Slap and Rebecca Reens on 11-06-1884
Slap, Isaac father at wedding of Hijman Slap and Rebecca Slap on 03-11-1921
Slap, Isaac father at wedding of Henri Vries de and Rebecca Slap on 28-08-1935
Slap, Isaac father at wedding of Jozef Sijes v. and Sara Slap on 17-10-1906
Slap, Israel father at wedding of Eliazer Slap and Grietje Wolder on 15-12-1921
Slap, Israel father at wedding of Isaac Slap and Serlien Witteboon on 27-03-1919
Slap, Israel father at wedding of Eliazer Slap and Hanne Amerongen v. on 22-03-1916
Slap, Izaak father at wedding of Salomon Kleerekooper and Bloeme Slap on 09-12-1925
Slap, Izaak father at wedding of Hijman Koopman and Adolphina Slap on 11-03-1921
Slap, Izaak father at wedding of Hijman Koopman and Sara Slap on 09-09-1914
Slap, Izaak father at wedding of Abraham Smeer and Jansje Slap on 21-07-1921
Slap, Moses father at wedding of Abraham Slap and Judith Hartlooper on 18-03-1896
Slap, Mozes father at wedding of Joseph Slap and Mietje Canho del on 14-03-1923
Slap, Mozes father at wedding of Joel Bremer and Marianne Slap on 04-03-1885
Slap, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Slap and Betje Wegloop on 16-12-1868
Slap, Rachel mother at wedding of Abraham Schelvis and Naatje Brilleman on 23-05-1923
Slap, Rachel mother at wedding of Jacob Schelvis and Sara Groenstad on 27-06-1923
Slap, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Praag v. and Esther Slap on 07-04-1927
Slier, father at wedding of Jesaijas Slier and Eva Groenstad on 13-01-1847
Slier, father at wedding of Barend Slier and Babet Hart de on 05-05-1843
Slier, father at wedding of Hartog Piller and Eva Slier on 28-02-1872
Slier, father at wedding of Jacob Voet and Saartje Slier on 25-11-1847
Slier, Abraham father at wedding of Simon Slier and Kaatje Prins on 08-05-1918
Slier, Andries father at wedding of Barend Lier v. and Roosje Slier on 06-09-1905
Slier, Andries father at wedding of Mozes Ploeg v. and Margaretha Slier on 16-11-1921
Slier, Andries father at wedding of Meijer Slier and Judic Wagenaar on 31-08-1853
Slier, Barend father at wedding of Markus Vries de and Anna Slier on 12-06-1878
Slier, Betje mother at wedding of Meijer Tas and Sara Hirschel on 15-02-1928
Slier, Betje mother at wedding of Elias Content and Judith Blanes on 13-11-1907
Slier, Betje mother at wedding of Heiman Tas and Alida Duizend on 07-09-1927
Slier, Betje mother at wedding of Jacob Tas and Lea Lange de on 17-12-1925
Slier, Betje mother at wedding of Jacob Content and Hendrika Groen on 28-06-1905
Slier, Daniel father at wedding of Elias Sijes and Saartje Slier on 21-08-1873
Slier, Daniel father at wedding of Jonas Slier and Johanna Israel on 05-03-1879
Slier, Daniel father at wedding of David Koopman and Sippora Slier on 09-01-1884
Slier, Daniel father at wedding of Levie Leeuw de and Rebecca Slier on 03-10-1888
Slier, David father at wedding of Andries Slier and Regina Kleef v. on 30-06-1875
Slier, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Isaac Huijsman and Marianne Legerman on 29-09-1937
Slier, Esther mother at wedding of Daniel Zeeman and Jansje Snoek on 13-05-1908
Slier, Esther mother at wedding of Nathan Zeeman and Sophie Jons on 09-09-1908
Slier, Eva mother at wedding of Isaac Piller and Christina Eldewereld on 29-05-1912
Slier, Eva mother at wedding of Emanuel Piller and Duifje Boas on 23-08-1899
Slier, Eva mother at wedding of Daniel Piller and Sara Stuiver on 10-01-1907
Slier, Jacob father at wedding of Wilhelm Slier and Grietje Zwarts on 20-08-1925
Slier, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Slier and Alida Aronson on 20-04-1927
Slier, Jacob father at wedding of Adolph Slier and Elisabeth Piller on 25-01-1928
Slier, Jansje mother at wedding of Isaac Italiaander and Clara Blik on 21-10-1909
Slier, Jesaias father at wedding of Andries Slier and Alida Berg v.d. on 30-06-1869
Slier, Jesaias father at wedding of Samson Waterman and Naatje Slier on 16-06-1875
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Slier and Sara Engelander on 28-04-1937
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Slier and Sientje Korper on 11-12-1918
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Abraham Slier and Clara Amerongen v. on 17-03-1915
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Daniel Slier and Rachel Waterman on 03-01-1907
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Isaac Bos and Vogeltje Slier on 12-06-1878
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Slier and Rebecca Swart on 29-06-1905
Slier, Joseph father at wedding of Ruben Soesan and Elisabeth Slier on 07-10-1885
Slier, Judic mother at wedding of Andries Metz and Hanna Wertheim on 17-06-1896
Slier, Judic mother at wedding of Joseph Metz and Femmetje Goede de on 07-06-1899
Slier, Keetje mother at wedding of Joseph Polak and Sophie Keizer on 22-10-1919
Slier, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Vleeschhouwer and Vrouwtje Slier on 12-11-1919
Slier, Levie father at wedding of Benjamin Slier and Rachel Bos on 15-06-1916
Slier, Levie father at wedding of Meijer Slier and Mietje Groen on 30-12-1915
Slier, Levie father at wedding of Jozeph Slier and Margaretha Bartels on 19-12-1918
Slier, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Slier and Mietje Pimentel on 06-11-1919
Slier, Meijer father at wedding of Andries Slier and Aaltje Salomon on 05-08-1896
Slier, Mozes father at wedding of Philip Slier and Betje Visman on 08-11-1899
Slier, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Slier and Schoontje Cosman on 15-09-1886
Slier, Philip father at wedding of Eliazar Slier and Salina Salomonson on 09-02-1921
Slier, Philip father at wedding of Moses Slier and Johanna Bacharach on 14-11-1928
Slier, Rebecca mother at wedding of Isaac Aandagt and Aaltje Kool on 29-04-1925
Slier, Rebecca mother at wedding of David Aandagt and Kaatje Bosboom on 18-10-1933
Slier, Rebecca mother at wedding of Philip Aandagt and Eva Nunes Vas on 08-01-1919
Slier, Rebecca mother at wedding of Mozes Aandagt and Mietje Reijmer on 29-11-1906
Slier, Saartje mother at wedding of Daniel Sijes and Margola Riwlin on 24-08-1921
Slier, Saartje mother at wedding of Joseph Benjamins and Naatje Sijes on 15-11-1899
Slier, Saartje mother at wedding of Philip Sijes and Duifje Hijmans on 19-07-1899
Slier, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Rooijen v. and Marianne Slier on 15-05-1935
Slier, Samuel father at wedding of Jacob Slier and Rachel Bok de on 18-01-1888
Slier, Sientje mother at wedding of Daniel Kool and Elisabeth Nerden on 18-12-1929
Slier, Sipora mother at wedding of Daniel Koopman and Klara Beezem v. on 06-02-1918
Slier, Sippora mother at wedding of Joseph Veffer and Roosje Koopman on 13-08-1925
Slier, Sippora mother at wedding of Levie Koopman and Hendrina Pach on 26-05-1915
Slier, Vogeltje mother at wedding of Joseph Bos and Mathilda Serlui on 15-05-1918
Slier, Willem father at wedding of Samuel Kapper and Mijntje Slier on 08-12-1880
Slijper, father at wedding of Joseph Slijper and Grietje Voet on 05-11-1846
Slijper, Bernard father at wedding of Stephane Weerden v. and Merie Slijper on 10-02-1914
Slijper, Bernard father at wedding of Isidoor Vos and Margaretha Slijper on 07-04-1914
Slijper, Esther mother at wedding of Mozes Ameringen v. and Sophia Duveen on 11-06-1919
Slijper, Ezechiel father at wedding of Hermanus Slijper and Elsje Rudelsheim on 15-06-1875
Slijper, Ezechiel father at wedding of Nathan Koe and Evalina Slijper on 22-12-1869
Slijper, Ezechiel father at wedding of Samuel Slijper and Julie Weerden v. on 29-12-1880
Slijper, Ezechiel father at wedding of Bernard Slijper and Elisabeth Benedictus on 24-04-1873
Slijper, Hermanus father at wedding of Joseph Slijper and Rosa Geleerd on 14-05-1914
Slijper, Lehman father at wedding of Elias Pakkedrager and Sara Slijper on 07-08-1935
Slijper, Salomon father at wedding of Izaak Cohen and Virginie Slijper on 02-06-1909
Slijper, Salomon father at wedding of Eduard Elias and Virginie Slijper on 24-01-1935
Slijper, Salomon father at wedding of David Cohen and Cornelia Slijper on 21-08-1912
Slijper, Salomon father at wedding of Lehman Slijper and Mietje Asscher on 12-09-1906
Slijter, Guurtje mother at wedding of Markus Peeper and Louise Velleman on 06-02-1935
Slochem v., Grietje mother at wedding of Joel Blom and Esther Simons on 07-03-1906
Slochem v., Nathan father at wedding of Mordechai Vriend de and Marianne Slochem v. on 16-02-1899
Slochem v., Nathan father at wedding of Salomon Konijn and Anna Slochem v. on 04-06-1885
Slochem v., Sientje mother at wedding of Hartog Kop v.d. and Dora Bos on 16-04-1929
Slochem, father at wedding of Coenraad Kampen v. and Raatje Slochem on 19-11-1873
Slochem, Nathan father at wedding of Andries Slochem and Duifje Goudsmit on 10-06-1880
Sloggem, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Achtsteribbe and Rachel Sloggem on 29-08-1888
Sloggem, Abraham father at wedding of Philip Sloggem and Sara Toledo on 24-07-1872
Sloggem, Alida mother at wedding of Abraham Verdoner and Betje Visser on 21-02-1907
Sloggem, Alida mother at wedding of Joel Verdoner and Hilletje Verdooner on 12-02-1896
Sloggem, Alida mother at wedding of Joel Verdoner and Esther Premselaar on 02-08-1899
Sloggem, Philip father at wedding of Joel Sloggem and Kaatje Lange de on 20-11-1929
Sloggem, Philip father at wedding of Abraham Sloggem and Rachel Blits on 23-04-1902
Sloggem, Rachel mother at wedding of Abraham Agsteribbe and Sara Bakker on 29-08-1923
Sloggem, Rachel mother at wedding of Isaac Agsteribbe and Mietje Zwaaf on 15-09-1921
Sloghem, Eliazer father at wedding of Nicolaas Kapper and Clara Sloghem on 31-10-1907
Slomons, Naatje mother at wedding of Louis Kater and Esther Barend on 08-12-1937
Slomper, father at wedding of Salomon Pelser and Rebekka Slomper on 07-09-1842
Slomper, father at wedding of Jacob Slomper and Mietje Cohen on 20-06-1888
Slomper, Hartog father at wedding of Marcus Slomper and Saartje Engers on 21-03-1935
Slomper, Jacob father at wedding of Wolf Kreeveld v. and Esther Slomper on 16-06-1909
Slomper, Jacob father at wedding of Leendert Waterman and Betje Slomper on 11-04-1923
Slomper, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Kuijt and Anna Slomper on 25-07-1928
Slomper, Jetje mother at wedding of Jacob Slomper and Mietje Cohen on 20-06-1888
Slomper, Joseph father at wedding of Herman Slomper and Elisabeth Mok on 13-09-1933
Slomper, Samuel father at wedding of Hartog Berkhof and Simmetje Slomper on 17-10-1866
Sloog, father at wedding of Isaac Sloog and Hester Velleman on 10-10-1841
Sloog, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Molen v.d. and Marianne Sloog on 09-03-1927
Sloog, Emmanuel father at wedding of Simche Mariasch and Elisabeth Sloog on 11-01-1933
Sloog, Eva mother at wedding of Louis Spijer and Klara Goudsmit on 07-08-1919
Sloog, Helena mother at wedding of Nathan Munnikendam and Esther Hollander on 02-06-1909
Sloog, Isaac father at wedding of Isaac Kromme de and Rosette Sloog on 04-03-1896
Sloog, Isaac father at wedding of Levie Blog and Branca Sloog on 14-08-1935
Sloog, Isaac father at wedding of Emanuel Weltevreeden and Debora Sloog on 29-05-1872
Sloog, Isaac father at wedding of Herman Sloog and Grietje Wertheijm on 30-10-1929
Sloog, Isaac father at wedding of David Sloog and Sara Blog on 17-01-1923
Sloog, Isaac father at wedding of Emanuel Sloog and Vrouwtje Kollem v. on 24-10-1877
Sloog, Izak father at wedding of Hartog Sloog and Matje Scheffer on 25-03-1868
Sloog, Kaatje mother at wedding of Joseph Katoen and Eliza Sanders on 19-06-1907
Sloog, Levie father at wedding of Israel Sloog and Fanny Levisson on 18-12-1912
Sloog, Levie father at wedding of Jacques Sloog and Anna Wouthuijsen on 05-09-1918
Sloog, Levie father at wedding of Isaac Sloog and Branca Philips on 08-06-1899
Sloog, Mozes father at wedding of Joseph Spijer and Eva Sloog on 27-04-1870
Sloog, Mozes father at wedding of Eliazer Monnickendam and Leentje Sloog on 19-08-1875
Slosser, Isaak father at wedding of Hijman Slosser and Mietje Spreekmeester on 05-03-1925
Slosser, Isaak father at wedding of Salomon Slosser and Sara Leeuw de on 21-12-1916
Slosser, Isaak father at wedding of Levie Carels and Marianne Slosser on 14-06-1923
Slosser, Joseph father at wedding of Hijman Slosser and Jeannette Schenkkan on 28-03-1935
Sloves, Mozes father at wedding of Arnold Sloves and Lena Lange de on 01-05-1935
Sluijs v., Levie father at wedding of Salomon Hoedemaker and Rosette Sluijs v. on 02-01-1896
Sluijs v.d., Arend father at wedding of Alexander Pels and Alida Sluijs v.d. on 26-10-1916
Sluijs v.d., Betje mother at wedding of Maurits Smit and Elisabeth Hijmans on 14-06-1916
Sluijs v.d., Izak father at wedding of Jacob Sluijs v.d. and Eva Paerl on 01-10-1925
Sluijs v.d., Lea mother at wedding of Aaron Rooijen v. and Jetje Engelander on 16-10-1918
Sluijs v.d., Lea mother at wedding of Salomon Rooijen v. and Dina Gelder v. on 14-06-1916
Sluijs v.d., Mozes father at wedding of Nathan Pels and Sara Sluijs v.d. on 03-11-1875
Sluijs v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Boas Appel and Leentje Pels on 08-01-1908
Sluijs v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Louis Pels and Clara Neuburger on 27-08-1914
Sluijs v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Philip Pels and Judith Zwartverwer on 06-12-1899
Sluijs, father at wedding of Hijman Sluijs and Betje Visjager on 17-12-1834
Sluijs, Aaltje mother at wedding of Arie Cohen and Eva Kar v.d. on 19-08-1896
Sluijs, David father at wedding of Jacob Sluijs and Elisabeth Jongh de on 13-08-1868
Sluijs, David father at wedding of Hartog Cohen and Elsje Sluijs on 30-01-1935
Sluijs, David father at wedding of Mozes Jacobs and Sara Sluijs on 21-08-1929
Sluijs, David father at wedding of Ezechiel Sluijs and Vrouwtje Bierman on 12-07-1916
Sluijs, David father at wedding of Levie Sluijs and Alida Vischschraper on 18-12-1919
Sluijs, David father at wedding of Marcus Citroen and Jacoba Sluijs on 18-08-1937
Sluijs, Dientje mother at wedding of Jozeph Polak and Saartje Rooij de on 10-03-1937
Sluijs, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Elias Pakkedrager and Sara Slijper on 07-08-1935
Sluijs, Ezechiel father at wedding of Hartog Weezel v. and Bloeme Sluijs on 28-03-1906
Sluijs, Femmetje mother at wedding of Marcus Koster and Reina Spreekmeester on 20-06-1929
Sluijs, Jacob father at wedding of Eduard Sluijs and Helena Vries de on 08-08-1906
Sluijs, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Sluijs and Hanna Koster on 11-10-1905
Sluijs, Jacob father at wedding of David Sluijs and Rosette Levie on 11-04-1907
Sluijs, Josef father at wedding of Abraham Sluijs and Judik Straten v. on 02-12-1885
Sluijs, Joseph father at wedding of Alexander Polak and Sientje Sluijs on 14-11-1906
Sluijs, Marcus father at wedding of Nathan Sluijs and Klaartje Zwaaf on 03-05-1905
Sluijs, Naatje mother at wedding of Salomon Lisser and Saartje Bromet on 02-10-1918
Sluijs, Nathan father at wedding of Marcus Sluijs and Betje Frankfort on 18-02-1880
Sluijs, Nathan father at wedding of Marcus Sluijs and Sara Acohen on 19-08-1937
Sluijs, Nathan father at wedding of Abraham Hond de and Sientje Sluijs on 15-02-1928
Sluijs, Rosetta mother at wedding of Ezechiel Pauer and Sarah Groen on 26-06-1919
Sluijs, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Knoop and Rosette Gans on 03-08-1933
Sluijs, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Brandon and Klara Gans on 20-12-1928
Sluijser, Hartog father at wedding of Alexander Sluijser and Sara Drukasch on 24-07-1935
Sluijser, Hartog father at wedding of Jacob Tertaas and Jansje Sluijser on 02-11-1921
Sluijser, Mozes father at wedding of Samuel Sluijser and Schoontje Walvisch on 23-11-1927
Sluijser, Samuel father at wedding of Mozes Sluijser and Sara Verdooner on 24-05-1899
Sluijter, father at wedding of Matthijs Sluijter and Esther Blog on 25-05-1859
Sluijter, father at wedding of Salomon Sluijter and Judic Zwalf on 27-10-1833
Sluijter, Aron father at wedding of Meijer Lelie and Esther Sluijter on 29-05-1918
Sluijter, Aron father at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Mietje Sluijter on 14-08-1918
Sluijter, Aron father at wedding of Salomon Sluijter and Heintje Neeter on 30-03-1870
Sluijter, Aron father at wedding of Matthijs Sluijter and Antje Mol on 25-09-1929
Sluijter, Aron father at wedding of Matthijs Sluijter and Sara Zwarts on 02-04-1925
Sluijter, Catharina mother at wedding of Salomon Crost and Sientje Bas on 03-11-1929
Sluijter, Catharina mother at wedding of Juda Crost and Sara Scheffer on 08-03-1933
Sluijter, Esther mother at wedding of Hijman Slap and Maria Groente on 02-02-1905
Sluijter, Esther mother at wedding of Ephraim Slap and Vrouwtje Kar v.d. on 20-12-1906
Sluijter, Isaac father at wedding of David Vischjager and Sientje Sluijter on 05-08-1914
Sluijter, Isaac father at wedding of Barend Wurms and Esther Sluijter on 24-06-1914
Sluijter, Isaac father at wedding of Israel Roodveldt and Catharina Sluijter on 18-08-1915
Sluijter, Isaac father at wedding of Jacque Sluijter and Klaartje Hond de on 31-07-1929
Sluijter, Isaac father at wedding of Levie Slager and Saartje Sluijter on 23-01-1918
Sluijter, Isaac father at wedding of Hijman Sluijter and Rebecca Klijnkramer on 10-08-1927
Sluijter, Levie father at wedding of Levie Katan and Catharina Sluijter on 02-08-1933
Sluijter, Marianne mother at wedding of Levie Hond de and Rebecca Franschman on 14-03-1929
Sluijter, Marianne mother at wedding of Willem Hond de and Marianne Kool on 11-10-1923
Sluijter, Markus father at wedding of Matthijs Sluijter and Debora Fransman on 18-08-1915
Sluijter, Markus father at wedding of Salomon Sluijter and Vrouwtje Polak on 27-01-1921
Sluijter, Mietje mother at wedding of Matthijs Haan de and Duifje Susan on 09-02-1928
Sluijter, Salomon father at wedding of Louis Sluijter and Margaretha Sacksioni on 27-10-1937
Sluijter, Salomon father at wedding of Hijman Sluijter and Sippora Nunes Nabarro on 21-09-1927
Sluijter, Salomon father at wedding of Salomon Kaas and Marianne Sluijter on 30-04-1879
Sluijter, Wolf father at wedding of Salomon Polak and Roosje Sluijter on 06-01-1909
Sluijter, Wolf father at wedding of Mozes Viool and Judith Sluijter on 24-05-1899
Sluijter, Wolf father at wedding of Isaac Sluijter and Roosje Presser on 10-08-1887
Sluijzer, David father at wedding of David Leeuw de and Hester Sluijzer on 18-05-1905
Sluijzer, Eleazer father at wedding of Isaac Wurms and Elisabeth Sluijzer on 12-05-1886
Sluijzer, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Aron Wurms and Vrouwtje Mok on 04-09-1912
Sluijzer, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Eliazer Wurms and Reina Bruinvels on 18-03-1914
Sluijzer, Fijtje mother at wedding of Nathan Frank and Sophia Goldberg on 05-09-1923
Sluijzer, Grietje mother at wedding of Willem Grijsaart and Marianna Mok on 15-06-1921
Sluijzer, Hartog father at wedding of Hartog Neter and Esther Sluijzer on 18-03-1908
Sluijzer, Heintje mother at wedding of Benedictus Berklou and Leentje Slager on 29-06-1927
Sluijzer, Jetje mother at wedding of Henri Boers de and Sara Camerik v. on 19-01-1905
Sluijzer, Levie father at wedding of Samuel Appelboom and Roosje Sluijzer on 26-11-1908
Sluijzer, Levie father at wedding of Nathan Sluijzer and Roosje Reens on 20-08-1925
Sluijzer, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Bruinvels and Dina Sluijzer on 05-08-1914
Sluijzer, Mozes father at wedding of Eliazer Sluijzer and Rachel Leeda on 13-08-1914
Sluijzer, Mozes father at wedding of Willem Sluijzer and Lea Lampetje on 31-05-1923
Sluijzer, Nathan father at wedding of Levie Sluijzer and Dina Grijsaard on 02-12-1885
Sluijzer, Salomon father at wedding of Wolf Druijf and Sipora Sluijzer on 23-11-1927
Sluijzer, Samuel father at wedding of Hartog Sluijzer and Sara Dresden on 22-07-1896
Sluijzer, Sara mother at wedding of Barend Hilversum and Keetje Kloot on 18-06-1919
Sluis v.d., father at wedding of Machiel Brave de and Kaatje Sluis v.d. on 20-11-1843
Sluis v.d., father at wedding of Isaac Leeuw de and Geesje Sluis v.d. on 25-04-1847
Sluis v.d., Abraham father at wedding of Levie Sluis v.d. and Batje Limburg on 18-02-1909
Sluis v.d., Andries father at wedding of David Sluis v.d. and Sara Drukker on 20-04-1933
Sluis v.d., Betje mother at wedding of Felix Bosman and Alida Frankfort on 15-03-1899
Sluis v.d., Ephraim father at wedding of Marcus Sluis v.d. and Julia Rozette on 11-06-1919
Sluis v.d., Ephraim father at wedding of Marcus Sluis v.d. and Henriette Wennek on 03-06-1896
Sluis v.d., Esther mother at wedding of Hermanus Klein and Rachel Morpurgo on 23-02-1905
Sluis v.d., Grietje mother at wedding of Alexander Frank and Debora Halberstadt on 25-11-1937
Sluis v.d., Isaak father at wedding of Isaac Smit and Kaatje Sluis v.d. on 05-09-1935
Sluis v.d., Isaak father at wedding of Hartog Sluis v.d. and Sara Berg v.d. on 09-06-1921
Sluis v.d., Jacob father at wedding of Aron Straten v. and Elisabeth Sluis v.d. on 31-05-1928
Sluis v.d., Jacob father at wedding of Levie Reindorp and Rebekka Sluis v.d. on 22-08-1929
Sluis v.d., Jacob father at wedding of Juda Ourhaan and Schoontje Sluis v.d. on 04-06-1925
Sluis v.d., Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Sluis v.d. and Rosa Ourhaan on 12-02-1925
Sluis v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Ephraim Sluis v.d. and Cornelia Bonewit on 17-07-1929
Sluis v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Jas and Klara Sluis v.d. on 12-06-1907
Sluis v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Gerrit Sluis v.d. and Berendje Bever v. on 24-07-1923
Sluis v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Barend Bonewit and Leentje Sluis v.d. on 13-07-1927
Sluis v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Leman Hoek v.d. and Jaantje Sluis v.d. on 22-06-1927
Sluis v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Emanuel Kloot v.d. and Hadassa Sluis v.d. on 28-08-1912
Sluis v.d., Lea mother at wedding of Mordechai Rooijen v. and Jansje Fieijra on 23-06-1937
Sluis v.d., Marcus father at wedding of Ephraim Sluis v.d. and Margaretha Ereira on 22-09-1927
Sluis v.d., Marcus father at wedding of Benjamin Kleef v. and Cato Sluis v.d. on 30-04-1919
Sluis v.d., Marcus father at wedding of Mozes Sluis v.d. and Schoontje Sluis v.d. on 30-05-1928
Sluis v.d., Marianna mother at wedding of Hartog Buren v. and Jansje Zeehandelaar on 04-05-1921
Sluis v.d., Marianna mother at wedding of Levie Buren v. and Rachel Witjas on 23-05-1907
Sluis v.d., Mozes father at wedding of Edward Sluis v.d. and Elsa Wolffers on 18-05-1916
Sluis v.d., Mozes father at wedding of Ephraim Sluis v.d. and Rachel Bonte on 30-09-1925
Sluis v.d., Mozes father at wedding of Salomon Sluis v.d. and Frederika Elzas on 17-05-1933
Sluis v.d., Saartje mother at wedding of Herman Hertzberger and Rosa Levita de on 18-11-1937
Sluis v.d., Saartje mother at wedding of Benjamin Swaab and Esther Eijsman on 29-08-1912
Sluis v.d., Sientje mother at wedding of Jacob Zwalf and Rozetta Brilleslijper on 11-07-1928
Sluis v.d., Sientje mother at wedding of Samuel Loggem v. and Elisabeth Brilleslijper on 11-06-1914
Sluis v.d., Sientje mother at wedding of Gompel Swaap and Annaatje Brilleslijper on 13-04-1927
Sluis v.d., Sientje mother at wedding of Isaac Elsas and Klaartje Brilleslijper on 03-02-1915
Sluis v.d., Simon father at wedding of Mozes Sluis v.d. and Schoontje Sluis v.d. on 30-05-1928
Sluis v.d., Simon father at wedding of Ephraim Sluis v.d. and Roosje Visschraper on 23-11-1921
Sluis v.d., Simon father at wedding of Alexander Cohen and Sara Sluis v.d. on 06-06-1906
Sluis v.d., Sofia mother at wedding of Jozef Italiaander and Sara Mol on 03-05-1899
Sluis v.d., Sophia mother at wedding of Joseph Mol and Judith Werkendam on 13-10-1921
Sluis v.d., Sophia mother at wedding of Leon Mol and Hanna Simons on 24-10-1906
Sluis, father at wedding of Isaac Slap and Clara Sluis on 18-05-1899
Sluis, Aaltje mother at wedding of Abraham Cohen and Jetje Hijman on 14-10-1896
Sluis, Abraham father at wedding of Jonas Fresco and Marianne Sluis on 28-07-1915
Sluis, Betje mother at wedding of Philip Blom and Grietje Scheffer on 02-03-1905
Sluis, Betje mother at wedding of Samuel Blom and Jochebeth Praag v. on 18-02-1914
Sluis, Clara mother at wedding of Hijman Slap and Rebecca Slap on 03-11-1921
Sluis, David father at wedding of Joseph Sluis and Rachel Polak on 08-11-1916
Sluis, David father at wedding of Samuel Sluis and Eva Wijnschenk on 04-10-1916
Sluis, Esther mother at wedding of David Worms and Sara Loos on 09-08-1899
Sluis, Joseph father at wedding of David Premseler and Betje Sluis on 27-05-1874
Sluis, Marcus father at wedding of Machiel Sluis and Esther Sturkop on 04-05-1905
Sluis, Marcus father at wedding of Juda Koster and Femmetje Sluis on 29-07-1896
Sluis, Marcus father at wedding of Jacob Hoepelman and Alida Sluis on 14-10-1885
Sluis, Marcus father at wedding of Berend Levie and Keetje Sluis on 03-03-1915
Sluis, Mietje mother at wedding of Samuel Reens and Rika Reens on 12-06-1919
Sluis, Philip father at wedding of Samuel Sluis and Aaltje Nathan Cohen on 01-11-1882
Sluis, Samuel father at wedding of Jozeph Frijda and Marianne Sluis on 21-01-1909
Sluis, Samuel father at wedding of Marcus Sluis and Sara Kleerekoper on 10-09-1925
Sluis, Samuel father at wedding of Wolf Wurms and Margaretha Sluis on 13-07-1921
Sluis, Samuel father at wedding of Marcus Sluis and Grietje Swaab on 31-10-1860
Sluis, Samuel father at wedding of Philip Sluis and Marianne Koster on 10-09-1919
Sluis, Samuel father at wedding of Marcus Sluis and Henriette Valhe del on 27-01-1927
Sluiter, father at wedding of Moses Souten v. and Rebecca Sluiter on 09-07-1862
Sluiter, Matthijs father at wedding of Samuel Sluiter and Rebecca Carvalho on 15-03-1906
Sluizer, Abraham father at wedding of Samuel Kransberg and Rebecca Sluizer on 22-11-1905
Sluizer, David father at wedding of Gerrit Verdoner and Hildegard Sluizer on 12-12-1933
Sluizer, David father at wedding of Salomon Sluizer and Carolina Noach on 18-08-1921
Sluizer, Izak father at wedding of Salomon Sternveld and Marjana Sluizer on 05-09-1906
Sluizer, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Sluizer and Klara Polak on 03-06-1868
Sluizer, Salomon father at wedding of Benjamin Sluizer and Klara Smit on 18-01-1923
Slumper, father at wedding of Salomon Slumper and Grietje Gompertz on 18-12-1861
Sluzewska, Mirjam mother at wedding of Henri Rafolovitsch and Malka Parszenszewski on 02-01-1935
Sluzewski, Alexander father at wedding of Jacob Sluzewski and Rebecca Bos on 30-08-1899
Sluzewski, Matel mother at wedding of Max Sluzewski and Anna Gazan on 26-08-1909
Sluzewski, Michael father at wedding of Max Sluzewski and Anna Gazan on 26-08-1909
Smalhout, Barend father at wedding of Elias Klatser and Margaretha Smalhout on 02-12-1925
Smalhout, Betje mother at wedding of Levie Citroen and Mietje Streep on 14-06-1916
Smalhout, David father at wedding of Jacob Smalhout and Fennij Gendering on 23-02-1933
Smalhout, David father at wedding of Abraham Smalhout and Mietje Gobits on 08-06-1927
Smalhout, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Hijman Presser and Betje Barnstein on 28-07-1937
Smalhout, Emanuel father at wedding of Jonas Stork and Sientje Smalhout on 12-11-1908
Smalhout, Hijman father at wedding of Salomon Smalhout and Esther Richter on 05-11-1896
Smalhout, Hijman father at wedding of Barend Smalhout and Sientje Metzelaar on 18-07-1883
Smalhout, Isaac father at wedding of Maurits Meijer and Dina Smalhout on 15-10-1925
Smalhout, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Smalhout and Flora Mok on 22-12-1915
Smalhout, Jacob father at wedding of Michel Smalhout and Lea Gazan on 23-04-1919
Smalhout, Jacob father at wedding of Jacob Bonnewit and Sara Smalhout on 03-06-1914
Smalhout, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Smalhout and Marianne Polak on 16-06-1875
Smalhout, Levie father at wedding of Leon Gelderen v. and Leentje Smalhout on 24-05-1899
Smalhout, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Smalhout and Frederika Parsser on 22-12-1927
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of Abraham Smeer and Jansje Slap on 21-07-1921
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of Salomon Smeer and Marietje Roeg on 18-08-1909
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of Mozes Praag v. and Kaatje Smeer on 01-11-1899
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of Levie Smeer and Grietje Bromet on 13-09-1905
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of Meijer Groot de and Sara Smeer on 28-03-1912
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of Levie Rijksman and Heintje Smeer on 24-10-1906
Smeer, Aron father at wedding of David Vleesdrager and Aaltje Smeer on 24-11-1915
Smeer, Azor father at wedding of Jacob Smeer and Greta Baruch Henriques on 21-03-1928
Smeer, Betje mother at wedding of David Kar v.d. and Heintje Canes on 16-02-1898
Smeer, Betje mother at wedding of Levie Kar v.d. and Judith Boeken on 18-01-1905
Smeer, Betje mother at wedding of Mozes Kar v.d. and Grietje Kar v.d. on 22-11-1905
Smeer, Froukje mother at wedding of Salomon Klint and Klaartje Hakker on 03-11-1921
Smeer, Hanna mother at wedding of Wolf Cohen and Vrouwtje Ensel on 01-02-1905
Smeer, Izaak father at wedding of Mozes Gobits and Sippora Smeer on 12-04-1906
Smeer, Izaak father at wedding of Meijer Smeer and Eva Kamerik on 05-07-1906
Smeer, Izaak father at wedding of Elkan Lierens and Froukje Smeer on 15-11-1905
Smeer, Jacob father at wedding of Nathan Smeer and Rosette Swaab on 24-07-1929
Smeer, Jacob father at wedding of Maurits Smeer and Dora Zwaab on 25-10-1933
Smeer, Jacob father at wedding of Liepman Trijtel and Esther Smeer on 23-02-1921
Smeer, Leentje mother at wedding of Isaac Cohen and Lea Coopman on 13-03-1918
Smeer, Leentje mother at wedding of Nathan Cohen and Sara Linda v. on 07-08-1918
Smeer, Leentje mother at wedding of Jacob Cohen and Elisabeth Barber on 05-12-1928
Smeer, Leentje mother at wedding of Benjamin Hes v. and Schoontje Tak on 22-02-1923
Smeer, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Kar v.d. and Betje Smeer on 23-04-1879
Smeer, Levie father at wedding of Ruben Neeter and Sara Smeer on 19-01-1927
Smeer, Levie father at wedding of Levie Peper and Flora Smeer on 21-02-1929
Smeer, Levie father at wedding of Aron Smeer and Sara Appel on 29-05-1878
Smeer, Meijer father at wedding of Wolf Smeer and Esther Slager on 10-02-1886
Smeer, Meijer father at wedding of Mozes Smeer and Rachel Kat on 14-08-1935
Smeer, Meijer father at wedding of Jacob Smeer and Elizabeth Pool on 17-08-1899
Smeer, Mietje mother at wedding of Nathan Frank and Vrouwtje Pront on 17-08-1916
Smeer, Mietje mother at wedding of Maurits Frank and Sara Brandon on 15-08-1918
Smeer, Nathan father at wedding of Jacob Philips and Betje Smeer on 12-07-1916
Smeer, Riekje mother at wedding of Marcus Slager and Esther Tas on 22-08-1923
Smeer, Salomon father at wedding of Nathan Smeer and Sara Sacksioni on 20-10-1937
Smeer, Salomon father at wedding of Salomon Schaap and Esther Smeer on 21-01-1914
Smeer, Sientje mother at wedding of Louis Velzen v. and Sara Bever v. on 30-07-1919
Smeer, Sientje mother at wedding of Samuel Bever v. and Martje Worms on 21-07-1937
Smeer, Sientje mother at wedding of Simon Bever v. and Betje Zwarts on 06-02-1935
Smeer, Wolf father at wedding of Joseph Smeer and Naatje Beek on 04-09-1929
Smeer, Wolf father at wedding of Nathan Smeer and Esther Hes v. on 29-09-1921
Smeer, Wolf father at wedding of Barend Tokkie and Saartje Smeer on 25-08-1915
Smilde, Benjamin father at wedding of Marcus Smilde and Sophia Oudkerk on 18-11-1915
Smilde, Benjamin father at wedding of Joel Coevorden v. and Judik Smilde on 12-01-1873
Smilde, Judik mother at wedding of Benjamin Coevorden v. and Sara Waterman on 21-06-1899
Smilde, Marcus father at wedding of David Laan v.d. and Biena Smilde on 05-07-1906
Smit de, Benjamin father at wedding of Arnold Leeuwin and Adele Smit de on 25-07-1912
Smit, father at wedding of Hartog Altenberg and Roosje Smit on 19-05-1841
Smit, father at wedding of Hijman Schenkkan and Judic Smit on 15-09-1841
Smit, Alida mother at wedding of Raphael Gassan and Flora Buitekant on 29-08-1937
Smit, Alida mother at wedding of Samuel Gassan and Carolina Biet on 17-10-1933
Smit, Aron father at wedding of Benjamin Sluizer and Klara Smit on 18-01-1923
Smit, Aron father at wedding of Wolf Wesel v. and Debora Smit on 18-08-1908
Smit, Benjamin father at wedding of Salomon Smit and Eveline Davids on 25-03-1937
Smit, Benjamin father at wedding of Samuel Teeboom and Sara Smit on 19-12-1923
Smit, Benjamin father at wedding of Jaques Smit and Naatje Davidson on 20-12-1933
Smit, D. father at wedding of Samuel Jong de and Roosje Smit on 22-06-1859
Smit, David father at wedding of Louis Smit and Johanna Goldstein on 24-06-1875
Smit, David father at wedding of Maurits Smit and Elisabeth Hijmans on 14-06-1916
Smit, Hartog father at wedding of Isaak Dooseman and Rosalie Smit on 30-10-1873
Smit, Hijman father at wedding of Isaac Smit and Rachel Wegloop on 06-01-1921
Smit, Hijman father at wedding of Levie Smit and Rebecca Peereboom on 06-11-1919
Smit, Hijman father at wedding of Mozes Reens and Debora Smit on 16-12-1909
Smit, Hijman father at wedding of Joseph Smit and Rebecca Praag v. on 14-10-1925
Smit, Isaac father at wedding of Nathan Smit and Heintje Wolf de on 04-06-1879
Smit, Isaac father at wedding of Willem Smit and Debora Wagenhuijzen on 23-12-1885
Smit, Isaia father at wedding of Benjamin Smit and Maria Bierman on 04-05-1905
Smit, Jacob father at wedding of Nathan Smit and Schoontje Agsteribbe on 28-06-1933
Smit, Jacob father at wedding of Zadok Turfrijer and Rachel Smit on 22-03-1928
Smit, Jozeph father at wedding of Rephael Smit and Janet Ricardo on 16-02-1899
Smit, Levie father at wedding of Hartog Soester and Debora Smit on 20-12-1905
Smit, Louis father at wedding of David Smit and Sara Bijl v.d. on 31-01-1912
Smit, Meijer father at wedding of Isaac Smit and Kaatje Sluis v.d. on 05-09-1935
Smit, Mozes father at wedding of Benjamin Stad and Flora Smit on 25-07-1912
Smit, Nathan father at wedding of Zadok Turfrijer and Sippora Smit on 22-10-1919
Smit, Nathan father at wedding of Jacob Smit and Eva Grootkerk on 28-02-1923
Smit, Nathan father at wedding of Karel Kool and Reine Smit on 18-12-1918
Smit, Nathan father at wedding of Eliazer Lek and Mietje Smit on 23-10-1907
Smit, Rephael father at wedding of Leopold Smit and Engeline Vries de on 24-01-1933
Smit, Rosalie mother at wedding of Salomon Dooseman and Esther Vigeveno on 01-06-1909
Smit, Roza mother at wedding of Benjamin Cohen and Roosje Bril on 17-08-1899
Smit, Samuel father at wedding of David Smit and Anna Jong de on 30-06-1909
Smit, Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Dresden and Henriette Smit on 11-12-1912
Smit, Samuel father at wedding of Eliazer Gassan and Alida Smit on 29-12-1909
Smit, Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Waterman and Jansje Smit on 08-08-1906
Smit, Sara mother at wedding of Louis Blitz and Schoontje Nabarro on 07-03-1907
Smit, Saul father at wedding of Aaron Overste and Jansje Smit on 24-01-1906
Smit, Willem father at wedding of Levie Smit and Mietje Gelder v. on 19-12-1912
Smit, Willem father at wedding of Izaac Smit and Sara Hildisheim on 28-01-1925
Smit, Willem father at wedding of Philip Gelder v. and Elsje Smit on 19-12-1912
Smit, Willem father at wedding of Abraham Mossel and Catharina Smit on 06-05-1925
Smitt de, Aron father at wedding of Hijman Leeuwin and Rachel Smitt de on 23-07-1885
Smitt de, Aron father at wedding of Levie Smitt de and Marianne Venetianer on 29-05-1873
Smitt de, Aron father at wedding of Bernard Smitt de and Branca Asser on 04-06-1885
Smitt de, Aron father at wedding of Levie Leeuwin and Jeannette Smitt de on 16-09-1886
Smitt de, Aron father at wedding of Mozes Smitt de and Sophie Haas on 17-12-1914
Smitt de, Benjamin father at wedding of Aron Smitt de and Adele Rooselaar on 23-03-1859
Smitt de, Benjamin father at wedding of Simon Linden v.d. and Naatje Smitt de on 22-01-1862
Smitt de, Benjamin father at wedding of Levie Smitt de and Roosje Citroen on 02-12-1869
Smitt de, Jeannette mother at wedding of Mozes Leeuwin and Debora Goede de on 09-06-1914
Smitt de, Jeannette mother at wedding of Arnold Leeuwin and Bertha Druijf on 17-02-1921
Smitt de, Levie father at wedding of Marcus Swalf and Celina Smitt de on 05-01-1928
Smitt de, Mozes father at wedding of Eleazar Polak and Adele Smitt de on 03-06-1925
Smitt de, Rachel mother at wedding of Arnold Leeuwin and Adele Smit de on 25-07-1912
Smitt de, S. father at wedding of Isaac Boekbinder and Marianne Smitt de on 28-05-1862
Smitt de, Sophia mother at wedding of Salomon Buitekant and Hendrika Granaat on 28-04-1927
Smitt de, Sophia mother at wedding of Samuel Fonteijn and Elisabeth Granaat on 14-02-1929
Snaders, Heiman father at wedding of Abraham Snaders and Bertha Vries de on 25-08-1921
Snapper, David father at wedding of Isaac Collem v. and Esther Snapper on 28-07-1915
Snapper, David father at wedding of Felix Israel and Helena Snapper on 24-12-1929
Snapper, Emanuel father at wedding of David Snapper and Rachel Brouwer on 26-05-1885
Snapper, Emanuel father at wedding of Abraham Snapper and Elsje Brouwer on 05-11-1885
Snapper, Isaac father at wedding of David Snapper and Helena Barends on 15-03-1888
Snapper, Isaac father at wedding of Simon Snapper and Betsij Leeuw de on 05-04-1888
Snapper, Joseph father at wedding of Levie Snapper and Naatje Handelaar on 28-07-1869
Snatager, Moses father at wedding of Jacques Snatager and Anna Legerman on 23-05-1918
Snatager, Moses father at wedding of Samuel Snatager and Geertruida Gans on 20-09-1916
Snatager, Mozes father at wedding of Jozef Tafelkruijer and Gozina Snatager on 22-10-1908
Snatager, Samuel father at wedding of Levie Kater and Henriette Snatager on 04-05-1886
Sniders, Leendert father at wedding of Salomon Sniders and Clara Prins on 17-02-1916
Snijder, Matthijs father at wedding of Abraham Verduin and Judik Snijder on 29-09-1869
Snijder, Pes mother at wedding of Levie Noot v.d. and Leena Leefsma on 27-07-1899
Snijders, father at wedding of Salomon Snijders and Schoontje Heertje on 29-01-1834
Snijders, father at wedding of Levie Snijders and Eva Kaamrik v. on 03-12-1834
Snijders, father at wedding of Machiel Dam v. and Grietje Snijders on 13-03-1907
Snijders, father at wedding of Isaac Roos and Betje Snijders on 27-10-1858
Snijders, father at wedding of Gerson Staveren v. and Dientje Snijders on 17-12-1834
Snijders, Abraham father at wedding of Marcus Snijders and Judith Goudeket on 12-09-1878
Snijders, Abraham father at wedding of Isaak Goudket and Esther Snijders on 04-06-1879
Snijders, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Snijders and Lena Batavier on 16-10-1879
Snijders, Asser father at wedding of Joseph Rood v. and Mina Snijders on 19-05-1870
Snijders, Betje mother at wedding of Hartog Aalsvel and Marianne Walvis on 31-10-1906
Snijders, Carolina mother at wedding of Simon Haan de and Mietje Vries de on 17-09-1925
Snijders, Edouard father at wedding of Eduard Dam v. and Elisabeth Snijders on 29-11-1933
Snijders, Jacob father at wedding of Tobias Snijders and Sara Kar v.d. on 28-10-1868
Snijders, Jeannette mother at wedding of Leon Andriesse and Jacoba Jongh de on 30-01-1919
Snijders, Joseph father at wedding of Meijer Raphael and Celina Snijders on 14-11-1935
Snijders, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Park and Lea Snijders on 14-06-1916
Snijders, Joseph father at wedding of Simon Snijders and Kaatje Jas on 30-11-1921
Snijders, Joseph father at wedding of Raphael Dam v. and Julia Snijders on 26-07-1927
Snijders, Leendert father at wedding of Isaak Frank and Mietje Snijders on 13-07-1916
Snijders, Levie father at wedding of Maurice Barnstein and Henriette Snijders on 30-12-1919
Snijders, Levie father at wedding of Jesaia Glas v.d. and Rachel Snijders on 17-07-1867
Snijders, Marcus father at wedding of Louis Snijders and Hanna Casseres de on 04-03-1885
Snijders, Marcus father at wedding of Juda Hes and Christina Snijders on 23-07-1918
Snijders, Marianne mother at wedding of Mozes Polak and Vrouwtje Hartog on 12-02-1896
Snijders, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Snijders and Judith Mullem on 27-07-1933
Snijders, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Snijders and Flora Mullem on 28-11-1883
Snijders, Mozes father at wedding of David Barmes and Rachel Snijders on 14-11-1888
Snijders, Rachel mother at wedding of Eliazer Blog and Flora Molgo on 03-04-1929
Snijders, Rachel mother at wedding of Tobias Blog and Kaatje Lisser on 30-04-1919
Snijders, Rachel mother at wedding of Abraham Davids and Rebecca Lampie on 14-02-1907
Snijders, Roos mother at wedding of Marcus Praagh v. and Helena Duitz on 05-07-1906
Snijders, Saartje mother at wedding of David Tak and Clara Halberstad on 28-02-1912
Snijders, Samuel father at wedding of Israel Snijders and Betje Witsen v. on 31-10-1912
Snijders, Sara mother at wedding of Aaron Jong de and Engeltje Leliveld on 20-03-1918
Snijders, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Jong de and Sara Lopes Leao Laguna on 03-11-1909
Snijders, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Jong de and Maria Vigeveno on 28-05-1912
Snijders, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Jong de and Leentje Speijer on 23-03-1905
Snijders, Selly mother at wedding of Isidore Loonstein and Elisabeth Polak on 14-07-1927
Snitslaar, Aron father at wedding of Isaac Snitslaar and Elsje Amerongen v. on 22-04-1914
Snitslaar, Isaac father at wedding of Aron Snitslaar and Estella Delaville on 26-06-1879
Snitsler, father at wedding of Moses Waas and Sientje Snitsler on 07-12-1847
Snitsler, Joseph father at wedding of Elias Snitsler and Rosette Kapper on 18-06-1873
Snitsler, Sarah mother at wedding of Barend Vos and Anna Klatser on 27-05-1925
Snitsler, Sarah mother at wedding of Elias Klatser and Margaretha Smalhout on 02-12-1925
Snitsler, Sarah mother at wedding of Meijer Vos and Grietje Klatser on 01-10-1919
Snoeck, Abraham father at wedding of Jozef Snoeck and Klaartje Hond de on 14-04-1920
Snoeck, Carel father at wedding of Michiel Leeuwe de and Sientje Snoeck on 06-03-1907
Snoeck, Henri father at wedding of Nathan Snoeck and Anna Druk on 26-03-1908
Snoeck, Henri father at wedding of Louis Snoeck and Sara Voorzanger on 30-07-1896
Snoek, father at wedding of Isaak Snoek and Judik Vigeveno on 10-09-1862
Snoek, father at wedding of Abraham Snoek and Leentje Peereboom on 21-09-1859
Snoek, father at wedding of Joseph Fransman and Leentje Snoek on 26-02-1834
Snoek, father at wedding of Benjamin Snoek and Betje Raap v. on 16-07-1834
Snoek, father at wedding of Liepman Snoek and Sientje Brune de on 06-09-1843
Snoek, Asser father at wedding of Simon Rabbie and Roosje Snoek on 29-07-1908
Snoek, Asser father at wedding of Charles Polak and Branca Snoek on 17-12-1884
Snoek, Asser father at wedding of Mozes Buuren v. and Esther Snoek on 24-06-1885
Snoek, Asser father at wedding of Meijer Juda and Leentje Snoek on 19-12-1907
Snoek, Barend father at wedding of Samuel Muller and Judith Snoek on 22-12-1927
Snoek, Branca mother at wedding of Jacob Polak and Hendrika Beffie on 29-07-1909
Snoek, Branca mother at wedding of Asser Polak and Leentje Speijer on 05-11-1919
Snoek, Carel father at wedding of Philip Bilderbeek and Susanna Snoek on 08-01-1908
Snoek, Carolina mother at wedding of Elias Rijxman and Klaartje Beem on 19-01-1921
Snoek, Dientje mother at wedding of Isaac Waaker and Rebekka Engelander on 22-08-1929
Snoek, Efraim father at wedding of Daniel Zeeman and Jansje Snoek on 13-05-1908
Snoek, Efraim father at wedding of Isaac Snoek and Judith Groot de on 23-12-1914
Snoek, Efraim father at wedding of Hijman Snoek and Frederika Groot de on 28-08-1912
Snoek, Efraim father at wedding of Elias Snoek and Beletje Leeuw de on 23-08-1933
Snoek, Efraim father at wedding of Mozes Snoek and Engeltje Coopman on 26-06-1907
Snoek, Elias father at wedding of Ephraim Snoek and Keetje Waterman on 03-01-1923
Snoek, Elias father at wedding of Hijman Snoek and Helena Snoek on 14-10-1868
Snoek, Elias father at wedding of Hijman Snoek and Rachel Presser on 18-08-1927
Snoek, Elias father at wedding of Levie Snoek and Sophia Waas on 31-10-1928
Snoek, Esther mother at wedding of Jacob Buuren v. and Klaartje Vleeschdraager on 16-06-1915
Snoek, Hartog father at wedding of Isaac Snoke and Martha Snoek on 24-07-1929
Snoek, Helena mother at wedding of Liepman Leger and Duifje Trijtel on 17-08-1905
Snoek, Hijman father at wedding of Leman Lakmaker and Elisabeth Snoek on 03-06-1914
Snoek, Hijman father at wedding of Salomon Mossel and Rebecca Snoek on 26-08-1909
Snoek, Hijman father at wedding of Marcus Dam v. and Branca Snoek on 20-07-1899
Snoek, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Snoek and Heintje Canes on 27-03-1929
Snoek, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Snoek and Roosje Slap on 01-05-1918
Snoek, Israel father at wedding of Marcus Batavier and Marianna Snoek on 19-08-1875
Snoek, Israel father at wedding of Hijman Snoek and Helena Snoek on 14-10-1868
Snoek, Jacob father at wedding of Juda Cohen Bromet and Judic Snoek on 01-12-1858
Snoek, Joel father at wedding of Wolf Snoek and Naatje Degen on 13-02-1907
Snoek, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Snoek and Roosje Jong de on 07-11-1929
Snoek, Judith mother at wedding of Ephraim Zeeman and Judik Prijs on 11-10-1919
Snoek, Klaartje mother at wedding of Barend Jacobs and Aaltje Drukker on 07-06-1899
Snoek, Klaartje mother at wedding of Izaak Jacobs and Sara Pinto on 14-06-1916
Snoek, Klaartje mother at wedding of Jacob Jacobs and Grietje Lange de on 24-12-1918
Snoek, Leentje mother at wedding of Juda Juda and Eva Spijer on 13-02-1935
Snoek, Levie father at wedding of Israel Snoek and Naatje Auerhaan on 16-06-1859
Snoek, Maria mother at wedding of Hijman Gosselaar and Sippora Premseler on 18-08-1915
Snoek, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Snoek and Schoontje Scheffer on 13-02-1929
Snoek, Mozes father at wedding of Nathan Snoek and Betje Wijnberg on 14-02-1923
Snoek, Mozes father at wedding of Philip Collem v. and Jeannette Snoek on 06-08-1879
Snoek, Nathan father at wedding of Abraham Snoek and Eva Mullem on 20-08-1908
Snoek, Nathan father at wedding of David Snoek and Elisabeth Springer on 08-07-1914
Snoek, Nathan father at wedding of Wilhelm Michelson and Naatje Snoek on 05-11-1919
Snoek, Nathan father at wedding of Izaak Snoek and Klaartje Muijs on 27-10-1909
Snoek, Nathan father at wedding of Elias Kool and Rachel Snoek on 27-06-1912
Snoek, Osrael father at wedding of Louis Dooseman and Greta Snoek on 21-12-1927
Snoek, Raphael father at wedding of Emanuel Snoek and Betje Zwaaf on 09-06-1915
Snoek, Raphael father at wedding of Salomon Bloemendaal and Rebecca Snoek on 18-02-1914
Snoek, Rebecca mother at wedding of Abraham Slap and Judith Cohen on 06-04-1905
Snoek, Rebecca mother at wedding of Isaac Slap and Clara Sluis on 18-05-1899
Snoek, Rijntje mother at wedding of Manus Leeuwwen v. and Henriette Stibbe on 18-11-1914
Snoek, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Verkozen and Elisabeth Snoek on 12-01-1899
Snoek, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Snoek and Johanna Cleef v. on 09-11-1887
Snoek, Sander father at wedding of Albert Snoek and Jeannette Houthakker on 02-10-1907
Snoek, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Mullem and Lena Wijnschenk on 03-07-1935
Snoek, Sara mother at wedding of Liepman Vles and Esther Henriques de Souza on 09-07-1914
Snoek, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Kisch and Marianna Bever v. on 22-12-1927
Snoek, Simon father at wedding of Nathan Groen and Esther Snoek on 18-08-1875
Snoek, Simon father at wedding of Samuel Snoek and Branke Braasem on 03-01-1874
Snoek, Simon father at wedding of Simon Gosselaar and Maria Snoek on 29-11-1871
Snoek, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Barend Jacobs and Mietje Lakmaker on 16-06-1909
Snoke, Barend father at wedding of Isaac Snoke and Martha Snoek on 24-07-1929
Snoke, Hijman father at wedding of Mozes Tonningen and Lea Snoke on 28-06-1916
Snuif, Simon father at wedding of Philip Snuif and Margaretha Poppelhouwer on 30-01-1873
Snuijf, father at wedding of Isaac Snuijf and Helena Kosses on 26-05-1847
Snuijf, father at wedding of Salomon Swart and Eugenia Snuijf on 23-04-1873
Snuijf, Abraham father at wedding of Abraham Keesing and Sara Snuijf on 29-06-1909
Snuijf, Elias father at wedding of Asser Wilde de and Hendrina Snuijf on 12-06-1907
Snuijf, Elias father at wedding of Isaac Snuijf and Bloeme Pais on 13-08-1908
Snuijf, Elias father at wedding of Jonas Snuijf and Henriette Mijerson on 19-08-1909
Snuijf, Hendrina mother at wedding of Elias Wilde de and Evalina Soesan on 22-12-1937
Snuijf, Isaac father at wedding of Benjamin Bloemendal and Jeannette Snuijf on 19-04-1879
Snuijf, Salomon father at wedding of Samuel Koetser and Hendrina Snuijf on 11-06-1918
Snuijf, Sara mother at wedding of Elias Voolen v. and Henriette Keesing on 24-06-1937
Snuijf, Simon father at wedding of Joseph Snuijf and Rosette Sijes on 18-06-1879
Snuijf, Simon father at wedding of Marcus Okker and Jeannette Snuijf on 02-07-1879
Soberski, father at wedding of Louis Soberski and Celestine Posno on 20-03-1862
Soep, father at wedding of Jacob Soep and Betje Schellevisch on 08-08-1860
Soep, Abraham father at wedding of Joseph Papegaaij and Meintje Soep on 26-01-1921
Soep, Abraham father at wedding of Nathan Coevorden v. and Branca Soep on 15-11-1916
Soep, Abraham father at wedding of Elias Braasem and Betje Soep on 22-05-1918
Soep, Abraham father at wedding of Barend Rootveldt and Rosette Soep on 18-12-1929
Soep, Abraham father at wedding of Jonas Schuit and Sientje Soep on 22-12-1927
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Abraham Gosler and Betje Soep on 01-10-1919
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Marcus Eijsman and Sara Soep on 11-01-1912
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Michel Soep and Roosje Blog on 14-06-1916
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Isaac Soep and Klaartje Bloemist on 18-12-1918
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Samuel Soep and Rachel Kloot on 08-03-1916
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Isaac Soep and Rebekka Olivier on 11-03-1868
Soep, Barend father at wedding of Samuel Soep and Jetje Kloot on 02-01-1919
Soep, Belia mother at wedding of Samuel Buitenkant and Hadassa Dresden on 29-06-1905
Soep, Benjamin father at wedding of Henri Soep and Helene Kaufmann on 21-08-1928
Soep, Jacob father at wedding of Meijer Soep and Anna Vogel on 23-06-1909
Soep, Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Soep and Elisabeth Groenteman on 07-06-1906
Soep, Jacob father at wedding of Barend Soep and Grietje Jong de on 29-04-1885
Soep, Leendert father at wedding of Abraham Soep and Rika Hond de on 20-06-1928
Soep, Mozes father at wedding of Samuel Agsteribbe and Mina Soep on 23-11-1927
Soep, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Gerritse and Saartje Soep on 24-04-1929
Soep, Sientje mother at wedding of Jacobus Cosman and Klaartje Halverstad on 30-01-1929
Soep, Sientje mother at wedding of David Gelder v. and Rachel Wijnschenk on 06-08-1914
Soep, Sientje mother at wedding of Israel Goudeket and Belia Wijnschenk on 26-11-1908
Soep, Sientje mother at wedding of Leendert Gans and Mina Cosman on 22-04-1925
Soep, Sientje mother at wedding of Jacob Aap and Grietje Wijnschenk on 22-02-1912
Soesan, Barend father at wedding of Jacob Soesan and Esther Drukker on 15-03-1906
Soesan, Barend father at wedding of Simon Bles and Rozette Soesan on 24-02-1915
Soesan, Clara mother at wedding of Godschalk Veerman and Martha Cohen on 28-02-1906
Soesan, Clara mother at wedding of Zadok Veerman and Rosette Schaap on 28-05-1918
Soesan, Clara mother at wedding of Arnold Veerman and Regine Schaap on 10-06-1914
Soesan, David father at wedding of Salomon Soesan and Esther Soesan on 26-05-1886
Soesan, David father at wedding of Simon Soesan and Lena Nopol on 15-10-1884
Soesan, Esther mother at wedding of Joseph Santen and Rozette Brilleman on 20-09-1916
Soesan, Esther mother at wedding of David Santen and Mietje Sarlui on 18-10-1899
Soesan, Esther mother at wedding of Barend Santen and Mietje Gelderen v. on 10-04-1907
Soesan, Esther mother at wedding of Benedictus Santen and Saartje Winnik on 03-01-1906
Soesan, Femma mother at wedding of Simon Schuitevoerder and Heintje Turfrijer on 21-07-1915
Soesan, Femma mother at wedding of Benedictus Schuitevoerder and Klaartje Allegro on 10-06-1908
Soesan, Fenna mother at wedding of Philip Elsas and Judik Vlessing on 19-09-1935
Soesan, Hanna mother at wedding of Coenraad Aarons and Rechel Tyras on 11-08-1937
Soesan, Isaac father at wedding of Mozes Soesan and Adela Adelsbergen v. on 28-03-1935
Soesan, Joel father at wedding of Isaac Godlieb and Anna Soesan on 26-03-1908
Soesan, Joseph father at wedding of Isaac Soesan and Catharina Leeda on 25-01-1923
Soesan, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Engelsman and Rosalina Soesan on 25-02-1914
Soesan, Juda father at wedding of Meijer Veerman and Clara Soesan on 18-08-1869
Soesan, Juda father at wedding of Salomon Witteboon and Sipora Soesan on 02-12-1868
Soesan, Louis father at wedding of Elias Wilde de and Evalina Soesan on 22-12-1937
Soesan, Mozes father at wedding of Joel Soesan and Hendrika Dam v. on 09-09-1908
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of David Soesan and Debora Visschoonmaker on 24-11-1921
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of Abraham Soesan and Sara Reens on 15-09-1915
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of Liepman Canes and Johanna Soesan on 16-02-1916
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of Levie Vogel and Eva Soesan on 03-06-1909
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of Jacob Zwaaf and Rebecca Soesan on 05-01-1927
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of Lajzer Prozer and Sara Soesan on 22-01-1925
Soesan, Ruben father at wedding of Salomon Soesan and Henriette Speijer on 23-08-1922
Soesan, Salomon father at wedding of Salomon Soesan and Esther Soesan on 26-05-1886
Soesan, Salomon father at wedding of Barend Soesan and Sophia Rodrigues Lopes on 21-11-1877
Soesan, Salomon father at wedding of Barend Soesan and Naatje Brilleman on 18-09-1929
Soesan, Salomon father at wedding of Simon Soesan and Eva Betel on 09-01-1878
Soesan, Simon father at wedding of Ruben Soesan and Elisabeth Slier on 07-10-1885
Soesan, Simon father at wedding of Barend Soesan and Esther Lazarus on 20-07-1923
Soesan, Simon father at wedding of Joseph Soesan and Eva Polak on 23-05-1923
Soesan, Simon father at wedding of Louis Bonewit and Frederika Soesan on 21-03-1923
Soesan, Sipora mother at wedding of Abraham Jolis and Naatje Witteboon on 17-02-1916
Soesman, Israel father at wedding of Mozes Tof and Sophia Soesman on 08-11-1899
Soesman, Israel father at wedding of Jacob Mossel and Rozettina Soesman on 24-01-1907
Soesman, Roosje mother at wedding of Eduard Dam v. and Elisabeth Snijders on 29-11-1933
Soesman, Roosje mother at wedding of Eduard Dam v. and Lea Matteman on 14-04-1915
Soesman, Wolf father at wedding of Izaak Soesman and Esther Izaks on 11-12-1929
Soester, father at wedding of Nathan Soester and Rachel Maarsen v. on 02-11-1842
Soester, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Soester and Judith Serlui on 18-12-1878
Soester, Abraham father at wedding of Hartog Soester and Roosje Wijnman on 16-06-1869
Soester, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Plukker and Rijna Soester on 16-06-1869
Soester, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Stork and Naatje Soester on 30-04-1918
Soester, Annaatje mother at wedding of Philip Kopuit and Helena Cosman on 15-08-1928
Soester, Annaatje mother at wedding of Barend Kopuit and Suzanna Marcus on 17-07-1929
Soester, Betje mother at wedding of Abraham Goudeket and Esther Bierman on 22-01-1914
Soester, Emanuel father at wedding of Levie Soester and Sara Ziff on 15-03-1923
Soester, Eva mother at wedding of Nathan Streep and Sara Soester on 18-12-1918
Soester, H. father at wedding of Manuel Soester and Wilhelmina Sister v. on 26-05-1958
Soester, Hanna mother at wedding of Abraham Lenson and Aleida Staal on 28-02-1935
Soester, Hartog father at wedding of Philip Soester and Rachel Cortissos on 05-06-1918
Soester, Hartog father at wedding of Nathan Streep and Sara Soester on 18-12-1918
Soester, Hartog father at wedding of Godschalk Zwaap and Hendrika Soester on 06-04-1927
Soester, Isaac father at wedding of Levie Soester and Betje Lisse on 23-05-1888
Soester, Josephine mother at wedding of Nathan Beffie and Bertha Goudeket on 11-04-1918
Soester, Judith mother at wedding of Nathan Goudsmit and Rebecca Onderwijzer on 28-05-1918
Soester, Judith mother at wedding of Mozes Goudsmit and Geertruida Grunberg on 26-06-1912
Soester, Judith mother at wedding of David Goudsmit and Henriette Plas on 18-05-1916
Soester, Keetje mother at wedding of Levie Moscou and Sara Berclou on 11-04-1918
Soester, Keetje mother at wedding of Isaac Moscou and Hendrika Godschalk on 04-09-1929
Soester, Levie father at wedding of Hartog Soester and Rachel Acohen on 26-03-1908
Soester, Levie father at wedding of Josef Kaas and Judik Soester on 19-05-1869
Soester, M. father at wedding of Henoch Lam and Saartje Soester on 13-04-1859
Soester, Nathan father at wedding of Isaak Goudsmit and Judith Soester on 28-11-1877
Soester, Nathan father at wedding of Hartog Soester and Debora Smit on 20-12-1905
Soester, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Overste and Marianna Grushaber on 01-09-1909
Soester, Sara mother at wedding of Nathan Grushaber and Saartje Goudeket on 25-05-1899
Soester, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Springer and Rachel Grushaber on 14-04-1915
Soester, Sipora mother at wedding of Josef Croeze and Anna Mossel on 03-10-1918
Soesterman, Belij mother at wedding of Eli Leichman and Betje Polak on 24-07-1912
Soete de, father at wedding of Hartog Soete de and Aaltje Thijn v. on 15-03-1847
Soetendorp, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Soetendorp and Jansje Glas v.d. on 22-09-1909
Sohlbarg, Jakob father at wedding of Felix Koref and Marianne Sohlbarg on 30-05-1918
Sohlberg, Hirsch father at wedding of Max Sohlberg and Helena Hoofien on 19-06-1923
Sohlberg, Saul father at wedding of Samson Sohlberg and Rebecca Buren v. on 25-10-1933
Soldaner, Raca mother at wedding of Isaac Goldman and Malie Michael on 09-06-1921
Sole, Lasar father at wedding of Salomon Groen and Fannij Sole on 14-02-1923
Solla de, Isaac father at wedding of Nathan Weinberg and Marianne Solla de on 15-05-1919
Solla de, Isaac father at wedding of Israel Gomperts and Bernardina Solla de on 03-04-1919
Solomon, Leon father at wedding of Marcus Solomon and Rosetta Wertheim on 17-07-1929
Solomons, Alexander father at wedding of Levie Pach and Fijtje Solomons on 03-01-1907
Solomons, Woolf father at wedding of Salomon Koster and Rebecca Solomons on 01-11-1933
Son v., Marcus father at wedding of Willem Elte and Esther Son v. on 11-04-1935
Son v., Philip father at wedding of Philip Coppenhagen and Etlina Son v. on 15-05-1919
Son v., Philip father at wedding of Abraham Son v. and Ida Lob on 31-10-1916
Son, Joseph father at wedding of Philip Jacobs and Flora Son on 23-06-1875
Son, Joseph father at wedding of Leo Son and Rosa Strauch on 20-08-1919
Son, Joseph father at wedding of Maurice Son and Klara Roos on 11-01-1906
Son, Naatje mother at wedding of Barend Paerl and Mietje Hijmans on 04-04-1916
Son, Simon father at wedding of Elias Duis and Sime Son on 08-06-1899
Son, Simon father at wedding of Isaac Son and Debora Romijn on 17-03-1886
Son, Wolf father at wedding of Abraham Schaap and Lea Son on 29-08-1918
Sonbice, Salomon father at wedding of Lion Sonbice and Debora Sealtiel on 14-07-1886
Sondervan, father at wedding of Simon Cohen and Fijtje Sondervan on 23-11-1859
Sondervan, Asser father at wedding of Philip Sondervan and Rebecca Cohen Paraira on 11-08-1937
Sondervan, Levie father at wedding of Isaac Blitz and Elisabeth Sondervan on 02-12-1868
Sondervan, Levie father at wedding of Louis Bonte and Dina Sondervan on 07-11-1923
Sondervan, Mordechai father at wedding of Levie Sondervan and Alida Arbeid on 13-04-1905
Sondervan, Mordechai father at wedding of Machiel Calff and Jansje Sondervan on 18-05-1899
Sondervan, Philip father at wedding of Jacob Sondervan and Grietje Jong de on 04-11-1914
Sondervan, Philip father at wedding of Asser Sondervan and Alida Tas on 19-08-1909
Sondervan, Philip father at wedding of Levie Sondervan and Hanna Cohen on 30-08-1899
Sonepouse, David father at wedding of Philip Sonepouse and Rachel Premselaar on 14-10-1868
Sonepouse, David father at wedding of Bernard Vries de and Maria Sonepouse on 24-03-1937
Sonepouse, Jeannette mother at wedding of Louis Bergen v. and Flora Waas on 22-02-1912
Sons, father at wedding of Wolf Sons and Esther Morpurgo on 23-11-1842
Sons, father at wedding of Joseph Jong de and Fijtje Sons on 09-03-1859
Sons, Abraham father at wedding of David Preso and Catharina Sons on 14-08-1872
Sons, Benjamin father at wedding of Andries Gerritse and Henriette Sons on 27-10-1937
Sons, Emanuel father at wedding of Asser Schijveschuurder and Elisabeth Sons on 21-02-1907
Sons, Emanuel father at wedding of Eliazer Sons and Johanna Elsas on 23-03-1905
Sons, Emanuel father at wedding of Levie Sons and Rebecca Gelder v. on 29-05-1912
Sons, Emanuel father at wedding of Hartog Sons and Amalia Heigmans on 07-08-1919
Sons, Emanuel father at wedding of Abraham Croiset and Heintje Sons on 12-03-1908
Sons, Emauel father at wedding of Willem Sons and Elisabeth Menist on 20-12-1928
Sons, Engeltje mother at wedding of Samuel Gorter de and Elisabeth Witteboon on 19-02-1919
Sons, Fijtje mother at wedding of Abraham Jong de and Marianne Moppes v. on 25-10-1906
Sons, Isaac father at wedding of Mozes Cohenno and Eva Sons on 23-10-1919
Sons, Lotje mother at wedding of Jesaia Premseler and Mietje Goudeket on 07-06-1905
Sons, Lotje mother at wedding of Mozes Premseler and Esther Cohen on 16-12-1915
Sons, M father at wedding of Salomon Helmstadt and Schoontje Sons on 18-11-1858
Sons, Mozes father at wedding of Hijman Delden and Judic Sons on 11-09-1872
Sons, Rachel mother at wedding of Izaak Jacobs and Rebecca Worms on 25-07-1923
Sons, Rachel mother at wedding of Levie Jacobs and Henriette Coppens on 15-06-1927
Sons, Roosje mother at wedding of Wolf Sanders and Schoontje Rozette on 09-11-1921
Sons, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Joseph Plas and Esther Sarfaty on 08-01-1896
Sons, Wolf father at wedding of Levie Premseler and Loetje Sons on 13-11-1872
Soosman, Betje mother at wedding of Samuel Koster and Rachel Lopes Quiros on 10-02-1937
Soubice, Lion father at wedding of Salomon Soubice and Marianne Pach on 08-09-1909
Soubice, Salomon father at wedding of Tobias Soubice and Schoontje Voet on 02-12-1885
Soubice, Tobias father at wedding of Meijer Soubice and Heintje Baske on 19-06-1912
Souget, Aron father at wedding of Joseph Maarssen v. and Mietje Souget on 31-07-1879
Souget, Aron father at wedding of Salomon Bosman and Alida Souget on 13-01-1870
Souget, Aron father at wedding of Mozes Souget and Rosetta Levie on 08-09-1859
Souget, Aron father at wedding of Max Souget and Sophie Blindeman on 28-03-1935
Souget, Juda father at wedding of Aron Souget and Rozet Wallig on 15-06-1916
Souget, Marcus father at wedding of Salomon Monnikendam and Juliette Souget on 01-10-1929
Souget, Marcus father at wedding of Matthijs Souget and Helena Leefson on 04-05-1923
Souget, Mathijs father at wedding of Marcus Souget and Netje Citroen on 01-12-1898
Souget, Matthijs father at wedding of Marcus Souget and Bilha Citroen on 17-10-1906
Souget, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Hofman and Jeannette Souget on 20-06-1888
Souget, Mozes father at wedding of Aaron Souget and Susette Kalker on 08-04-1919
Souget, Salomon father at wedding of David Pruikemaker and Duijfina Souget on 19-02-1918
Souget, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Monnickendam and Bertha Souget on 23-11-1915
Souget, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Courlander and Alida Kalf on 15-02-1899
Sousa, David father at wedding of Aron Dijk v. and Sara Sousa on 10-12-1919
Sousa, Leendert father at wedding of Adolf Colmans and Schoontje Sousa on 10-03-1915
Sousa, Rebecca mother at wedding of Jacob Dekker and Rebecca Zwartverwer on 21-09-1921
Souten v., father at wedding of Moses Souten v. and Rebecca Sluiter on 09-07-1862
Souten v., Samuel father at wedding of Gerrit Souten v. and Margaretha Ark on 22-10-1878
Souweine, Isidore father at wedding of Jacob Witmondt and Carolina Souweine on 04-01-1899
Souwerman, Isaac father at wedding of Hijman Kesnig and Leentje Souwerman on 03-06-1896
Spaanbroek, Esther mother at wedding of Ephraim Sluis v.d. and Cornelia Bonewit on 17-07-1929
Spaanbroek, Esther mother at wedding of Gerrit Sluis v.d. and Berendje Bever v. on 24-07-1923
Spaanbroek, Gerrit father at wedding of Isaac Spaanbroek and Marjanna Drukker on 10-06-1880
Spangenthal, Wolf father at wedding of Abraham Kuijt and Estella Spangenthal on 13-08-1923
Spangenthal, Wolf father at wedding of Philip Tal and Greta Spangenthal on 19-11-1918
Spanjaard, father at wedding of David Spanjaard and Eva Cohen on 12-06-1862
Spanjaard, Abraham father at wedding of Mordechai Rozelaar and Jeannette Spanjaard on 21-10-1879
Spanjaard, Abraham father at wedding of Maurits Prins and Bertha Spanjaard on 12-05-1925
Spanjaard, David father at wedding of Salomon Spanjaard and Judith Klisser on 19-03-1896
Spanjaard, David father at wedding of Eduard Spanjaard and Rachel Schaap on 15-01-1896
Spanjaard, Izaak father at wedding of Emil Spanjaard and Sophie Ameringen v. on 09-12-1909
Spanjaard, Jeannette mother at wedding of Louis Rozelaar and Regina Maijkels on 29-10-1907
Spanjaard, Salomon father at wedding of Jacobus Groenman and Eva Spanjaard on 19-04-1921
Spanjar, Jacob father at wedding of Izak Papegaaij and Saartje Spanjar on 21-09-1921
Spanjar, Jacob father at wedding of Herman Vries de and Dientje Spanjar on 28-11-1928
Spanjar, Levie father at wedding of Simon Stokvisch and Betje Spanjar on 10-01-1923
Spanjar, Machiel father at wedding of Abraham Spanjar and Rebecca Polak on 11-06-1925
Spanjar, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Spanjar and Henriette Bak on 01-07-1914
Spanjar, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Pach and Esther Spanjar on 11-01-1899
Spanjar, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Spanjar and Heintje Cleef v. on 15-02-1899
Spanjer, Esther mother at wedding of Isaac Roodfeld and Jansje Roos on 16-08-1905
Spanjer, Levy father at wedding of Marcus Spanjer and Elisabeth Brandon on 03-03-1926
Spanjer, Machiel father at wedding of Emanuel Roodfeld and Ester Spanjer on 02-12-1874
Spanjer, Rebecca mother at wedding of Isaac Sternefeld and Truitje Amerongen v. on 11-04-1923
Spanjer, Rebecca mother at wedding of Daniel Sternefeld and Christina Waterman on 18-01-1928
Spatz, Sara mother at wedding of Jozef Vogel and Golda Schein on 08-03-1933
Speakmaster, Nathan father at wedding of Meier Speakmaster and Kaatje Roet on 13-11-1935
Speelder, father at wedding of Hijman Speelder and Betje Suiker on 28-05-1834
Speelman, father at wedding of Pinas Speelman and Leentje Hes on 28-05-1862
Speelman, father at wedding of Jacob Speelman and Elisabeth Leeuw de on 26-06-1861
Speelman, Abraham father at wedding of Simon Speelman and Marianne Abbe v. on 25-02-1875
Speelman, Abraham father at wedding of Isidore Speelman and Jeannette Klei v.d. on 24-08-1905
Speelman, Abraham father at wedding of Nathan Monnikendam and Sara Speelman on 30-10-1907
Speelman, Abraham father at wedding of Benjamin Speelman and Rachel Visser on 16-06-1896
Speelman, Alexander father at wedding of Abraham Speelman and Keetje Blom on 09-10-1872
Speelman, Benjamin father at wedding of Maurits Speelman and Henderina Witteboon on 25-08-1921
Speelman, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Kar v.d. and Rebecca Speelman on 23-12-1880
Speelman, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Speelman and Marianne Belinfante on 20-12-1928
Speelman, Jacob father at wedding of Levie Speelman and Raatje Suikerman on 22-04-1868
Speelman, Jacob father at wedding of Willem Speelman and Mietje Speelman on 10-06-1908
Speelman, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Lena Speelman on 26-06-1935
Speelman, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Manheim and Sophia Speelman on 25-07-1912
Speelman, Judik mother at wedding of Abraham Kops and Rachel Peeper on 13-06-1906
Speelman, Koopman father at wedding of Salomon Speelman and Sophia Speelman on 19-12-1878
Speelman, Koopman father at wedding of Salomon Speelman and Sophia Speelman on 06-03-1878
Speelman, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Speelman and Sophia Speelman on 19-12-1878
Speelman, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Speelman and Sophia Speelman on 06-03-1878
Speelman, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Bromet and Anna Speelman on 16-02-1888
Speelman, Levie father at wedding of Philip Goudstikker and Marie Speelman on 16-02-1888
Speelman, Levij father at wedding of Willem Speelman and Mietje Speelman on 10-06-1908
Speelman, Levy father at wedding of Meijer Blitz and Sientje Speelman on 28-05-1896
Speelman, Minicus father at wedding of Jacob Speelman and Sara Wittenburg on 27-06-1907
Speelman, Minicus father at wedding of Lion Content and Rachel Speelman on 17-11-1886
Speelman, Pinas father at wedding of Salomon Kar v.d. and Sara Speelman on 05-07-1906
Speelman, Pinas father at wedding of Salomon Speelman and Alida Kar v.d. on 13-06-1907
Speelman, Pinas father at wedding of Jacob Speelman and Sara Bokke v.d. on 28-10-1909
Speelman, Rebecca mother at wedding of Abraham Kar v.d. and Dina Kar v.d. on 17-01-1918
Speelman, Rosette mother at wedding of Willem Stibbe and Aaltje Beem v. on 28-04-1921
Speelman, Salomon father at wedding of Louis Speelman and Esther Polak on 27-05-1925
Speelman, Samuel father at wedding of Carel Speelman and Grietje Kattenburg on 23-12-1885
Speelman, Samuel father at wedding of Salomon Voorzanger and Saartje Speelman on 12-06-1878
Speelman, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Romijn and Dina Dien v. on 14-05-1868
Speelman, Simon father at wedding of Abraham Speelman and Rebecca Abbe v. on 26-03-1868
Speelman, Sophia mother at wedding of Louis Speelman and Esther Polak on 27-05-1925
Speelman, Wolf father at wedding of Michel Speelman and Henriette Jacobs on 02-06-1886
Speelman, Wolf father at wedding of Martinus Speelman and Frederika Mok on 29-04-1937
Speelman, Wolf father at wedding of Izak Salomons and Bertha Speelman on 02-12-1885
Speijer, father at wedding of Gerrit Speijer and Belitje Engelsman on 05-12-1860
Speijer, Abraham father at wedding of Michel Velleman and Anna Speijer on 04-10-1916
Speijer, Abraham father at wedding of Leendert Beem v. and Jetta Speijer on 23-10-1919
Speijer, Barend father at wedding of Meijer Speijer and Sara Schrijver on 08-10-1919
Speijer, Baruch father at wedding of Joseph Speijer and Sophia Ert on 18-02-1875
Speijer, Bloeme mother at wedding of Elkan Vries de and Esther Goudsmit on 14-12-1921
Speijer, Bloeme mother at wedding of Jacob Vries de and Maria Hes on 08-06-1927
Speijer, Branca mother at wedding of Joseph Winnink and Heintje Hamel on 17-06-1914
Speijer, David father at wedding of Hijman Winnink and Branca Speijer on 05-12-1877
Speijer, David father at wedding of Benjamin Blits and Vogeltje Speijer on 22-08-1877
Speijer, David father at wedding of Levie Waterman and Leentje Speijer on 27-05-1896
Speijer, Eliau father at wedding of Michel Boutelje and Judikje Speijer on 03-07-1878
Speijer, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Abraham Klein and Reintje Klijn de on 27-06-1923
Speijer, Emanuel father at wedding of Salomon Jong de and Leentje Speijer on 23-03-1905
Speijer, Emanuel father at wedding of Maurits Voorzanger and Bloeme Speijer on 18-06-1925
Speijer, Esther mother at wedding of Marcus Woude v.d. and Margaretha Batavier on 29-07-1896
Speijer, Fettje mother at wedding of Elkan Groenteman and Eva Kan on 14-09-1921
Speijer, Gerrit father at wedding of Leendert Schijveschuurder and Grietje Speijer on 07-01-1914
Speijer, Gerrit father at wedding of Jacob Speijer and Dientje Drukker on 24-11-1921
Speijer, Gerrit father at wedding of Jacob Speijer and Sophia Agtsteribbe on 14-07-1886
Speijer, Gompel father at wedding of Levie Speijer and Leentje Bokke v.d. on 27-03-1918
Speijer, Gompel father at wedding of Nathan Speijer and Johanna Grand le on 14-10-1925
Speijer, Hartog father at wedding of Harmannus Rijn v. and Jansje Speijer on 23-05-1907
Speijer, Hartog father at wedding of Marcus Speijer and Rachel Koster on 09-04-1862
Speijer, Hartog father at wedding of Hartog Knoop and Elisabeth Speijer on 05-10-1916
Speijer, Isaac father at wedding of Hijman Roodenburg and Duifje Speijer on 04-05-1921
Speijer, Isaac father at wedding of Abraham Speijer and Anna Worms on 18-10-1923
Speijer, Isaac father at wedding of Levie Speijer and Klaartje Presser on 07-02-1923
Speijer, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Speijer and Elisabeth Kater on 09-08-1923
Speijer, Izak father at wedding of Hijman Polak and Judith Speijer on 24-06-1868
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Meijer Speijer and Marianne Heertjes on 17-03-1869
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Kijl and Elisabeth Speijer on 19-06-1918
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Mordechai Reens and Grietje Speijer on 04-10-1923
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Polak and Grietje Speijer on 14-03-1923
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Hijman Speijer and Rachel Saphier on 21-05-1879
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Speijer and Esther Cathan a on 30-10-1907
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Woude v.d. and Esther Speijer on 05-02-1868
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Speijer and Vogeltje Zwarte de on 04-01-1906
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Simon Speijer and Elisabeth Saphier on 21-05-1879
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Speijer and Vogeltje Roos on 12-11-1919
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Leendert Speijer and Rachel Jas on 29-03-1916
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Meijer Speijer and Rachel Limburg on 08-03-1899
Speijer, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Speijer and Sara Kat on 01-09-1915
Speijer, Jansje mother at wedding of Jacob Hamel and Jeannette Cohen on 24-06-1908
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Speijer and Elisabeth Wolff de on 06-04-1899
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Asser Polak and Leentje Speijer on 05-11-1919
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Aaron Speijer and Lea Coopman on 13-07-1905
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Levie Groenteman and Kaatje Speijer on 21-04-1909
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Schrijver and Roosje Speijer on 28-07-1880
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Jacob Berkowitz and Henriette Speijer on 12-11-1919
Speijer, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Godefroi and Klaartje Speijer on 29-11-1905
Speijer, Kaatje mother at wedding of Hartog Hoop de and Susanna Cohen on 13-08-1896
Speijer, Klara mother at wedding of Barend Zeldenrust and Jane Sisteren v. on 28-05-1914
Speijer, Leman father at wedding of Eliazer Swaep and Sipora Speijer on 14-03-1907
Speijer, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Speijer and Grietje Leer v. on 30-08-1899
Speijer, Levie father at wedding of Gerrit Speijer and Sara Suesan on 10-04-1918
Speijer, Levie father at wedding of Hartog Melkman and Elisabeth Speijer on 17-07-1918
Speijer, Levie father at wedding of Moise Verstandig and Grietje Speijer on 26-05-1921
Speijer, Liepman father at wedding of Israel Brink ten and Klaartje Speijer on 25-05-1899
Speijer, Marcus father at wedding of Abraham Polak and Marianne Speijer on 02-07-1925
Speijer, Mina mother at wedding of Bernard Straten v. and Johanna Vliet v. on 04-05-1905
Speijer, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Speijer and Henriette Lakmaker on 28-08-1918
Speijer, Mozes father at wedding of Simon Haan de and Marianne Speijer on 22-10-1908
Speijer, Mozes father at wedding of Elias Booleman and Esther Speijer on 12-12-1912
Speijer, Mozes father at wedding of Hironijmus Zijl v.d. and Rachel Speijer on 05-11-1908
Speijer, Mozes father at wedding of Maurits Haan de and Elisabeth Speijer on 15-06-1916
Speijer, Mozes father at wedding of Kalman Walvis and Grietje Speijer on 14-12-1905
Speijer, Naatje mother at wedding of Isidore Loonstein and Elisabeth Polak on 14-07-1927
Speijer, Roosje mother at wedding of Jacob Schrijver and Jansje Kool on 30-04-1918
Speijer, Roosje mother at wedding of Abraham Schrijver and Fijtje Korper on 21-04-1909
Speijer, Roosje mother at wedding of Isaac Schrijver and Marianna Jong de on 13-09-1916
Speijer, Roosje mother at wedding of Joseph Schrijver and Naatje Pimentel on 16-10-1907
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Nikkelsberg and Roselina Speijer on 27-12-1928
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Salomon Soesan and Henriette Speijer on 23-08-1922
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Isaac Tas and Greta Speijer on 24-10-1928
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Isaac Citroen and Sophie Speijer on 07-06-1930
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Benjamin Goldsmit and Selina Speijer on 15-05-1935
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Leon Zeldenrust and Klara Speijer on 21-04-1869
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Leman Speijer and Sara Schaap on 28-03-1878
Speijer, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Speijer and Josephine Menist on 04-10-1927
Speijer, Samuel father at wedding of Bernard Jongh de and Henriette Speijer on 31-10-1929
Speijer, Samuel father at wedding of Emanuel Raaij de and Esther Speijer on 29-12-1886
Speijer, Samuel father at wedding of Alfred Boutelje and Sophia Speijer on 15-11-1928
Speijer, Samuel father at wedding of Levie Polak and Grietje Speijer on 22-07-1885
Speijer, Sara mother at wedding of Max Buren v. and Eva Berg v.d. on 03-09-1908
Speijer, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Blits and Sara Arons on 02-02-1905
Speijer, Sellij mother at wedding of Barend Reiss and Rachel Kinsbergen on 22-03-1928
Speijer, Sellij mother at wedding of Marcus Vries de and Sophie Kinsbergen on 08-01-1925
Speijer, Vogeltje mother at wedding of David Blits and Brandina Roos de on 12-07-1905
Speijer, Vogeltje mother at wedding of Joseph Blits and Lena Lam on 23-11-1905
Speijer, Zippora mother at wedding of Samuel Hijmans and Elisabeth Muzikant on 21-05-1907
Sper, Levie father at wedding of Gerard Sper and Elisabeth Salomon on 17-08-1921
Sperber, Meckel father at wedding of Abraham Parser and Frieda Sperber on 29-06-1933
Spett, Wolf father at wedding of Izak Spett and Sara Teitelbaum on 14-08-1935
Spetter, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Lisser and Henriette Spetter on 26-05-1928
Spetter, Isaac father at wedding of Jacques Spetter and Debora Cohen on 27-10-1921
Spetter, Saartje mother at wedding of Eduard Dantzich v. and Reina Schaap de on 02-02-1929
Spetter, Schoontje mother at wedding of Eliazar Polak and Roosje Gobes on 09-03-1899
Spiegel v., Joseph father at wedding of Asser Spiegel v. and Roset Spiegel v. on 20-03-1919
Spiegel v., Simon father at wedding of Asser Spiegel v. and Roset Spiegel v. on 20-03-1919
Spielman, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Spielman and Martha Jacobs on 20-09-1933
Spier v., Jacob father at wedding of Levie Spier v. and Mina Korper on 08-09-1937
Spier v., Josef father at wedding of Elias Fredrikstadt and Sara Spier v. on 05-06-1935
Spier v., Jozef father at wedding of Jacob Spier v. and Elisabeth Frank on 16-09-1919
Spier v., Levie father at wedding of Meijer Bacharach and Belia Spier v. on 02-02-1921
Spier v., Levie father at wedding of Abraham Bacharach and Sophia Spier v. on 19-01-1927
Spier v., Levie father at wedding of Levie Spier v. and Heintje Wetheim on 05-09-1928
Spier v., Sophia mother at wedding of Levie Spier v. and Mina Korper on 08-09-1937
Spier, father at wedding of Abraham Walvis and Rebecca Spier on 07-10-1846
Spier, father at wedding of Levie Vrachtdoender and Eva Spier on 18-07-1888
Spier, father at wedding of Levie Vogel and Leentje Spier on 08-01-1862
Spier, father at wedding of Mozes Goudeket and Jansje Spier on 29-10-1879
Spier, Aaron father at wedding of Abraham Vreeland and Anna Spier on 18-10-1923
Spier, Aaron father at wedding of Mozes Sanders and Sara Spier on 01-08-1912
Spier, Aaron father at wedding of Benjamin Vreeland and Sara Spier on 18-10-1923
Spier, Abraham father at wedding of Karel Witteboon and Rachel Spier on 17-12-1919
Spier, Betje mother at wedding of Hijman Vos de and Fijtje Matteman on 02-01-1896
Spier, Betje mother at wedding of Liepman Vos de and Vogeltje Blog on 13-09-1905
Spier, Betje mother at wedding of Leonard Trijtel and Francina Tijn v. on 18-08-1921
Spier, David father at wedding of Jacob Limburg and Sara Spier on 17-08-1921
Spier, Engelina mother at wedding of Meijer Jacobs and Leentje Kokernoot on 24-07-1912
Spier, Engelina mother at wedding of Hijman Jacobs and Rachel Roeg on 19-06-1912
Spier, Esther mother at wedding of Jacob Stork and Lea Wallage on 08-08-1935
Spier, Eva mother at wedding of Nathan Vrachtdoender and Heintje Kops on 03-09-1919
Spier, Francina mother at wedding of David Tijn v. and Bartha Wijk v.d. on 05-08-1908
Spier, Hartog father at wedding of Nathan Spier and Marianne Andriesse on 03-09-1873
Spier, Hendrina mother at wedding of Moses Crost and Goedje Pool on 09-07-1914
Spier, Isaac father at wedding of Zadok Spier and Esther Buijs on 11-12-1872
Spier, Isedore father at wedding of Joseph Spier and Albertine Raalte v. on 23-04-1925
Spier, Jane mother at wedding of Andries Velleman and Sara Blog on 20-09-1905
Spier, Jane mother at wedding of Joseph Velleman and Fanny Manheim on 03-02-1915
Spier, Jansje mother at wedding of Jesaijes Goudeketting and Sophia Blitz on 18-12-1929
Spier, Jansje mother at wedding of Elias Koster and Rosalie Dondorp on 31-12-1896
Spier, Jesaijas father at wedding of Simon Abram and Schoontje Spier on 11-06-1908
Spier, Joseph father at wedding of Lion Spier and Betje Goldstijn on 20-12-1888
Spier, Joseph father at wedding of Machiel Polak and Vrouwtje Spier on 04-01-1905
Spier, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Cauveren and Sara Spier on 21-02-1916
Spier, Levie father at wedding of Jesaias Spier and Vogel Voorzanger on 25-08-1869
Spier, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Crost and Heintje Spier on 25-08-1869
Spier, Levie father at wedding of Meijer Spier and Judith Hond de on 02-05-1877
Spier, Mietje mother at wedding of Leo Tijn v. and Cato Gelder v. on 08-05-1928
Spier, Nathan father at wedding of Abraham Abas and Evaline Spier on 10-12-1908
Spier, Philip father at wedding of Salomon Dingsdag and Engelina Spier on 07-01-1875
Spier, Saartje mother at wedding of Zacharias Praag v. and Frouke Delft v. on 02-11-1927
Spier, Samuel father at wedding of Arie Spier and Roza Tijn v. on 26-05-1937
Spier, Schoontje mother at wedding of Eliazar Polak and Roosje Gobes on 09-03-1899
Spier, Zadok father at wedding of Meijer Adelsbergen v. and Marianna Spier on 10-12-1919
Spier, Zadok father at wedding of Pinehas Nijburg and Sara Spier on 30-10-1919
Spier, Zadok father at wedding of Izak Spier and Judith Hoffmann on 18-11-1909
Spier, Zadok father at wedding of Hartog Bloemist and Eva Spier on 25-08-1921
Spier, Zara mother at wedding of Meijer Engers and Esther Plukker on 05-09-1923
Spiero, father at wedding of Eleazar Spiero and Hanna Vries de on 02-11-1859
Spiers, Isaac father at wedding of Levie Spiers and Judik Homan on 30-10-1872
Spiers, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Spiers and Elisabeth Sweijd on 26-06-1872
Spietz, Chaie mother at wedding of Elias Chananja and Rosette Tal on 08-07-1919
Spiewak, Rachel mother at wedding of Pinchas Olsenetzky and Martha Abramowitz on 09-08-1906
Spijer, father at wedding of Levie Gorter de and Sara Spijer on 19-04-1843
Spijer, father at wedding of Levie Klerk and Catharina Spijer on 18-10-1843
Spijer, Abraham father at wedding of Henry Spijer and Sientje Cohen on 30-05-1907
Spijer, Abraham father at wedding of Marcus Spijer and Vrouwtje Hond on 19-11-1908
Spijer, Aron father at wedding of Joseph Spijer and Eva Sloog on 27-04-1870
Spijer, Aron father at wedding of Louis Premselaar and Jansje Spijer on 08-12-1921
Spijer, Betje mother at wedding of Mozes Goudeket and Rosette Citroen on 20-08-1929
Spijer, Catharina mother at wedding of Joseph Bonn and Jeannette Vries de on 21-09-1905
Spijer, Catharina mother at wedding of Salomon Bonn and Schoontje Lisser on 25-03-1915
Spijer, Catharina mother at wedding of Levie Bonn and Hanna Diamant on 27-06-1907
Spijer, Catharina mother at wedding of David Bonn and Sara Benavente on 19-12-1912
Spijer, David father at wedding of Willem Spijer and Elisabeth Ketellapper on 20-12-1927
Spijer, David father at wedding of Willem Spijer and Judith Veerman on 24-09-1935
Spijer, Elkan father at wedding of Joseph Spijer and Rosa Jong de on 14-06-1933
Spijer, Elkan father at wedding of Elkan Spijer and Grietje Spijer on 22-05-1907
Spijer, Elkan father at wedding of Joseph Spijer and Louise Wallega on 12-06-1912
Spijer, Esther mother at wedding of Louis Raaij de and Leentje Frank on 24-12-1919
Spijer, Eva mother at wedding of Joel Denneboom and Marianne Rine on 05-09-1923
Spijer, Femma mother at wedding of Marcus Bonn and Betje Polak on 30-06-1909
Spijer, Femma mother at wedding of Salomon Bonn and Clara Theeboom on 07-01-1914
Spijer, Fettje mother at wedding of Levie Groenteman and Saartje Klein on 14-11-1906
Spijer, Grietje mother at wedding of Samuel Polak and Anna Leeuwin on 11-12-1918
Spijer, Grietje mother at wedding of Joseph Spijer and Rosa Jong de on 14-06-1933
Spijer, Isaac father at wedding of Joseph Spijer and Anna Weeren v. on 01-07-1868
Spijer, Jacob father at wedding of Isaac Pront and Berdina Spijer on 02-01-1907
Spijer, Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Spijer and Keetje Drukker on 06-01-1909
Spijer, Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Roodveldt and Klaartje Spijer on 07-08-1918
Spijer, Jacob father at wedding of Elkan Spijer and Grietje Spijer on 22-05-1907
Spijer, Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Spijer and Sara Halberstradt on 19-05-1880
Spijer, Jacob father at wedding of Elkan Spijer and Raatje Rubens on 27-02-1878
Spijer, Joseph father at wedding of Louis Spijer and Klara Goudsmit on 07-08-1919
Spijer, Joseph father at wedding of Levie Monas and Helena Spijer on 11-04-1907
Spijer, Leman father at wedding of Salomon Duits and Rachel Spijer on 21-05-1873
Spijer, Levie father at wedding of Marcus Bonn and Catharina Spijer on 14-06-1865
Spijer, Marcus father at wedding of David Spijer and Aaltje Polak on 08-03-1899
Spijer, Marianne mother at wedding of Isaac Engelander and Rebecca Pezaro on 05-09-1907
Spijer, Mijer father at wedding of Jacob Beek and Saartje Spijer on 22-06-1905
Spijer, Naatje mother at wedding of Joseph Pool and Cornelia Metz on 27-07-1899
Spijer, Rachel mother at wedding of Levie Duijts and Sara Tas on 18-10-1906
Spijer, Rachel mother at wedding of David Smit and Anna Jong de on 30-06-1909
Spijer, Saartje mother at wedding of Joost Emden and Anna Beek on 24-07-1929
Spijer, Salomon father at wedding of Isaac Veffer and Rebecca Spijer on 29-08-1907
Spijer, Salomon father at wedding of Hartog Spijer and Sara Stibbe on 22-05-1907
Spijer, Samuel father at wedding of Levie Spijer and Klaatje Teeboom on 10-11-1875
Spijer, Willem father at wedding of Simon Spijer and Augusta Godschalk on 28-04-1921
Spijer, Willem father at wedding of Marcus Spijer and Elsje Roselaar on 14-07-1921
Spijer, Willem father at wedding of Juda Juda and Eva Spijer on 13-02-1935
Spijer, Wolf father at wedding of Isaac Hamburger and Dina Spijer on 31-07-1888
Spinossa Cattela, David father at wedding of Meijer Groen and Sophia Spinossa Cattela on 10-12-1914
Spiro, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Max Buren v. and Eva Berg v.d. on 03-09-1908
Spiro, Nathan father at wedding of David Spiro and Judith Dusseldorp on 13-06-1888
Spits, Marcus father at wedding of Herman Spits and Vrouwgien Wijnberg on 26-09-1935
Spittel, Otto father at wedding of Heinz Heumann and Charlotte Spittel on 08-04-1937
Spitz, Ganna mother at wedding of Eliahu Hirsch and Klara Liever de
Spitz, Isaac father at wedding of Elias Spitz and Rachel Konijn on 02-05-1907
Spitz, Isaac father at wedding of Samuel Spitz and Frederika Konijn on 12-08-1908
Spitz, Isaac father at wedding of Joachim Spitz and Rebecca Marchand on 03-07-1906
Spitz, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Premzela and Ganna Spitz on 02-03-1899
Spitz, Isaac father at wedding of Jozef Kisch and Eva Spitz on 06-06-1905
Spitz, Isaac father at wedding of Philip Jong de and Mietje Spitz on 03-03-1909
Spitz, Joachim father at wedding of Izak Vries de and Julie Spitz on 23-11-1933
Spitz, Jochem father at wedding of Simon Hirsch and Ganna Spitz on 26-03-1868
Spitz, Klaartje mother at wedding of Joseph Goudeket and Carolina Koster on 22-03-1916
Spitz, Macile father at wedding of Salomon Trompetter and Jeannette Spitz on 25-10-1923
Spitz, Marcus father at wedding of Isaac Spitz and Eva Vet on 17-02-1869
Spitz, Rebekka mother at wedding of Izaak Kisch and Ina Houthakker on 09-02-1933
Spitz, Sara mother at wedding of Moritz Regensberg and Dina Chananje on 10-06-1909
Spitzer, Sara mother at wedding of Hartog Pront and Scheindel Gottesman on 28-03-1928
Sporn, Marie mother at wedding of Geirge Meijer and Esther Kapper on 21-12-1933
Spreekmeester, father at wedding of Moses Peper and Esther Spreekmeester on 28-06-1843
Spreekmeester, Barend father at wedding of Elias Kater and Sophie Spreekmeester on 16-12-1925
Spreekmeester, Barend father at wedding of Jacob Spreekmeester and Esther Sarlui on 31-03-1920
Spreekmeester, Barend father at wedding of Meijer Spreekmeester and Carolina Poppegaai on 10-07-1919
Spreekmeester, Barend father at wedding of Eliazer Spreekmeester and Alida Spreekmeester on 06-08-1925
Spreekmeester, Elias father at wedding of Abraham Neeter and Alida Spreekmeester on 29-09-1927
Spreekmeester, Elias father at wedding of Meijer Spreekmeester and Jeannette Schaap on 23-01-1929
Spreekmeester, Eliazer father at wedding of Mozes Noord and Anna Spreekmeester on 11-09-1919
Spreekmeester, Eliazer father at wedding of Eliazer Spreekmeester and Alida Spreekmeester on 06-08-1925
Spreekmeester, Eliazer father at wedding of Salomon Noord and Leentje Spreekmeester on 16-03-1927
Spreekmeester, Ephraim father at wedding of Meijer Spreekmeester and Judith Cohen a on 26-06-1929
Spreekmeester, Isaac father at wedding of Ephraim Spreekmeester and Mathilda Vries de on 04-01-1905
Spreekmeester, Israel father at wedding of Isaac Goudeket and Catharina Spreekmeester on 23-08-1906
Spreekmeester, Jacob father at wedding of David Cohen and Aaltje Spreekmeester on 02-07-1919
Spreekmeester, Leendert father at wedding of Levie Gelder v. and Judikje Spreekmeester on 18-12-1935
Spreekmeester, Leentje mother at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Mietje Sluijter on 14-08-1918
Spreekmeester, Levie father at wedding of Hijman Slosser and Mietje Spreekmeester on 05-03-1925
Spreekmeester, Levie father at wedding of Marcus Koster and Reina Spreekmeester on 20-06-1929
Spreekmeester, Levie father at wedding of Leendert Spreekmeester and Sara Lisser on 23-06-1915
Spreekmeester, Marcus father at wedding of Joseph Spreekmeester and Betje Kuit on 02-01-1884
Spreekmeester, Meijer father at wedding of Samuel Serlui and Reintje Spreekmeester on 15-10-1896
Spreekmeester, Meijer father at wedding of Elias Spreekmeester and Clara Drukker on 21-02-1906
Spreekmeester, Meijer father at wedding of Emanuel Spreekmeester and Debora Cohen on 18-12-1879
Spreekmeester, Rebecca mother at wedding of Meijer Goudeket and Sara Abas on 14-06-1928
Spreekmeester, Reintje mother at wedding of Salomon Serlui and Leentje Wijnschenk on 11-07-1923
Spreekmeester, Reintje mother at wedding of Emanuel Serlui and Vrouwtje Pais on 10-10-1928
Springer, father at wedding of Joseph Vlies v. and Esther Springer on 08-01-1896
Springer, Aron father at wedding of Marcus Springer and Esther Salomon on 13-01-1886
Springer, Aron father at wedding of Salomon Springer and Elisabeth Voorzanger on 25-04-1888
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Benedictus Springer and Charlotte Beer on 30-03-1927
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Aron Springer and Schoontje Jong de on 19-08-1865
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Lion Winnik and Bloeme Springer on 12-12-1923
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Isaac Springer and Rachel Dukker on 22-01-1919
Springer, Barend father at wedding of David Snoek and Elisabeth Springer on 08-07-1914
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Arie Houtkruijer and Roosje Springer on 08-01-1868
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Abraham Melkman and Sara Springer on 21-09-1921
Springer, Barend father at wedding of Hijman Fransman and Alida Springer on 13-10-1921
Springer, Bernard father at wedding of Salomon Springer and Margaretha Ereira on 29-09-1937
Springer, Branco mother at wedding of Mozes Blaauw and Bertha Stratum v. on 21-03-1923
Springer, Dina mother at wedding of Nathan Waterman and Sara Swart on 22-05-1918
Springer, Eleaser father at wedding of Samson Springer and Betje Levy on 22-08-1888
Springer, Eleazer father at wedding of Jozeph Meijer and Jansje Springer on 20-04-1887
Springer, Eliazer father at wedding of Israel Springer and Roosje Bromet on 15-04-1896
Springer, Femmetje mother at wedding of Raphael Raaij de and Dorothea Bino on 21-06-1905
Springer, Gerrit father at wedding of Samson Ritmeester and Sara Springer on 24-06-1915
Springer, Isaac father at wedding of Emanuel Velzen v. and Judic Springer on 10-12-1884
Springer, Israel father at wedding of Asser Bokke v.d. and Jansje Springer on 17-01-1923
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Barend Springer and Marianna Lakmaker on 20-02-1935
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Leendert Springer and Heintje Engelschman on 20-06-1877
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Simon Groenstad and Naatje Springer on 06-11-1929
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Hartog Meijer and Esther Springer on 27-03-1935
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Mof and Rachel Springer on 12-11-1884
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Mozes Springer and Dina Rodrigues on 16-12-1925
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Henri Springer and Anna Peper on 29-11-1922
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Leendert Springer and Rachel Leeuwe de on 29-08-1928
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Aron Springer and Vrouwtje Wijnschenk on 24-12-1919
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Springer and Judith Kroet on 21-07-1937
Springer, Jacob father at wedding of Izaac Springer and Clara Polak on 31-03-1927
Springer, Klaartje mother at wedding of Joseph Venetianer and Mathilda Trijtel on 11-09-1935
Springer, Leendert father at wedding of Jacob Springer and Rachel Grushaber on 14-04-1915
Springer, Leendert father at wedding of Philip Venetianer and Klaartje Springer on 23-10-1907
Springer, Marcus father at wedding of Maurits Kets de Vries and Sara Springer on 24-08-1927
Springer, Marcus father at wedding of Joseph Aardewerk and Jansje Springer on 30-01-1918
Springer, Marcus father at wedding of Isaac Springer and Sara Stuiver on 21-03-1923
Springer, Marcus father at wedding of Abraham Vreeland and Margaretha Springer on 07-12-1927
Springer, Marcus father at wedding of Barend Springer and Rebekka Swaalep on 21-08-1918
Springer, Marianna mother at wedding of Leendert Noord v. and Marie Geldere v. on 19-02-1919
Springer, Mirjam mother at wedding of Levie Staal and Elisabeth Staal on 26-06-1923
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Benjamin Jong de and Alida Springer on 30-10-1918
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Samuel Hartz and Judic Springer on 21-10-1868
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Marcus Springer and Anna Duits on 11-03-1908
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Levie Blaauw and Branco Springer on 19-06-1878
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Gerrit Springer and Betje Hamel on 02-05-1888
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Marcus Springer and Rebecca Gobes on 10-01-1883
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Barend Springer and Esther Jong de on 07-08-1935
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Leendert Worms and Bloeme Springer on 29-12-1927
Springer, Mozes father at wedding of Jonas Ossedrijver and Hanna Springer on 30-06-1875
Springer, Nantes father at wedding of Jack Gaster and Frederika Springer on 06-02-1923
Springer, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Polak and Femmina Caranca deca on 07-06-1916
Springer, Salomon father at wedding of Aron Springer and Anna Piller on 14-12-1927
Springer, Salomon father at wedding of David Mouwes and Sara Springer on 07-11-1923
Springer, Salomon father at wedding of Barend Gomperts and Rosalie Springer on 16-08-1921
Springer, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Springer and Vrouwtje Velleman on 26-02-1908
Springer, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Springer and Elisabeth Content on 07-08-1928
Springer, Salomon father at wedding of Alexander Mossel and Henriette Springer on 06-01-1915
Springer, Samson father at wedding of Aaron Springer and Rozette Brander on 25-01-1933
Springer, Sellij mother at wedding of Simon Korper and Klara Dresden on 19-09-1928
Springer, Sellij mother at wedding of Simon Korper and Saartje Dresden on 06-09-1916
Springer, Simon father at wedding of Eliazer Raaij de and Femmetje Springer on 18-08-1875
Springer, Simon father at wedding of Wolf Springer and Betje Raaij de on 04-12-1872
Springer, Simon father at wedding of David Springer and Naatje Mello on 11-07-1888
Springer, Wolf father at wedding of Jacques Dam v. and Flora Springer on 22-08-1935
Springer, Wolf father at wedding of Eliazar Springer and Heintje Nol on 24-12-1929
Staal, father at wedding of Isaac Woudhuijsen and Maria Staal on 27-10-1847
Staal, father at wedding of Marcus Polak and Eva Staal on 01-07-1846
Staal, father at wedding of Levie Staal and Branca Agtienribbe on 27-08-1845
Staal, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Staal and Elisabeth Staal on 26-06-1923
Staal, Abraham father at wedding of Benjamin Wolff de and Raatje Staal on 29-02-1888
Staal, David father at wedding of Jacob Staal and Clara Agsteribbe on 06-11-1918
Staal, Emanuel father at wedding of Jacob Staal and Cornelia Bruin de on 17-03-1937
Staal, Emanuel father at wedding of Levie Staal and Eva Waterman on 29-06-1870
Staal, Gabriel father at wedding of Mark Pruijm and Sophia Staal on 24-05-1933
Staal, Heintje mother at wedding of Levie Goud and Sara Pront on 02-08-1906
Staal, Hijman father at wedding of Godschalk Rabbie and Margaretha Staal on 15-06-1933
Staal, Isaac father at wedding of Gerrit Leeuwin and Elisabeth Staal on 23-05-1907
Staal, Jacob father at wedding of Levie Staal and Elisabeth Staal on 26-06-1923
Staal, Judith mother at wedding of Michel Schorlesheim and Marianne Konijn on 23-04-1925
Staal, Levie father at wedding of David Staal and Truitje Vroman on 23-04-1873
Staal, Levie father at wedding of Emanuel Staal and Leentje Wijl on 04-06-1879
Staal, Levie father at wedding of Meijer Staal and Esther Trijtel on 18-03-1909
Staal, Levie father at wedding of Mozes Staal and Rosalie Trijtel on 18-03-1909
Staal, Levie father at wedding of David Staal and Betsy Fresco on 04-04-1929
Staal, Meijer father at wedding of Henri Staal and Esther Witsenhuijsen on 12-06-1918
Staal, Meijer father at wedding of Abraham Lenson and Aleida Staal on 28-02-1935
Staal, Mozes father at wedding of Henri Barkelo and Catharina Staal on 14-02-1918
Staal, Salomon father at wedding of Hijman Staal and Helena Leeuwin on 06-06-1906
Staal, Salomon father at wedding of Isaac Staal and Judith Querido on 08-08-1877
Staal, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Staal and Betje Morpurgo on 25-05-1899
Staal, Wolf father at wedding of Salomon Muijs and Elisabet Staal on 09-08-1923
Stad, Anna mother at wedding of Matthijs Rooselaar and Dina Vollenhoven v. on 07-03-1929
Stad, Isaac father at wedding of Joel Reens and Judik Stad on 19-03-1919
Stad, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Stad and Mietje Franken on 24-08-1916
Stad, Joseph father at wedding of Isidor Italiaander and Esther Stad on 01-08-1928
Stad, Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Jong de and Judith Stad on 25-02-1925
Stad, Judik mother at wedding of Benjamin Stad and Flora Smit on 25-07-1912
Stad, Simon father at wedding of Benjamin Stad and Flora Smit on 25-07-1912
Stad, Simon father at wedding of Meijer Raap and Jansje Stad on 26-08-1914
Stam v.d., father at wedding of Salomon Stam v.d. and Sara Hamburger on 07-06-1843
Stam v.d., Bloemetje mother at wedding of Hijman Zendijk and Jeannette Abraham on 30-04-1919
Stam v.d., Heijman father at wedding of Samuel Stam v.d. and Betje Cohen on 08-11-1921
Stam v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Hachgenberg and Geertruida Stam v.d. on 18-12-1918
Stam v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Lion Wit de and Naatje Stam v.d. on 13-03-1907
Stam v.d., Joseph father at wedding of Abraham Kolm v. and Mietje Stam v.d. on 13-09-1933
Stam v.d., Jozeph father at wedding of David Stam v.d. and Hilletje Hachgenberg on 27-10-1915
Stam v.d., Leon father at wedding of Gerson Os v. and Regiene Stam v.d. on 14-07-1921
Stam v.d., Levie father at wedding of Louis Stam v.d. and Josephina Stibbe on 18-07-1929
Stam v.d., Louis father at wedding of Louis Viskoper and Barendina Stam v.d. on 31-10-1935
Star v.d., Abraham father at wedding of Joseph Star v.d. and Roosje Gaarkeuken on 24-05-1933
Star v.d., Abraham father at wedding of Nathan Groen and Rebecca Star v.d. on 20-12-1916
Star v.d., Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Corper and Vrouwtje Star v.d. on 24-05-1933
Star v.d., Eleazar father at wedding of Mozes Star v.d. and Eva Bargeboer on 19-07-1905
Star v.d., Eleazar father at wedding of Abraham Koekoek and Anna Star v.d. on 19-07-1899
Star v.d., Mozes father at wedding of Eliazer Star v.d. and Elsje Klijn on 26-02-1879
Star v.d., Ruben father at wedding of Abraham Star v.d. and Hanna Keizer on 24-11-1937
Star v.d., Ruben father at wedding of Abraham Star v.d. and Zoetje Schouten on 08-11-1871
Star v.d., Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Walvisch and Mietje Eberst on 16-11-1927
Starkman, Leib father at wedding of Jacob Cohen and Freide Starkman on 31-10-1928
Staveren v., father at wedding of Levie Gomperts and Schoontje Staveren v. on 27-10-1830
Staveren v., father at wedding of Gerson Staveren v. and Dientje Snijders on 17-12-1834
Staveren v., father at wedding of Samuel Dal v. and Vrouwtje Staveren v. on 17-06-1877
Staveren v., Alexander father at wedding of Gerard Zeldenrust and Rebecca Staveren v. on 14-10-1923
Staveren v., Alexander father at wedding of Hartog Staveren v. and Hendrina Meljado on 10-02-1921
Staveren v., Alexander father at wedding of Zacharias Staveren v. and Betje Sierles on 14-02-1906
Staveren v., Heintje mother at wedding of Mozes Lap and Johanna Content on 15-08-1907
Staveren v., Isaac father at wedding of Samuel Staveren v. and Jansje Roos on 11-12-1872
Staveren v., Izaak father at wedding of Samuel Staveren v. and Betsij Collem v. on 07-03-1928
Staveren v., Izaak father at wedding of Marcus Vreeland and Jetje Staveren v. on 30-01-1929
Staveren v., Izaak father at wedding of Hartog Staveren v. and Cato Moppes v. on 21-03-1878
Staveren v., Nathan father at wedding of Frederik Rabbie and Jansje Staveren v. on 06-08-1919
Staveren v., Samuel father at wedding of Izaak Staveren v. and Betje Leer v. on 19-07-1899
Staveren v., Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Groothuis and Leentje Staveren v. on 10-06-1909
Staveren v., Samuel father at wedding of Alexander Staveren v. and Grietje Gosler on 08-07-1914
Staveren v., Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Staveren v. and Sophia Groenteman on 29-01-1919
Staveren v., Samuel father at wedding of Jesaija Staveren v. and Reintje Kleef v. on 25-11-1908
Staveren v., Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Gerrit Dal v. and Marianne Kar v.d. on 13-06-1907
Staveren v., Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Jacob Dal v. and Rozette Reens on 12-06-1919
Stedum v., Meijer father at wedding of Salomon Lange de and Marianne Stedum v. on 04-08-1909
Stedum v., Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Vries de and Elisabeth Stedum v. on 09-02-1921
Stedum v., Mozes father at wedding of Sallij Vorst and Clara Stedum v. on 16-01-1935
Stedum v., Mozes father at wedding of Lodewijk Stedum v. and Hendrika Meijer on 28-06-1916
Stedum v., Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Kar v.d. and Kaatje Stedum v. on 31-08-1916
Steger, Chaja mother at wedding of Alter Rosenbluth and Rosalie Batist on 08-04-1925
Steilberger, Helene mother at wedding of Hermann Sanders and Sara Ferrares on 19-06-1935
Stein, Bette mother at wedding of Wolf Schonberg and Rosette Kopuit on 17-08-1909
Stein, David father at wedding of Mozes Stein and Rebecca Cohen on 19-07-1899
Stein, Isaak father at wedding of Aaron Saperstein and Sophia Stein on 25-07-1918
Stein, Jacob father at wedding of Jacob Blitz and Judith Stein on 24-05-1933
Stein, Josef father at wedding of Jacques Wilde de and Hendrika Stein on 01-08-1907
Stein, Samuel father at wedding of Herman Duveen and Clara Stein on 25-06-1919
Steinberg, Frederika mother at wedding of Jermie Bromberg and Paula Rosenfeld on 27-04-1914
Steinberg, Leiba father at wedding of Isaac Steinberg and Rachel Lopes Cardozo on 20-08-1914
Steindecker, Sallij father at wedding of Leopold Steindecker and Alida Polak on 12-05-1937
Stempel v.d., Abraham father at wedding of Maurits Stempel v.d. and Rosette Hesse on 25-02-1886
Stempel v.d., Andries father at wedding of Herman Stempel v.d. and Rosa Sanders on 17-10-1907
Stempel v.d., David father at wedding of Meijer Stempel v.d. and Froukje Sanders on 18-08-1896
Stempel v.d., Meijer father at wedding of Marcus Kroonenberg and Annette Stempel v.d. on 04-09-1873
Stempel v.d., Mijer father at wedding of David Stempel v.d. and Heintje Ameringen v. on 21-04-1870
Stempel, father at wedding of Hartog Aap and Ester Stempel on 15-06-1842
Stempel, Barend father at wedding of Marcus Stempel and Femma Polak on 24-10-1928
Stempel, Barend father at wedding of Abram Duits and Kaatje Stempel on 26-06-1929
Stempel, Barend father at wedding of Hartog Lakmaker and Alida Stempel on 06-03-1935
Stempel, Emanuel father at wedding of Meijer Degen and Roosje Stempel on 05-09-1906
Stempel, Hartog father at wedding of Simon Stempel and Eva Meijer on 18-08-1886
Stempel, Hartog father at wedding of Simon Stempel and Eva Isaac on 22-09-1875
Stempel, Levie father at wedding of Isaac Dooseman and Goetje Stempel on 22-05-1867
Stempel, Simon father at wedding of Gerrit Presser and Aaltje Stempel on 04-01-1899
Stenpel v.d., Adolfine mother at wedding of Albert Kaplanskie and Flora Dam v. on 24-05-1923
Ster v.d., Abraham father at wedding of Joseph Ster v.d. and Margaretha Bruinvels on 20-03-1935
Ster v.d., Fijtje mother at wedding of Abraham Star v.d. and Hanna Keizer on 24-11-1937
Sterck, father at wedding of Jacob Sterck and Klara Buitenkant on 16-09-1843
Sterk, father at wedding of Abraham Wolff and Mietje Sterk on 17-03-1843
Sterk, father at wedding of Zalel Thors and Mietje Sterk on 29-04-1847
Sterk, Izaak father at wedding of Samuel Neeter and Sara Sterk on 07-11-1928
Sterk, Sophia mother at wedding of Barend Monnikendam and Catharina Cohen on 18-08-1921
Sterk, Tobias father at wedding of Eliazar Sterk and Clara Polak on 17-03-1915
Sterke de, Levie father at wedding of Carel Sterke de and Rosette Beer de on 28-11-1888
Stern, father at wedding of Gompel Dam v. and Rosalie Stern on 21-06-1877
Stern, Arthur father at wedding of Isaak Rosenstein and Gerda Stern on 03-12-1935
Stern, Benjamin father at wedding of Mozes Meijer and Paulina Stern on 27-11-1919
Stern, Benjamin father at wedding of Pinehas Swaab and Aaltje Stern on 30-06-1914
Stern, Izak father at wedding of Samson Stern and Elisabeth Kleef v. on 07-02-1935
Stern, Jetta mother at wedding of Mozes Vries de and Geertruida Dam v. on 23-11-1921
Stern, Jozef father at wedding of Maurits Wijnberg and Esther Stern on 09-10-1928
Stern, Klara mother at wedding of Jozef Horst v.d. and Isabella Dikker on 18-12-1911
Stern, Leopold father at wedding of Isaak Stern and Rosa Zsadanyi on 14-09-1933
Stern, Levi father at wedding of Alfred Kronenberg and Emma Stern on 02-01-1920
Stern, Markus father at wedding of Gustav Stern and Johanna Gundersheim on 27-01-1937
Stern, Mietje mother at wedding of Salomon Zuiden v. and Margaretha Peereboom on 30-08-1923
Stern, Moritz father at wedding of Walter Katz and Sidonie Stern on 17-07-1935
Stern, Paulina mother at wedding of Simon Thijn v. and Jeannette Praag v. on 18-12-1907
Stern, Paulina mother at wedding of Benjamin Thijn v. and Heintje Hamburger on 14-06-1905
Stern, Pinos father at wedding of Alexander Lazarus and Rebecca Stern on 10-09-1919
Stern, Salomon father at wedding of Joseph Wolff de and Paulina Stern on 03-05-1916
Stern, Salomon father at wedding of Adolf Vries de and Marie Stern on 23-02-1921
Stern, Salomon father at wedding of Louis Wijnperle and Sophia Stern on 01-08-1906
Stern, Selina mother at wedding of Isaac Jong de and Sara Davids on 18-12-1919
Stern, Sientje mother at wedding of Leendert Boer de and Elisabeth Cracau on 12-06-1907
Stern, Simon father at wedding of Abraham Stern and Rozette Hamburger on 16-08-1888
Stern, Sophia mother at wedding of Jozef Wijnkoop and Schoontje Wijnperle on 01-03-1933
Stern, Wolf father at wedding of Ephraim Davids and Seline Stern on 28-01-1885
Sternberg, Amelia mother at wedding of Maijer Schilo and Frieda Frank on 20-09-1916
Sternefeld, Simon father at wedding of Daniel Sternefeld and Christina Waterman on 18-01-1928
Sternefeld, Simon father at wedding of Isaac Sternefeld and Truitje Amerongen v. on 11-04-1923
Sterneveld, Rebekka mother at wedding of Louis Goedhart and Amalia Goedhart on 05-06-1918
Sternfeld, father at wedding of Mozes Sister v. and Jetje Sternfeld on 29-06-1921
Sternfeld, father at wedding of Emanuel Vries de and Catharina Sternfeld on 16-08-1916
Sternfeld, father at wedding of Salomon Sternfeld and Selly Turfkruijer on 31-08-1927
Sternfeld, Aaltje mother at wedding of Salomon Sternfeld and Selly Turfkruijer on 31-08-1927
Sternfeld, Hendrika mother at wedding of Samuel Katz and Esther Poppelsdorf on 07-02-1929
Sternfeld, Hendrika mother at wedding of Samuel Kats and Sara Canes on 11-11-1908
Sternfeld, Isaak father at wedding of Isaac Berlijn and Kaatje Sternfeld on 21-06-1899
Sternfeld, Jacob father at wedding of Hartog Zweden v. and Frouke Sternfeld on 21-01-1937
Sternfeld, Joseph father at wedding of Jacob Sternfeld and Rosette Worms on 10-10-1907
Sternfeld, Karel father at wedding of Meijer Drukker and Margaretha Sternfeld on 06-04-1916
Sternfeld, Karel father at wedding of Jacob Sternfeld and Esther Peper on 17-12-1925
Sternfeld, Karel father at wedding of Eli Sternfeld and Judith Melkman on 18-05-1916
Sternfeld, Karel father at wedding of Izaak Sternfeld and Jansje Drukker on 03-10-1918
Sternfeld, Salomon father at wedding of Salomon Dam v. and Diena Sternfeld on 06-09-1916
Sternheim, Betje mother at wedding of Andries Meerloo and Sophia Vromen on 10-04-1912
Sternheim, Cornelia mother at wedding of Aron Blits and Margaretha Goudsmit on 19-08-1919
Sternheim, Cornelia mother at wedding of Andries Blits and Debora Tas on 12-03-1918
Sternheim, Manus father at wedding of Louis Polak and Esther Sternheim on 07-03-1918
Sternheim, Manus father at wedding of Abraham Bosman and Rosette Sternheim on 18-06-1908
Sternheim, Marcus father at wedding of Max Lutomirski and Rosette Sternheim on 26-09-1929
Sternveld, Daniel father at wedding of Salomon Sternveld and Marjana Sluizer on 05-09-1906
Sterzel, Mozes father at wedding of Samuel Sterzel and Judith Oeb Pires on 02-05-1888
Stevens, Johannes father at wedding of Izaac West v. and Lena Stevens on 25-09-1929
Stibbe, Aaltje mother at wedding of David Luteraan and Rosette Swaab on 26-10-1916
Stibbe, Aaron father at wedding of Louis Stam v.d. and Josephina Stibbe on 18-07-1929
Stibbe, Benjamin father at wedding of Meijer Stibbe and Margaretha Toff on 06-10-1921
Stibbe, Benjamin father at wedding of Hartog Roeper and Julia Stibbe on 08-02-1923
Stibbe, Betje mother at wedding of Jacobus Heimans and Lucy Heimans on 03-08-1925
Stibbe, Catharina mother at wedding of Samuel Maarsen v. and Saartje Tijn v. on 18-08-1909
Stibbe, Catharina mother at wedding of Philip Maarsen v. and Anna Stibbe on 25-07-1907
Stibbe, David father at wedding of Jacob Benjamins and Isabelle Stibbe on 02-08-1898
Stibbe, David father at wedding of Aron Stibbe and Wilhelmina Italiaander on 29-07-1885
Stibbe, David father at wedding of Wolfgang Lieberg and Helena Stibbe on 31-07-1918
Stibbe, David father at wedding of Jacob Hamburger and Henriette Stibbe on 22-05-1902
Stibbe, Eduard father at wedding of David Stibbe and Elisabeth Meijers on 12-09-1928
Stibbe, Frederika mother at wedding of Lion Daniels and Anna Ketellapper on 28-01-1909
Stibbe, Izaak father at wedding of Elias Stibbe and Allegonda Vorst on 23-03-1927
Stibbe, Jeannette mother at wedding of Elie Heimans and Anna Prins on 28-05-1907
Stibbe, Jonas father at wedding of Philip Stibbe and Dina Maarsen v. on 12-12-1906
Stibbe, Jonas father at wedding of Philip Maarsen v. and Anna Stibbe on 25-07-1907
Stibbe, Jonas father at wedding of Manus Leeuwwen v. and Henriette Stibbe on 18-11-1914
Stibbe, Joseph father at wedding of Willem Stibbe and Aaltje Beem v. on 28-04-1921
Stibbe, Joseph father at wedding of Jesaia Adelaar and Rosalina Stibbe on 05-04-1916
Stibbe, Jozef father at wedding of Nathan Stibbe and Jansje Polak on 16-10-1912
Stibbe, Jozef father at wedding of Hartog Spijer and Sara Stibbe on 22-05-1907
Stibbe, Judik mother at wedding of Samuel Visser and Esther Querido on 14-08-1918
Stibbe, Judik mother at wedding of Bernard Visser and Eva Kleerekooper on 25-03-1908
Stibbe, Judik mother at wedding of Salomon Visser and Elisabeth Blits on 04-01-1905
Stibbe, Louis father at wedding of Sallij Meijer and Reina Stibbe on 26-05-1925
Stibbe, Louis father at wedding of Jacques Heer de and Cato Stibbe on 15-02-1921
Stibbe, Marianne mother at wedding of Eduard Leeuwe de and Esther Ferares on 07-04-1937
Stibbe, Meijer father at wedding of Jozeph Stibbe and Duifje Bedding on 31-05-1871
Stibbe, Meijer father at wedding of David Daniels and Frederika Stibbe on 23-10-1878
Stibbe, Meijer father at wedding of Hijman Content and Hendrina Stibbe on 02-01-1878
Stibbe, Meijer father at wedding of Joseph Goudeket and Sophia Stibbe on 31-07-1879
Stibbe, Mozes father at wedding of Wolf Kleinberger and Mietje Stibbe on 20-05-1925
Stibbe, Nathan father at wedding of Nico Gazan and Marianna Stibbe on 16-05-1935
Stibbe, Philip father at wedding of Isidor Stibbe and Bertha Cohen on 16-10-1918
Stibbe, Salomon father at wedding of Israel Visser and Judic Stibbe on 10-09-1879
Stibbe, Sophia mother at wedding of Vit Elte and Rosalie Tijn v. on 29-03-1933
Stijsel, father at wedding of Cosman Stijsel and Helena Naar on 05-02-1862
Stijsel, father at wedding of Salomon Kollem v. and Sara Stijsel on 23-04-1862
Stijsel, Barend father at wedding of Benedictus Bolle and Esther Stijsel on 14-06-1906
Stijsel, Izaak father at wedding of Alexander Wit de and Frederica Stijsel on 28-07-1937
Stijsel, Izaak father at wedding of Hartog Abrahams and Debora Stijsel on 18-08-1852
Stijsel, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Vries de and Reintje Stijsel on 08-05-1867
Stijsel, Rebekka mother at wedding of Cosman Kornaslijnslijper and Henriette Vries de on 18-09-1935
Stijsel, Rebekka mother at wedding of Salomon Kornalijnslijper and Regina Zeehandelaar on 24-03-1937
Stijsel, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Visjager and Duifje Samson on 22-12-1915
Stijsel, Sara mother at wedding of Mozes Vischjager and Rebecca Visjager on 29-12-1915
Stijssel, Reintje mother at wedding of Adolf Vries de and Flora Woudhuijsen on 02-02-1899
Stodel, father at wedding of Coenraad Hont and Hester Stodel on 17-11-1841
Stodel, Abraham father at wedding of Izaak Gosschalk and Sara Stodel on 20-11-1878
Stodel, Abraham father at wedding of Jonas Kloot and Claartje Stodel on 10-05-1899
Stodel, Abraham father at wedding of Hijman Schrijver and Anna Stodel on 11-09-1873
Stodel, Abraham father at wedding of Emanuel Stodel and Regina Lakmaker on 23-06-1909
Stodel, Abraham father at wedding of Samuel Stodel and Susanna Kloos on 08-11-1905
Stodel, Abraham father at wedding of Louis Stodel and Judith Kischneider on 07-11-1927
Stodel, Aron father at wedding of Abraham Stodel and Jochebet Keizer on 10-11-1875
Stodel, Benedictus father at wedding of Samson Bever v. and Eva Stodel on 12-07-1871
Stodel, Benedictus father at wedding of Joseph Schaap and Klara Stodel on 30-12-1885
Stodel, Benedictus father at wedding of Wolf Korper and Eva Stodel on 18-08-1886
Stodel, Benjamin father at wedding of Aron Vleeschhouwer and Rachel Stodel on 31-10-1888
Stodel, Branca mother at wedding of Isaac Presser and Mathilda Waterman on 09-06-1937
Stodel, Claartje mother at wedding of Samuel Kloot and Esther Lange de on 08-12-1937
Stodel, Claartje mother at wedding of Hijman Kloot and Femmina Engelsman on 05-06-1929
Stodel, Emanuel father at wedding of Eliazer Posener and Anna Stodel on 22-06-1905
Stodel, Eva mother at wedding of Benedictus Corper and Jeltje Bloch on 01-08-1928
Stodel, Eva mother at wedding of Simon Corper and Elizabeth Coevorden v. on 03-10-1918
Stodel, Hartog father at wedding of Carel Neuwit and Judith Stodel on 15-02-1933
Stodel, Hijman father at wedding of Hartog Stodel and Helena Gokkes on 09-08-1916
Stodel, Isaac father at wedding of Marcus Schuitevoerder and Ester Stodel on 07-11-1877
Stodel, Isaac father at wedding of Jozef Stodel and Reintje Haag on 06-01-1937
Stodel, Isaac father at wedding of Jonas Blitz and Klaartje Stodel on 03-03-1937
Stodel, Israel father at wedding of Salomon Stodel and Eva Roodvelt on 27-10-1937
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Stodel and Elisabeth Morpurgo on 18-08-1925
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Stodel and Raatje Leeuw de on 06-05-1925
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Stodel and Betje Metz on 20-05-1868
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Simon Erwteman and Raatje Stodel on 05-09-1912
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Simon Stodel and Judith Peereboom on 06-11-1872
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Wolf Stodel and Sara Beugeltas on 13-09-1916
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Leman Frankfort and Klara Stodel on 29-04-1868
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Alexander Haas de and Rebecca Stodel on 04-08-1875
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Braasem and Carolina Stodel on 06-06-1923
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of David Sandor and Johanna Stodel on 01-10-1925
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Abraham Jas and Judith Stodel on 09-01-1878
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Jacob Presser and Alida Stodel on 12-08-1925
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Gerrit Aldewereld and Marianne Stodel on 22-10-1908
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Joseph Kleef v. and Mietje Stodel on 18-11-1874
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Samuel Luks and Mietje Stodel on 14-11-1860
Stodel, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Hijman and Naatje Stodel on 15-07-1908
Stodel, Jansje mother at wedding of Levie Kesnig and Mietje Kolm v. on 14-03-1929
Stodel, Joseph father at wedding of Arnold Klatser and Truitje Stodel on 03-01-1907
Stodel, Joseph father at wedding of Coenraad Blog and Roosje Stodel on 05-06-1905
Stodel, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Mok and Marianne Stodel on 03-12-1929
Stodel, Judith mother at wedding of Karel Jas and Mijntje Bleekveld on 12-05-1920
Stodel, Judith mother at wedding of Jacob Jas and Saartje Cohen on 08-08-1907
Stodel, Judith mother at wedding of Joseph Benjamins and Naatje Sijes on 15-11-1899
Stodel, Judith mother at wedding of Isaac Jas and Eva Buitenkant on 23-08-1906
Stodel, Klaartje mother at wedding of Emanuel Kool and Roosje Vorst on 15-03-1933
Stodel, Klara mother at wedding of Abraham Frankfort and Sara Gans on 10-08-1898
Stodel, Lea mother at wedding of Salomon Walg and Judith Trompetter on 28-04-1937
Stodel, Lea mother at wedding of Mozes Walg and Alida Reens on 05-11-1919
Stodel, Levie father at wedding of Marcus Bleekveld and Mietje Stodel on 10-04-1935
Stodel, Meijer father at wedding of Levie Stodel and Esther Vischschraper on 27-06-1906
Stodel, Meijer father at wedding of Samuel Stodel and Rachel Costa da Fonceca on 12-11-1919
Stodel, Meijer father at wedding of Jacob Stodel and Elisabeth Premselaar on 12-05-1915
Stodel, Mietje mother at wedding of Jacob Kleef v. and Rosette Vorst on 27-08-1919
Stodel, Mozes father at wedding of Hijman Haan de and Rachel Stodel on 25-03-1914
Stodel, Mozes father at wedding of Abraham Engelander and Sophia Stodel on 04-04-1923
Stodel, Mozes father at wedding of Salomon Kroese and Elisabeth Stodel on 06-04-1921
Stodel, Mozes father at wedding of Jacob Stodel and Mietje Peeper on 26-02-1919
Stodel, Rachel mother at wedding of Jacob Vleeschhouwer and Sara Boas on 13-08-1919
Stodel, Rachel mother at wedding of Jacob Vleeschhouwer and Rebecca Praag v. on 03-04-1935
Stodel, Rebecca mother at wedding of Emanuel Haas de and Hanna Engers on 17-02-1909
Stodel, Rebecca mother at wedding of Benedictus Haas de and Hester Korper on 22-12-1915
Stodel, Rebecca mother at wedding of Jacob Haas de and Betsij Franschman on 29-12-1915
Stodel, Saartje mother at wedding of Hartog Locher and Lea Vischschoonmaker on 31-05-1899
Stodel, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Walvis and Marianne Stodel on 13-09-1933
Stodel, Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Stodel and Sara Kan on 12-08-1874
Stodel, Salomon father at wedding of Abraham Stodel and Esperance Abram on 14-05-1914
Stodel, Samuel father at wedding of Juda Verdoner and Helena Stodel on 09-09-1925
Stodel, Samuel father at wedding of Meijer Stodel and Sippora Moscoviter on 27-08-1879
Stodel, Samuel father at wedding of Meijer Hoek v.d. and Eva Stodel on 10-04-1935
Stodel, Samuel father at wedding of Salomon Stodel and Vogel Blog on 31-10-1866
Stodel, Samuel father at wedding of Meijer Komkommer and Alida Stodel on 28-10-1915
Stodel, Samuel father at wedding of Emanuel Stodel and Leentje Polak on 29-07-1874
Stodel, Sara mother at wedding of Marcus Grishaaver and Heintje Groenteman on 25-10-1916
Stodel, Sara mother at wedding of Matthijs Overste and Sophia Groenteman on 06-10-1915
Stodel, Sara mother at wedding of Salomon Walvis and Rachel Groenteman on 23-05-1928
Stodel, Sara mother at wedding of Aaron Kool and Kaatje Groenteman on 14-09-1921
Stodel, Sientje mother at wedding of Mozes Swaab and Johanna Boot on 08-03-1899
Stodel, Vogel mother at wedding of Marcus Dam v. and Branca Snoek on 20-07-1899
Stodel, Wolf father at wedding of Samuel Stodel and Raatje Salomons on 27-12-1883
Stodel, Wolf father at wedding of Hartog Stodel and Rebecca Polak on 02-06-1909
Stodel, Wolf father at wedding of Levie Turksma and Louisa Stodel on 03-06-1896
Stodel, Wolf father at wedding of Joseph Polak and Kaatje Stodel on 10-11-1909
Stodel, Wolf father at wedding of Abraham Duim and Elisabeth Stodel on 09-03-1916
Stoederum, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Goudket and Branka Stoederum on 29-08-1878
Stofkooper, Rebecca mother at wedding of Mozes Trompetter and Lea Kokernoot on 28-02-1923
Stokking, father at wedding of Isaac Stokking and Sara Santilhano on 07-11-1860
Stokking, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Stokking and Sara Aa on 30-12-1874
Stokking, Helena mother at wedding of Jacques Aa and Cornelia Vermeulen on 06-03-1935
Stokking, Helena mother at wedding of Bernard Aa and Rebecca Brandon on 29-09-1937
Stokvis, father at wedding of Philip Bruske and Mietje Stokvis on 07-07-1841
Stokvis, father at wedding of Jacob Jonge de and Naatje Stokvis on 02-09-1834
Stokvis, father at wedding of Emanuel Stokvis and Rachel Groenteman on 02-12-1846
Stokvis, Abraham father at wedding of Marcus Fruitman and Susanna Stokvis on 22-02-1912
Stokvis, Abraham father at wedding of Salomon Stokvis and Lea Montezinos on 02-01-1895
Stokvis, Abraham father at wedding of Emanuel Stokvis and Mietje Schraal on 09-03-1870
Stokvis, Barend father at wedding of Mozes Woronick and Esperance Stokvis on 10-09-1908
Stokvis, Barend father at wedding of Isaac Stokvis and Sippora Hoeden v.d. on 28-11-1912
Stokvis, Barend father at wedding of David Davidson and Catharina Stokvis on 17-02-1916
Stokvis, Barend father at wedding of Emanuel Cohen and Julie Stokvis on 23-12-1909
Stokvis, Barend father at wedding of Wolf Stokvis and Sara Weening on 25-11-1896
Stokvis, Barend father at wedding of Philip Stokvis and Henriette Hijmans on 24-03-1909
Stokvis, David father at wedding of Levij Stokvis and Saartje Gelder v. on 14-09-1870
Stokvis, Emanuel father at wedding of Jacob Bruin de and Vrouwtje Stokvis on 17-11-1869
Stokvis, Emanuel father at wedding of Philip Praag v. and Esther Stokvis on 31-01-1878
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Abraham Stokvis and Jannetje Bos de on 02-10-1935
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Workum and Sara Stokvis on 15-10-1873
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Salomon Polak and Eva Stokvis on 15-07-1937
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Elias Weenen and Catharina Stokvis on 28-06-1928
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Mozes Parsser and Esther Stokvis on 31-03-1921
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Abraham Stokvis and Klara Dusseldorp on 10-07-1873
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Isaac Stokvis and Judik Barend on 29-12-1921
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Barend Stokvis and Marianna Dusseldorp on 11-06-1868
Stokvis, Joseph father at wedding of Ruben Stokvis and Kaatje Swaap on 29-08-1866
Stokvis, Jozef father at wedding of Leopold Stokvis and Anna Salomons on 21-08-1929
Stokvis, Levie father at wedding of Wolf Stokvis and Reintje Top on 18-09-1878
Stokvis, Lion father at wedding of Barend Stokvis and Sientje Natkiel on 16-10-1878
Stokvis, Meijer father at wedding of Hartog Stokvis and Izabella Carpeles on 09-11-1859
Stokvis, Meijer father at wedding of Herman Stokvis and Klaartje Simmeren on 12-06-1929
Stokvis, Nathan father at wedding of Levie Boekman and Rosa Stokvis on 18-04-1929
Stokvis, Philip father at wedding of Louis Meijer and Charlotte Stokvis on 06-06-1933
Stokvis, Rachel mother at wedding of Andries Kopuit and Marianne Horst v. on 20-02-1919
Stokvis, Rachmiel father at wedding of Samuel Lakmaker and Elizabeth Stokvis on 20-06-1866
Stokvis, Raphael father at wedding of Julius Stokvis and Rosalie Cohen on 06-10-1915
Stokvis, Salomon father at wedding of Julius Stokvis and Debora Farbstein on 19-12-1905
Stokvisch, Abraham father at wedding of Mozes Walg and Mietje Stokvisch on 29-07-1885
Stokvisch, Abraham father at wedding of David Beesemer and Rachel Stokvisch on 29-12-1915
Stokvisch, Barend father at wedding of Elias Stokvisch and Sara Hekster on 07-11-1906
Stokvisch, Jacob father at wedding of Samuel Muijs and Sara Stokvisch on 30-03-1899
Stokvisch, Jacob father at wedding of Hartog Kroet and Mietje Stokvisch on 28-11-1906
Stokvisch, Mietje mother at wedding of Abraham Kroet and Rosetta Klein on 14-08-1935
Stokvisch, Mietje mother at wedding of Nathan Walg and Rebecca Vries de on 15-02-1912
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Zadok Stokvisch and Eva Swart on 14-01-1914
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Simon Stokvisch and Betje Spanjar on 10-01-1923
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Juda Os v. and Vrouwtje Stokvisch on 05-09-1923
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Philip Kaas and Rebecca Stokvisch on 02-07-1919
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Joseph Agsteribbe and Sara Stokvisch on 14-08-1935
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Elias Stokvisch and Julia Fransman on 13-05-1914
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Simon Stokvisch and Elisabeth Lierens on 29-12-1937
Stokvisch, Mordechai father at wedding of Emanuel Stokvisch and Esther Kollem v. on 21-08-1929
Stokvisch, Nathan father at wedding of Jacob Stokvisch and Mietje Italiaander on 14-09-1864
Stokvisch, Nathan father at wedding of Manuel Levison and Rachel Stokvisch on 26-08-1868
Stokvisch, Rachel mother at wedding of Nathan Dresden and Sippora Degen on 11-03-1908
Stokvisch, Vrouwtje mother at wedding of Mordechai Straten v. and Bertha Leon de on 24-07-1929
Stoller, Eliazer father at wedding of Meijer Stoller and Rachel Stork on 30-08-1933
Stoller, Eliazer father at wedding of Jacob Stoller and Esther Bleekveld on 28-06-1928
Stoller, Eliazer father at wedding of Joseph Sjouwerman and Aaltje Stoller on 12-03-1919
Stomper, Samuel father at wedding of Noggem Peekel and Sara Stomper on 01-09-1875
Stoob, Sophie mother at wedding of Julius Gersdorf and Sara Matthijse on 07-09-1905
Stoodel, father at wedding of Eliazer Kesnig and Jansje Stoodel on 15-09-1872
Stoodel, Eva mother at wedding of Nathan Jut and Rika Swarts on 23-06-1937
Stoodel, Isaac father at wedding of Salomon Stoodel and Maria Lierens on 14-02-1872
Stoodel, Isaac father at wedding of Simon Moscou and Keetje Stoodel on 06-11-1935
Stoodel, Jansje mother at wedding of Levie Kesnig and Marianne Mathijse on 08-07-1914
Stoodel, Jansje mother at wedding of Hijman Kesnig and Leentje Souwerman on 03-06-1896
Stoodel, Jansje mother at wedding of Jacob Kesnig and Leentje Glasbeek on 10-06-1909
Stoodel, Nathan father at wedding of Isaac Stoodel and Debora Cleef v on 09-06-1909
Stoodel, Nathan father at wedding of Mozes Cohen and Rebecca Stoodel on 18-06-1919
Stoodel, Nathan father at wedding of Wolf Mok and Anna Stoodel on 01-04-1908
Stoodel, Nathan father at wedding of Philip Winnik and Heintje Stoodel on 19-08-1915
Stoodel, Saartje mother at wedding of Zadok Hekster and Betje Vischschoonmaker on 06-08-1919
Stoodel, Saartje mother at wedding of Leendert Moscoviter and Eva Vischschoonmaker on 31-10-1912
Stoodel, Saartje mother at wedding of Salomon Posener and Mietje Vischschoonmaker on 16-08-1916
Stoodel, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Vischschoonmaker and Sipora Lap on 15-11-1899
Stoodel, Salomon father at wedding of Meijer Loonstijn and Heintje Stoodel on 26-08-1908
Stoppelman, Abraham father at wedding of Mozes Stoppelman and Rosina Adelsbergen v. on 15-02-1899
Stoppelman, Abraham father at wedding of Louis Stoppelman and Sara Beem on 20-11-1919
Stoppelman, Aron father at wedding of Mozes Sanders and Betsij Stoppelman on 19-12-1916
Stoppelman, Betje mother at wedding of Arie Zilverberg and Sophie Potsdammer on 01-02-1905
Stoppelman, Bettje mother at wedding of Benjamin Nieweg and Bettij Weiss on 23-05-1923
Stoppelman, Geerttje mother at wedding of Meijer Vries de and Sophia Troostwijk on 09-06-1909
Stoppelman, Gerson father at wedding of Alexander Stoppelman and Gonda Lijn v.d. on 30-05-1928
Stoppelman, Hendeltje mother at wedding of Louis Coeverden v. and Sara Polak on 12-11-1908
Stoppelman, Izaak father at wedding of Barend Stoppelman and Henderina Broekman on 28-02-1912
Stoppelman, Izaak father at wedding of Jacob Wessels and Schoontje Stoppelman on 13-12-1906
Stoppelman, Izaak father at wedding of Mozes Polak and Marie Stoppelman on 09-10-1912
Stoppelman, Jansje mother at wedding of Alexander Meijer and Flora Carels on 22-02-1912
Stoppelman, Jonas father at wedding of Dewes Stoppelman and Eva Adelaar on 18-12-1912
Stoppelman, Lazarus father at wedding of Daniel Stoppelman and Kaatje Jacobs on 22-06-1899
Stoppelman, Lazarus father at wedding of Isaac Stoppelman and Reintje Bekkers on 12-08-1885
Stoppelman, Lazarus father at wedding of Gerson Stoppelman and Naatje Blok on 10-05-1906
Stoppelman, Lazarus father at wedding of Mozes Trompetter and Betje Stoppelman on 03-11-1886
Stoppelman, Mozes father at wedding of David Bak and Bruintje Stoppelman on 06-03-1935
Stoppelman, Saartje mother at wedding of Alexander Meijer and Flora Carels on 22-02-1912
Stoppelman, Saartje mother at wedding of Abraham Barend and Eva Carels on 04-06-1914
Stork, father at wedding of Emanuel Stork and Rachel Stork on 08-08-1832
Stork, father at wedding of Jacob Jongh de and Saartje Stork on 01-11-1843
Stork, father at wedding of Emanuel Stork and Rachel Stork on 08-08-1832
Stork, father at wedding of Abraham Stork and Sara Guttentach on 28-07-1847
Stork, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Stork and Judith Gelder v. on 14-10-1868
Stork, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Stork and Soeta Krost on 06-05-1868
Stork, Abraham father at wedding of Tobias Stork and Judith Pije on 05-06-1879
Stork, Abraham father at wedding of Daniel Stork and Ester Waterman on 10-12-1873
Stork, Daniel father at wedding of Isaac Kornalijnslijper and Elisabeth Stork on 21-06-1905
Stork, Emanuel father at wedding of Simon Stork and Lea Visser on 03-05-1916
Stork, Emanuel father at wedding of Abraham Kaas and Judith Stork on 14-04-1869
Stork, Emanuel father at wedding of Levie Stork and Naatje Soester on 30-04-1918
Stork, Gompel father at wedding of Jacob Stork and Lea Wallage on 08-08-1935
Stork, Jacob father at wedding of Salomon Stork and Sara Horst v.d. on 16-01-1907
Stork, Jacob father at wedding of Michael Stork and Esther Rijne on 17-05-1905
Stork, Jacob father at wedding of Jonas Stork and Hendrika Polak on 19-03-1908
Stork, Jacob father at wedding of Samuel Stork and Betje Hessen v. on 12-06-1912
Stork, Jacob father at wedding of Philip Sanders and Grietje Stork on 11-02-1909
Stork, Jacob father at wedding of Jonas Halberstadt and Elisabeth Stork on 07-09-1921
Stork, Jonas father at wedding of Elkan Stork and Rosette Brilleslijper on 11-11-1937
Stork, Jonas father at wedding of Abraham Stork and Elisabeth Amerongen v. on 09-07-1919
Stork, Jonas father at wedding of Eduard Straten v. and Cato Stork on 15-06-1916
Stork, Jonas father at wedding of Victor Amerongen v. and Marianne Stork on 24-12-1919
Stork, Jonas father at wedding of Levie Stork and Salmina Mossel on 04-09-1935
Stork, Judith mother at wedding of Levie Kaas and Henriette Sturkop on 31-07-1907
Stork, Judith mother at wedding of Emanuel Kaas and Julia Rozette on 07-11-1906
Stork, Kaatje mother at wedding of Abraham Winnik and Jeannette Sanders on 14-12-1905
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Levie Stork and Mietje Adelaar on 30-04-1896
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Joseph Stork and Rachel Polak on 06-11-1912
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Salomon Stork and Betje Swaap on 10-10-1916
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Jonas Stork and Sientje Smalhout on 12-11-1908
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Jacob Polak and Rachel Stork on 06-11-1907
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Abraham Oosten v. and Heintje Stork on 10-10-1923
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Emanuel Elte and Rebecca Stork on 31-07-1912
Stork, Levie father at wedding of Israel Stork and Henriette Sijes on 07-02-1906
Stork, Meijer father at wedding of Levie Stork and Judikje Goldberg on 04-04-1928
Stork, Michael father at wedding of Meijer Stoller and Rachel Stork on 30-08-1933
Stork, Rebecca mother at wedding of Herman Slomper and Elisabeth Mok on 13-09-1933
Stork, Rebecca mother at wedding of Louis Bonte and Dina Sondervan on 07-11-1923
Stork, Salomon father at wedding of Aron Hondsregt and Judith Stork on 05-08-1925
Stork, Willem father at wedding of Benedictus Kolthoff and Hester Stork on 28-03-1933
Stouwer, father at wedding of Jonas Beth and Vrouwtje Stouwer on 02-01-1861
Stouwer, Abraham father at wedding of Jacob Stouwer and Esther Aluin on 14-11-1918
Stouwer, Abraham father at wedding of Joel Stouwer and Raatje Vischjager on 12-06-1918
Stouwer, Brechje mother at wedding of Joel Praag v. and Sophia Peper on 19-04-1906
Stouwer, Emanuel father at wedding of Nathan Fierlier and Saartje Stouwer on 05-02-1919
Stouwer, Emanuel father at wedding of Mozes Stouwer and Grietje Brilleman on 21-03-1928
Stouwer, Emanuel father at wedding of Hartog Wurms and Jacomijntj Stouwer on 14-05-1919
Stouwer, Emanuel father at wedding of Leendert Stouwer and Jetje Meents on 06-02-1918
Stouwer, Emanuel father at wedding of Mozes Gerritse and Elisabeth Stouwer on 27-10-1915
Stouwer, Joel father at wedding of Abraham Stouwer and Schoontje Goudsmit on 23-03-1921
Stouwer, Joel father at wedding of Emanuel Stouwer and Rachel Italiaander on 18-07-1888
Stouwer, Joseph father at wedding of Maurits Hartz and Esther Stouwer on 13-02-1935
Stouwer, Mozes father at wedding of Moses Beddekooper and Beletje Stouwer on 27-01-1875
Stouwer, Mozes father at wedding of Joel Stouwer and Judith Troeder on 21-08-1918
Stouwer, Roosje mother at wedding of Abraham Hartz and Sara Zilverberg on 12-12-1923
Straaten v., Joseph father at wedding of Simon Straaten v. and Rosette Colaco Osorio on 01-08-1899
Straaten v., Kaatje mother at wedding of Joseph Frank and Judikje Cohen on 22-01-1896
Straaten v., Nathan father at wedding of Benjamin Straaten v. and Sara Roest on 16-08-1899
Straaten v., Rebecca mother at wedding of Isaac Bilderbeek and Sara Vries de on 30-10-1919
Stranders, Abraham father at wedding of Samuel Stranders and Cato Beer de on 01-12-1909
Stranders, Abraham father at wedding of Bension Ratoet and Rosette Stranders on 14-06-1905
Stranders, Andreas father at wedding of Eduard Beek v. and Carolina Stranders on 16-09-1937
Stranders, David father at wedding of Abraham Hond de and Marianne Stranders on 22-06-1904
Stranders, Elias father at wedding of Abraham Praag v. and Elisabeth Stranders on 30-06-1909
Stranders, Joseph father at wedding of Andreas Stranders and Marianne Lissauer on 10-10-1907
Stranders, Joseph father at wedding of Simon Stranders and Naatje Asser on 26-08-1896
Stranders, Joseph father at wedding of Hijman Vos de and Sara Stranders on 02-09-1896
Stranders, Klaartje mother at wedding of Meijer Groen and Sophia Spinossa Cattela on 10-12-1914
Stranders, Levie father at wedding of David Stranders and Rebecca Collem v. on 22-11-1933
Stranders, Philip father at wedding of Abraham Stranders and Sophia Carpeles on 16-06-1870
Stranders, Rosetta mother at wedding of Abraham Hemelraad and Guillunett Horn on 09-07-1908
Stranders, S. father at wedding of Abraham Groen and Klaartje Stranders on 29-04-1857
Stranders, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Onderwijzer and Marianne Tabakspinder on 27-12-1899
Stranders, Sara mother at wedding of Willem Loopuit and Sophie Roeper on 04-09-1929
Stranders, Sara mother at wedding of Harry Wolff and Rosa Loopuit on 12-02-1919
Stranders, Sara mother at wedding of Samuel Swaap and Margaretha Loopuit on 01-02-1916
Stranders, Sara mother at wedding of Ezechiel Frenkel and Elisabeth Loopuit on 30-04-1918
Stranders, Simon father at wedding of Joseph Stranders and Carolina Rozenzweig on 21-07-1869
Stranders, Simon father at wedding of Samuel Lissauer and Jansje Stranders on 15-12-1875
Stranders, Simon father at wedding of Siegfried Stranders and Catharina Vogel on 25-01-1933
Stranders, Simon father at wedding of Joseph Onderwijzer and Sara Stranders on 18-12-1861
Straten v., Aaron father at wedding of Machiel Wagenaar and Racheltje Straten v. on 25-04-1906
Straten v., Abraham father at wedding of David Straten v. and Sippora Mok on 16-04-1896
Straten v., Aron father at wedding of Louis Straten v. and Rachel Korper on 06-03-1907
Straten v., Benjamin father at wedding of Meijer Reens and Roosje Straten v. on 29-10-1919
Straten v., Bernard father at wedding of Simon Dessaur and Mina Straten v. on 26-04-1933
Straten v., Betje mother at wedding of Louis Rosa de and Esther Wagenaar on 05-06-1935
Straten v., Betje mother at wedding of Hartog Mutzemaker and Margaretha Gassan on 08-02-1933
Straten v., Cato mother at wedding of Elie Beerenborg and Sara Rozette on 16-08-1921
Straten v., David father at wedding of Hartog Lowenstam and Betje Straten v. on 20-06-1888
Straten v., Elisabeth mother at wedding of Samuel Walg and Rosette Batavier on 23-05-1923
Straten v., Elkan father at wedding of Benjamin Straten v. and Dina Heilbron on 24-07-1929
Straten v., Elkan father at wedding of Isaac Rubens and Rozette Straten v. on 11-07-1935
Straten v., Esther mother at wedding of Salomon Kan and Lea Kurk on 26-09-1928
Straten v., Frenica mother at wedding of Henri Cats and Anna Norden on 10-03-1909
Straten v., Hartog father at wedding of Jacob Straten v. and Rosette Roozeboom on 24-01-1912
Straten v., Hartog father at wedding of Andries Straten v. and Sophia Hen on 20-01-1916
Straten v., Hartog father at wedding of Bernard Straten v. and Johanna Vliet v. on 04-05-1905
Straten v., Henna mother at wedding of Levie Messcher and Heintje Bacharach on 21-06-1916
Straten v., Henne mother at wedding of Joseph Messcher and Engeltje Kool on 18-08-1915
Straten v., Isaac father at wedding of Meijer Broekman and Schoontje Straten v. on 19-05-1880
Straten v., Isaac father at wedding of Arnold Straten v. and Lea Mendelson on 10-02-1937
Straten v., Isaac father at wedding of Barend Schijveschuurder and Serline Straten v. on 11-09-1935
Straten v., Isaac father at wedding of Eliazer Jacobs and Mietje Straten v. on 05-02-1879
Straten v., Jetje mother at wedding of Nathan Gobits and Clara Piller on 28-07-1937
Straten v., Jetje mother at wedding of Elkan Gobits and Anna Pront on 10-07-1919
Straten v., Jetje mother at wedding of Levie Gobits and Judith Reens on 13-11-1912
Straten v., Jetje mother at wedding of Bernard Straten v. and Rosaline Kar v.d. on 31-08-1916
Straten v., Jonas father at wedding of Samuel Straten v. and Sophia Frank on 02-03-1905
Straten v., Joseph father at wedding of Bernard Straten v. and Rosaline Kar v.d. on 31-08-1916
Straten v., Joseph father at wedding of Isaac Mutsemaker and Betje Straten v. on 19-06-1907
Straten v., Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Straten v. and Emelia Hartz on 12-11-1919
Straten v., Joseph father at wedding of Emanuel Mauw and Saartje Straten v. on 24-06-1908
Straten v., Joseph father at wedding of Sander Hammelburg and Catarine Straten v. on 04-08-1909
Straten v., Levie father at wedding of Abraham Sluijs and Judik Straten v. on 02-12-1885
Straten v., Levie father at wedding of Philip Straten v. and Rebecca Brilleman on 07-08-1895
Straten v., Levie father at wedding of Henri Straten v. and Duifje Cohen on 17-11-1921
Straten v., Louis father at wedding of Simon Siemons and Marianne Straten v. on 09-02-1937
Straten v., Louis father at wedding of Mauritius Heijligers and Rika Straten v. on 18-06-1929
Straten v., Maartje mother at wedding of Abraham Kattenburg and Mietje Polak on 28-09-1921
Straten v., Maartje mother at wedding of Mozes Kattenburg and Carolina Straus on 19-02-1925
Straten v., Machiel father at wedding of Nathan Straten v. and Clara Schijveschuurder on 21-06-1916
Straten v., Machiel father at wedding of Jacob Wolff de and Sara Straten v. on 02-04-1919
Straten v., Machiel father at wedding of Mozes Bueren v. and Esther Straten v. on 11-09-1929
Straten v., Manus father at wedding of Michel Straten v. and Maria Vries de on 31-07-1928
Straten v., Marcus father at wedding of Machiel Straten v. and Sara Abbe v. on 06-03-1878
Straten v., Marianna mother at wedding of Leo Son and Rosa Strauch on 20-08-1919
Straten v., Maurits father at wedding of Aron Straten v. and Elisabeth Sluis v.d. on 31-05-1928
Straten v., Meijer father at wedding of Barend Stuiver and Rosa Straten v. on 24-12-1925
Straten v., Meijer father at wedding of Mordechai Straten v. and Bertha Leon de on 24-07-1929
Straten v., Mozes father at wedding of Eduard Straten v. and Cato Stork on 15-06-1916
Straten v., Mozes father at wedding of Louis Straten v. and Kaatje Asser on 23-08-1899
Straten v., Nathan father at wedding of Joseph Schuitevoerder and Rachel Straten v. on 28-05-1914
Straten v., Nathan father at wedding of Karel Straten v. and Mietje Pach on 30-11-1933
Straten v., Rozaline mother at wedding of Henri Levie de and Betsie Lopes Salzedo on 31-08-1933
Straten v., Salomon father at wedding of Jacob Beek and Eugenie Straten v. on 11-08-1915
Straten v., Salomon father at wedding of Samuel Appelboom and Henriette Straten v. on 13-10-1937
Straten v., Salomon father at wedding of Samuel Straten v. and Betje Blom on 25-02-1914
Straten v., Salomon father at wedding of Emanuel Straten v. and Roosje Samson on 03-06-1885
Straten v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Barend Broekman and Marianna Peperwortel on 10-08-1933
Straten v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Gerrit Broekman and Esther Brilleslijper on 04-12-1918
Straten v., Schoontje mother at wedding of Emanuel Broekman and Grietje Halberstadt on 28-06-1916
Straten v., Sientje mother at wedding of Levie Simons and Johanna Berlijn on 07-08-1918
Straten v., Sientje mother at wedding of Salomon Simons and Sophia Kleerekoper on 26-06-1918
Straten v., Simon father at wedding of Hermanus Straten v. and Rosalie Sturkop on 24-08-1899
Straten v., Simon father at wedding of Mozes Noort and Cornelia Straten v. on 15-06-1899
Straten v., Simon father at wedding of Hermanus Straten v. and Esther Vaz Dias on 30-03-1916
Stratum v., Abraham father at wedding of Meijer Stratum v. and Jetje Wolf on 17-08-1880
Stratum v., Andries father at wedding of Lion Stratum v. and Alida Pije on 12-02-1868
Stratum v., Hartog father at wedding of Andries Mossel and Mietje Stratum v. on 24-11-1915
Stratum v., Hartog father at wedding of Joseph Bijl v.d. and Esther Stratum v. on 31-07-1918
Stratum v., Hartog father at wedding of Marcus Stratum v. and Rachel Mok on 02-04-1913
Stratum v., Levie father at wedding of Mozes Blaauw and Bertha Stratum v. on 21-03-1923
Strauch, Salomon father at wedding of Leo Son and Rosa Strauch on 20-08-1919
Straus, Daniel father at wedding of Abraham Gosler and Roosje Straus on 06-10-1869
Straus, Hertog father at wedding of Benjamin Straus and Rosa Waterman on 06-06-1928
Straus, Leizer father at wedding of Julius Straus and Flora Krieks on 13-02-1919
Straus, Leizer father at wedding of Mozes Kattenburg and Carolina Straus on 19-02-1925
Straus, Leizer father at wedding of Mozes Voolen v. and Elza Straus on 14-07-1927
Strauss, Carolina mother at wedding of Hartog Velleman and Elsje Kleef v. on 26-06-1907
Strauss, Helena mother at wedding of Jacob Menko and Amalia Gelder v. on 05-06-1907
Strauss, Salomon father at wedding of Israel Appel and Lilli Strauss
Strausz, Jennij mother at wedding of Pal Haasz and Irma Krausz on 09-06-1937
Streep, father at wedding of Salomon Streep and Vrouwtje Dressau on 29-09-1847
Streep, Clara mother at wedding of Jozef Tafelkruijer and Gozina Snatager on 22-10-1908
Streep, Clara mother at wedding of Salomon Tafelkruijer and Estella Krant on 30-06-1927
Streep, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Marcus Wolff and Rachel Parsser on 21-08-1919
Streep, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Hartog Wolff and Mina Peekel on 08-11-1933
Streep, Ephraim father at wedding of Levie Streep and Marianne Os v. on 04-12-1873
Streep, Hartog father at wedding of Eduard Streep and Elisabeth Polak on 19-12-1923
Streep, Hartog father at wedding of Leonard Wolff and Elisabeth Streep on 15-02-1888
Streep, Mietje mother at wedding of Wolff Polak and Cato Jongh de on 13-02-1919
Streep, Mietje mother at wedding of Michel Polak and Alida Gast on 17-10-1923
Streep, Roosje mother at wedding of Salomon Corper and Abigael Nabarro on 22-10-1919
Streep, Saartje mother at wedding of Maurits Voorzanger and Frederika Os v. on 22-08-1918
Streep, Saartje mother at wedding of Maurits Voorzanger and Bloeme Speijer on 18-06-1925
Streep, Salomon father at wedding of Meijer Tafelkruijer and Clara Streep on 08-01-1870
Streep, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Citroen and Mietje Streep on 14-06-1916
Streep, Salomon father at wedding of Israel Glowinski and Saartje Streep on 16-12-1925
Streep, Salomon father at wedding of Wolf Streep and Rebekka Prins on 04-03-1875
Streep, Salomon father at wedding of Levie Streep and Vrouwtje Bromet on 18-06-1862
Streep, Salomon father at wedding of Nathan Streep and Sara Soester on 18-12-1918
Streletski, father at wedding of Joseph Streletski and Carolina Orgelist on 20-03-1862
Strelitski, Eleazer father at wedding of David Strelitski and Maria Judels on 13-10-1909
Strelitskie, Bernard father at wedding of Jakob Niekerk and Marguarite Strelitskie on 12-12-1912
Strelitz, Esther mother at wedding of Alexander Mok and Sophia Eckstein on 16-02-1899
Strien v., David father at wedding of Asser Baars and Marianne Strien v. on 05-08-1885
Strien v., David father at wedding of Marcus Strien v. and Anna Bronkhorst on 03-09-1868
Strien v., Hartog father at wedding of David Strien v. and Maria Beffie on 30-08-1888
Strien v., Louis father at wedding of Hartog Muller and Mietje Strien v. on 18-07-1885
Strien v., Marcus father at wedding of Eliazer Strien v. and Grietje Blitz on 15-09-1927
Strok, Daniel father at wedding of Louis Strok and Betje Bartels on 28-11-1918
Stroz, Cijwia mother at wedding of Icijk Fuks and Catharina Zwartverwer on 21-07-1937
Stroz, Herc father at wedding of Simoel Stroz and Majtij Przyrowski on 20-12-1933
Struch, Adolph father at wedding of Alexander Roozendaal and Helena Struch on 21-04-1914
Struch, Leopold father at wedding of Artur Struch and Sara Kollem v. on 05-06-1935
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Maurits Neeter and Helena Stuiver on 24-07-1929
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Victor IJzerman and Eva Stuiver on 06-07-1921
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Levie Stuiver and Roosje Swalef on 06-11-1912
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Mozes Stuiver and Grietje Broekman on 21-10-1925
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Barend Stuiver and Rosa Straten v. on 24-12-1925
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Pinehas Stuiver and Fijtje Vogel on 14-08-1918
Stuiver, Abraham father at wedding of Isaac Springer and Sara Stuiver on 21-03-1923
Stuiver, Barend father at wedding of Minicus Stuiver and Eva Buitenkant on 27-10-1875
Stuiver, Frederik father at wedding of Emanuel Raaij de and Richel Stuiver on 21-05-1929
Stuiver, Frederik father at wedding of Daniel Piller and Sara Stuiver on 10-01-1907
Stuiver, Frederik father at wedding of Abraham Stuiver and Gratia Miranda de on 30-10-1918
Stuiver, Frederik father at wedding of Gerrit Polak and Elisabeth Stuiver on 21-11-1923
Stuiver, Hanna mother at wedding of David Bokkie and Jeannette Levie on 11-02-1937
Stuiver, Hijman father at wedding of Aron Stuiver and Roosje Winnik on 29-07-1925
Stuiver, Hijman father at wedding of Frederik Stuiver and Roza Waterman on 06-06-1928
Stuiver, Isaac father at wedding of Jacob Stuiver and Fietje Klijn de on 20-09-1928
Stuiver, Isaac father at wedding of Jonas Veffer and Catharina Stuiver on 29-08-1918
Stuiver, Isaac father at wedding of Herman Pool and Schoontje Stuiver on 26-05-1921
Stuiver, Isaac father at wedding of Alexander Stuiver and Sara Bolle on 27-06-1928
Stuiver, Rachel mother at wedding of Barend Kromme de and Marianne Olman on 16-11-1933
Stuiver, Schoontje mother at wedding of Gerrit Blitz and Sientje Kerkmeester on 26-07-1899
Stuppel, Lewis father at wedding of Leonard Blijdensteijn and May Stuppel on 28-11-1929
Sturhoofd, Alexander father at wedding of Jacobus Sturhoofd and Ester Loonstein on 27-12-1899
Sturhoofd, Jacobus father at wedding of Louis Gompers and Sara Sturhoofd on 09-08-1927
Sturk, father at wedding of Godschalk Waas and Alida Sturk on 12-01-1842
Sturkop, father at wedding of Mozes Nieuwkerk and Duifje Sturkop on 10-06-1847
Sturkop, father at wedding of Koopman Markas de and Sara Sturkop on 06-12-1843
Sturkop, Alexander father at wedding of William Knocker and Dina Sturkop on 29-05-1908
Sturkop, Alexander father at wedding of Jacob Sturkop and Esther Polak on 07-12-1905
Sturkop, Elisabeth mother at wedding of Adolf Levita de and Esther Hamburg on 04-07-1928
Sturkop, Isaac father at wedding of Mozes Adelsbergen v. and Engelina Sturkop on 10-10-1907
Sturkop, Isaac father at wedding of Machiel Sluis and Esther Sturkop on 04-05-1905
Sturkop, Isaac father at wedding of Alexander Sturkop and Sientje Kar v.d. on 23-11-1927
Sturkop, Jeannette mother at wedding of Alexander Sijes and Grietje Reens on 21-07-1915
Sturkop, Koopman father at wedding of Hermanus Straten v. and Rosalie Sturkop on 24-08-1899
Sturkop, Koopman father at wedding of Levie Kaas and Henriette Sturkop on 31-07-1907
Sturkop, Koopman father at wedding of Aron Sturkop and Grietje Lijmer on 10-04-1929
Sturkop, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Dondorp and Esther Sturkop on 20-05-1869
Sturkop, Mozes father at wedding of Isaac Sturkop and Maria Hont on 27-11-1878
Sturkop, Mozes father at wedding of Benjamin Sijes and Jeannette Sturkop on 25-02-1869
Stuwer, father at wedding of Machiel Stuwer and Galina Grelinger on 27-08-1834
Stuwer, Samuel father at wedding of Jacob Stuwer and Clara Groenteman on 06-06-1917
Stuwer, Samuel father at wedding of Jacob Stuwer and Rosina Coevorden v. on 21-03-1907
Suesan, Alexander father at wedding of Meijer Turk and Rozetta Suesan on 27-11-1929
Suesan, Joseph father at wedding of Hartog Park and Dina Suesan on 30-03-1916
Suesan, Juda father at wedding of Joseph Koekoek and Esther Suesan on 26-02-1919
Suesan, Juda father at wedding of Gerrit Speijer and Sara Suesan on 10-04-1918
Suesan, Juda father at wedding of Mozes Gassan and Charlotte Suesan on 28-12-1927
Suesan, Juda father at wedding of Joseph Werkendam and Alida Suesan on 22-12-1915
Suesan, Meijer father at wedding of Jonas Drukker and Alida Suesan on 10-04-1935
Suesan, Naatje mother at wedding of Simon Dessaur and Mina Straten v. on 26-04-1933
Suesan, Simon father at wedding of Maurits Dessaur and Naatje Suesan on 02-01-1908
Suesan, Simon father at wedding of Juda Suesan and Naatje Batavier on 13-03-1918
Suiker, father at wedding of Hijman Speelder and Betje Suiker on 28-05-1834
Suikerman, E. father at wedding of Isaac Wolff and Sophia Suikerman on 15-08-1860
Suikerman, Eliazer father at wedding of Levie Speelman and Raatje Suikerman on 22-04-1868
Suikerman, Eliazer father at wedding of Jacob Moppes v. and Christina Suikerman on 18-11-1868
Suikerman, Raatje mother at wedding of Willem Speelman and Mietje Speelman on 10-06-1908
Suikerman, Salomon father at wedding of Mozes Viool and Sara Suikerman on 17-06-1885
Suikerman, Samuel father at wedding of Abraham Hoop de and Nannette Suikerman on 17-08-1921
Suikerman, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Groot de and Rachel Lap on 24-11-1909
Suikerman, Sara mother at wedding of Simon Viool and Debora Roselaar on 06-11-1935
Suikerman, Sara mother at wedding of Isaac Viool and Henriette Lier v. on 19-09-1916
Suikerman, Sara mother at wedding of Nardus Vorst and Trjjntje Groot de on 14-01-1925
Suikerman, Sara mother at wedding of Abraham Groot de and Jansje Naarden on 02-08-1933
Suikerman, Sopiha mother at wedding of Levie Erwteman and Keetje Beffie on 16-09-1908
Sundheimer, Rosa mother at wedding of Mozes Springer and Elisabeth Content on 07-08-1928
Susan, father at wedding of Juda Susan and Sara Henriques Fuente on 25-10-1843
Susan, father at wedding of Salomon Cohen and Rebecca Susan on 06-05-1847
Susan, David father at wedding of Salomon Santen and Esther Susan on 11-08-1875
Susan, David father at wedding of David Schuitevoerder and Femma Susan on 15-12-1875
Susan, Dientje mother at wedding of Ephraim Roseboom and Elisabeth Pos on 01-08-1928
Susan, Evelina mother at wedding of Karel Waagenaar and Anna Bakker on 15-11-1933
Susan, Henriette mother at wedding of Karel Cohen and Isabella Wolf on 17-02-1921
Susan, Karel father at wedding of Joseph Waagenaar and Evelina Susan on 14-12-1899
Susan, Keetje mother at wedding of Emanuel Polak and Jansje Plukker on 22-08-1906
Susan, Marcus father at wedding of Mozes Braunberger and Jeanette Susan on 28-05-1929
Susan, Meijer father at wedding of Baruch Susan and Femma Vries de on 04-08-1937
Susan, Meijer father at wedding of Isaac Trompetter and Eva Susan on 01-09-1927
Susan, Mozes father at wedding of Matthijs Haan de and Duifje Susan on 09-02-1928
Susholtz, Anna mother at wedding of Jacob Raalte v. and Carolina Cohen on 05-07-1921
Susholz, Sara mother at wedding of Jacob Jacobs and Estella Rozelaar on 28-11-1905
Suss, Nanny mother at wedding of Hugo Cahn and Louisa Birnbaum on 09-03-1910
Sussmann, Kathchen mother at wedding of Fritz Levy and Hilde Hertzmann on 14-10-1937
Swaab, father at wedding of David Polak and Naatje Swaab on 31-12-1834
Swaab, father at wedding of Jacob Blitz and Elisabeth Swaab on 11-10-1843
Swaab, father at wedding of Levie Swaab and Gouda Colthof on 21-09-1859