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Family names starting with CU

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Last nameFirst nameDetailsTree
CUCHACOVICH IVAN birth 07 May 1960 SANTIAGO,CHILE - died 22 Aug 1996 mogendrf
Cucumber Elizabeth Betsy birth ONG 1855 London pampel
Cuijk Naatje Philip birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Cuijt Betje Breinche Barend died 30 Apr 1817 ashkenazi
Cuik Joseph Philip birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam - died 6 Apr 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Cuin Jean Jacques haringman
Culmer Germaine trompetter
Culmer Mark trompetter
Culmer Martin Kennedy died 31 Dec 1987 Londen - Engeland trompetter
Culmer Michele trompetter
Culmer NN trompetter
Culmer Samatha trompetter
Culp Abraham ndbcore
Culp Abraham birth 30 Dec 1870 Lemmer - Lemsterland, died 1931 New York, NY ndbeli
Culp Abraham Baruch birth 6 Aug 1807 Warburg - died VR 1896 ndbeli
Culp Abraham Baruch birth Aug 1807 Waarburg - , Pruisen ndbcore
Culp Abraham Baruch birth Aug 1807 Waarburg - , Pruisen oudepekela_regio
Culp Abraham Baruch birth Aug 1807 Warburg cohdelft
Culp Adam ndbcore
Culp Adam birth 26 Aug 1846 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Culp Adam birth 26 Aug 1846 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Adam birth 26 Aug 1846 Assen cohdelft
Culp Adam Herman birth 26 Aug 1846 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Baruch-Bernard birth 20 Nov 1848 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Feb 1933 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Baruch deventer
Culp Baruch ndbcore
Culp Baruch birth 16 Jan 1844 Oude Pekela - died 22 Aug 1920 Leeuwarden cohdelft
Culp Baruch birth 16 Jan 1844 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Aug 1920 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Culp Baruch birth 16 Jan 1844 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Aug 1920 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Baruch birth 16 Jan 1844 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Aug 1920 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Baruch birth 16 Jan 1844 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Aug 1920 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Baruch birth 20 Nov 1848 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Baruch birth 20 Nov 1848 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Baruch birth 20 Nov 1848 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Baruch birth 20 Nov 1848 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Baruch Simon ndbcore
Culp Baruch Simon birth 1777 - died 9 Apr 1853 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Baruch Simon birth 1777 Hannover - Germany/Wanfried, died 9 Apr 1853 Oude Pekela ndbeli
Culp Beanhardt birth 6 Apr 1854 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Jun 1854 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Beanhardt birth 6 Apr 1854 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Jun 1854 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Benjamin birth 5 Sep 1855 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Benjamin birth 5 Sep 1855 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Benjamin birth 17 Oct 1849 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Benjamin birth 17 OKT 1849 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Benjamin birth 20 Dec 1861 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Benjamin birth 20 Dec 1861 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Benjamin birth 20 Dec 1861 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Benjamin birth 20 Dec 1861 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Bernard birth 21 Nov 1896 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Bernard birth 21 Nov 1896 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Bernard birth 21 Nov 1896 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Bernhardt birth 6 Apr 1854 Oude Pekela - died 8 Jun 1854 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Bernhardt birth 6 Apr 1854 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Jun 1854 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Bertha Julia birth 23 Jul 1884 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Bertha Julia birth 23 Jul 1884 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Bertha Julia birth 23 Jul 1884 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Christina ndbeli
Culp Cornelia birth 22 Jun 1851 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Cornelia birth 22 Jun 1851 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Eliazar birth 31 May 1856 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1931 The Hague ndbeli
Culp Eliazar birth 31 May 1856 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Eliazar birth 31 May 1856 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Eliazar birth 31 MEI 1856 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Eliazar birth 31 MEI 1856 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Eliazer drukker_nijm
Culp Emilia Bertha Simon birth 2 Feb 1868 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Jan 1898 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Esther Baruch birth ONG 1803 Warburg ndbeli
Culp Haaltje birth 14 Nov 1840 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Haaltje birth 14 Nov 1840 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Haaltje birth 14 Nov 1840 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Haaltje birth 14 Nov 1840 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Helena birth 21 Sep 1844 Assen cohdelft
Culp Helena birth 22 Sep 1844 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Culp Helena birth 22 Sep 1844 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Helena birth 22 Sep 1844 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Helena birth 22 Sep 1844 Assen DR denbosch
Culp Helena birth 23 Sep 1844 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 14 Apr 1931 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Henriette ndbcore
Culp Henriette birth 4 Jan 1877 Lemmer - Lemsterland, died 24 May 1941 Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Herman birth 12 Jul 1874 Lemmer - Lemsterland, died 15 Jun 1926 Steenwijk ndbeli
Culp Herman birth 1875 Lemmer - Lemsterland, Friesland, Nederland, died 15 Jun 1926 Steenwijk, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Herman birth ONG 1874 Lemmer - died 16 Jun 1925 Steenwijk deventer
Culp Herman Maurits Abraham Sjouerman ndbeli
Culp Hester birth 13 Jun 1842 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Hester birth 13 Jun 1842 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Hester birth 13 Jun 1842 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Hesther birth 13 Jun 1842 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Jacob birth 27 Jan 1879 Lemmer - Lemsterland, died 22 Dec 1940 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Jacob birth 30 Jul 1858 Oude Pekela - died 6 Jul 1866 Groningen cohdelft
Culp Jacob Baruch birth ONG 1806 Warburg - Germany ndbeli
Culp Jakob birth 30 Jul 1858 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Jakob birth 30 Jul 1858 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Jakob birth 30 Jul 1858 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Judikje birth 14 Aug 1857 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Judikje birth 14 Aug 1857 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Judith Wilhelmina birth 11 Apr 1892 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 18 Oct 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Judith Wilhelmina birth 11 Apr 1892 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 18 Oct 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Judith Wilhelmina birth 11 Apr 1892 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 18 OKT 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Judith Wilhelmina birth 11 Apr 1892 Groningen geuns
Culp Julia Bertha birth 6 Oct 1880 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Oct 1970 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Julia Bertha birth 6 Oct 1880 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Julia Bertha birth 6 OKT 1880 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Julia Bertha birth 10 Jan 1883 Groningen - died 18 MRT 1976 Laren N.H. drukker_nijm
Culp Julia Bertha birth 19 Jan 1883 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 18 Mar 1976 Laren ndbeli
Culp Julia Bertha birth 19 Jan 1883 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Julia Bertha birth 19 Jan 1883 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Julliette Emilie Fedora Medea birth 31 Aug 1885 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Julliette Emilie Fedora Medea birth 31 Aug 1885 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Julliette Emilie Fedora Medea birth 31 Aug 1885 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp levenloos kind birth 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp levenloos kind birth 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Louis birth 12 Dec 1889 Groningen geuns
Culp Louis Leo birth 12 Dec 1889 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 1950 New York, NY ndbeli
Culp Louis Leo birth 12 Dec 1889 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Louis Leo birth 12 Dec 1889 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Margaretha Matilda birth 28 Nov 1876 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Maria Marianne birth 17 Feb 1882 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Maria Marianne birth 17 Feb 1882 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Maria Marianne birth 17 Feb 1882 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Maria Marianne birth 17 Feb 1882 Groningen geuns
Culp Marion birth 23 Aug 1943 Westerbork - died 11 Feb 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Culp Martha birth 13 Apr 1907 Steenwijk - Overijssel, Nederland, died 31 OKT 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Culp Martha birth 30 Apr 1907 Steenwijk - died 31 Oct 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Culp Martha Carolina birth 7 Jul 1909 Benzathy/Beurath - Germany, died 25 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Culp Metta ndbeli
Culp Mirjam birth 20 Jul 1845 Oude Pekela - died 23 MEI 1846 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Mirjam birth 20 Mar 1847 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Mirjam birth 20 Mar 1847 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Mirjam birth 20 MRT 1847 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Mirjam birth 20 MRT 1847 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Mirjam birth 22 Jun 1845 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 May 1846 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Mirjam birth 22 Jun 1845 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 May 1846 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Mirjam birth 22 Jun 1845 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 MEI 1846 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Mozes Baruch birth 1816 cohdelft
Culp Mozes Baruch birth ONG 1816 Bleicherode - Germany ndbeli
Culp NN ndbeli
Culp NN birth 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela - died 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp NN birth 1906 - died 1906 ndbeli
Culp Pluimchen birth 27 MEI 1812 Veendam cohdelft
Culp Plumchen birth 26 May 1812 Veendam ndbeli
Culp Richard birth 14 Mar 1912 Dusseldorf - Germany, died 30 Jun 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Culp Robert ndbeli
Culp Robert birth 10 Oct 1851 Oude Pekela - died 11 Aug 1909 Groningen geuns
Culp Robert birth 10 Oct 1851 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Aug 1909 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Robert birth 10 Oct 1851 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Aug 1909 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Robert birth 10 Oct 1851 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Aug 1909 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Robert birth 10 OKT 1851 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Aug 1909 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Robert birth 10 OKT 1851 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Robert died 1991 USA ndbeli
Culp Ruben Baruch birth 1804 cohdelft
Culp Ruben Baruch birth ONG 1804 Warburg - Germany ndbeli
Culp Salomon birth 25 Jan 1872 Lemmer - Lemsterland, died 29 Jan 1885 Lemmer, Lemsterland ndbeli
Culp Sara birth 12 Sep 1853 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Sara birth 12 Sep 1853 Blokzijl - Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Sella birth 20 Dec 1897 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Sella birth 20 Dec 1897 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Sella birth 20 Dec 1897 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Sichard birth 5 Nov 1875 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died USA? ndbeli
Culp Simon cohdelft
Culp Simon geuns
Culp Simon ndbeli
Culp Simon birth 7 MEI 1817 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Culp Simon Baruch birth 7 May 1817 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Simon Baruch birth 7 May 1817 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Culp Simon Baruch birth 7 MEI 1817 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Simon Benjamin birth 29 Jul 1887 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Simon Maurits birth 1 Oct 1887 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1911 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Simon Maurits birth 1 Oct 1887 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1911 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Simon Maurits birth 1 OKT 1887 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1911 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Simon Sigmont Siegfried birth 21 Jun 1880 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Culp Simon Sigmont Siegfried birth 21 Jun 1880 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Culp Simon Sigmont Siegfried birth 21 Jun 1880 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Simon Sigmont Siegfried birth 21 Jun 1880 Groningen geuns
Culp Stillborn Child birth 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Nov 1850 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Culp Wolf birth 19 Jun 1908 Steenwijk - died 30 Sep 1944 Central Europe ndbeli
Culp Wolf birth 19 Jun 1908 Steenwijk - Overijssel, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1944 Midden Europa ndbcore
Cummings Gladys Nellie Pearce willing
Cune/ Berman Isidore Bob birth Rotterdam abas
Cune/ Blommekope Hanna Annie birth 22 Sep 1892 - died 25 May 1943 Sobibor abas
Cune/ Blommekope Hanna Annie birth 22 Sep 1892 - died 25 May 1943 Sobibor abas
Cune/ Blommekope Sophie birth 15 Jun 1889 - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor abas
Cune/ Blommekope Sophie birth 15 Jun 1889 - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor abas
Cune/ Blommekope Willem birth 15 Nov 1890 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1963 Rotterdam abas
Cune/ Driese Kim Valerie abas
Cune/ Driese Ron abas
Cune/ Driese Sven Bastiaan abas
Cune/ Dunsberge Bart-Jan birth Naarden abas
Cune/ Dunsberge Robert birth Naarden abas
Cune/ Frankfoorde Rudolf Marcel abas
Cune/ Funk Hans Peter abas
Cune/ Funk Robert WillemRob abas
Cune/ Judel Betje Andries birth 3 Oct 1825 Amsterdam abas
Cune/ Judel Cato birth 1 Jan 1833 Amsterdam - died 18 Dec 1911 abas
Cune/ Judel Cato birth 1 Jan 1833 Amsterdam - died 18 Dec 1911 abas
Cune/ Judel HenriettaJetje birth 25 Jan 1840 Amsterdam - died 15 Mar 1875 s'Gravenland abas
Cune/ Judel HenriettaJetje birth 25 Jan 1840 Amsterdam - died 15 Mar 1875 s'Gravenland abas
Cune/ Judel Jacob birth 13 Feb 1828 abas
Cune/ Judel Jacob birth 13 Feb 1828 abas
Cune/ Judel Jesaja Andries birth 21 Jun 1820 Amsterdam - died 25 Oct 1919 Amsterdam abas
Cune/ Judel Joseph\Jozef birth 13 Jul 1836 Amsterdam - died 3 Sep 1886 Schoonhoven abas
Cune/ Judel Joseph\Jozef birth 13 Jul 1836 Amsterdam - died 3 Sep 1886 Schoonhoven abas
Cune/ Judel Juda Andries birth 16 Jun 1821 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1821 Amsterdam abas
Cune/ Judel Juda Andries birth 16 Jun 1821 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1821 Amsterdam abas
Cune/ Judel Klaartje birth 20 Dec 1838 Amsterdam - died 14 Apr 1871 Mijdrecht abas
Cune/ Judel Roosje Andries birth 17 May 1822 Amsterdam - died ? abas
Cune/ Judel Roosje Andries birth 17 May 1822 Amsterdam - died ? abas
Cune/ Judel Stillborn birth 12 Dec 1828 abas
Cune/ Judel Stillborn birth 12 Dec 1828 abas
Cune/ Judel Wolf Andries birth 11 Oct 1834 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1914 abas
Cune/ Judel Wolf Andries birth 11 Oct 1834 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1914 abas
Cune/ Polanu Elizabeth Jetje birth 6 Dec 1912 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz abas
Cune/ Polanu Isaia Andries birth Mijdrecht - Holland, died 21 Jan 1943 Auschwitz abas
Cune/ Polanu Jacob Andries Jacques birth Mijdrecht - Holland, died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz abas
Cune/ van der Bieze Andries Isaia birth 9 Nov 1859 Hilversum - died 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor abas
Cune/ van der Bieze Andries Isaia birth 29 Jan 1847 Hilversum - died 16 Mar 1847 Hilversum abas
Cune/ van der Bieze Jaco birth 13 Aug 1848 Uithoorn - died 22 Oct 1851 Hilversum abas
Cune/ van Emde Isidore Izaak birth 28 Nov 1866 Amsterdam - died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz abas
Cune/ van Emde Isidore Izaak birth 28 Nov 1866 Amsterdam - died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz abas
Cune/ van Geldere Ayala abas
Cune/ van Geldere Inbal abas
Cune/ van Tij Mozes Maurice birth 8 Jan 1907 Amsterdam abas
CUNE Abraham peeper
CUNE Abraham birth 26 Sep 1874 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz degen
Cune Andries Anshil Wolf birth 10 Feb 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
CUNE Catharina Esther birth 18 Oct 1900 Amsterdam - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor degen
CUNE Duifje birth 6 Feb 1906 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1945 Bergen-Belsen peeper
Cune Hanna Annie birth 22 Sep 1892 Amsterdam - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor speelman
Cune Henrietta deleeuwe
Cune Henriette birth 25 Jun 1891 Mijdrecht Holland - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz izaks
Cune Isidore birth 28 Nov 1866 Amsterdam - died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz zeldenrust
Cune Jacob beck
Cune Jacob Andries birth 20 Feb 1879 Mijdrecht - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz* ndbeli
Cune Jesaja Andries birth 21 Jun 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Cune Klaartje Andries birth ONG 1838 - died 14 Apr 1871 Mijdrecht ashkenazi
Cune Mozes ndbeli
Cune Rebekka birth 10 Nov 1882 Mijdrecht - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz tal
Cune Roosje Andries birth ONG 1822 Amsterdam ashkenazi
CUNE Siena pruym
Cune Sophie birth 16 May 1889 Amsterdam - died 09 Jul 1943 Sobibor* zeldenrust
Cunha Arnold Da birth 28 MRT 1875 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Cunha David birth 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Cunha Helena da birth 30 Dec 1922 Borgerhout - died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Cunha Isidoor da birth 21 Sep 1899 Antwerpen - Belgium, died 18 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
CUNHA Rachel DA birth 1734 Livorno - Italy vazdias
Cunha Silvina abas
Cunha Sophia da birth 17 Feb 1929 Borgerhout - died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Cunning James Jamie birth 1934 Washington - died 5 Apr 1998 San Francisco rabbie
Cunning Jamie birth 1934 Washington - USA, died 1998 California, USA montanhes
Cunning Jason montanhes
Cunning Jason rabbie
Cunningham Henry ndbeli
Cunningham Joanne ndbeli
Cunningham Lorraine died 1965 Holy Rosary Cemetary - Darlington, Wi ndbeli
Cunningham Louise ndbeli
Cuper Wicherdina ndbeli
Cuper Wicherdina birth ± 1900 izak_meijer
Cuperus Alte ndbcore
Cuperus Alte ndbeli
Cuperus Harmke birth Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Cuperus Harmke birth Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Cuperus Harmke birth Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Curiel/ Aba Abigail Debora birth 1624 - died 1678 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Aba Aron birth 1627 abas
Curiel/ Aba David Ishack birth 1701 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Aba Francisco birth 1629 abas
Curiel/ Aba Gracia birth 1621 abas
Curiel/ Aba Rachel birth 1618 abas
Curiel/ Aba Ribca Aron birth 1673 - died 14 Jul 1717 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Aba Sara birth 1607 abas
Curiel/ Abas alias: Jeronimo Nunes da Costa Mose birth 29 May 1620 Florence - died 1697 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Abas alias: Manuel Nunes da Costa Selomoh Salomon died 1679 abas
Curiel/ Abas alias: Nunes da Costa Salomon alias: Alexander birth 1655 abas
Curiel/ Abas alias Alexandra Nunes Da Cost Ribca Salomon died 1720 abas
Curiel/ Abas alias Lopez Nunes Ramirez Abraham birth 1667 - died 2 Feb 1723 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Abas alias Manuel Nunes da Costa Selomo birth 1616 - died 1695-1696 abas
Curiel/ Abercrombi Hendrik Jacob birth 12 Dec 1897 Paramaribo - died 18 Feb 1999 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Aboa Abigail birth 10 Mar 1662 Middelburg - Zeeland abas
Curiel/ Aboa Abraham Raphael birth 2 Nov 1664 Rotterdam - died 1745 abas
Curiel/ Aboa Esther birth 13 Apr 1657 Amsterdam - died 16 Nov 1691 abas
Curiel/ Aboa Ribca birth 31 Aug 1658 Antwerpen - died 5 Jun 1697 abas
Curiel/ Aboa Sarah birth 4 Jul 1652 Amsterdam - died 30 Aug 1691 abas
Curiel/ Aboab alias Alvaro Ramire Immanuel birth 4 Jun 1654 Amsterdam - died 1728 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Aboab alias Diogo Ramire Isaac Ishack birth 30 Nov 1659 Antwerpen - died 1 Jan 1720 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Aboab alias Jacomo Ramire Samuel birth 4 Dec 1655 Antwerpen - died 18 Aug 1691 abas
Curiel/ Abranel Arede Abraham Raphael van Mozes birth 15 Dec 1740 Amsterdam - died 26 Oct 1810 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Alvares Corre Honoraria abas
Curiel/ Alvares Corre Julia abas
Curiel/ Alvares Corre Morris E. birth 1863 - died 1928 abas
Curiel/ Alvares Corre Raymundo abas
Curiel/ Alvares Corre Rolando abas
Curiel/ Alvares Corre Sefora abas
Curiel/ Alvarez Corre Ephraim birth 1890 abas
Curiel/ Argu Aida Dionisia birth 1900 abas
Curiel/ Argu Alisia abas
Curiel/ Argu Arturo Porfirio birth 1902 Tamaulipas - Mexico abas
Curiel/ Argu Irma Victoria birth 1909 abas
Curiel/ Argu Moises Bernardus birth 1897 Amsterdam - died 1989 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Argu Zillah Rosa birth 1907 abas
Curiel/ Curiel alias Alvaro Nunes Ramire Selomoh birth 2 May 1703 - died 1769 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Curiel alias Duarte Nunes Ramire Ishack birth 11 Feb 1712 - died 1738 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Curiel alias Jeronimo Nunes Ramire Mozes van Abraham Raphael van David birth 1710 - died 1758 abas
Curiel/ Curiel alias Lopo Nunes Ramire Raphel birth 26 Mar 1705 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Da Fonesca alias Nunes Ramirez Bernardo abas
Curiel/ Da Fonsec Luiza birth 1589 - died 1650 abas
Curiel/ da Fonseca Aba Ribca Jacob birth 1631 Hamburg - died 15 Jul 1688 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Abigail da Costa Ramirez Guiomar birth 1582 - died 1645 abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Duarte Nunes da Costa Jacob birth 26 Sep 1587 Lissabon - Portugal, died 3 Apr 1664 Altona, Hamburg abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Esther Da Fonseca Isabel birth 1602 - died 1692 abas
Curiel/ da Fonseca alias Lopo Ramires David birth 11 May 1594 Lissabon - died 4 Oct 1666 Rotterdam abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Nunes Ramirez Beatris birth 1578 - died 1581 abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Nunes Ramirez Gracia birth 1576 - died 1577 abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Sara de Fonseca Catarina birth 1584 abas
Curiel/ Da Fonseca alias Sara Henriques Beatriz birth 1592 - died 1679 abas
Curiel/ da Silv Jahacob birth 1687 Amsterdam - died 1747 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ de la Ros Angelo abas
Curiel/ de la Ros Jacqueline Adriana abas
Curiel/ de la Ros Lucille abas
Curiel/ de la Ros Silvia abas
Curiel/ Delvalle Henrique Abigail birth 1859 - died 1955 abas
Curiel/ Delvalle Henrique David abas
Curiel/ Delvalle Henrique Elias birth 1854 - died 1932 abas
Curiel/ Delvalle Henrique Rachel birth 1853 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Abigail birth 1864 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Abraham birth 1872 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique David birth 1868 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Elias birth 1865 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Ephraim birth 1869 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Manuel birth 1875 - died 1927 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Rachel birth 1861 - died 1941 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Rebecca Bequita birth 1871 - died 1901 abas
Curiel/ Devalle Henrique Sarah birth 1877 - died 1961 abas
Curiel/ Fidanqu Batsebah birth 1844 abas
Curiel/ Fidanqu Eliau birth 1838 - died 1866 abas
Curiel/ Fidanqu Jacob birth 1848 abas
Curiel/ Fidanqu Joseph abas
Curiel/ Fidanqu Mordechay birth 1835 - died 1866 abas
Curiel/ Fidanqu Rachel birth 1840 abas
Curiel/ Fidanque Junior Elias birth 1870 Amsterdam - died 1943 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Fidanque Junior Ephraim birth 1831 Amsterdam - died 1917 Amsterdam abas
Curiel/ Frank Frederik Adolf birth 19 Sep 1866 Paramaribo - died 27 Mar 1934 Paramaribo abas
Curiel/ Hasse Angelica abas
Curiel/ Hasse Angelino abas
Curiel/ Henrique Ephraim birth 1765 - died 1843 abas
Curiel/ Jiskoo Hendrik Jacob abas
Curiel/ Lameg Abraha birth 1662 abas
Curiel/ Lilipal Ruben Zacharias Franky Fitzgerald abas
Curiel/ Lopez Penh Donald abas
Curiel/ Mendes de Gam Abraham birth 1722 - died 1808 abas
Curiel/ Mendes de Gam Ishac birth 1725 - died 1811 abas
Curiel/ Mendes de Gam Salomoh Selomoh abas
Curiel/ Na Coenraad birth 30 Jul 1846 abas
Curiel/ Na Elisabeth Christina birth 1843 - died 1912 abas
Curiel/ Na Helena birth 28 Mar 1849 abas
Curiel/ Na Hendrik Jacob birth 16 Sep 1833 Paramaribo - Suriname, died 6 Jan 1869 Paramaribo, Suriname abas
Curiel/ Na Julius birth 28 Dec 1850 abas
Curiel/ Na Mozes Edward birth 1833 - died 1869 abas
Curiel/ Na Paulina Henrieta birth 1841 - died 1901 abas
Curiel/ Nunes da Costa Vitoria alias Fernao Lourenco Ramires Dr. Abraham birth 1545 Coimbra - Portugal, died 1 Oct 1609 Lissabon abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Anna Lucia Otilla abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Elis Cornelus Pascasio abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Gladys Constancia abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Helga Martha abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Henedy Mozes abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Idis Maria Marcela abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Josueh Hipolito Vicente abas
Curiel/ Pascalli Mayra abas
Curiel/ Pens Elias Eliau birth 1800 - died 1843 abas
Curiel/ Pens Emanuel Manuel birth 1831 - died 1902 abas
Curiel/ Pens Ephraim birth 1830 - died 1899 abas
Curiel/ Pens Esther birth 1836 - died 1853 abas
Curiel/ Pens Jacob birth 1805 - died 1839 abas
Curiel/ Pens Jael birth 1839 - died 1922 abas
Curiel/ Pens Moises birth 1808 - died 1883 abas
Curiel/ Pens Moses birth 1837 abas
Curiel/ Pens Rebecca Ribca\Ricot birth 1832 - died 1922 abas
Curiel/ Pens Salomon Elias birth 1834 - died 1917 abas
Curiel/ Pens Sarah birth 1841 abas
Curiel/ Pens Selomo SalomohHaim birth 1803 - died 1832 abas
Curiel/ Pola Abraham birth 12 Aug 1800 - died 1862 abas
Curiel/ Pola Branca Brankje birth 6 Jan 1812 - died Paramaribo abas
Curiel/ Pola Brankje Elisabeth birth 6 Jan 1812 Amsterdam - died 13 Sep/1899 Paramaribo abas
Curiel/ Pola Esther birth 17 Dec 1805 - died 1849 abas
Curiel/ Pola Gratia birth 31 Dec 1806 abas
Curiel/ Pola Hanna Nannette birth 11 May 1813 - died Paramaribo abas
Curiel/ Pola Isaac birth 21 Feb 1803 abas
Curiel/ Pola Moses birth 13 Nov 1801 abas
Curiel/ Pola Mozes van Mozes birth 5 Nov 1801 Amsterdam - died 4 Jan 1871 abas
Curiel/ Pola Nannett Hanna birth 12 May 1813 Amsterdam - died 10 May 1851 Paramaribo abas
Curiel/ Pola Rachel birth 16 Mar 1810 - died 1862 abas
Curiel/ Pola Riba birth 1799 - died 1882 abas
Curiel/ Pola Ribca birth 18 Sep 1799 - died 1882 abas
Curiel/ Sarfat Mozes van Abraham birth 1769 - died 1839 abas
Curiel/ Sass Efraim abas
Curiel/ Senio Agnes abas
Curiel/ Senio Alex birth 1895 - died 1958 abas
Curiel/ Smi Hendrik Jacob abas
Curiel Abigael Debora birth 1644 - died 1678 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Abigail Curiel abas
Curiel Abigail Curiel birth 20 Jan 1714 - died 1787 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Abraham belinfante
Curiel Abraham Curiel birth 1727 Amsterdam abas
Curiel Abraham Meyer died 5 Sep 1806 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Abraham Zadok died Aug 1742 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Adolf Frans Christiaan birth 1867 - died 1934 abas
Curiel Anna Jacoba birth 1875 - died 1958 abas
Curiel Augusta Cornelia Petronella birth 1873 - died 1937 abas
Curiel David Curiel birth 24 Jan 1702 - died 1769 Londen abas
Curiel Diana abas
Curiel Elisebeth Jozephina Maria birth 1869 - died 1937 abas
Curiel Ester David Curiel abas
Curiel Esther Curiel birth 12 Oct 1715 - died 21 Dec 1715 abas
Curiel Esther Curiel birth 1855 abas
Curiel Gracia birth ± 1759 Amsterdam - died 6 Apr 1800 Amsterdam belinfante
Curiel Hanna Abraham deventer
Curiel Hanna Abraham died 1775 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Hijman Chaim Mozes birth Nov 1804 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Imanuel Curiel birth 21 Oct 1706 - died 1745 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Isaac Eizik Meyer died 17 Jun 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Isak birth 22 Feb 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Jacob abas
Curiel Jacob Abraham Zadok birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 1785 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Jacob Francisco birth 1660 - died 1703 abas
Curiel Jacob Imanuel Curiel died 1794 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Joseph Abraham Zadok died Feb 1776 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Joseph Mozes birth 10 Apr 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Lea ndbcore
Curiel Lea died VR 1903 ndbeli
Curiel Liesje abas
Curiel Meyer Abraham Zadok died 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Moises birth 1853 - died 1933 abas
Curiel Moses van Abraham birth 2 Feb 1769 Amsterdam - died 28 Apr 1839 Amsterdam abas
Curiel Mozes Abraham birth 2 Feb 1769 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1839 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Mozes Curiel birth 1724 Amsterdam - died 5 Aug 1782 Altona abas
Curiel Rachel Curiel birth 15 Oct 1700 Amsterdam abas
Curiel Rachel Curiel birth 1853 - died 1876 abas
Curiel Rachel Curiel died 1804 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Rebecca Curiel died Hamburg Altona abas
Curiel Rebecca Ribca abas
Curiel Rebecca Rica van Salomon birth 1679 - died 29 Mar 1720 Ouderker a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Rebecca Silva birth 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Ribca ricardo
Curiel Ribca Curiel abas
Curiel Roosje Reits Jacob birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curiel Sara David Isaac Curiel birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1816 Amsterdam abas
Curiel Sara Telts Zadok birth 1680 - died 1767 abas
Curiel Violante birth 1706 Amsterdam abas
Curiel Violante Curiel birth 1 Feb 1708 Amsterdam - died 1794 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Violante Mosseh Jacob died 1780 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel abas
Curiel Zadok Curiel birth 1645 abas
Curjel Anna Abraham birth 1783 Amsterdam - died 1856 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curjel Branca Brein Abraham birth 9 MEI 1784 Amsterdam - died 21 Dec 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Curjel Brancu Abraham ndbcore
Curjel Brancu Abraham ndbeli
Curlijn Marcus Samuel birth 1850 beck
Curlijns Branke willing
Currie David A. vanburen
Currie David A. willing
Curry Margaret ndbeli
Curson Anna willing
Curson David willing
Curson Steven willing
Curtin Jack Dennis beck
Curtin Liam beck
Curtin Liam montanhes
Curtin Sarah Elizabeth haringman
Curtin Thomas haringman
Curtis/ J Larry Gene duizend
Curtis Aaron Joseph belinfante
Curtis Clark Edward birth 12 Feb 1958 Stockton - California, died 1 Aug 1983 Edmonton, Alberta belinfante
Curtis Garri vanburen
Curtis Garri willing
Curtis Geoffrey Stephen asser
Curtis Hayley Amanda asser
Curtis Hugh Paul vanburen
Curtis Hugh Paul willing
Curtis Jamie Lee asser
Curtis Kevin Ross belinfante
Curtis Roderick belinfante
Curtis Tony asser
Curtis Zoe vanburen
Curtis Zoe willing
Curty Marie fresco
Curver Louisa Hariet birth 24 Mar 1887 Melbourne - Australia belinfante
CUSATI Giovanna birth SALERNO Italie peereboom
Cusell Carel Jacob birth 28 Dec 1875 's-Gravenhage - died 11 Jun 1919 's-Gravenhage fresco
Cusell Jacob Frederic fresco
Cussel Alex heildinx
Cussel Bertha birth 16 MRT 1858 Anholt - Germany, died 24 Apr 1943 Vught heildinx
Cussel Ella heildinx
Cussel Henriette heildinx
Cussel Herman heildinx
Cussel Isedor heildinx
Cussel Johanna heildinx
Cussel Josef Israel birth 15 Jul 1850 Anholt - Germany, died 4 Jan 1943 Dinxperlo heildinx
Cussel Leopold heildinx
Cussel Sally heildinx
Cussel Sophie heildinx
Custermer Betsy birth ONG 1838 bak
Custermer David bak
Cutler Florence willing
Cutler Andrews Anthony aronson
Cutler Andrews James aronson
Cutler Andrews Sam aronson
Cutler Andrews Sara aronson
Cutler Andrews William aronson
Cutts Annie hoorn_regio
Cutzien Aron birth 1 May 1898 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland zwolle_regio
Cutzien Aron birth 1 MEI 1898 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Cutzien Aron Mozes deventer
Cutzien Aron Mozes ndbcore
Cutzien Aron Mozes ndbcore
CUTZIEN Aron Mozes birth ± 1823 Amsterdam degroot
Cutzien Aron Mozes birth 22 May 1823 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 6 Aug 1898 Oldenzaal ndbeli
Cutzien Aron Mozes birth ONG 1822 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Cutzien Benjamin Aron birth 23 Apr 1854 Oldenzaal ndbeli
Cutzien Benjamin Aron birth 1854 Oldenzaal - Overijssel, Nederland dwingeloo_regio
Cutzien Benjamin Aron birth 1854 Oldenzaal - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Cutzien Betje Batya Mozes birth ONG 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Cutzien Hanna birth 31 Oct 1890 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 28 Jan 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen zwolle_regio
Cutzien Hanna birth 31 OKT 1890 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 28 Jan 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Cutzien Henriette birth 10 Feb 1901 Oldenzaal - Overijssel, Nederland, died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Cutzien Henriette birth 10 Feb 1901 Oldenzaal - Overijssel, Nederland, died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Cutzien Jansje Aron birth ONG 1853 Oldenzaal - died 30 Sep 1938 Borculo deventer
Cutzien Klaartje birth 22 Jun 1887 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Cutzien Klaartje birth 22 Jun 1887 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen zwolle_regio
Cutzien Meijer ndbeli
Cutzien Meijer birth 10 Mar 1893 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 14 Oct 1941 Mauthausen, Opper-Austria, Austria zwolle_regio
Cutzien Meijer birth 10 MRT 1893 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 14 OKT 1941 Mauthausen, Opper-Austria, Austria ndbcore
Cutzien Meijer birth Oldenzaal - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Cutzien Meijer birth Oldenzaal - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Cutzien Serlina birth 14 Jul 1888 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Cutzien Serlina birth 14 Jul 1888 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen zwolle_regio
Cuvillier Catharina hoorn_regio