12,139 Ashkenazi marriages
Brides and Grooms - Last name starting with Q (14 persons)
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Querido, Benvenida married to Isaac Boer de on 09-12-1874
Querido, Betje married to Jacob Vliet v. on 04-12-1878
Querido, Clara married to Arnold Arons on 13-07-1927
Querido, Debora married to Barend Loen v. on 06-12-1888
Querido, Elisabeth married to Benjamin Jas on 29-03-1923
Querido, Esther married to Samuel Visser on 14-08-1918
Querido, Frederika married to Herman Melkman on 20-08-1919
Querido, Gracia married to Jacob Pekel on 04-07-1877
Querido, Judith married to Benjamin Sanders on 21-03-1906
Querido, Judith married to Isaac Staal on 08-08-1877
Querido, Judith married to Hijman Herpen v. on 30-06-1869
Querido, Rebecca married to Albert Meijer on 18-02-1937
Querido, Sara married to Philip Arons on 11-09-1878
Quiros, Rachel married to Aron Polak on 19-06-1872