Family Tree Collection | Main index A-Z | Total index | Names | Index places | Ashkenazi |
L, Jacob Hijman Chaim Gazan Altsch (birth 2 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
La Balance, Elsje Benjamin (birth 1772 Hoorn - died 1822 Hoorn)
Laamle, Betje Philippus Abraham (birth 26 Aug 1812 Edam - died 21 Jan 1899 's-Hertogenbosch)
Laamle, Elias Levie (birth 5 Jul 1787 Amsterdam - died 17 Nov 1821 Amsterdam)
Laamle, Philip Peis Abraham (birth 1795 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1842 Norg)
Laamle, Saartje Elias (birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam)
Laars, Coenraad Yekuthiel Michiel (birth 7 Apr 1793 Amsterdam)
Laars, Ester Machiel (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam)
Laars, Grietje Machiel (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 11 Apr 1826 Amsterdam)
Laars, Leentje Machiel (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam)
Laars, Levie Machiel (birth 1800 Amsterdam - died 28 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Laars, Marritje Machiel (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Laars, Naatje Hindele Michiel (birth 10 Nov 1791 Amsterdam)
Laars, Salomon Machiel (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam)
Labella, Daniel de la Bella (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam)
Lackenbacher, Bernard Heinrich (birth ONG 1796 Cunischa - Hungary)
Lacosta, Elisabeth (birth ONG 1796 Rotterdam - died 20 MRT 1872 Rotterdam)
Lagarsa, Ester Jacob (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1781 Mijdrecht)
Lagarsa, Eva Jacob (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Lagarsa, Sara Jacob (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died Jul 1761 Amsterdam)
Lak, Levie Isaac (birth 1758 Amsterdam)
Lak, Mietje Mink Roelof Ruben (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Lakeman, Joseph Tobias Bachrach (died 25 Jun 1791 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Abraham Isaac Eizik Homburger (birth ONG 1752)
Lakmacher, Abraham Isaac Eizik (birth ONG 1750 Offenbach)
Lakmacher, Abraham Nathan Boonnevang (birth ONG 1756 - died 28 Dec 1829 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Barend Perets Samuel Samuel-Bonnewit Bonevank (birth 1753 Lemgo - died 15 Sep 1807 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Gittele Samson Homburg (birth 28 Apr 1809 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Joseph Samson Homburg (birth 29 MRT 1810 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Marianne Mata Salomon Zelig Holtij (birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 1862 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Matthetta Mata Abraham Homburger (birth 1779 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Meyer Abraham (birth 27 Apr 1792 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Nathan Neta Samuel Samuel-Bonnewit Bonefang (birth ONG 1741 Detmold - Lipsland, died 14 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Rebecca Abraham Bonnefante (birth 1791 Amsterdam)
Lakmacher, Samson Isaac Homburger (birth 1770 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker, Abraham Joseph (birth 1712 Paderborn)
Lakmaker, Gerrit Gershon Wolf (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker, Jacob Gerrit (birth ONG 1825 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker, Jacob Jokele Philip Peis (birth 1764 Kettwig)
Lakmaker, Philip Jacob (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 28 Jun 1814 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker, Roosje Wolf (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1876 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker, Samuel Gerrit (birth ONG 1837 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker, Schoontje Wolf (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker-Levie, David Wolf (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam - died 5 Feb 1828 Amsterdam)
Lakmaker-Levie, Wolf Gerrit Gerson (birth ONG 1770 - died 13 Dec 1822 Amsterdam)
Laloup, Betje Pescha Benjamin Wolf (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Laloup, Salomon Zelig Benjamin Wolf le Loup (birth ONG 1780 Amsterdam - died 31 Sep 1831 Amsterdam)
Lam, Clara Salomon (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1850 Zwolle)
Lam, Mozes Marcus (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Lam, Salomon Hartog (birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam)
Lamed, Hester Hartog (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam - died 2 MEI 1860 Amersfoort)
Lamed, Jansje Marcus (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam)
Lamed, Lea Hartog (birth 1792 Amsterdam - died 10 Jul 1825 Eindhoven)
Lamele, Abraham Levie
Lamele, Emanuel Mendele Abraham (birth ONG 1775 Amsterdam)
Lamele, Levie Abraham (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 25 MRT 1827 Amsterdam)
Lamele, Sara Levie (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Lamelo, Abraham Levie (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Lamelo, Mietje Levie
Lamet, Sara Mozes (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 29 MEI 1818 Amsterdam)
Lammers, Elsje Telts Mozes (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam - died 1851 Amsterdam)
Lammerse, Betje (birth ONG 1800 The Hague)
Lammert, Clara (birth The Hague)
Lammert, Fretje (birth 1762 Bamberg)
Lammert, Kaatje (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 23 MRT 1795 Amsterdam)
Lammert, Kaatje (birth ONG 1718 Amsterdam - died 16 Apr 1818 Amsterdam)
Lammert, Marcus (birth 1751 Groningen)
Lammert, Mozes (birth 1753 Amersfoort)
Lammerts, Naatje Mozes (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam)
Lamoen, Hartog Hirsch Meyer (birth 1755 Bottenheijm - died 14 Aug 1826 Amsterdam)
Lamoeneman, Roelof Raphael Jacob Citroen (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 9 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Lamoeneman, Saartje Roelof (birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Aaltje Edil Hartog Hirsch (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam - died 1857 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Duijfje Emanuel (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Heintje Emanuel (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Judith Jetche Emanuel Menachem-Mendele (birth 1783 Amsterdam - died 1812 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Meyer Hartog (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Roosje Hartog (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Lamon, Salomon Hartog (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Lampert, Machiel Levij (birth 29 Nov 1800 The Hague)
Lampie, Barend Ber Mozes (birth 17 Nov 1797 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1836 Amsterdam)
Lampie, David Mozes
Lampie, Duifje Mozes (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Hartog Hirsch Mozes (birth 29 Feb 1800 Amsterdam - died 6 Aug 1840 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Hijman Chaim Mozes (birth 7 Jan 1793 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Levie Mozes (birth 7 OKT 1795 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Mozes Hijman Chaim (birth 1759 Mannheim - died 1 Jun 1824 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Mozes Levie (birth ONG 1821 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Salomon Zalman Barend (birth ONG 1823 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Saul Mozes (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Vogeltje Fegle Mozes (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam - died 23 Sep 1842 Amsterdam)
Lampie, Wolf Mozes (birth 18 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Lampolt, Levie Jacob
Landing, Bele Elias (birth Hoorn)
Landing, Elias (birth ONG 1755 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1843 Hoorn)
Landman, Jacob Meyer (birth ONG 1748 - died 24 Apr 1822 Amsterdam)
Landman, Juda Jacob (birth ONG 1790 Amsterdam)
Landsberg, David Levin (birth ONG 1804 Wollstein - Prussia)
Landsberger, Fronika Abraham (birth ONG 1814 Wesel - Prussia, died 2 OKT 1896 Amsterdam)
Landstad, Keetje Knendele Isaac Itsak
Langeburg, Mozes Samuel (birth Langenburg)
Langeburg, Vrouwtje Frumet Samuel (birth 1700 Langenburg - died 1772 Amsterdam)
Langedijk, David Levie (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Langedijk, Levie Liepman David (birth 1767 Amsterdam)
Langedijk, Simon (birth 1825 Alkmaar)
Langedijk, Vrouwtje Frumet Levie Liepman (birth 16 Apr 1811 Amsterdam - died 18 MEI 1883 Numansdorp)
Langer, Anna Hena Godschalk Getschlik de Lange (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Langer, Cornelia Clara Keile Jonas (birth 1712 Amsterdam)
Langer, Ella Godschalk Getz de Lange (birth Feb 1775 Amsterdam)
Langer, Godschalk Getz Joseph de Lange (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1822 Amsterdam)
Langer, Hartog Hirsch Jonas (birth MEI 1765 Amsterdam)
Langer, Hijman Chaim Jonas (birth Apr 1774 Amsterdam)
Langer, Isaac Itsak Godschalk Getschlik de Lange (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 26 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Langer, Jacob Jokeb Godschalk Getz de Lange (birth Apr 1776 Amsterdam)
Langer, Jacob Jonas (birth 3 Dec 1772 Amsterdam)
Langer, Jacob Joseph (birth 1741 Amsterdam)
Langer, Jonas Joseph (died 1783 Amsterdam)
Langer, Jonas Lammert (died Aug 1725 Amsterdam)
Langer, Joseph Godschalk de Lange (birth ONG 1770 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1813 Amsterdam)
Langer, Joseph Isaac Itsak de Lange (birth 14 Aug 1804 Amsterdam)
Langer, Joseph Jonas (birth 1706 Amsterdam - died Sep 1776 Amsterdam)
Langer, Lammert Leime Jacob de Wilde de Lange (birth 1770 The Hague - died 1 Jan 1835 Amsterdam)
Langer, Marcus Mordechai Jacob Jokeb (birth MRT 1768 Amsterdam)
Langer, Martha Godschalk de Lange (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 16 OKT 1840 Amsterdam)
Langer, Mozes Mossel Isaac Itsak de Lange (birth 3 Jun 1801 Amsterdam)
Langer, Philip Peis Marcus Meyer de Lange (birth ONG 1777 - died 11 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Langer, Rebecca Joseph (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 20 Aug 1769 Amsterdam)
Langer, Rebecca Ruchama Godschalk Getschlik de Lange (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 1855 Amsterdam)
Langer, Sara Godschalk de Lange (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 9 MEI 1822 Amsterdam)
Lankhout, Betje Hartog (birth ONG 1795 Utrecht)
Lankhout, Daniel Hartog (birth ONG 1792 Middelburg)
Lankhout, Jacob Hartog (birth ONG 1804 Maarssen)
Lankhout, Racheltje Samuel (birth ONG 1806 Utrecht)
Lankhout, Samuel Hartog
Lansberg, Grietje (birth 1817 The Hague)
Lansberg, Mietje Nathan
Lansberg, Mozes Nathan (birth 28 Dec 1785 The Hague)
Lansberg, Nathan Mozes
Lanstadt, Mozes Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Prins (birth 1719 Langenstadt)
Lanum, Reijna Benjamin Wolf (birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1792 Amsterdam)
Lap, Hiddele Salomon (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam - died 25 Sep 1815 Amsterdam)
Lap, Joseph Abraham (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Lap, Klaartje Abraham (birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam - died 14 MRT 1830 Amsterdam)
Lap, Mietje Mata David (died 27 Jul 1854 Amsterdam)
Lapidaire, Hartog Meyer (birth 6 Sep 1800 Leeuwarden)
Lapidoth, Abraham Chlavna Emanuel Menachem (died Sep 1736 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Aron Chlavna (birth 1719 Amsterdam - died 3 Feb 1790 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Benjamin Wolf Abraham Chlavna (died 1 Jun 1788 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Debora Aron (died 12 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Esperansa Sprints Wolf (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 25 Jun 1822 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Hanna Benjamin (died 15 MEI 1803 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Jacob Jokeb Salomon Zalman (birth MRT 1802 Vianen)
Lapidoth, Lea Abraham Chlavna (birth VR 1717 - died 10 Feb 1740 Arnhem)
Lapidoth, Lea Wolff (died 1 Dec 1793 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Marianne Mirjam Abraham Chlavna Emanuel (birth 1686 Amsterdam)
Lapidoth, Rebecca Abraham (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 1746 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Engeltje Mozes (birth 1768 Amsterdam_Leiden - died 11 Feb 1832 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Ester Hijman (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Ester Meyer (birth ONG 1805)
Lappeman, Hartog Isaac (birth 's-Hertogenbosch)
Lappeman, Hijman Mozes (birth ONG 1776 - died 12 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Isaac Itsak Barend Yissachar-Ber Harpmer Harpman (birth 1712 Blowits - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Isaac Meyer (birth ONG 1800)
Lappeman, Judith Meyer (birth 6 MEI 1816 Zutphen)
Lappeman, Kaatje Meyer (birth 4 Jan 1822 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Meyer Mozes (died 4 Sep 1842 Ootmarsum)
Lappeman, Mozes
Lappeman, Philip Meyer (birth ONG 1813 Leeuwarden)
Lappeman, Saartje Hijman (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Sara Isaac (birth 11 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Lappeman, Sillie Tserla Jonas Gabriels (birth 1788 Amsterdam)
Laroosa, Marianne Elias (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam)
Larose, Godschalk Getschlik Elias (birth ONG 1787 Amsterdam - died 22 Sep 1827 Amsterdam)
Larose, Mietje Elias (birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam)
Latijnmeester, Jacob Hartog
Latijnmeinster, Klaartje Gelle Philip Feibel (birth 14 Apr 1811 Amsterdam - died 22 Sep 1811 Amsterdam)
Latijnmeinster, Lea Philip Feibel (birth 8 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Latijnmeinster, Philip Feibel Jacob v.Leeuwen (birth 1784 Amsterdam)
Laurier, Hartog Hirsch Samuel (birth ONG 1787 Amsterdam - died 16 Jan 1839 Amsterdam)
Laurier, Isaac Eizik Samuel (birth 7 Jan 1783 Amsterdam)
Laurier, Roosje Rechla Samuel (birth ONG 1781 - died 1873 Amsterdam)
Laurier, Samuel Salomon (birth ONG 1754 - died 23 MRT 1827 Amsterdam)
Laurier, Sara Samuel (birth 1780 Amsterdam)
Lavino, Aagje (birth 1803 Rotterdam)
Lavino, Elisabeth Levij (birth 1778 - died 1834)
Lavino, Jeanette David
Lavino, Johanna Levie
Lavino, Sara David (died 22 Sep 1831 Rotterdam)
Lavino-Levie, Samuel Zanwil David (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 9 Dec 1827 Amsterdam)
Lawek, Frumet Simon (birth 14 Feb 1810 Amsterdam)
Lawek, Rachel Meyer (birth ONG 1756 - died 25 Jan 1821 Amsterdam)
Lawek, Simon Meyer (birth ONG 1790)
Lawers, Emanuel Daniel (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam)
Lawis, Levie Daniel (birth ONG 1765 Amsterdam - died 26 MRT 1813 Amsterdam)
Lazarus, Barend (birth 1689 Luksijns)
Lazarus, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch (birth Aschaffenburg)
Lazarus, Levie
Lazarus, Vrouwtje Frumet Wolf (birth 1768 Rannsdorf - died 28 Jan 1826 Amsterdam)
Lazi, Bele Brendele Eliaser (birth 1700 Amsterdam - died 12 Jul 1789 Amsterdam)
Lazi, Daniel Lazarus (birth 1687 Hamburg)
Lazi, Nathan Eliaser (birth 1737 Rijnberk - died 7 Apr 1797 Amsterdam)
Lazi, Sara Eliaser (birth ONG 1745 Amsterdam)
Lazi, Sipora Eliaser
Le Grand, Carolina Kreile Heiman Chaim
Le Grand, Heiman Salomon (birth ONG 1772 Leeuwarden - died 3 Jan 1841 Leeuwarden)
Le Grand, Marretje Salomon (birth 1786 Leeuwarden)
Le Grand, Mozes Salomon (birth 1779 Amersfoort - died 14 MEI 1855 Leeuwarden)
Le Grand, Sophia Heiman (birth 7 MRT 1812 Leeuwarden)
Le Heij, Betje
Le Jeune, Elizabeth Isaac (birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam)
Le Loup, Aron Benjamin (birth ONG 1789 - died 24 Jan 1818 Amsterdam)
Le Loup, Mozes Benjamin (birth ONG 1788 - died 31 Dec 1833 Amsterdam)
Lealtad, Uziel (birth 1726 Amsterdam)
Leben, Judith Samuel (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam - died Jul-Sep 1884 London)
Leber, Betje Pes Levie Leib (birth 7 Jan 1811 Amsterdam)
Leber, Hartog Hirts Samuel Lever (birth ONG 1777 Amsterdam)
Leber, Kalman Hendrik Hijman Lepert (birth 28 Apr 1734 Amsterdam)
Leber, Levie Hartog Lever (birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam)
Leber, Levie Samuel Lever (birth ONG 1768)
Leber, Marcus Mordechai Samuel (birth ONG 1784)
Leber, Salomon Shabtay Salomon Kalman (birth 21 Jun 1774 Amsterdam)
Leber, Sevie Tsiwe Marcus Mordechai (birth 10 Jun 1811 Amsterdam - died 24 Aug 1894 Amsterdam)
Lebert, Hartog Naftali-Hirts Hendrik Chaim Lepert (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 29 MRT 1793 Amsterdam)
Lebert, Hendrik Chaim Hartog Naftali-Hirts Lepert (died 9 MRT 1737 Amsterdam)
Lebert, Machteld Michela Hartog Hirts Lepert (birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 24 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Lebert, Rebecca Hendrik Lepert (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died Jan 1783 Amsterdam)
Lebert, Salomon Kalman Salomon Shabtay (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Lebert, Salomon Shabtay Hendrik Chaim Lepert (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Leck, Marianne Salomon (birth 11 Dec 1817 Amsterdam)
Leck, Neletje Ella Salomon Getschlik (birth 21 Apr 1815 Amsterdam)
Leck, Salomon Getschlik Mozes (birth 22 Aug 1785 Hilversum)
Leder, Anna Chaya Aron (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1800 Amsterdam)
Leder, Aron Nathan (birth 1693 Krakau - died 1758 Amsterdam)
Leder, Gompert Gumpel Aron (birth ONG 1730 - died MEI 1770 Amsterdam)
Lederman, Schoontje Sjeine Isaac Itsak (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Ledersocher, Levie Hijman Chaim Content (birth 24 Sep 1791 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Hartog Hirts Mozes Polak (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Hartog Hirts Wolf Cosman (birth 17 Apr 1793 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Isaac Itsak Simon Simcha (died 16 MRT 1798 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Jetta Wolf (birth ONG 1745 - died Jun 1766 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Levie Benjamin Wolf v.Zorg (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 3 Jan 1827 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Samuel Wolf Leerman (birth 13 Dec 1789 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Simcha
Lederwolf, Wolf Hartog Hirts Leerman (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 5 Feb 1826 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Wolf Levie v.Zorg (birth 8 Nov 1793 Amsterdam)
Lederwolf, Wolf Simon Simcha
Lee, Emily (birth 1807 London)
Lee, Sarah (birth 1809 London)
Leeda, Benni Joseph (birth ONG 1768 Leiden - died 6 Jan 1831 Amsterdam)
Leeda, Joseph Benni Pinchas (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam)
Leederwolff, Duifje Teipche Hartog Hirts (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 28 Dec 1826 Amsterdam)
Leeflang, Marcus Jacob (birth 1760 Rijkstar - died 18 OKT 1813 Amsterdam)
Leefsma, Raphiel Mozes
Leefson, Betje Levie (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Leefson, Jacob Mozes (birth ONG 1820 Amsterdam)
Leefson, Keetje Levie (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Leefson, Mozes Levie (birth ONG 1786 Amsterdam)
Leefson, Sophia Sprints Levie (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam - died 1865 Amsterdam)
Leegerman, Rachel Isaac (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Leegerman, Roosje Reizche Isaac (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Leegerman, Saartje Isaac (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam - died 10 MEI 1822 Amsterdam)
Leek, Israel (birth 29 MEI 1821 Groningen)
Leemer, Ester Jacob (birth ONG 1813 Rotterdam)
Leendert, Anna (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1782 Amsterdam)
Leendert, Eva
Leendert, Judith Jettele (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1847 Amsterdam)
Leendert, Judith (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 20 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Leendert, Schoontje Joseph
Leendert, Simon
Leendert, Sipora (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Leendert, Vrouwtje (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Leendert?, Rachel Salomon
Leer, Abraham Aberle Nathan v.Lier (birth 1665 Lier - died 20 Sep 1729 Amsterdam)
Leer, Brendele Nathan v.Lier (birth 1681 Amsterdam - died 20 Jan 1770 Amsterdam)
Leer, Levie Jacob (birth 1751 The Hague - died 24 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Leer, Nathan Moshe-Nathan Barend v.Lier (died 14 Apr 1694 Amsterdam)
Leeraar, Abraham Levie (birth ONG 1745 - died 18 Apr 1819 Amsterdam)
Leeraar, Elias Jeremias Abraham (birth 22 Apr 1787 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1841 Nijmegen)
Leeraar, Isaak (birth 19 OKT 1823 Nijmegen - died 8 Nov 1898 Zutphen)
Leeraar, Judic (birth 7 Jan 1820 's-Hertogenbosch)
Leeraar, Levie Elias (birth 1815 Olst - Overijssel ?, died 6 Nov 1849 's-Hertogenbosch)
Leeraar, Sara (birth 11 Sep 1816 Nijmegen - died 3 Nov 1866 Rotterdam)
Leerman, Rachel Hartog Mozes (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 7 Feb 1826 Amsterdam)
Leerman, Rachel Wolf (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam - died ONG 1856)
Leermeester, Joseph Ruben (birth ONG 1781 Amsterdam - died 1862 Amsterdam)
Leermeester-Segal, Abraham Ruben (birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 20 OKT 1843 Amsterdam)
Leermeester-Segal, Annaatje Hindele Levie (birth 27 MEI 1810 Amsterdam - died 24 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Leermeester-Segal, Jacob Ruben (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1828 Amsterdam)
Leermeester-Segal, Levie Ruben (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 21 Dec 1846 Amsterdam)
Leermeester-Segal, Ruben Levie (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 22 Aug 1814 Amsterdam)
Leerwolf, Eva Benjamin (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1847 Amsterdam)
Leeser, Bele Eliaser (birth Bonn)
Leest, Abraham Mozes (birth ONG 1818 Amsterdam)
Leest, Mozes Machiel (birth ONG 1779 - died 24 Jan 1829 Amsterdam)
Leest, Saartje (birth 1810 Amsterdam - died 4 Dec 1843 Norg_Veenhuizen)
Leeuw, Arie Leib Hartog Levie-de (birth 1758 Hilversum - died 29 Dec 1839 's Graveland)
Leeuw, Mozes Levij (birth ONG 1765 Nijkerk - died 3 OKT 1827 Noord-Scharwoude)
Leeuwaarden, Judic Jacob (birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Abraham Hijman Chaim (birth Apr 1783 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Abraham Jacob (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Amalia Merla Joseph Juzpe Chits (birth 6 Aug 1791 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Anna Channa Isaac Aron Israel (birth 1765 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Aron Israel
Leeuwarden, Aron Jacob (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam - died 1857 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Benedictus Pinchas Aron Israel (birth 1724 Leeuwarden - died 2 Jun 1801 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Benjamin Wolf Hendrik Chaim (birth 1696 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Cato Rivka Isaac Itsak v.d.Stam (birth ONG 1790 Amsterdam - died 31 MRT 1873 Velp)
Leeuwarden, Clara Jacob (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam - died 10 Jun 1815 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Edil Isaac Itsak (died 25 Feb 1793 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Elias Leizer Hijman Chaim Houtman (birth ONG 1766 Amsterdam - died 29 MRT 1845 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Eliaser Lieberman Samuel Israel (birth Sep 1761 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Elsje Ella Jacob Jokeb de Vries (birth 1748 Leeuwarden - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Ester Levie Davids (birth ONG 1695 Amsterdam - died 7 Nov 1781 Rotterdam)
Leeuwarden, Grietje Nathan (birth 22 Jun 1833 Amsterdam - died 22 Jul 1861 Winschoten)
Leeuwarden, Hendrik Chaim Meyer
Leeuwarden, Hijman Chaim Meyer (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 13 Jan 1799 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Isaac Itsak Aron Israel Sanvel (birth 1731 Leeuwarden - died 15 Sep 1820 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Isaac Itsak Jacob Jokeb de Vries (birth 1734 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwarden, Isaac Itsak Joel de Vries (birth 1 Aug 1795 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Jacob Jokeb Marcus Mordechai (birth Leeuwarden - died Apr 1771 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Jacob Jokeb Philip Feibesh (birth 15 Dec 1717 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Jacob Mozes (birth 1770 Leeuwarden - died 10 Jan 1848 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Joel Isaac Itsak de Vries (birth 1757 Groningen - died 1 Aug 1822 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Joseph Jozale Jacob Jokeb Frison (birth 1729 Leeuwarden - died 30 OKT 1795 Maarssen)
Leeuwarden, Judic Jacob (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Judith Aron Israel (birth 1722 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwarden, Levie Philip Feibesh (birth 19 MRT 1715 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Levie
Leeuwarden, Lotje Joseph de Vries (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 4 MEI 1816 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Marcus Mordechai Jacob Jokeb (died 3 Aug 1794 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Marianne Mirjam Mozes de Vries (birth 1756 Meuden - died 8 Nov 1829 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Matje Aron Israel (birth 1734 Leeuwarden - died 31 Aug 1802 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Meyer Hijman Chaim (birth Sep 1759 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Meyer Joel de Vries (birth 9 Jun 1793 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Mink Levie Leib
Leeuwarden, Mozes Jacob Jokeb de Vries (died 14 MRT 1780 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Mozes Jacob (birth 20 OKT 1796 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Mozes Samuel (birth Bonn - died 15 MRT 1807 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Nathan Jacob (birth 21 Jan 1809 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Philip Levie Leib
Leeuwarden, Rachel Hijman Chaim Houtman (birth OKT 1764 Amsterdam - died 29 Apr 1839 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Rachel Jached Benjamin Wolf (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Rebecca Benjamin Wolf (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1807 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Rebecca Hijman Houtman (birth ONG 1776 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1836 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Salomon Zalman Jacob (birth 3 MEI 1800 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Salomon Zelig David Leeuwensteen (birth ONG 1793 Leeuwarden - died 16 Jan 1828 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwarden, Samuel Zanwil Aron Israel Israel (birth 1734 Leeuwarden - died 29 Nov 1803 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Sara Joseph Juzpe Chits (birth 2 Dec 1787 Amsterdam - died 14 MEI 1830 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Sara Tserle Jacob Jokeb (birth Amsterdam - died Aug 1766 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden, Sara (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam - died 18 Apr 1832 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Levie, Eva Heva Salomon Zalman v.d.Stam (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 28 Apr 1842 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Levie, Sara Isaac (birth 1734 Leeuwarden - died Feb 1760 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Anna Aaltje Salomon (birth 1750 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Anna Hena Salomon Zalman v.d.Stam (birth 1766 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1832 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Antje Channa Isaac Itsak v.d.Stam (birth 14 Jan 1785 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, David Levie (birth ONG 1720 Rotterdam - died 4 Feb 1809 Rotterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Isaac Itsak Levie Judaleib Levie (birth 1680 Leeuwarden - died Jul 1750 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Isaac Itsak Salomon Zalman v.d.Stam (birth 1 Feb 1756 Amsterdam - died 7 MEI 1825 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Jacob Jokeb Salomon Zalman V.D.Stam (birth 12 Sep 1757 Amsterdam - died 26 Sep 1817 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Joseph Salomon Zalman (birth 30 MRT 1763 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Levie Isaac (birth 14 Sep 1728 Leeuwarden - died 23 MEI 1762 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Pes Isaac Itsak v.d.Stam (birth 26 Dec 1783 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Rachel Isaac Itsak v.d.Stam (birth 13 Feb 1788 Amsterdam)
Leeuwarden-Segal, Salij Zalman Isaac Itsak v.d.Stam (birth 18 Feb 1803 Amsterdam - died 1854 Amsterdam)
Leeuwen, Salomon Abraham (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam - died 1 Jul 1812 Amsterdam)
Leeuwen-halevi, Isaac Mozes v.Praag (birth 1738 The Hague)
Leeuwensteen, David Nathan (birth 1772 Leeuwarden - died 21 Feb 1854 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwensteen, Joseph David (birth ONG 1813 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwensteen, Salomon Nathan
Leeuwensteen, Samuel David (birth Leeuwarden)
Leeuwensteen, Sara David (birth 11 Nov 1810 Leeuwarden)
Leeuwensteen, Schoontje David (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam)
Leeuwenstein, Clara Gelle Mozes (birth 1777 Frankfurt)
Leeuwenstein, Lena (birth 1820 Deventer)
Leeuwin, Abraham Levie (birth 1776 Amsterdam)
Leeuwin, Betje Abraham (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam)
Leeuwin, Isaac Marcus (birth 17 Sep 1794 Amsterdam)
Leeuwin, Leentje Lijsje Abraham (birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam)
Leeuwin, Levie Abraham (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam)
Leeuwin, Levie Meyer (birth ONG 1746 - died 17 Sep 1824 Amsterdam)
Leeuwis, Ester (birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Leevin, Eva Levij (birth ONG 1775 Amsterdam)
Legerman, Levie Isaac (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam - died 24 Jul 1841 Amsterdam)
Legerman, Naatje Isaac (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Legerman, Roosje Isaac (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Lehmans, Asser Lammert Samuel (birth 1753 The Hague)
Lehmans, Clara (birth 1803 Amsterdam)
Lehmans, Henriette Asser (birth Apr 1788 The Hague - died 2 Jan 1864 Roden)
Lehmans, Jacob Joseph (birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam)
Lehmans, Samuel Asser (birth 8 MRT 1791 The Hague - died 29 Sep 1839 Amsterdam)
Lehmans, Simon (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1840 The Hague)
Lehnstein, Meyer Levie Leib Loonstein (birth ONG 1762 - died 19 MRT 1825 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Abraham Ephraim Isaac Itsak (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 14 OKT 1796 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Anna Mozes v.Lier (birth Maarssen)
Lehr, Barend Baruch Marcus Gumpel v.Staveren (birth 1760 Stavoren? - died 16 Jun 1839 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Barend Ber Nathan (birth Hilversum - died OKT 1737 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Benedictus Baruch Isaac Itsak
Lehr, Coenraad Yekuthiel Salomon Shlomo Katoog (birth MRT 1756 - died 3 Jul 1827 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Elias Leizer Jacob Lier (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 1747 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Eliaser Elieser Benedictus Baruch (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 20 MRT 1796 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Emanuel Man Barend Baruch v.Staveren (birth 1805 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1844 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Eva Chava Mozes v.Lier (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 24 MEI 1814 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Eva Jacob Lier (birth 1712 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Gerson Marcus Gumpel v.Staveren (birth Apr 1765 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Gumpert Gumpel Isaac v.Staveren (birth 17 Jun 1786 Amsterdam - died 1862 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Hartog Hirsch Abraham Ephraim (birth 18 Aug 1765 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Isaac Itsak Barend Baruch v.Staveren (birth 24 Nov 1795 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Isaac Itsak Nathan
Lehr, Jacob Jokeb Joseph Juzpe v.Lier (birth OKT 1776 Maarssen)
Lehr, Jacob Jokeb Nathan Lier (died 15 Jan 1748 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Johanna Channa Jacob Lier (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Joseph Jacob Jokeb Lier
Lehr, Joseph Juzpe Mozes v.Lier (birth 1744 Leiden)
Lehr, Judith Gittele Joseph (birth 1727 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Leime Isaac Itsak (birth ONG 1726 - died OKT 1753 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Marcus Gompert Gumpel Isaac Itsak v.Staveren (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1832 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Marcus Meyer Jacob Jokeb Lier (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Maria Mata Isaac Itsak (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 28 Apr 1805 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Mietje Mink Barend Baruch v.Staveren (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Mozes Jacob Jokeb v.Lier (birth 1703 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Nathan Abraham Ephraim (birth 1 Feb 1771 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Nathan Jacob v.Lier (birth 1695 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Nathan Neta Elias v.Lier (birth 23 Feb 1795 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Salomon Zalman v.Lier (died Maarssen?)
Lehr, Samuel Joseph Juzpe v.Lier (birth Jan 1774 Amsterdam - died 23 MEI 1814 Leiden)
Lehr, Schoontje Sjeine Barend Baruch v.Staveren (birth 6 Apr 1809 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Vrouwtje Fraadche Marcus Gumpel v.Staveren (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 6 Jan 1836 Amsterdam)
Lehr, Vrouwtje Fraadche Nathan v.Lier (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Akiba Mozes (birth 29 Aug 1795 The Hague - died 19 Nov 1876 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Anna Salomon (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 26 MRT 1829 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Ester Meyer (birth ONG 1818 The Hague - died 3 Jun 1841 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Henriette Tamar-Hendele Mozes (birth 21 MEI 1788 The Hague - died Apr 1854 The Hague)
Lehren, Hirsch Akiba (died OKT 1774 Mainz)
Lehren, Hirschel Zwi-Hirschel Mozes (birth 18 Apr 1784 The Hague - died Sep 1853 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Jacob-Meyer Mozes (birth 10 Apr 1793 The Hague - died 1861 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Keetje Gelle Mozes (birth 24 Jun 1786 The Hague - died 1842 The Hague)
Lehren, Keetje Tsipora-Gelle Hirschel (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Mozes Hartog Hirsch (birth 1747 Meissenheim - died 3 Jan 1815 The Hague)
Lehren, Mozes Meyer (birth ONG 1820 The Hague)
Lehren, Pauline (birth ONG 1826 Amsterdam)
Lehren, Sara Mozes (birth 1790 The Hague)
Lehren, Sophia Meyer (birth ONG 1820 The Hague)
Leib, 1st Wife of (died 16 MEI 1799 Amsterdam)
Leib, 1st Wife of (died Apr 1759 Amsterdam)
Leib, 1st Wife of (died Jul 1775 Amsterdam)
Leib, 2nd Wife of
Leib, Abraham Levie (birth 1733 Amsterdam)
Leib, Abraham Levie (birth 1733 Furth)
Leib, Anna Channa Levie (birth 1706 Amsterdam)
Leib, Anna Channa Levie (birth 1713 Koblenz)
Leib, Anna Channa Levie
Leib, Anna Hanna Levie (birth ONG 1740)
Leib, Anna Hendele Levie (died 1741 Amsterdam)
Leib, Anna Hindele Elias? (birth 1758 Groningen)
Leib, Anna Hindele Levie (birth 1715 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1795 Amsterdam)
Leib, Anna Hindele Levie (birth 1715 Mannheim - died 21 Sep 1786 Amsterdam)
Leib, Aron Levie (birth 1726 Amsterdam)
Leib, Bele Bonele Levie (birth 1716 Frankfurt - died Sep 1780 Amsterdam)
Leib, Bele Levie (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1781 Amsterdam)
Leib, Bele Mozes? (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Leib, Branca Brein Levie (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Leib, Casper Nathan-Kerpel Levie (birth 1705 Berlijn)
Leib, Clara Keile Levie (birth 1744 Amsterdam)
Leib, Cornelia Knendele Levie (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1805 Amsterdam)
Leib, David Levie (birth Jan 1750 Amsterdam)
Leib, Debora Levie (died Sep 1746 Amsterdam)
Leib, Duifje Teibche Levie (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 12 OKT 1770 Amsterdam)
Leib, Eliaser El'azar-Leizer Levie (birth 26 Nov 1760 Amsterdam)
Leib, Elkan Elchanan Levie (birth 24 Dec 1756 Amsterdam)
Leib, Emanuel Mendele Levie (birth 1740 Middelburg)
Leib, Ester Levie (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 21 Nov 1796 Amsterdam)
Leib, Ester Levie (died MRT 1724 Amsterdam)
Leib, Fegle Levie (died Jun 1785 Amsterdam)
Leib, Franke Brivche Levie (birth 1728 Amsterdam)
Leib, Gadra Gutraht Levie (birth 1728 Hekstor)
Leib, Gerson Levie (birth MEI 1767 Amsterdam)
Leib, Heintje Hindele Levie (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 7 Aug 1831 Amsterdam)
Leib, Helena Hitsele Levie (birth 1762 Maastricht - died 21 Aug 1831 Amsterdam)
Leib, Hendrina Hindele Levie (birth 1711 Amsterdam)
Leib, Isaac Eizik Levie (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Leib, Isaac Itsak Levie (birth 27 Sep 1771 Amsterdam)
Leib, Isaac Itsak Levie (birth ONG 1710)
Leib, Jacob Jokeb Levie (birth 1741 Amsterdam)
Leib, Jacob Koppel Levie (birth ONG 1735 Rotterdam - died 25 Apr 1809 Rotterdam)
Leib, Jochebed Levie
Leib, Johanna Hendele Levie (birth 1752 Edingen - died OKT 1785 Amsterdam)
Leib, Joseph Levie (birth 1711 Amsterdam)
Leib, Joseph Levie (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Leib, Joseph Levie (birth 21 Jul 1811 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1811 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Gitche Levie (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 10 Nov 1788 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Gitche Levie (birth Nieuwkerk)
Leib, Judith Gitche Levie (died 19 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Gittele Levie (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Gittele Levie (birth 1710 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Gittele Levie (birth 1736 Harsveld)
Leib, Judith Gittele Levie (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Jetta Levie
Leib, Judith Jettele Gittele? Levie (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Leib, Judith Jutta Levie (birth 1710 Rotterdam)
Leib, Judith Levie
Leib, Kreile Levie (birth ONG 1780 Munster am Stein)
Leib, Lea Levie (birth 1731 Amsterdam)
Leib, Leentje Hendele Levie (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Leib, Levie Juda
Leib, Levie
Leib, Levie
Leib, Levie
Leib, Levie
Leib, Machteld Mink Levie (birth 1727 Amsterdam)
Leib, Marcus Meyer Levie (birth 1695 Berlijn)
Leib, Marcus Mordechai Levie (birth 1706 Lublin)
Leib, Marianne Malka Levie (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1812 Amsterdam)
Leib, Marianne Malka Levie (birth 1759 Amsterdam)
Leib, Marianne Mayale Levie (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 25 MEI 1832 Amsterdam)
Leib, Marianne Mirjam Levie (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 14 Feb 1832 Amsterdam)
Leib, Marianne Mirjam Levie (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 1 OKT 1824 Weesp)
Leib, Meyer Levie (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Leib, Michiel Yechiel Levie (birth 1746 Amsterdam)
Leib, Mozes Levie (birth 1712 Amsterdam)
Leib, Mozes Levie (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died 24 OKT 1797 Amsterdam)
Leib, Nathan Levie (birth 2 MEI 1790 Amsterdam)
Leib, Philip Peis Levie (birth 1721 Amsterdam)
Leib, Rebecca Levie (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died 1779 Amsterdam)
Leib, Rebecca Levie (birth 1744 Amsterdam)
Leib, Rebecca Levie (birth 1766 Utrecht - died 17 Aug 1840 Amsterdam)
Leib, Reijna Levie (birth 1658 Amsterdam - died 1728 Amsterdam)
Leib, Rijk Levie (birth ONG 1710)
Leib, Roosje Reiz Levie (birth 1715 Amsterdam - died 15 Apr 1783 Amsterdam)
Leib, Roosje Reizche Levie (died 1734 Amsterdam)
Leib, Salomon Shlomo Levie (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1801 Muiderberg)
Leib, Salomon Zalman Levie (birth 1752 Peijna - died VR 1782)
Leib, Salomon Zalman Levie (birth Jul 1799 Amsterdam)
Leib, Salomon Zele Levie (birth 1 Aug 1802 Amsterdam)
Leib, Salomon Zelig Levie (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Leib, Sara Levie (birth 1703 Amsterdam - died 24 Sep 1785 Amsterdam)
Leib, Sara Levie (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1800 Amsterdam)
Leib, Sara Levie (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 1765 Amsterdam)
Leib, Sara Levie (birth 1748 Amsterdam)
Leib, Sara Sera Levie
Leib, Sara Tserle Levie (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1807 Haarlem)
Leib, Schoontje Sjeine Levie (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 7 Feb 1821 Amsterdam)
Leib, Sebilla Keile Levie (birth Ringeburg)
Leib, Simon Levie (birth 1700 Amsterdam)
Leib, Soes Zisel Levie (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Leib, Theresia Drezi Juda (birth 1741 Amsterdam)
Leib, Vogeltje Fegle Levie (birth 1735 Hamburg)
Leib, Vogeltje Fegle Levie (birth 1745 Koblenz - died 12 Nov 1810 Amsterdam)
Leib, Vrouwtje Feile Levie (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died Aug 1763 Amsterdam)
Leib, Vrouwtje Fraadche Levie (birth ONG 1755)
Leib, Vrouwtje Freidche Levie (birth 1720 Limburg - died 28 Aug 1804 Amsterdam)
Leib, Vrouwtje Freidche Levie (birth 1738 Ansbach - died 6 Apr 1795 Amsterdam)
Leib, Vrouwtje Freidche Levie
Leib, Wife of (died `1771 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wife of (died 1727 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wife of (died 1760 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wife of (died 25 Apr 1724 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wife of (died 27 Jul 1788 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wife of (died Jul 1742 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wolf Levie (birth 1757 Amsterdam)
Leib, Wolf Ze'ev-Wolf Levie (birth 1710 Amsterdam)
Leib, Zoesman Levie (birth 27 Dec 1766 Amsterdam)
Leib?, Salomon Zelig Salomon (birth 1720 Amsterdam)
Leiden, Abraham David (birth 1734 Leiden)
Leiden, David Jacob (birth 1700 Leiden? - died 17 MRT 1782 Leiden)
Leiden, Rebecca David (birth ONG 1735 Leiden - died 7 MEI 1800 Leiden)
Leidesdorf, Hijman Chaim Raphael Mendel (birth 17 MEI 1764 Amsterdam)
Leidesdorf, Meyer Raphael Mendel (birth 9 Sep 1757 Amsterdam)
Leidesdorf, Raphael Alexander Ziskind Mendel (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 2 Jun 1793 Naarden)
Leidesdorf, Salomon Zalman Raphael Mendel (birth 20 Nov 1766 Amsterdam - died 13 Aug 1788 Amsterdam)
Leidesdorf, Sara Sera Raphael Alexander Ziskind Mendel (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 4 Jan 1841 Amsterdam)
Leijsen, Daniel Dan Emanuel Menachem (birth 21 Jul 1796 Amsterdam)
Leijsen, Emanuel Menachem Joseph (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 20 Jan 1833 Amsterdam)
Leijsen, Samuel Emanuel Menachem (birth 26 Jul 1808 Amsterdam - died 6 OKT 1823 Amsterdam)
Leime, Abraham Levie (birth 1739 Koblenz)
Leime, Clara Klehr Lammert (birth 1742 Hoorn - died 1825 Hoorn)
Leime, Lijsje Lea Levie (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1818 Amsterdam)
Leime, Sara Lammert (birth 1751 Hoorn - died 1810 Hoorn)
Leime, Sara Tserla Levie (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1822 Amsterdam)
Leime, Vrouwtje Freidche Levie (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 19 MEI 1781 Amsterdam)
Leipnick, Sara (birth 1779 Groningen - died 2 Feb 1848 Groningen)
Leipnik, Isaac Itsak Mozes (birth Apr 1771 Amsterdam)
Leipnik, Marcus Mordechai Mozes (birth ONG 1774 Groningen - died 18 Dec 1841 Groningen)
Leipnik, Mietje Mink Mozes (birth 15 OKT 1778 Groningen - died 10 OKT 1870 Groningen)
Leipnik, Mozes Isaac Itsak (birth 1738 Leipnik)
Leipnik, Roosje Mozes (birth ONG 1769 Amsterdam - died 19 Dec 1847 Groningen)
Leipnik, Tsipor Mozes (birth Jul 1768 Amsterdam)
Leipsig, Gerson Levie (birth 1751 Leipzig - died 11 Nov 1810 Amsterdam)
Leipsiger, Abraham Isaac (died 1759 Amsterdam)
Leipsiger, Frederik Friedman Abraham (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 1774 Amsterdam)
Leipzig, Judith Samuel
Leis, Ester Emanuel (birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Aaltje Ella Raphael Speelman (birth ONG 1784 Amsterdam - died 1849 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Abraham Aron Levie-Dikkie (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1795 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Abraham David Bronkhorst (birth 5 MEI 1797 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Abraham Meyer Gersoni (birth 5 Apr 1770 Amsterdam - died 30 Aug 1817 Rotterdam)
Leitsan, Abraham Mozes
Leitsan, Abraham Salomon Zalman (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died Apr 1760 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Andries Israel Isserle 't Hooft (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1813 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Anna Chaike Joseph Luzern (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Barend Baruch Marcus Mordechai Bon (birth 26 Feb 1811 Amsterdam - died 8 Jun 1812 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Barend Baruch Simon Simcha Bon
Leitsan, Bele Feile Mozes (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 22 MEI 1839 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Branca Liepman Pihem (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Branca Sprints Michiel Raphael (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Coenraad Joseph Israel (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 11 MEI 1800 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, David Emanuel Menachem Bronkhorst (birth ONG 1765 - died 12 Jan 1833 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, David Raphael Luzern (died Dec 1724 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, David Samuel Tanzmeister (died 29 Apr 1805 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Elias David Tanzmeister (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 14 Jun 1815 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Eliaser Laze Levie Leib de Knegt (birth 31 Dec 1770 Amsterdam - died 22 Jun 1839 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Eliaser Leizer Jacob Jokeb (birth 24 Feb 1767 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Ester David Luzern (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died Dec 1744 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Gerrit Meyer Gersoni (birth 30 MEI 1765 Amsterdam - died 30 Jul 1847 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Gerson Jacob Gersoni (birth Amsterdam - died 1 OKT 1786 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Gompert Gumpel Laze (birth 8 Aug 1798 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Hartog Hirsch Raphael v.Volen Tanzmeinster (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Hijman Levie v.Praag Preger (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died Dec 1776 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Isaac Hijman v.Praag Preger (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 14 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Isaac Itsak Samuel Dansmeester (birth ONG 1742 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1819 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Isaac Itsak Samuel Viool (birth ONG 1755 - died 23 Apr 1828 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Isaac Jesaya Josua Meyer Gersoni (died 30 Jan 1799 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Isaac Meyer Gersoni (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Israel Levie Leib (birth Dec 1767 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Israel Nathan Nachum (died 28 MEI 1788 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Jacob Daniel (birth 1698 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Jacob Elias Hela (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 10 OKT 1799 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Jacob Gersoni (died 1785 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Jacob Joseph (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1800 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Joseph Elias Dansmeester (birth 5 Apr 1810 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Joseph Emanuel (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 18 Feb 1801 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Joseph Juzpe David (birth 25 Apr 1795 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Joseph Raphael Luzern (died Jul 1731 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Levie David Pronkhorst (birth 17 Dec 1792 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1847 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Levie Eliazer Laze Knegje (birth 29 MRT 1810 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Levie Isaac Itsak Viool (birth 1 Dec 1810 Amsterdam - died 20 Nov 1814 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Levie Israel Isserle 't Hooft (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1818 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Levie Joseph (birth 1770 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Levie Raphael Tanzmeinster (birth OKT 1773 Amsterdam - died 11 Feb 1823 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Liepman Aron Pihem (birth 1700 Amsterdam? - died 1736 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Manuel Menachem David Bronkhorst (birth 31 OKT 1789 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Marcus Meyer Jacob (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1806 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Marcus Mordechai Barend Baruch Bon (birth 30 Dec 1784 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Meyer Jacob Gersoni (birth Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1806 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Meyer Levie v.d.Hoop (died 8 Jan 1809 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Meyer Mozes Binger
Leitsan, Meyer
Leitsan, Michiel Raphael Joseph (birth 1702 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1779 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Mozes Joseph (birth 1711 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Mozes Kosman Salomon Samuel (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 11 Jul 1808 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Nathan Raphael v.Voolen Tanzmeinster (birth 31 Aug 1780 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Nechemya David (birth 5 Apr 1802 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Raphael David Luzern (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Raphael Samuel Tanzmeinster (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 24 Aug 1800 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Rebecca Liepman Pihem (birth 1735 Bohemen? - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Salomon Shalom Samuel Luzern (died Sep 1760 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Samuel David Tanzmeister (birth 17 Aug 1754 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Samuel David (birth 1698 Amsterdam - died 10 MRT 1787 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Samuel Hartog Hirts Groen (birth ONG 1769)
Leitsan, Sara Liepman Pihem (birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 27 Jul 1787 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Sara Raphael (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Vrouwtje? Fegle Salomon Shalom (birth 1727 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Wife of David (died 25 Nov 1804 Amsterdam)
Leitsan, Wife of Israel (died MRT 1777 Amsterdam)
Leitsan-Nasteden, Abraham Isaac Eizik (birth 1747 Mainz)
Leitsan-Nasteden, Bele Abraham (birth Jun 1774 Amsterdam)
Leitsan-Nasteden, Chaya Abraham (birth Jan 1780 Amsterdam)
Leitsan-Nasteden, Hartog Eizik-Zwi-Hirsch Abraham (birth OKT 1775 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Abraham Leendert (birth 1729 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Anna Channa Leendert (birth 1707 Maastricht)
Leizer, Anna Nechama Elias (birth 1758 Vinkeveen - died 1 MRT 1805 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Bele Bo(n)ele Eliaser (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Bele Eliaser
Leizer, Benjamin Pinchas Eliaser (birth Straatsburg)
Leizer, Branca Breine Eliaser (birth 1722 Maastricht?)
Leizer, Bregje Breine Eliaser
Leizer, Eliaser
Leizer, Eliaser
Leizer, Ester Eliaser (birth ONG 1760)
Leizer, Ester Eliaser (died 1744 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Ester Eliaser
Leizer, Eva Eliaser (birth 1716 Maastricht - died 1775 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Feile Eliaser (died 21 Aug 1746 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Isaac Itsak Leendert (birth 12 MEI 1794 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Israel Abraham Lazarus (birth 1709 Hamburg - died 22 MEI 1800 Groningen)
Leizer, Jochebed Eliaser (birth ONG 1740)
Leizer, Judith Jetta Eliaser (died 30 MEI 1794 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Judith Jetta Leendert (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 4 Sep 1801 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Judith Jutche Eliaser (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 25 OKT 1787 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Lea Eliaser (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 17 Aug 1824 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Mirjam Eliaser (birth 3 MEI 1811 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Rachel Rechla Israel (birth 1738 Hardenberg - died 3 Feb 1811 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Roosje Reizche Eliaser (birth ONG 1700 - died Sep 1727 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Salomon Zalman Eliaser (birth MRT 1756 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Sara Blim Eliaser (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Sara Eliaser (died 6 Aug 1801 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Sara Slavi Eliaser (birth 1751 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Schoontje Sjeine Eliaser (birth 1715 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Schoontje Sjeine Eliazer (birth 1775 Bruchweiler - died 23 Sep 1842 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Vrouwtje Freidele Eliaser (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 13 Apr 1800 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Wife of (died 17 Jan 1755 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Wife of (died 1760 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Wife of (died 8 MRT 1796 Amsterdam)
Leizer, Wife of (died Dec 1761 Amsterdam)
Leizer-Gedalya, Simon Eliaser (birth Nieuwkerk)
Lek, Elias(er) Mozes (birth ONG 1786 Hilversum)
Lek, Getschlik Wolf Ze'ev-Wolf
Lek, Mozes Wolf (birth ONG 1750 - died 6 MRT 1835 Amsterdam)
Lek, Philip Feibel Wolf (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam)
Lek, Salomon Wolf (birth ONG 1805 Hilversum)
Lek, Samuel Wolf (birth 30 Apr 1809 Amsterdam - died 16 MEI 1862 Amsterdam)
Lek, Sibilla Salomon (birth 1822 Amsterdam - died 2 Jun 1869 Haarlem)
Lek, Vrouwtje (birth 1834 Amsterdam)
Lek, Wolf Mozes (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1867 Amsterdam)
Lekish, Andries Anshil Lucas (birth 1731 Amsterdam)
Lekish, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Lucas (died 1732 Amsterdam)
Lekish, Judith Gittele Lucas
Lekish, Judith Jetche Lucas (birth ONG 1740 - died 31 Jan 1826 Amsterdam)
Lekish, Sara Tserle Lucas
Lekje, Eliazer Wolf (birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1829 Amsterdam)
Lel, David Philip
Lel, Ester David (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1842 Amsterdam)
Lel, Jacob Simon (birth 22 Jul 1787 Amsterdam - died 25 MRT 1812 Amsterdam?)
Lel, Klara David (birth ONG 1758 Amsterdam - died 22 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Lel, Simon David (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 24 MRT 1807 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Abraham Wolf (birth 24 Jun 1828 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Betje Salomon
Lelie, Clara Salomon (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Levie Salomon (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Mozes Salomon Zalman (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam - died 1836 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Rachel Salomon (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Rachel (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Roosje Wolf (birth 1 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Roosje Wolf (birth ONG 1825 Amsterdam - died 20 Feb 1857 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Wolf Salomon Zalman (birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam - died 21 Sep 1848 Amsterdam)
Lelie, Wolf Salomon Zelig (birth 26 Apr 1798 Amsterdam - died 25 Feb 1858 Amsterdam)
Lelij, Roosje Salomon (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam - died 21 MRT 1814 Amsterdam)
Lelijveld, Isaac (birth 1821 The Hague)
Leliver, Goudje Goldie Joost Juda (died 1750 Amsterdam)
Leliver?, Joseph Juda Simon (died Sep 1727 Amsterdam)
Leman, Abraham (birth 1799 Maarssen - died 8 Jul 1873 Haarlem)
Leman, Bele
Leman, Charles Katriel Samuel (birth 12 Jul 1776 Amsterdam)
Leman, David Benedictus (birth 23 OKT 1782 Amsterdam - died 25 Sep 1843 Amsterdam)
Leman, Esperance Benedictus (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam - died 30 Jan 1827 Groningen)
Leman, Esprence Spranse (birth ONG 1758 Amsterdam)
Leman, Hanna (birth ONG 1755 Amsterdam - died 11 MRT 1838 Hamburg)
Leman, Isaac (birth Koblenz)
Leman, Isaac
Leman, Judith Benedictus (birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1819 Amsterdam)
Leman, Kaatje (birth 1765 Amsterdam)
Leman, Marcus Mordechai Benedictus (birth 10 Jan 1792 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1847 Amsterdam)
Leman, Mietje Merle Joseph Son (birth 18 Nov 1787 Amsterdam)
Leman, Nachi Samuel (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 23 Jun 1807 Amsterdam)
Leman, Olk Benedictus (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1856 Beerta)
Leman, Pauline (birth 15 Jan 1787 Hamburg - died 9 OKT 1864 Folkstone, Kent)
Leman, Rachel (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 8 Nov 1835 Amsterdam)
Leman, Roosje (birth ONG 1766 - died 5 MRT 1831 Amsterdam)
Leman, Sara (birth ONG 1786 Amsterdam)
Leman, Simonette (birth ONG 1775 Hamburg - died 11 Dec 1841 Gothenborg)
Leman, Sipora Isaac (birth 1767 Amsterdam)
Leman, Sipora Shifra Levie (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 15 MRT 1816 Amsterdam)
Leman, Vrouwtje Benedictus (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Aaltje Benedictus (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam - died 24 Dec 1834 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Abraham (birth ONG 1781 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Adriaantje
Lemans, Betje (birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Eva Benjamin (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam - died 1871 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Jannetje Jent Michiel (birth ONG 1775 - died 24 MRT 1839 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Joseph Isaac (birth ONG 1762 Amsterdam - died 18 Jan 1819 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Klara (birth ONG 1763 Frijdixfeld - Germany, died 15 Dec 1811 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Mozes Michiel Treitel (birth 5 Nov 1785 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1832 Amsterdam)
Lemans, Paulina Peyer Benjamin (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1828 Amsterdam)
Lemel, Eliaser Leizer Lammert (birth The Hague)
Lemel, Sara Tserle Levie (birth ONG 1730 Fiorda - died 12 Apr 1793 Amsterdam)
Lemels, Roosje Reizche Abraham Lammerson (birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Aaltje Edil Isaac Goudkop (birth 1795 Amsterdam - died 25 Jul 1826 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Isaac Itsak Isaac Itsak Goudkop (birth 25 MEI 1809 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Isaac Itsak Marcus Mordechai Goudkop (birth ONG 1770 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1809 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Isaac Itsak Salomon Zalman Goldsmit (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1798 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Marcus Mordechai Isaac Itsak Goudkop (birth 1802 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1824 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Mietje Merla Isaac Goudkop (birth 1797 Amsterdam - died 2 Nov 1824 Amsterdam)
Lemgo-Segal, Salomon Zalman Isaac Itsak Goldsmit (birth 1718 Amsterdam - died 25 MRT 1793 Amsterdam)
Lemminge, Roosje Reiz Michiel Yechiel-Michel (died 1769 Amsterdam)
Lemoeneman, Eliaser Leendert Leizer Levie Fruitman (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1830 Zaandam)
Lemoeneman, Emanuel Menke Eliaser Leizer Fruitman (birth 13 Jan 1795 Amsterdam - died 2 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Lemoeneman, Hijman Chaim Eliaser Leizer Fruitman (birth 3 Feb 1797 Amsterdam - died 19 Aug 1849 Amsterdam)
Lemoeneman, Juda Eliaser Leizer Fruitman (birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam - died 1 Jun 1825 Amsterdam)
Lemoeneman, Meyer Levie (birth ONG 1776)
Lemon, Aron (birth 1750 Anspach - Bavaria, died 25 Feb 1828 Haarlem)
Lemon, Efraim (birth 11 Apr 1800 Maarssen)
Lemon, Ester (birth ONG 1787 Embden - died 27 Apr 1859 Oisterwijk)
Lemon, Hartog Hirts Hartog Hirsch (birth ONG 1754 - died 5 Dec 1823 Amsterdam)
Lemon, Jacob Hartog (birth ONG 1786 - died 9 OKT 1835 Amsterdam)
Lemon, Jansje Emanuel (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Lemon, Joseph Jozale Hartog Hirsch (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 9 MRT 1824 Amsterdam)
Lemon, Joseph (birth 1789 - died 30 Jun 1830 Culemborg)
Lemon, Sara Hartog (birth ONG 1783 Amsterdam)
Lengerki, Sebilla Tsipor Isaac (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Lensen, Isaac Abraham (birth ONG 1823 Alkmaar)
Lentz, Zwaantje Jan (birth ONG 1790 Amsterdam)
Leon, Benedictus Hartog (birth 1749 Hoorn - died 17 Jan 1815 Medemblik)
Leon, David Hartog (birth 1757 Hoorn - died 1837 Hoorn)
Leon, David (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam)
Leon, Emile
Leon, Ester Abraham (birth 1784 Amsterdam)
Leon, Eva Heijman (birth ONG 1800 Hoorn - died 7 Aug 1837 Amsterdam)
Leon, Grietje Davids (birth ONG 1791 Hoorn)
Leon, Hartog Benedictus (died 1792 Hoorn)
Leon, Hartog Joseph (birth 1805 Hoorn - died 1874 Hoorn)
Leon, Hartog Leendert (birth ONG 1791 Hoorn)
Leon, Hester Benedictus (birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam?)
Leon, Hijman Benedictus (birth 1765 Hoorn - died 1838 Hoorn)
Leon, Hijman Hartog (birth 1752 Hoorn - died VR 1803)
Leon, Isaac Abraham (birth ONG 1788)
Leon, Joachim Jochanan David (birth ONG 1786 Hoorn - died 7 Jan 1854 Medemblik)
Leon, Jonas David (birth 15 Apr 1790 Hoorn)
Leon, Joseph Hartog Hirsch (birth 1764 Hoorn - died 1825 Hoorn)
Leon, Josua Benedictus (birth 1776 Hoorn - died 1828 Medemblik)
Leon, Judith Giitele Josua (birth ONG 1814 Medemblik - died 1867 Amsterdam)
Leon, Leendert Benedictus (birth ONG 1785 Hoorn)
Leon, Leendert Hartog (birth 1756 Hoorn - died 1835 Hoorn)
Leon, Leontine Rachel (birth 1826 Bordeaux - died 16 MEI 1878 Paris)
Leon, Matje Abraham (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam)
Leon, Rijntje (birth 1839 Hoorn - died VR 1897)
Leon, Saartje Hartog (birth ONG 1790 Hoorn - died 14 Nov 1848 Rotterdam)
Leon, Samuel Isaac (birth Jul 1808 Amsterdam)
Leon, Sara (birth 1752 Amsterdam)
Leon, Vogeltje Benedictus (birth 1782 Hoorn - died 23 Jan 1840 Amsterdam)
Leons, Abraham Louis (birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam)
Leons, Isaac (birth ONG 1815 Rotterdam)
Leons, Levy Ezechiel (birth ONG 1782 Rotterdam)
Leons, Salomon Ezechiel (birth ONG 1787 Rotterdam)
Leons-Levij, Elisabeth Ezechiel (birth 1784 Rotterdam - died 18 MRT 1863 Zwolle)
Lepel, Levie Liepman Tobias (birth 6 Dec 1801 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Lepel, Rachel Levie (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 25 Feb 1814 Amsterdam)
Lepel, Rachel Tobias (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 1862 Amsterdam)
Lepel, Tobias Levie Liepman (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1814 Amsterdam)
Lepert, Edel Salomon Shabtay (birth 1750 Amsterdam)
Lepert, Rachel Nechla Hendrik Chaim (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Lepert, Sipora Salomon Shabtay Kouseman (birth 1761 Amsterdam)
Ler, Nathan Salomon Pinchas-Zelig (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died MRT 1770 Amsterdam)
Les, Beletje Philip (birth 1796 Amsterdam)
Les, Duijfje Philip (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam - died 9 OKT 1816 Amsterdam)
Les, Ester Philip (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Les, Hartog Philip (birth 9 Apr 1809 - died 2 Feb 1833 's-Hertogenbosch)
Lesburger, Debora Joseph (died 1749 Amsterdam)
Lesgever, Alexander Ziskind Wolf (birth 17 MEI 1816 Amsterdam)
Lessing, David
Lessing, Isaac (birth 1821 Haarlem)
Lessing, Jacob (birth 1815 Haarlem - died 4 MEI 1884 Haarlem)
Lessing, Lewis Levie Philip Phillips (birth 11 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Lessing, Sara (birth 1810 Haarlem - died 30 Nov 1859 Haarlem)
Letterzetter, Betje Eliaser (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam)
Letterzetter, Schoontje Eliaser (birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam)
Letterzetter, Wolf Eliazer (birth ONG 1780 Amsterdam)
Leuning, Benjamin Bendit
Leuning, Hartog Hirsch Benjamin Bendit (birth 1761 - died 8 MRT 1817 Amsterdam)
Leuw, Abraham Levie (birth 1761 Nieuwkerk)
Leuw, Abraham Levie (birth ONG 1814 Broek in Waterland)
Leuw, Betje Levie (birth 10 Apr 1816 Broek in Waterland - died 25 Jul 1902 Hillegom)
Leuw, Emanuel Menachem (birth ONG 1794 Monnikendam - died 17 Jul 1844 Monnikendam)
Leuw, Fijtje (birth ONG 1823 Nieuwendam - North Holland)
Leuw, Levie Abraham (birth ONG 1788 Schermerhorn - died 29 Dec 1829 Broek in Waterland)
Leuw, Marcus Mordechai Abraham (birth 1790 Schermerhorn)
Leuw, Salomon Shlomo Abraham (birth 2 Jun 1792 Schermerhorn - died 30 MEI 1847 Nieuwendam)
Leuwen, Leentje Lijsje Lea Levie Leib (birth 1786 Amsterdam)
Leuwenstein, Jette David (birth ONG 1796 Leeuwarden)
Leuwies, Sophia Fegle Levie Lieberman Eliaser Zekli (birth ONG 1749 Amsterdam)
Leuwin, Sara Marcus (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1835 Amsterdam)
Levee, Ester Jacob (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam - died ONG 1883)
Levee, Grietje Jacob (birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam)
Levek, Meyer Simon (died 30 Dec 1807 Amsterdam)
Levenson, Mozes Wolf (birth 1775 Amsterdam)
Levenson, Wolf Barend
Levenstein, Branco Elias (birth ONG 1762 Steijbach - died 8 Feb 1818 Amsterdam)
Lever, Abraham Hijman Hartog (birth 4 Jun 1819 Leiden - died 17 Sep 1819 Leiden)
Lever, Anna Hartog (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam)
Lever, Daniel Gedalya Jacob (birth 12 MRT 1814 Broekhuizen - Limburg)
Lever, Ester Hartog Hirts (birth 13 Jul 1811 Amsterdam)
Lever, Heijman Hartog (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 31 Dec 1844 Haarlem)
Lever, Isaak Hijman (birth ONG 1815 Leiden - died 8 Dec 1877 Haarlem)
Lever, Jacob Levie (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam - died 14 Feb 1845 Veenhuizen - Norg)
Lever, Judic Jacob (birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam)
Lever, Judic Jettele Levie (birth 27 MEI 1809 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1817 Amsterdam)
Lever, Judith Jettele Hartog Hirts (birth 6 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Lever, Odes Roosje (birth 5 Dec 1809 Leiden)
Lever, Roosje Hartog (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam - died 25 Nov 1837 Amsterdam)
Lever, Salomon (birth 19 Jul 1813 Leiden - died 26 Nov 1856 Groningen)
Lever, Sara Levie (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam)
Levi, Abigael (birth ONG 1767 Amsterdam)
Levi, Akiba Nathan Nissan (birth MRT 1766 Amsterdam)
Levi, Aron (birth ONG 1754 Lippenrode - Germany)
Levi, Carolina Abraham (birth Vierlingsbeek)
Levi, Marcus Meyer Nathan Nissan (birth OKT 1764 Amsterdam)
Levi, Mattje (birth 1765 Barrijn - Anspach, died 1 Feb 1826 Uithoorn)
Levi, Mechteldje
Levi, Meyer Salomon (birth 16 Jun 1818 Hardenberg - died 23 Nov 1865 Maastricht)
Levi, Naatje Salomons (birth ONG 1798 Wageningen)
Levi, Nathan Nissan Marcus Meyer (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levi, Rachel Jacobs (birth 10 OKT 1807 Groningen)
Levi, Saartje Liepman (birth ONG 1814 Groningen)
Levi, Sara Levie (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 24 Nov 1813 Woerden)
Levi, Sara Mozes (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam - died 3 Feb 1881 Naarden)
Levi, Sophia Abraham (birth ONG 1773 Amsterdam - died 12 MRT 1820 Groningen)
Levie V.Boknem, Eva Chava Samuel (birth 1715 Minnigweiler)
Levie V.Breukelen, Israel Azriel Jacob (birth 1701 Amsterdam)
Levie V.Gent, Abraham
Levie V.Gent, Juda (birth 1731 Antwerpen)
Levie V.Gent, Reijna Rana Abraham (birth 1737 Antwerpen)
Levie V.Gent, Samson (birth 1738 Antwerpen)
Levie V.Hamburg, Ester Marcus Model (birth 1707 Hamburg - died 1733 Amsterdam)
Levie V.Rijssen, Abraham Isaac Itsak
Levie V.Wirzig, Samuel Manasse Manes (birth 1703 Frietse)
Levie, Aaltje Alek Hartog Naftali-Hirts (birth 1699 Amsterdam - died MRT 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje Edil Eliaser Leizer (birth ONG 1710 - died 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje Edil Eliaser Leizer
Levie, Aaltje Edil Marcus Meyer (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje Edil Samuel (birth 1679 Amsterdam - died MEI 1714 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje Elkele (birth ONG 1750 - died 4 MRT 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje Juda (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 27 Jun 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aaltje (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Aaltje
Levie, Abigael Abraham (birth 1718 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael Eliaser Mulder (birth 1675 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael Fegle Barend Ber Haag (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 12 Apr 1844 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael Fegle Salomon Shalom (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael Fegle Salomon? David (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 3 Apr 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael Fegle (birth 1766 Norden - died 5 Sep 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael (birth 1697 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael (birth ONG 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abigael (birth The Hague)
Levie, Abraham Aberle Jacob (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Alexander Ziskind Koekoek (birth 6 Feb 1754 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Alexander (birth ONG 1787 Maarssen - died 1 Jul 1820 Utrecht)
Levie, Abraham David (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died Apr 1761 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Eliazer
Levie, Abraham Ephraim v.Emden (birth 13 Apr 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Hartog Hirsch
Levie, Abraham Isaac Itsak Leon (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Jacob Goldstein (birth 9 Aug 1780 Hoerstgen - Germany, died 5 MRT 1862 Roermond)
Levie, Abraham Jacob Jokeb Mulder (birth Sep 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Jacob Jokeb Prijs (birth 28 Nov 1765 Amsterdam - died 19 MEI 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Jacob (birth 2 Sep 1810 Willemstad)
Levie, Abraham Joseph Jozale v.Emden (birth 27 OKT 1771 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Joseph Jozale v.Emden
Levie, Abraham Joseph Jozlen
Levie, Abraham Joseph Juzpe (birth ONG 1730)
Levie, Abraham Joseph (birth 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Joseph
Levie, Abraham Juda v.Praag (birth 29 Nov 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Meyer (birth ONG 1817 Euselda - Prussia)
Levie, Abraham Mozes Mulder (birth 26 Aug 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham Mozes v.Praag (birth 1698 Prague)
Levie, Abraham Mozes (birth 1698 Amsterdam - died 21 Feb 1742 Naarden)
Levie, Abraham Mozes (birth ONG 1750)
Levie, Abraham Mozes
Levie, Abraham Samuel
Levie, Abraham (birth 1694 Megerit)
Levie, Abraham (birth 1744 Amsterdam)
Levie, Abraham (birth 1787 Uithoorn)
Levie, Abraham
Levie, Abraham
Levie, Abraham
Levie, Adam Chaim Alexander (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died Apr 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Adam Chaim Joseph Yoshua-Heschel (birth 1717 Leeuwarden - died 4 Dec 1763 Hoogeveen)
Levie, Adam Chaim Samuel Zanwil (birth 1652 Wildau [= Vilna] - died 27 MRT 1695 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aletta (died 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alexander Jacob
Levie, Alexander Mozes Jonas Root (birth 1757 Rotterdam)
Levie, Alexander Sender Adam Chaim (birth 1683 Amsterdam - died 1757 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alexander Ziskind David Koekoek (birth 1 Dec 1790 Amsterdam - died 11 Dec 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alexander Ziskind Emanuel Mendele de Haas (birth 17 MRT 1775 Amsterdam - died 8 OKT 1838 Amersfoort)
Levie, Alexander Ziskind Hartog Hirts v.Emden (birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 17 MEI 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alexander Ziskind Joseph Jozale V.Emden (birth 1677 Amsterdam - died 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alexander Ziskind Joseph Jozale V.Emden (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 18 Sep 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alexander Ziskind Levie Leib Mocher-Sfarim (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 21 Sep 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alida Edel Simon (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alida Edil Samuel (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie, Alida Salomons
Levie, Alida Samuel (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 27 Feb 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Andries Anshil Hijman Chaim Komkommer (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 22 MEI 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie, Andries Anshil Levie Leib (birth 8 MRT 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Andries Anshil Meyer
Levie, Andries Asher Zadok Wit (birth 6 MRT 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Andries Asher-Anshil Kalman Klonimus (birth 1698 Amsterdam - died 1748 Amsterdam)
Levie, Andries (birth 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Channa Salomon Zalman (birth 1703 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Channa Simon Zimle (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Chaya Benjamin (birth 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Chaya (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died Apr 1733 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Chayale Hartog Zwi-Hirsch (died 1744 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Emanuel (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 22 Feb 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Gnendele Samuel (died 4 Jan 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hanna Benjamin Wolf (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hanna Leendert Leizer (birth 1776 Amsterdam - died ONG 1813)
Levie, Anna Hanna Mozes (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 8 Feb 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hanna (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hartog (birth 1718 Amsterdam - died 12 Dec 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hendele Jacob (birth 1732 Winkel)
Levie, Anna Hendele Salomon Zadok (birth 1711 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Henoch (birth 1763 Oldenzaal)
Levie, Anna Hindele Hartog Naftali-Hirts (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hindele Isaac (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hindele Meyer (birth 1706 Metelen - died Dec 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hindele Mozes (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Hindele Salomon Zalman (birth ONG 1750)
Levie, Anna Jacob Mulder (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 23 Jun 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Jacob (birth 1718 Amsterdam - died 10 Jul 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Jent Mozes (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 18 Dec 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Juda v.Praag (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Michiel (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 12 MRT 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Mozes (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Nene Wolf Benjamin-Wolf (birth 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Nucha Nathan (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 2 MEI 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Salomon (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Samson (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 4 MRT 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna Samuel (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 9 Aug 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna (birth 1696 Emden - died Apr 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna (birth 1756 The Hague)
Levie, Anna (birth Middelburg)
Levie, Anna (died 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Anna
Levie, Annaatje
Levie, Annatie Nucha Hijman Chaim (birth 4 Jun 1799 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ansel
Levie, Arend Aron Joseph Jeis (birth 1694 Amsterdam - died OKT 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie, Arie (birth 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Abraham (birth ONG 1730)
Levie, Aron Baruch (died Sep 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron David (birth 1706 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Gets Getschlik (birth 7 Nov 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Isaac (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Isaac (birth 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Jacob (died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Maharam Levie Leib (birth 7 Sep 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Marcus Mordechai (died 20 Dec 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Mozes (birth 1676 Hamburg - died 1719 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron Philip (birth 1578 Emden - died NA 1636)
Levie, Aron (birth 1720 Posen - died MRT 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Aron (birth 1760 Liprose)
Levie, Aron (birth Amsterdam - died ONG 1788)
Levie, Aron
Levie, Asser Abraham (birth 1727 Kassel)
Levie, Asser Joseph Penseelschrijver (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie, Asser Simon Samson (birth MEI 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Barend Ber Abraham de Jong (birth 1724 The Hague - died 23 MRT 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Barend Ber Levie Leib (birth 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Barend Farli Meyer Roozeboom (birth 19 Nov 1788 Amsterdam - died 2 Aug 1849 Amsterdam)
Levie, Barend Yissachar-Ber Gompert Ephraim-Gumpel (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bartus Leib Ephraim v.Emden (birth 6 Jan 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Baruch
Levie, Basie Pes(che) Ruben (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Abigael Joseph (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Abraham
Levie, Bele Alexander Ziskind Koekoek (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Aron (birth 1622 Witmund)
Levie, Bele Aron (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Beile Jeremias
Levie, Bele Blim Salomon Shlomo (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 19 Apr 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Gompert (birth 1761 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Hartog Hirts (birth 1728 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Jacob Yechiel (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 3 Jul 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Jacob (birth 1748 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Jacob
Levie, Bele Joseph (died 31 OKT 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Lammert Lemel (birth Jan 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Levie Leib (died 17 Dec 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Marcus (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 27 Dec 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Mozes (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Nathan
Levie, Bele Pes Philip Peis (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 27 OKT 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Salomon (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Samuel (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Samuel (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Simon Samson (birth Apr 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele Simon (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 14 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1704 Doesburg)
Levie, Bele (birth 1710 Edam - died 17 Jun 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1720 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1726 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 9 MRT 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1733 Bieber - died 3 Apr 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died Jan 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1742 Koblenz - died Aug 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 21 Jun 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 5 Jul 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth 1772 Hilversum)
Levie, Bele (birth 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bele (birth Frankfurt - died 15 Sep 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Beletje (birth ONG 1752 - died 19 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Benedictus Baruch Jochem Jochanan (birth 1709 Biesvanger (Bisfange) - died Jan 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Benedictus Jonas (birth 1718 Rotterdam - died 31 Dec 1791 Rotterdam)
Levie, Benjamin Alexander Ziskind v.Emden
Levie, Benjamin Bendit Arend Aron (birth 1680 Amsterdam - died Sep 1711 Amsterdam)
Levie, Benjamin Hartog Hirts (birth ONG 1755)
Levie, Benjamin Hijman (birth 1752 Londen)
Levie, Benjamin Pinchas Mozes
Levie, Benjamin Simon (birth 1779 Harderwijk)
Levie, Benjamin Wolf Hartog Hirts (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie, Benjamin Wolf Mozes
Levie, Benjamin
Levie, Benjamin
Levie, Bertha Bartje Bartus Breine Marcus Mordechai
Levie, Besje Pes Mozes (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Besje Pescha Salomon Shlomo (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1841 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje Bele Nathan Nachman (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 27 Feb 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje Blim Zadok Wit (birth 6 Aug 1810 Amsterdam - died 1 OKT 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje Joseph (died 29 Jan 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje Levie (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam - died 21 Sep 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje (birth 1775 The Hague - died 3 Jan 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje (birth ONG 1759 Mainz - died 30 Aug 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje (birth ONG 1762 - died 14 Jan 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie, Betje
Levie, Betje
Levie, Bloeme Blimche Abraham (died 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Bloeme Blimche Joseph Jozlen (birth ONG 1700)
Levie, Bloeme Hartog
Levie, Blommetje
Levie, Branca Alexander (birth 1720 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Aron (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 18 Nov 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Asser Penseelschrijver (birth 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Brein David (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 24 Jan 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Brein Hijman Chaim (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Brein Jacob (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Breinche Kalman (birth 1694 Amsterdam - died 1768 The Hague)
Levie, Branca Breinche Mozes (died Apr 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Breine Benjamin Pinchas (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Brendele Joseph (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Brendele (birth 1720 Maastricht - died 16 Feb 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Franco Brein Zacharias Yissachar (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 24 Jun 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Joseph (birth 1703 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca Rebecca (birth ONG 1770 - died 9 Sep 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Branca (birth 1753 Rotterdam - died 27 Nov 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Brandje Breinche Kalman (birth 1737 Appingedam - died 8 Apr 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Breinche Samuel Zanwil (birth 1655 Wildau - died 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie, Brendele Lazarus El'azar (birth 1745 Hamburg - died 12 Jan 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie, Brensje Isaac
Levie, Bruintje Brendele Salomon Zelig (birth The Hague)
Levie, Bunla Juda (died 6 MRT 1694 Kassel)
Levie, Catharina Freidche Aron (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie, Catherine (died MRT 1800 Bergen Op Zoom)
Levie, Chava Kalman (died MRT 1706 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Andries (birth 1764 Leeuwarden - died 8 MRT 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Chaya Marcus? Ber (died 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Elkan (birth ONG 1770 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Clara Gelchi Michiel Yechiel (died 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Gelle David (birth 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Gelle Eliaser Leizer (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died 28 OKT 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Gelle Hartog Hirts (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 17 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Gelle Mozes (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Keile Abraham (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Keile Abraham
Levie, Clara Keile Hartog Hirts (birth 1726 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Keile Hijman Chaim (birth 1725 Londen - died 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Keile Salomon Zalman (birth ONG 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Keile (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Kleer Isaac (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Klera Meyer (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 27 Sep 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Mozes (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 30 Aug 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara Philip (birth 1662 Amsterdam - died 1689)
Levie, Clara Salomon (birth 1755 Hersij)
Levie, Clara Sara (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 28 Sep 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara (birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 4 Jan 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 11 MEI 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 21 Feb 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara (birth ONG 1750 - died 9 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara (died 15 Jun 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara (died 3 Jul 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Clara
Levie, Cornelia (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Daniel Netanel Elias v.Emden (birth Aug 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Daniel Netanel Mulder
Levie, Daniel Tanchum Benjamin (birth 1780 Emden)
Levie, David Alexander Ziskind Koekoek (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 8 OKT 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Isaac (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Isaac (birth 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Jacob (birth 1716 Mellingen - died 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Joseph (birth 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Juda v.Praag (birth 25 Aug 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Liepman (birth 1717 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Meyer Roozeboom (birth 15 Feb 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Mozes (birth Sep 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Mozes
Levie, David Obadya Jacob (birth 1730 Lesno-Poland - died 17 Nov 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, David Samuel Zanwil (died Jun 1728 Amsterdam)
Levie, David
Levie, David
Levie, Debora Asser Penseelschrijver (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 1857 Amsterdam)
Levie, Debora Dobrish Andries Asher (birth 1692 Amsterdam)
Levie, Debora Josua Heschel (birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie, Debora Salomon (birth 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, Debora Samson
Levie, Debora (birth 1727 Amsterdam)
Levie, Dieuwertje Debora Simon (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 10 Dec 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie, Dina Abraham (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Dina Elkana
Levie, Dina Godschalk Getschlik (birth 27 Dec 1810 Amsterdam - died 6 Nov 1862 Amsterdam)
Levie, Dina Joseph Juzpa (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 26 Jul 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Dina Philip Feibel (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died ONG 1757)
Levie, Dorothea
Levie, Duifje Elias v.Emden (birth 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie, Duifje Isaac (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 22 Aug 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Duifje (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Duijfje Thea Ephraim v.Praag (birth Feb 1771 Amsterdam - died 7 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie, Edel Abraham (birth 1673 Amsterdam - died 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie, Edel Hartog Hirsch
Levie, Edel Joseph (birth 1695 Amsterdam - died 1772 Naarden)
Levie, Elias Hillel Ephraim v.Emden (birth 29 Feb 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Elias Wolf v.Emden (birth 14 OKT 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Joseph
Levie, Eliaser Leizer Alexander Sender (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died MRT 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Leizer Barend Ber (birth ONG 1755 Amsterdam? - died 1 Dec 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Leizer Ephraim v.Praag (birth 27 Sep 1778 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Leizer Hartog Hirts v.Emden (birth ONG 1735 Amsterdam - died 30 Jun 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Leizer Jacob (birth 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Leizer Joseph Jozale v.Emden (died 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eliaser Leizer
Levie, Eliaser Philip (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Elisabeth Leibesh Hartog Hirts (birth 1711 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Elisabeth (birth Petrikof)
Levie, Elizabeth Betje
Levie, Elkana Mozes Kosman (birth 4 Apr 1783 Maarssen)
Levie, Elsje Abraham (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 3 Jun 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Elsje (birth 1740 The Hague - died 25 Jul 1781 Alkmaar)
Levie, Emanuel Manes Salomon Shlomo (birth ONG 1700)
Levie, Emanuel Mendele Andries Anshil Komkommer (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam - died 1850 Amsterdam)
Levie, Emanuel Mendele Joel (birth 1713 Frankfurt - died 22 Jul 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Emanuel Mendele Mozes v.Praag (birth 1706 Prague)
Levie, Emanuel Mendele Salomon Zalman (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Engel Ada Eddel (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 22 Feb 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie, Engelina Mozes (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 31 MEI 1849 Rotterdam)
Levie, Engeltje Edil Raphael (birth 1760 Wurzburg - died 12 Aug 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie, Engeltje Egla Andries Anshil (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died Apr 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Engeltje Hartog (birth 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie, Engeltje (died 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Abraham (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Abraham (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 26 MRT 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Adam Chaim (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died OKT 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Andries (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died Dec 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Aron (birth 1618 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Betje Peschi Abraham (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 6 Jun 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Boas (birth ONG 1769 Rotterdam - died 2 MRT 1816 Rotterdam)
Levie, Ester Elias Hartog Hirsch (birth 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Elias v.Emden (birth MEI 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Emanuel (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 30 MRT 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Hartog Hirts (birth 1767 Weerd (Fulda) - died 11 MEI 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Hijman Chaim (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Hodes (birth 1717 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Isaac Itsak (birth 1733 Goch - died 27 Nov 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Jacob (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Joseph Juzpe (birth 1698 Amsterdam - died 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Joseph (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1800 Rotterdam)
Levie, Ester Joseph (birth ONG 1795 Groningen - died 26 OKT 1868 Groningen)
Levie, Ester Justus Zundel v.Praag (birth 7 Jul 1788 Amsterdam - died 2 OKT 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Marcus Meyer (birth ONG 1740 - died 3 MEI 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Marcus Mordechai (died Sep 1752 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Meyer Roozeboom (birth 15 Feb 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Michiel (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Mozes (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 13 Jan 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Pes Jacob (birth 1657 Amsterdam - died Sep 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Peschi Isaac Itsak (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Peschi Marcus Meyer (birth 1702 Hessen-Kassel)
Levie, Ester Philip Feibel (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Raphael
Levie, Ester Salomon Zalman (birth 1697 Hamburg)
Levie, Ester Salomon Zalman (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Samuel (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 1 MEI 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester Simon (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 13 Jan 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 26 Feb 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester (birth 1718 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester (birth 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester (birth ONG 1740 - died 13 Apr 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester (died 21 OKT 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester (died 8 Feb 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ester
Levie, Ester
Levie, Eva Aron (birth 1699 Amsterdam - died 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Chava Isaac Zekli (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Chava Liepman (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Eliaser Liepman (birth ONG 1735 - died 18 Jul 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Heva Salomon Kalman (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Jacob (birth 1656 Amsterdam - died Sep 1680 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Jacob
Levie, Eva Jochebed Jacob Jokeb (birth ONG 1727 Amsterdam - died 3 Sep 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Jochebed Joseph (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 30 OKT 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Leibesh David
Levie, Eva Salomon (birth Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva Sheva (died 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died MEI 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva (birth 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva (birth 1770 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Eva
Levie, Ezechiel Yecheskel Levie Leib (birth 24 Jan 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Feijtje Fegle Jacob (birth ONG 1738 - died 19 OKT 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie, Fijtje Fegle Joseph (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died Apr 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Fokeltje Vogeltje (birth 1722 Prague)
Levie, Francijntje Prinsje Sprints Barend Ferli Tangom (birth 1 OKT 1793 Amsterdam - died 26 MRT 1813 Utrecht)
Levie, Francina Israel (birth Amsterdam - died 17 Jun 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie, Friedman Shalom-Friedman Levie Leib
Levie, Gabriel Andries (birth 1760 Leeuwarden - died 17 Apr 1836 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Geertrui Gelle Jacob (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 13 Apr 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gelchi Ephraim v.Praag (birth Apr 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gelle Salomon (birth 1717 Hannover - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gerrit Gershon Salomon Shalom (birth 1714 Amsterdam - died VR 1756)
Levie, Gerrit Gershon (died VR 1731)
Levie, Gerrit Gets Getschlik Isaac Itsak Gordijn (birth ONG 1740 - died 24 Dec 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gerrit Getschlik (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gerson Jacob (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died 15 OKT 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gerson
Levie, Gittele Emanuel Samuel (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 11 Feb 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gittele Jonas Jonathan (birth 1730 Emden - died 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Gittele (birth 4 Feb 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Godschalk Getschlik Lion (birth 31 MRT 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Godschalk Getschlik Mozes Kosman (birth 3 Jul 1784 Maarssen - died 31 Jan 1856 Amsterdam)
Levie, Goedje Andries
Levie, Goedje Golda Leendert Elieser (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Goeze Yekuthiel Salomon? Azriel (birth s'Heerenberg)
Levie, Gompert Gumpel (birth Mannheim)
Levie, Gompert Marcus
Levie, Gouda Meyers (birth ONG 1776 Zuidbroek - Groningen)
Levie, Grietje Abraham (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 22 Feb 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Grietje Adam (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Grietje Judith Gittele Mozes (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 24 Sep 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Grietje Mozes (birth 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hanna Andries
Levie, Hanna (birth ONG 1757 - died 24 Nov 1843 Utrecht)
Levie, Hartog Elias
Levie, Hartog Hirsch Andries Anshil (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Hirsch David (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died Jan 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Hirsch Jacob (birth 1739 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Hirts Ephraim v.Praag (birth 23 Dec 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Hirts Hijman Chaim (birth 1730 Londen - died 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Hirts Israel Azriel (birth 1731 Gildehaus - died 20 Nov 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Naftali-Hirts Benjamin? Isaac
Levie, Hartog Naftali-Hirts David
Levie, Hartog Naftali-Hirts Joseph Jozlen v.Emden (died 1744 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Naftali-Hirts Joseph (died 1744 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Andries Asher
Levie, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Israel
Levie, Hartog (birth 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartog-Hijman Hirsch-Chaim Isaac (birth 1737 Prague - died 22 MRT 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hartwig (birth 1744 Kopenhagen)
Levie, Heijltje Heintje Hindche Joseph Jozale (birth 1702 Lochem - died 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Heintje Brein Jacob (birth ONG 1771 - died 29 MRT 1841 Amsterdam)
Levie, Heintje Hindche Elias Israel Henli Luks (birth 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Heintje Jent Philip Peis (birth 1770 Amsterdam - died 23 OKT 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie, Heintje (birth ONG 1750 - died 12 Sep 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Helena Hindele Mozes
Levie, Hendele Jacob (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Henderein Hendele Joseph Jozale (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 16 Aug 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hendrik Henich Isaac Itsak
Levie, Hendrik Henig Abraham (birth 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hendrik Hirsch Ephraim v.Emden (birth 10 Dec 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hendrikje Anna (birth 1720 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hendrikje (birth 1746 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hendrina Hendele Mozes (birth 1716 Essen - died ONG 1750)
Levie, Hendrina Hendele (birth 1707 Ludersbach - died 9 Feb 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hendrina (birth 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Henoch Elchanan-Henli Isaac (birth Landau)
Levie, Henoch Joseph (birth 1752 Amersfoort)
Levie, Henoch (birth Ostero - died Sep 1694 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hester Jacob
Levie, Hester Joseph (died 26 Dec 1862 Werkendam)
Levie, Heva Jacob Jokeb (birth Dec 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hier (birth OKT 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Abraham (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 1 Dec 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Andries Anshil Komkommer (birth 17 Jan 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Asser Penseelschrijver (birth Jan 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Hartog Hirts (birth Jan 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Jacob Jokele (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Jacob (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Joseph
Levie, Hijman Chaim Josua Heschel (birth 26 Jun 1717 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Mozes Kosman (birth 21 Jul 1777 Maarssen)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Salomon Shlomo-Zeligman (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Chaim Samuel (birth 1761 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Hartog (birth 1697 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Jacob (birth 1732 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman Jacob
Levie, Hijman (birth 1689 Amsterdam)
Levie, Hijman (birth 1704 Bovetum)
Levie, Hijman (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Abraham
Levie, Isaac Eizik Ephraim v.Emden (birth 9 Jul 1790 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Eizik Hijman Chaim
Levie, Isaac Eizik Jacob Jokeb (birth 1718 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Eizik Lazarus Elieser (birth 1709 Mannheim)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Abraham Mulder (birth 30 Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Abraham (birth 1728 Augsburg)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Gerrit Gershon (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Jacob Jokeb Mulder (birth 7 Jul 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Joseph Yoshua-Heschel (birth 1723 Leeuwarden - died 11 Dec 1780 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Matthijs (died 8 MEI 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Michiel Yechiel (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Mozes (birth 1739 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Salomon Shlomo (birth 1695 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Salomon? Anshil (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died MRT 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Samson (birth Apr 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Itsak Samuel
Levie, Isaac Itsak (birth Goch)
Levie, Isaac Itsak
Levie, Isaac Itsak
Levie, Isaac Jacob (birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam - died 28 MRT 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Joseph (birth 1716 Limburg)
Levie, Isaac Mozes (birth 1710 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac Salomon (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 9 Sep 1830 The Hague)
Levie, Isaac Zadok Babian (birth Aug 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Isaac (birth 1747 Doetinchem)
Levie, Isaac (birth The Hague)
Levie, Isaac
Levie, Isabel Simmetje Femmetje Joseph (birth 1682 Metz)
Levie, Israel Abraham (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie, Israel Abraham (died Sep 1681 Amsterdam)
Levie, Israel Henli
Levie, Israel Juda v.Praag (birth 10 Sep 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Israel Levie Leib (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 1 MRT 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Israel Marcus Meyer (birth 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie, Israel (birth 1725 London)
Levie, Jachet Levie Leib (birth Feb 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Barend Ber (birth 1697 Hanau - died 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Barend Ferli Tangom (birth 1797 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Benjamin (birth 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Daniel Netanel Mulder (birth 1694 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Ephraim v.Emden (birth 25 Feb 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Henoch (birth 1768 Oldenzaal)
Levie, Jacob Hijman Chaim (birth 1710 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Isaac Itsak (birth 13 Dec 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Jokeb Abraham Aberle (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Jokeb Abraham Prijs (birth 1799 Amsterdam - died 15 Sep 1839 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Jokeb Joseph Jozale (birth 11 Jun 1797 Maarssen)
Levie, Jacob Jokeb Joseph Jozale-Jeiz (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 24 MRT 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Jokeb (birth 1694 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Jonas Jonathan (birth 1721 Rotterdam)
Levie, Jacob Juda Henoch Henich (birth 1768 Oldenzaal)
Levie, Jacob Levi (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Liepman (birth 1715 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Liepman
Levie, Jacob Marcus Meyer (birth 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Mozes (birth 1692 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Mozes (birth 1700 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Mozes (birth 1716 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob Mozes
Levie, Jacob Mozes
Levie, Jacob Philip (birth 1620 - died ONG 16 Dec 1689 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Jacob Zadok Babian (birth MEI 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob? Ephraim-Gumpel Valentijn Yoshua-Falk (birth 1692 Amsterdam - died Sep 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob (birth 1697 Riessen)
Levie, Jacob (birth 1698 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob (birth 1719 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jacob (birth Mellingen)
Levie, Jacob
Levie, Jacob
Levie, Jacob-Israel (birth Apr 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jannetje Barend (birth The Hague - died 13 MRT 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jannetje Jent Levie Leib Mocher-Sfarim (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 11 Aug 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jannetje Jent Marcus Mordechai (birth 1735 Haarlem - died 19 Feb 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jannetje (birth ONG 1750 - died 2 Nov 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jeremias Juda David (birth 31 Jul 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jeremias
Levie, Jesajas Samuel (birth ONG 1751 Amsterdam - died 2 OKT 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jochem Chaim Salomon Zalman (birth 1758 Kretz-Poland - died 22 Aug 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie, Jochem Jochanan Ephraim v.Emden (birth 7 Jul 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joel Andries Anshil Komkommer (birth 1 MRT 1795 Amsterdam - died 1853 Amsterdam)
Levie, Johanna Abraham
Levie, Johanna Anna Jacob
Levie, Johanna Anna
Levie, Johanna Channa Hendrik Chaim (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Levie, Johanna Channa Jacob (birth 1702 Amsterdam - died Jul 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie, Johanna Hijman (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie, Johanna (birth 1713 Amsterdam)
Levie, Johanna (birth 1748 Amsterdam)
Levie, Johanna (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Jonas Elchanan Levie Leib (birth 1768 Hamburg)
Levie, Jonas Hendrik (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Jonas Jacob
Levie, Joseph Abraham Prijs (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Asser Penseelschrijver (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Daniel Netanel Muller (birth 1701 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph David
Levie, Joseph David
Levie, Joseph Hartog Naftali-Hirts (birth 1703 Amsterdam - died 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Isaac (birth 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jacob (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jeiz(ele) Abraham (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jozale Abraham v.Emden (birth 1737 Emden - died 15 Jan 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jozale Alexander Ziskind v.Emden (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jozale Benedictus Jonas (birth 1747 Rotterdam - died 8 MEI 1812 Rotterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jozale Eliaser Leizer v.Emden (birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1798 Mijdrecht)
Levie, Joseph Jozale Samuel Elkana de Jong (died 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jozlen Hartog v.Emden (birth 1651 Emden - died 1717 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Jozlen Marcus Meyer (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Juzpe Isaac (birth ONG 1730)
Levie, Joseph Juzpe
Levie, Joseph Levie Koekoek (birth 31 Jan 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Moshe-Joseph-Jozlen
Levie, Joseph Mozes (birth 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Mozes (birth Maarssen)
Levie, Joseph Mozes (birth Sep 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Mozes
Levie, Joseph Nathan (birth 1773 Harderwijk)
Levie, Joseph Samuel Zanwil (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Wolf v.Emden (birth 13 Jan 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph Yoshua-Heschel Adam Chaim (birth 1691 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1752 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Joseph (birth Apr 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Joseph (died 4 OKT 1721 London)
Levie, Joseph
Levie, Joseph
Levie, Joseph
Levie, Josina Semmetje (birth 1720 Rotterdam - died 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Josua Heschel Meyer
Levie, Josua Salomon (birth 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Juda Eliaser (birth Stuttgart - died 31 Dec 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie, Juda Jacob (birth 1697 Amsterdam)
Levie, Juda Leib Jacob (birth 1661 Leeuwarden - died 3 Feb 1706 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Juda (birth 23 Sep 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Juda (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Judik
Levie, Judith Abraham (birth 1715 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Alik Isaac (birth 1719 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Eliaser Mulder
Levie, Judith Eliaser (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gitche Arend Aron (died MEI 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gitche Israel Azriel
Levie, Judith Gitche
Levie, Judith Gittelche Isaac Eizik (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele David (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele David (died 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Hartog Hirts (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Isaac (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 10 Feb 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Israel (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 10 MRT 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Jacob (birth 1722 Hamburg - died 3 Jan 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Jacob (birth 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Levie Leib (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 31 Dec 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Mozes (birth 1706 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Gittele Shilo (birth 1775 Metz)
Levie, Judith Gittele Simon Simcha (birth 1770 Harderwijk)
Levie, Judith Jachet Simon Samson (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died Dec 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jacob (birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 13 Sep 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jacob (birth 1715 Mellingen - died 18 OKT 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jacob (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jacob (birth 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jent Jacob (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jente Hartog Hirsch (birth ONG 1710)
Levie, Judith Jeras Soesman (birth 1696 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jetche Alexander Ziskind Wit (birth 14 Dec 1810 Amsterdam - died 13 Jul 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jetche Betsalel (died 24 Jan 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jetche Juda (birth 1761 Weisenau - died 30 MEI 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jetche Nathan (birth ONG 1776 - died 22 Dec 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jetta Abraham (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jetta Jacob (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Aron (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Isaac Eizik v.Emden (birth MEI 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Joel (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Levie Leib (birth 1750 Straatsburg - died 1 Sep 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Marcus Mordechai Neeter (birth 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Mozes (birth ONG 1760 Rotterdam)
Levie, Judith Jettele Salomon Zalman de Beets (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 23 MEI 1847 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Joel
Levie, Judith Joseph (birth 1698 Rotterdam - died MEI 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Joseph (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died Jan 1746 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jutta Salomon Samuel-Zanwil (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Jutta Salomon? Juda (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Juttele Elieser-Liepman (birth 1711 Rotterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Marcus (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 13 MEI 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Meyer (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Mozes (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Mozes (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Nathan (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Simon (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 12 Jun 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Simon (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Simon (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 11 Nov 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith Wolf (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 15 MEI 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1715 Hamburg - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1734 Floheim)
Levie, Judith (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 10 Feb 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 23 Jan 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Judith (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Judith
Levie, Justus-Teller Joseph-Zundel Ephraim v.Praag (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Kaatje Chaya Hijman Chaim (birth 15 OKT 1801 Amsterdam - died 14 Jul 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Kaatje Chaya Jacob Jokeb (birth 1751 Leeuwarden - died 18 Nov 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Kaatje Gerson (birth ONG 1756 Emden - died 11 OKT 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie, Kaatje Salomon (birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 31 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Kalman Eliaser Leizer v.Emden (died 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Keetje Knendele (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 18 Apr 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Kitty Mozes (birth ONG 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Klaartje (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 17 Nov 1859 Blokzijl)
Levie, Klara Joel (birth ONG 1751 Amsterdam - died 29 Jun 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lammert Lemel Simon (birth 1752 Berlijn - died 1 Jan 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lazarus El'azar Herschel (birth Hamburg)
Levie, Lea Alexander (birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea Aron (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea Emanuel Koekoek (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 31 Jan 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea Hijman Chaim (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died OKT 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea Jacob (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea Juttele Salomon Zalman (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 26 Dec 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea Levie Leib (birth 1702 Emden)
Levie, Lea Simon Samson (birth MRT 1768 Amsterdam - died 2 Nov 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea (birth 1721 Oldenkirchen - died 17 Aug 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 8 Sep 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea (birth 1766 Amsterdam - died 13 Jun 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea (birth 29 Sep 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lea (died Leiden)
Levie, Leendert Coenraad (birth ONG 1794 - died 23 Nov 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Leendert Leizer Levie Leib (birth 24 OKT 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Leendert Leizer Salomon Netanel (birth 1693 Amsterdam)
Levie, Leentje Abraham Alexander Koekoek (birth 1783 Amsterdam - died 25 Jul 1849 Amsterdam)
Levie, Leentje Lea Daniel Gedalya (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 10 Dec 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie, Leentje Lea Hijman Wit (died 24 MRT 1843 Amsterdam)
Levie, Leentje Lea Marcus Mordechai (birth ONG 1754 - died 21 MRT 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Abraham (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Abraham (birth 1754 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Levie Alexander Ziskind Koekoek (birth 29 MEI 1764 Amsterdam - died 12 Dec 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Gets Getschlik (birth 7 OKT 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Hijman
Levie, Levie Judaleib Salomon
Levie, Levie Lammert Lemel (birth Jul 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Leib Liepman (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Leib
Levie, Levie Leib
Levie, Levie Levi Jonas (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Matthijs (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Philip (birth 1676 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Levie Salomon Shalom Groen (birth 1786 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Salomon Zadok Babian (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Salomon Zalman (birth 1709 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Victor Avigdor (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 24 Jun 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Wolf (birth 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Wolf (birth 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie, Levie Zadok Babian (birth MEI 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Liepman Mozes (birth 1780 Geldersheim)
Levie, Liepman Mozes
Levie, Lijsje Lea (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 15 Jul 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lijsje Libe Marcus Mordechai (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 8 MRT 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Lion Salomon
Levie, Lotje Jacob Muller (birth 22 Jul 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Louis Leib Mozes de Jongh (birth 4 MEI 1768 Amsterdam - died 27 OKT 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie, Machiel Mozes
Levie, Machiel-Isaac Barend-de Jong (birth Sep 1792 Weesp)
Levie, Machteld Michela Isaac Itsak Mulder (birth 1704 Amsterdam)
Levie, Machteld Minkje Michela (birth 1718 Wirschweiler - died 17 MRT 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Magdalena Mata Eliaser (birth 1771 Rottenbauer - died 27 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Abraham (birth Leeuwarden)
Levie, Marcus Gumpel Justus Zundel v.Praag (birth 28 OKT 1789 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1840 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Meyer Aron v.Praag (birth 1772 Leiden - died 29 Dec 1801 Leiden)
Levie, Marcus Meyer Isaac Itsak Frank (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died Jun 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Meyer Jacob (birth 1736 Leiden)
Levie, Marcus Meyer (birth 1718 Hessen-Kassel)
Levie, Marcus Meyer (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 12 Sep 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Mordechai Ephraim v.Emden (birth 17 MEI 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Mordechai Levie Leib Groen (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 19 Apr 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Mordechai Mozes (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died Sep 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Mordechai Ruben (birth ONG 1760 - died 6 MEI 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Mordechai Salomon Meshulam (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 11 MEI 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus Mordechai Theodorus Todros (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marcus (birth 1754 Borkum)
Levie, Marcus (birth 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie, Margaretha Margalith Aron (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died MRT 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Margaretha (birth 1692 Amsterdam)
Levie, Maria Gola Barend Farli Booleman (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie, Maria Isaac (birth 1723 Amsterdam)
Levie, Maria Mirjam Gompert Gumpel (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Abraham (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 2 Feb 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Abraham (birth ONG 1746 - died 19 Sep 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Carpel (birth 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Emanuel (birth 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Israel (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Jacob (birth ONG 1753 Gelderland - died 17 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Malka Marcus Mordechai (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 7 Jan 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Mammele Salomon Shlomo (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Margalith Elias Leizer (birth 1702 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Marthe (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 11 Jan 1826 Haskerland, Friesland)
Levie, Marianne Mata David
Levie, Marianne Mata Meyer Roozeboom (birth 23 OKT 1782 Amsterdam - died 5 Nov 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Merle Israel Azriel
Levie, Marianne Merle Jacob (birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Merle Joseph (birth 1735 Frankfurt)
Levie, Marianne Mirjam Hartog Hirsch (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Mirjam Salomon (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam - died 23 Jun 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Mozes (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne Mozes (birth ONG 1753 - died 2 Feb 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne? Jeris Kosman (birth 1727 Fohrenlohe)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1716 Dulken)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1730 Brugholt)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1743 Koblenz)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 23 Apr 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne (died 3 Apr 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marianne (died OKT 1732 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marjanna (birth ONG 1763 Germany - died 17 Sep 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Markus
Levie, Marretje Benjamin (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marretje Eliaser (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marretje (birth 1718 Amsterdam - died Jan 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Marretje (birth 1718 Emden)
Levie, Martinus Mattitja Andries Anshil (birth 1774 Leeuwarden - died 22 Apr 1821 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Matje Martha Mata Eliaser Mulder (birth 1687 Amsterdam - died 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Matje Mirjam Marcus Meyer (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 21 MRT 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Matthijs Levie Leib (birth 4 OKT 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie, Matthijs Matti' Levie Leib (birth 1719 Amsterdam - died Jun 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer Abraham (died 20 Nov 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer Friedman (birth ONG 1710)
Levie, Meyer Gompert Mordechai-Gumpel (birth 1759 Mannheim)
Levie, Meyer Hartog Hirsch (birth 21 MRT 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer Isaac Sadok (died 29 OKT 1797 The Hague)
Levie, Meyer Josua Heschel (birth ONG 1708 - died MRT 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer Michiel Yechiel (birth ONG 1700)
Levie, Meyer Ruben Zegel Sigal (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 13 Jun 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer Salomon Shalom Groen (birth 7 Jan 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Meyer
Levie, Michiel Salomon Betsalel de Vriend (birth 20 Nov 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Michiel Samuel (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie, Michiel Treitel (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Michiel Wolf (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 31 Jan 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Michiel Yechiel Michiel? Juda
Levie, Michiel Zadok (birth 1752 Appingedam - died 22 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mietje Boas (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Mietje Jacob (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mietje Mindele Isaac (birth 1747 Anspach - died 25 Jun 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mietje Mink (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mietje (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Mijntje Mindele Joseph (birth ONG 1773 - died 18 MEI 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mindele (birth ONG 1770)
Levie, Mirjam Abraham Aberle de Jong
Levie, Mirjam Ephraim v.Praag (birth 23 MRT 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Motche Ruben (died 12 Dec 1725 Kassel)
Levie, Mozes Abraham (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 24 Jun 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Aron (birth 1715 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Aron
Levie, Mozes David
Levie, Mozes Gets Getschlik Gordijn (birth 7 Nov 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Gompel (birth Frankfurt Am Main - died VR 1763)
Levie, Mozes Israel
Levie, Mozes Jacob Koekoek (birth 14 MRT 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Jacob Mulder (birth 22 Sep 1766 Amsterdam - died 23 OKT 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Jesaya (birth 1737 Culemborg)
Levie, Mozes Jonas Jonathan (birth 1722 Rotterdam - died Feb 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Joseph Juzpe (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Joseph (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 22 Jun 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Joseph (birth 1733 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Juda v.Praag (birth 1 MEI 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Levie de Jongh (birth ONG 1740 The Hague - died 13 Nov 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Marcus Meyer (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 4 Jan 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Meyer (birth 1703 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Salomon Zalman (birth 1705 Amersfoort - died Sep 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Salomon
Levie, Mozes Valentijn Falk (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 31 Jul 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Valentijn Yoshua-Falk (died 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes Zadok Babian (birth Sep 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes (birth 1704 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes (birth 1743 Hamburg)
Levie, Mozes (birth 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie, Mozes (birth Wittenstein)
Levie, Mozes
Levie, N.N. Baruch (died MRT 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie, N.N. Joseph (died MRT 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie, Naatje Hanna Heinele (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie, Naatje Hindele Ephraim v.Praag (birth Feb 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nachman
Levie, Nagoma Nechama (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nannette Knendele Hartog (birth 1754 Furth - died 12 Aug 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nathan Elias (birth ONG 1823)
Levie, Nathan Hartog Naftali-Hirts (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1739 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nathan Jacob (birth MEI 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nathan Neta Samuel (birth ONG 1728 Amsterdam - died 22 Jul 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nathan Salomon Zalman Salomons(On) Schoijer (birth 9 Apr 1784 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie, Nathan (birth 1754 Arnhem)
Levie, Nathan
Levie, Parla Fela Meyer (birth ONG 1719 - died 17 Jan 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie, Payer David (birth 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Perle Mozes (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 3 OKT 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie, Pes Pescha Isaac Itsak (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie, Pes(che) Samuel Zanwil (birth 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Aron (birth 1626 Wittmund - died 1715 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Feibel Alexander Ziskind de Wit (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Feibel Aron v.Praag (died 4 Feb 1779 Leiden)
Levie, Philip Feibel Isaac Eizik (birth 1736 Eydels)
Levie, Philip Feibelman Levie Leib (birth 13 Jun 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Hartog de Leeuw (birth ONG 1763)
Levie, Philip Henoch (birth 1768 Oldenzaal)
Levie, Philip Joseph (died 14 Dec 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Peis Levie Leib Groen (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Peis Mozes (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Peis Mozes (birth 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Peis Salomon Shalom (birth 1728 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip Peis Samson
Levie, Philip Uri-Peis David (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie, Philip (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Prinsje Sprints (birth 1758 Altona - died 18 Nov 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Prinsje Sprintse (birth 1722 Amsterdam - died 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Abraham Koekoek (birth OKT 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Abraham (birth 1702 Hamburg - died 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Alexander Ziskind v.Emden (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 18 MRT 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Alexander (birth 1723 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Clara Gelle Salomon Zanwil
Levie, Rachel David (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 28 Nov 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel David (birth 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Isaac Eizik (birth 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Isaac (birth 1733 Londen - died 20 Jan 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Jeruchama (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 24 OKT 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Joseph Jozale Jonasson (birth ONG 1798 Rotterdam)
Levie, Rachel Levie Leib (birth 1774 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Michele Michela Jacob (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 24 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Mozes (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 18 Jul 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Abraham (birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla David (birth Sep 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Elias Elchanan (birth 1727 Koblenz - died 6 MEI 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Hartog Hirsch (birth 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Jacob (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 26 OKT 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Joseph Jozale (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Levie Liepman Dribbel (birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Mordechai v.Emden (birth 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla Samuel v.Praag (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 9 Jun 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Rechla (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 11 Nov 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Reichele Aron
Levie, Rachel Reichele Emanuel Menke Koekoek (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Salomon Zalman
Levie, Rachel Salomon (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Samuel (birth ONG 1765 - died 24 Feb 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel Valentijn Falk (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 14 Dec 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1700 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1732 Neurenberg)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 15 MRT 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 10 OKT 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1774 Enkhuizen - died 1810 Enkhuizen)
Levie, Rachel (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth ONG 1745 - died 29 Sep 1831 Rotterdam)
Levie, Rachel (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 4 Apr 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel (died 21 Aug 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rachel
Levie, Rachel
Levie, Raphael Joseph (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Raphael Samuel (birth ONG 1710)
Levie, Raphael
Levie, Rebecca Abraham Koekoek (birth 1780 Amsterdam - died 13 OKT 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Aron (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1733 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Hijman (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Isaac Eizik (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Isaac Itsak (birth ONG 1750 - died 25 Jan 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Isaac (birth 1724 Leeuwarden - died 1776 Rotterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Isaac (birth ONG 1744 Leeuwarden - died 22 MRT 1824 The Hague)
Levie, Rebecca Joel (birth 1740 Amersfoort - died 19 OKT 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Joseph
Levie, Rebecca Marcus Mordechai Groen (birth 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Meyer (birth ONG 1788 Maassluis - died 21 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Meyer (birth The Hague)
Levie, Rebecca Mozes (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Philip Uri-Peis (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Raanchi Isaac Itsak (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 10 Aug 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Salomon Zalman (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Samuel (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Simon (birth 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca Tobias (birth 1748 - died 8 Dec 1824 Rhenen)
Levie, Rebecca (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died 17 Jan 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 3 Sep 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died Aug 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca (birth Prague? - died 18 Feb 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rebecca
Levie, Rebecca
Levie, Rebekka Mozes
Levie, Rebekka Tanchum (birth ONG 1812 Winschoten - died 10 Jul 1902 Groningen)
Levie, Reijna Malka Jacob (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Levie, Reijna Mozes (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 24 Dec 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie, Reintje Reina Salomon (birth ONG 1743 Zwolle - died 14 Jun 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie, Reyna David Wagenaar wagene (birth 1778 Amsterdam - died 19 Dec 1847 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ribca Philip (birth 1669 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Blihm David (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Blim (birth 1720 Grunstadt)
Levie, Roosje Emanuel Koekoek (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 24 OKT 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Hijman (birth ONG 1798 Rotterdam)
Levie, Roosje Nathan (birth 1756 Bonn - died 5 Nov 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reitsche David? Henli (birth 1745 Koblenz)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Abraham (birth 1719 Landsburg - died 15 MRT 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Daniel Netanel Mulder (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 4 Sep 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Eliaser Leizer (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 27 MEI 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Isaac (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 10 Apr 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Jacob Jokeb (birth 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Salomon Zalman (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 4 MEI 1852 Rotterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche Zacharias Yissachar (birth 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 15 Jul 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Reizche (birth ONG 1745 - died 28 Feb 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Rodesh David (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 18 Jul 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Roza David (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Roza Mozes (birth 1710 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Salomon (birth 1759 Rotterdam - died 19 Nov 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje Simon (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 13 Aug 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje (birth 1739 Middelburg)
Levie, Roosje (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje (birth ONG 1747 - died 30 OKT 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje (birth ONG 1750 Leeuwarden - died 29 MEI 1789 Rotterdam)
Levie, Roosje (died 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie, Roosje (died MRT 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, Rosa David
Levie, Ruben Joseph Juzpe (birth 7 Sep 1770 Amsterdam - died 5 Feb 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ruben Meyer Zegel Sigal (birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 13 Sep 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ruben Mozes (died 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Ruben Spatts (birth 1665 Amsterdam)
Levie, Saartje (birth ONG 1761 Amsterdam - died 22 JunI 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie, Saartje
Levie, Salomon Abraham (birth 17 Feb 1783 Groningen)
Levie, Salomon David (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Eliazer (birth Hungary)
Levie, Salomon Isaac (birth 1737 Leeuwarden - died 1762 Rotterdam)
Levie, Salomon Kalman Andries Anshil (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Kalman
Levie, Salomon Samuel Levie Leib (died 4 MRT 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Shalom Kalman (birth ONG 1690 - died 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Shalom Levie Groen (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 27 Dec 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Shalom Levie Leib Groen (birth 14 Jun 1810 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Shlomo Hijman Chaim (birth Hamburg)
Levie, Salomon Shlomo Jacob (birth 1726 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Shlomo-Zalman Aron (birth 1698 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Shlomo-Zalman
Levie, Salomon Zadok Meyer
Levie, Salomon Zalman Adam Chaim (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Zalman Asser Penseelschrijver (birth MRT 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Zalman Isaac Itsak
Levie, Salomon Zalman Isaac (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Zalman Jacob Yoshua (birth 1694 Litsau)
Levie, Salomon Zalman Joseph (died Apr 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Zalman Philip Peis (birth 1741 Rotterdam)
Levie, Salomon Zalman Yechiel de Leeuw
Levie, Salomon Zalman (birth Hamburg)
Levie, Salomon Zalman
Levie, Salomon Zelig Lion (birth 9 Jun 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie, Salomon Zelig Mozes
Levie, Salomon? Anshil
Levie, Salomon (birth 1714 Winschoten)
Levie, Salomon (birth 1719 Freiburg)
Levie, Salomon (birth 6 MRT 1797 Werkendam)
Levie, Salomon
Levie, Samson Jeremia-Joseph (birth 1704 Doetinchem)
Levie, Samson
Levie, Samuel Andries (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Benjamin (birth 1776 Vlotho)
Levie, Samuel David (birth 1720 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Eliaser El'azar (birth 1724 Bieberach - Saksen)
Levie, Samuel Hartog Hirsch Italiaander (birth 20 Aug 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Isaac Itsak (birth Gogh)
Levie, Samuel Joseph Jozale v.Emden (birth 4 OKT 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Levie Arieleib
Levie, Samuel Nathan (birth 1757 Amersfoort)
Levie, Samuel Salomon Shlomo (birth 21 Apr 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Zanwil Aron (birth Dec 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Zanwil Elkan (died 3 Nov 1702 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel Zanwil Levie Leib (died Feb 1744 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel (birth 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie, Samuel
Levie, Samuel
Levie, Sara Abraham (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 27 Dec 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Abraham (birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 4 MRT 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Abraham (birth 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Abraham (birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam - died 21 OKT 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Daniel Netanel Mulder (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 31 Jul 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara David (birth 1701 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Elias v.Emden (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 6 Jul 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Eliaser (birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 3 MEI 1841 Weesp)
Levie, Sara Gershon (birth ONG 1735 Kronenburg - died 14 Apr 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Gompert (died VR 1782)
Levie, Sara Hartog Hirts (birth 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Hartog (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Isaac Itsak (birth 1706 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Isaac Itsak (birth 1732 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Jacob (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Jacob (birth ONG 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Jacob (birth ONG 1753 Amsterdam - died 8 Apr 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Jeremias (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Joel (birth 1752 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Joseph (birth 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Joseph (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 13 Nov 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Joseph
Levie, Sara Joseph
Levie, Sara Levie Babian (birth Jun 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Marcus (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 29 Jul 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Meyer
Levie, Sara Mozes (birth 1699 Amsterdam - died 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Mozes (birth 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Nachman
Levie, Sara Nathan (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Salomon Soesman (birth 1703 Amsterdam - died 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Samuel (birth 1711 Amsterdam - died 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Samuel (birth 1739 Hessen-Kassel - died 7 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Samuel
Levie, Sara Samuel
Levie, Sara Sera Asser Penseelschrijver (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Serche Simon Samson (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Serchi Mozes (birth 1710 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Serchi (died 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Sjeinche Salomon Zalman de Leeuw (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 30 Jul 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Sjeine Andries (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Sprints (birth 1695 Frankfurt - died 1730 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Theresia Dorothea Drezen Salomon Zalman (birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserla Barend Farli Tangom (birth 13 Apr 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserle Isaac Itsak (birth 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserle Isaac (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died MEI 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserle Joseph (birth 1732 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserle Levie Leib
Levie, Sara Tserle Mozes (birth ONG 1727 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserle Ruben (birth ONG 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tserle (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara Tsipor Sieperl David (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 26 Jul 1834 Deventer)
Levie, Sara? Edil Lijfers Leizer (birth 1702 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth 1695 Amsterdam - died 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth 1717 Gossmansdorf - died 7 Dec 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth 1746 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth Dodrecht?)
Levie, Sara (birth ONG 1747 - died 17 OKT 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth ONG 1760 Rotterdam - died 1799 Rotterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth ONG 1761 - died 30 OKT 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth ONG 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara (birth ONG 1787 Reusel)
Levie, Sara (died 29 OKT 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sara
Levie, Sara
Levie, Sara
Levie, Sara
Levie, Sara
Levie, Saul Jacob (birth 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie, Saul (birth ONG 1717 Litouwen)
Levie, Schoontje Mozes (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Mozes (birth 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche Abraham (birth ONG 1730)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche David (birth 1704 Genderen - died 30 MRT 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche David (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died 28 Sep 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche Isaac Eizik (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 25 Jul 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche Jacob Jokeb (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche Meshulam
Levie, Schoontje Sjeinche (birth Brielle)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeine Aron (birth ONG 1740)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeine Jacob (birth ONG 1778 Amsterdam - died 20 MRT 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeine Joseph Juzpe (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje Sjeine Joseph (birth ONG 1784 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje (birth 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie, Schoontje (birth 1761 Neuwied)
Levie, Schoontje (birth 1778 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1811 Vianen)
Levie, Schoontje (died Sep 1718 Amsterdam)
Levie, Selij Sara Tserle Samuel (birth 1736 Londen - died Jan 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie, Serle Eliaser (birth 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sheva Nathan
Levie, Shifra Mozes (birth ONG 1771 Mannheim - died 30 Jul 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sijtje Saartje Zische Victor (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 11 OKT 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simcha Levie Juda (birth Nov 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simon Ephraim v.Praag (birth 22 Feb 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simon Joseph Witsenhausen (birth 1748 Cleimmen - died 27 Sep 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simon Levie Leib Groen (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simon Samson Asser (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 5 OKT 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simon Shmaya Abraham (died 15 MRT 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie, Simon Simon Samson
Levie, Simon Zoesman Samuel (birth 1689 Amsterdam - died 9 Jun 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora Aron (birth 1702 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora Mozes (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 22 Jun 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora Samuel (birth 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora Tsipor Eliaser Leizer v.Emden (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 2 Jul 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora Tsiva Abraham (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 3 Jun 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died Sep 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora (birth 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora (birth 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sipora (birth 1786 Amsterdam - died 19 Aug 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie, Soetje (birth Rotterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sophia Samuel (birth Apr 1764 Lotharingen - died 30 Sep 1821 Rotterdam)
Levie, Sprientje Isaac (birth Amsterdam)
Levie, Sprints Jacob (birth ONG 1725 Hamburg?)
Levie, Sprints (died 3 Jan 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie, Sprintse Abraham (birth 1709 Hamburg - died 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Telsje Kalman (died Aug 1721 Amsterdam)
Levie, Tobias Meyer Roozeboom (birth 5 Dec 1791 Amsterdam - died 1 Nov 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie, Trijntje Treinche Nathan (birth 1705 Wees - died Aug 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Trijntje (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died Sep 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie, Uri Jacob (birth ONG 1640 - died 21 MEI 1686 Leeuwarden)
Levie, Uziel Mozes Kosman (birth 10 Nov 1778 Maarssen - died 18 MEI 1855 Maarssen)
Levie, Valentijn Falk Jacob (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 17 MEI 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie, Valentijn Philip Falk Mozes (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died 21 Apr 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vogel Joseph Juzpa (birth 1718 Mantenstein - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vogel Joseph (died 23 Dec 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vogeltje Fegle David (birth 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vogeltje Fegle David (birth ONG 1752 Germany - died 22 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vogeltje Fegle Gerrit Getschlig
Levie, Vrouwtje Abraham Aberle (birth The Hague)
Levie, Vrouwtje Aron (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 12 Aug 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Eliazer
Levie, Vrouwtje Fraadche David Obadya (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 7 Aug 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Fraadche David (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 26 Apr 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Fraadche Joseph Jozale (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 17 MRT 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Fraadche Philip Falk (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 21 Apr 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Fraadche (birth ONG 1737 Amsterdam - died 16 Jun 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche Benjamin (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 30 MEI 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche David (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 16 Nov 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche Joseph Jozale (birth Jan 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche Liepman (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche Meyer (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche Mozes (birth 1730 Wertheim)
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche Mozes
Levie, Vrouwtje Freidche (birth 1703 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Frida David (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died Dec 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Frumet Alexander Ziskind (birth 1707 Frankfurt)
Levie, Vrouwtje Frumet Jacob (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 30 Jun 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Frumet Marcus Meyer (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 6 Jun 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Frumet Salomon Zelig (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 24 MRT 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Frumet Salomon? Isaac
Levie, Vrouwtje Joost Josua
Levie, Vrouwtje Ruben (birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje Vogeltje Fegle Liepman (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth 1718 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth 1772 Hamburg)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth 1780 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth ONG 1739 Heusden - died 13 Nov 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth Rotterdam)
Levie, Vrouwtje (birth Rotterdamj)
Levie, Vrouwtje
Levie, Wendel Hendele Aron (birth 1626 Wittmund - died Sep 1695 Amsterdam)
Levie, Wife of Samuel (died Aug 1733 Amsterdam)
Levie, Wife of Zadok (died Jul 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie, Willemina Mozes
Levie, Wolf Elimelech (birth 1773 Emden)
Levie, Wolf Isaac Itsak
Levie, Wolf Joseph Jozale v.Emden (birth 15 Sep 1770 Amsterdam - died 20 Apr 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie, Wolf
Levie, Zacharias Yissachar Jacob (birth 1699 Prague)
Levie, Zadok Hijman Chaim Wit (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 2 OKT 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie, Zadok Levie Babian (birth ONG 1755)
Levie?, David Philip
Levie?, Elias Andries Anshil (birth 1729 Amsterdam)
Levie?, Mink Eliaser Leizer (birth ONG 1745)
Levie?, Salomon Zanwil Abraham (birth 1721 Amsterdam)
Levie?, Simon Jeremias (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 31 MEI 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Aijlamp, Gerson Hijman
Levie-Aijlamp, Jansje Jent Abraham Horloos Horologie (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland(er), Benjamin Salomon Shlomo (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died MRT 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland(er), Emanuel Benjamin (birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland(er), Emanuel Man Salomon Shlomo (birth 1698 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland(er), Hijman Chaim Benjamin (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Abraham Salomon (birth 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Benjamin Wolf Hijman Chaim (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 10 MRT 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Ester Hijman (birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Ester Pes Salomon Shlomo (birth 1695 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Hijman Chaim Salomon Shlomo (died 21 OKT 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Hijman Salomon (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 6 Apr 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Jacob Emanuel (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 24 MEI 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Jacob Koppel Salomon Shlomo (birth Apr 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Jacob Salomon Brandon (birth 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Jacob Salomon (birth 1693 Amsterdam - died 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Judic Gittele Benjamin (birth 1741 - died 31 MEI 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Michiel Yechiel Benjamin (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Michiel Yechiel Mozes (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Mozes Michiel (birth 20 Jan 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Mozes Salomon Shlomo (died 31 Jul 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Rachel Benjamin (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 25 Jun 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Rachel Hijman Chaim (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 10 Dec 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Rachel Michiel (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 27 Jul 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Salomon Emanuel (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 24 Dec 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Salomon Shlomo Jacob (died Aug 1711 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Salomon Zalman Hijman Chaim (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ameland, Tobias Tuvia Mozes (birth ONG 1730 - died 26 Jan 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Amelander, Ephraim Michiel Yechiel (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 26 Sep 1836 Amsterdam)
Levie-Amelander, Michiel Yechiel Ephraim (birth 3 Feb 1790 Amsterdam - died 16 Jun 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Amesfoort?, Abraham Levie Leib
Levie-Barklo, Gerrit Getschlig Mozes
Levie-Baumstein, Jacob Aron Puijmsteen (birth ONG 1739 Germany - died 12 MEI 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie-Beest, Elisabeth Sprints Salomon Shlomo v.Beets (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie-Beest, Salomon Shlomo Salomon Zalman v.Beets (birth 16 Nov 1781 Amsterdam - died 4 Dec 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie-Beest, Salomon Zalman Salomon Shlomo v.Beets (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam - died 21 MRT 1844 Amsterdam)
Levie-Berenburg, Emanuel Menachem-Mendele (birth Bernburg)
Levie-Berenburg, Mozes Emanuel Menachem (birth 1708 Barenburgh_Bernburg)
Levie-Berenburg?, Isaac Itsak Emanuel Mendele
Levie-Berklau, Abraham Mozes (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Borculo, Hindele Jacob (died MEI 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Borculo, Jacob Jokeb Mozes (birth Nov 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie-Borculo, Jacob Jokeb Mozes (died Feb 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie-Borculo, Levie Judaleib Jacob (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Levie-Borculo, Mozes Jacob (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 13 Nov 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Borculo, Mozes
Levie-Borculo, Sara Jacob Jokeb (birth 1702 Amsterdam)
Levie-Brandes, Sara Simon (birth ONG 1786 - died 12 Sep 1865 Harderwijk)
Levie-Brandes, Simon Simcha Samuel (birth ONG 1731 - died 20 Sep 1814 Harderwijk)
Levie-Breslau, David Levie Leib Herschel (birth 13 Aug 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Hartog Hirsch Levie Leib Herschel (birth 7 Feb 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Joseph Levie Leib Herschel (birth 16 Feb 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Marcus Mordechai Abraham Schneider (birth 1729 Amsterdam - died Feb 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Michel Levie Leib Herschel (birth 30 Jan 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Mozes Levie Leib Herschel (birth 12 OKT 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Salomon Zelig Levie Leib Herschel (birth 8 OKT 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Breslau, Trijn Levie Leib Herschel (birth 25 Dec 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Colijn, Betje Samuel (birth ONG 1756 Amsterdam - died 1 Jun 1840 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Batya Levie (birth Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Chrisje Jacob Jokeb (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Elias Leizer Mozes (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Eliaser Leizer Jacob Jokeb
Levie-Content, Eliazar Jacob (birth 9 Aug 1797 Middelburg - died 13 Jun 1863 Beverwijk)
Levie-Content, Hartog Hirsch Mozes v.d.Sluijs (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 2 MEI 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Heijman Jacob (birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam? - died 13 MRT 1839 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Isaac Itsak Levie Leib (birth Sep 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Jacob Elias (birth 1759 Middelburg - died 11 Feb 1829 Beverwijk)
Levie-Content, Jacob Jokele Levie Leib (birth Sep 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Jacob Mozes (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 1 MRT 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Judith Jetta Elias Leizer (birth Sep 1772 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Judith Jetta Mozes (birth 1730 Amsterdam - died 12 MRT 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Levie Isaac Itsak (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Marcus Mordechai Hartog Hirsch v.d.Sluijs (birth 22 Dec 1781 Amsterdam - died 18 OKT 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Marianne Jacob Jokeb (birth 1719 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mietje Jacob Jokeb (birth 1726 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mietje Mindele Mozes (birth ONG 1754 Amsterdam - died 13 Feb 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mozes Elias Leizer (birth 19 Jan 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mozes Hartog Hirsch v.d.Sluis (birth 19 Dec 1779 Amsterdam - died 28 Jun 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mozes Israel Leizer (birth 1702 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mozes Jacob Jokeb (birth 21 Sep 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Mozes Simon Shmaya (birth 31 Jul 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Roosje Reizche Simon Shmaya (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Simon Shmaya Mozes (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie-Content, Simon Simon Shmaya (birth 8 Apr 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Abraham Jacob Jokeb (birth 27 Feb 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Abraham
Levie-Courant, Eliaser Leizer Abraham (birth ONG 1736 Amsterdam - died 24 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Eliaser Leizer Michiel (birth 19 Apr 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Eliazer Leizer Jacob Korant (birth 24 Aug 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Ester Eliaser Leizer Krant (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Jacob Jokeb Marcus Mordechai (birth 31 OKT 1768 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Marcus Mordechai Abraham (died 22 Feb 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Marcus Mordechai Jacob Jokeb Korant (birth 22 OKT 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Salomon Shabtay Jacob Jokeb (birth 27 Feb 1804 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie-Courant, Simon Jacob Jokeb (birth 20 Jan 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Cousijn, Levie Salomon Zalman (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Cousijn, Machteld Malka Hijman Chaim (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 1854 Amsterdam)
Levie-Cousijn, Marcus Meyer Salomon Zalman (birth 1719 Amsterdam - died Sep 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Cousijn, Salomon Zalman Isaac?
Levie-Cousijn, Salomon Zalman Levie Leib (died 22 MRT 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie-Cousijn, Vogeltje Levie Leib (died 29 Apr 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Cousin, Mozes Alexander Sender (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Couzein, Clara Keile Alexander Sander (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie-Couzijn, Abraham Hartog Hirts (birth ONG 1770 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie-Couzijn, Eva Sheva Hartog Hirts Schoenlapper (birth 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Couzijn, Joseph Simon (birth MRT 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dam, Hartog Hirts Simon (died MRT 1699 Amsterdam)
Levie-Deits, Joseph David Duitz (birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dessau, Emanuel Mandele Aron (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 13 OKT 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dessau, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Wolf (birth 1734 Hamburg)
Levie-Desse, Jette Emanuel (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikchie, David Andries Anshil (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikchie, Levie David (birth Jan 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikchie, Salomon Zalman David (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 11 Nov 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Abraham Joseph Hazelip (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Alida Edil Salomon Shlomo Haselip (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 30 Jan 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Andries Asher-Anshil Jacob (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Anna Hendele Salomon Shlomo Hazelip (birth 1766 Amsterdam - died 11 OKT 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Aron Abraham (birth ONG 1790 Amsterdam - died 22 MRT 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Aron Jacob (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 21 Dec 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Bele Aron (birth 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Chaya Salomon Zelig (birth 17 Jan 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, David Joseph Hazemond (birth 29 Jul 1746 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, David Salomon Zelig (birth 6 Dec 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Eva Levie (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Isaac Andries Anshil (birth Feb 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Jacob Abraham (birth 1782 Amsterdam - died 1854 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Jacob Aron (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 7 Dec 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Jacob David Pakker (birth 1774 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Jacob David (died 6 MEI 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Jacob Salomon Zelig (birth 5 Aug 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Joseph David (birth 12 Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Joseph Jacob (birth 1713 Amsterdam - died 18 Apr 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Kaatje Chaya Andries (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Levie Abraham (birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam - died 5 OKT 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Levie Leib Aron (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 21 OKT 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Levie Salomon Zelig (birth 21 Aug 1751 Amsterdam - died 14 MEI 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Marcus Mordechai Joseph Hasemond (birth 3 Sep 1753 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Marianne Aron (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 20 Dec 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Mozes Aron (birth MRT 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Mozes Joseph (died 13 Apr 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Salomon Shlomo Isaac Eizik Hazelip (birth 14 Dec 1810 Amsterdam - died 1849 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Salomon Shlomo Joseph (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 16 Feb 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Salomon Zelig Jacob (birth 1719 Amsterdam - died 11 Sep 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Samuel Zanwil Jacob (birth 9 Feb 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Sara Jacob (birth 1722 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dikkie, Wolf Salomon Shlomo Hazelip (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 15 MEI 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie-Dotsch, Isaac Eizik Leman Lemel Dors (birth 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Abraham Simon Samson (died 15 Aug 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Aron Hartog Hirts
Levie-Drukker, Barend Ber Simon Samson (died 25 Sep 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Bele Simon Samson (birth 1698 Amsterdam - died 19 Nov 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Bregje Simon (birth 1732 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Casten Gershon Samuel (birth 1723 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Clara Gelle Mozes Mozus (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Clara Keile Simon Samson (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died Jan 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, David Simon (birth 1716 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Dina Mozes (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 1 Apr 1782 Maarssen)
Levie-Drukker, Elias Zoes Samuel (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 24 Jul 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Eliaser Leizer Samuel (birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 3 Sep 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Eliazar Samuel (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Ester Gerson (birth 1765 Emden - died 18 Jun 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Fijtje Eliazer (birth ONG 1761 Amsterdam - died 22 OKT 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Grietje Gitche Simon Samson (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Hartog Naftali-Hirts Levie Leib (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Hartog Naftali-Hirts Samuel (died 1726 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Hijman Chaim Salomon Zalman (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 13 Nov 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Hijman Chaim Simon Samson (birth 26 Nov 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Isaac Zekli Simon Samson (birth 28 Nov 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Jacob Jokeb Simon Samson (birth 30 Jun 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Joseph Samuel Kapper (birth Sep 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Judic Eliazer (birth ONG 1765 Amsterdam - died 24 MRT 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Levie Eliaser Leizer (birth 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Levie Hartog Hirts (birth 1 Feb 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Levie Leib Hartog Hirts (died 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Levie Marcus Mordechai (birth 1678 Amsterdam - died 22 MRT 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Levie Simon Samson Juwelier (birth 9 Feb 1754 Amsterdam - died 30 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Loeb Michiel (died 12 Feb 1808 Kassel)
Levie-Drukker, Marcus Mordechai Samuel (birth ONG 1735)
Levie-Drukker, Marcus Mordechai Samuel (died 4 Jun 1730 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Marcus Mordechai Simon Samson (birth 6 Aug 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Marum Michiel (died 17 Jan 1752 Kassel)
Levie-Drukker, Mata Samuel (birth ONG 1743 - died 25 Dec 1805 Kassel)
Levie-Drukker, Meyer Samuel Kapper (birth 16 Aug 1787 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Meyer Samuel Salomon (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 19 Feb 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Michiel Yechiel-Michel Levie Leib (birth ONG 1714 Amsterdam - died 31 Jan 1791 Kassel)
Levie-Drukker, Mozes Hartog Hirts (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died 24 Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Mozes Hartog Hirts (birth 2 JunI 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Mozes Marcus Mordechai (birth 1671 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Mozes Mozus Samson (died 23 Dec 1744 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Mozes Samuel Kapper (birth 3 Jun 1789 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1860 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, N.N. Samuel (died 1723 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Nathan Neta Samuel Kapper (birth 14 Apr 1791 Amsterdam - died 2 Jun 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Salomon Samuel Mozes Mozus (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 5 Jun 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samson Hartog Hirts (died 1739 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Elias Zoesman (birth 17 Jun 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Eliaser Leizer (birth 1770 Amersfoort - died 12 Jan 1843 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Hartog Hirts (birth 1698 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Levie Leib (birth 1703 Amsterdam - died 30 Nov 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Meyer Kapper (birth 2 MEI 1760 Amsterdam - died 10 OKT 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Meyer (died 9 OKT 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Mozes Mozus
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Simon Samson (birth ONG 1705 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1735 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel Simon Samson (died Sep 1709 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Samuel (died 1692 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Schoontje Sjeine Gerson (birth Jan 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Schoontje Sjeine Mozes Mozus (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 20 OKT 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Schoontje Sjeinele Marcus Mordechai (died 9 Jul 1739 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Simon Samson Marcus Mordechai (birth 1685 Amsterdam - died 4 OKT 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Simon Samson Mozes (birth ONG 1710 - died 14 Nov 1761 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Simon Samson Samuel Samuels (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 12 Jul 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Simon Samson Samuel (birth 1658 Amsterdam - died 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Simon Samuel Kapper (birth 15 Jan 1786 Amsterdam - died 29 OKT 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Simon Simon Samson (birth 19 Nov 1737 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Vrouwtje Freidche Mozes (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Vrouwtje Freidche Samuel (birth ONG 1730 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker, Vrouwtje Mozes Mozus (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Levie-Drukker?, Sara Samuel (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Levie-Emden, Alexander Ziskind Mordechai v.Embden (birth 20 Jul 1763 Amsterdam - died 10 Apr 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie-Emden, Rebecca Alexander Ziskind v.Embden (birth 12 Aug 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Fischman, Elias Hartog Hirsch (died 21 Jul 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Fles, Eduard Eliaser-Liepman Elkan (birth 1784 Leeuwarden - died 20 Sep 1844 Amsterdam)
Levie-Flesseman, Victor Avigdor Levie Leib
Levie-Franco, Levie Lemel Raphael Franken (birth ONG 1750 Mainstockheim - died 23 Apr 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Fransman, Bele David (birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 1856 Amsterdam)
Levie-Fransman, Jacob David (birth 23 Aug 1786 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Frenkel v.Fiorda, Isaac Eizik Lazarus El'azar-Ber (birth 1757 Furth)
Levie-Fruitman, Joseph Leendert Eliaser de Leeuw (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 23 MRT 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie-Gasse, Eva Simon Polak (birth 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Gasse, Joseph Simon Polak (birth 26 Apr 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie-Gasse, Manes Simon Polak (birth 4 MRT 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Gasse, Mozes Simon Polak (birth MRT 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Gasse, Sara Simon Gaasie
Levie-Gasse, Simon Mozes Gaasie Polak (birth ONG 1744)
Levie-Grin, Abraham Gerrit Gershon Groen (birth 31 Dec 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Abraham Salomon Shalom (birth ONG 1725 Amsterdam - died 20 Dec 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Gerrit Gershon Levie Leib Groen (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 17 Apr 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Gerrit Gershon Marcus Mordechai Groen (birth 6 Jun 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Grietje Nathan Groen (birth 1795 Amsterdam - died 13 Jul 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Jacob Nathan Neta Groen (birth 29 Jul 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Levie Nathan Neta Groen (birth 14 Feb 1788 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Levie Salomon Shalom (died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Marcus Mordechai Gerrit Gershon Groen (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Nathan Neta Levie Leib Groen (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 3 MEI 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Pinchas Nathan Neta Groen (birth 3 Jun 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Salomon Shalom Gerrit Gershon (died 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grin, Tobias Marcus Mordechai Groen (birth 24 MRT 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grinman, Hartog Hirts Abraham (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Grinman, Salomon Kalman Hartog Hirsch Bogaar(d) (birth 26 Dec 1757 Amsterdam - died 8 OKT 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Bonele Salomon Shalom Gerrits (birth Dec 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Debora Gerrit Gershon Groen (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 26 Sep 1813 Hoorn)
Levie-Groen, Gerrit Gershon Salomon Shalom Gerrits (birth 16 MEI 1767 Amsterdam - died 22 OKT 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Hanna Naatje Samuel Gerrits (birth 1805 Amsterdam - died 13 Sep 1840 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Judith Gittele Gerrit Gershon Gerrits (birth 1801 Amsterdam - died 19 OKT 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Levie Salomon Shalom Gerrit Gerrits (birth 27 Jan 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Salomon Shalom Gerrit Gershon Gerrits (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 29 Dec 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Samuel Salomon Shalom Gerrits (birth 20 Nov 1768 Amsterdam - died 12 OKT 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Groen, Shabtay Gerrit Gershon Gerrits (birth 9 Dec 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haag, Branca Brendele Jacob Jokeb (birth Amsterdam - died 6 Sep 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haag, Ester Abraham de Vries (birth 20 Feb 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haag, Hartog Hirts Abraham de Vries (birth 16 MRT 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haag, Isaac Itsak Jacob de Vries (birth 2 Apr 1766 Amsterdam - died 27 Jan 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haarbijtel, Abraham Israel (died 13 Jan 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haarlem, Jannetje Jent Michiel Yechiel (birth 1762 Haarlem - died 25 Jan 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie-Haarlem, Michiel Yechiel Israel Azriel (birth 1737 Haarlem - died 28 Aug 1765 Haarlem)
Levie-Hadmer, Alida Edil Simon (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hadmer, Brendele Simon
Levie-Hadmer, N.N. Simon (died 3 Jun 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hadmer, Simon Meyer (died MEI 1726 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hadmer, Sipora Shifra Simon (birth 1698 Amsterdam - died Jan 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Halberstat, Machiel Abraham Duijsend (birth ONG 1760 - died 31 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Aron Benedictus Goudsmit (birth 28 Dec 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Benedictus Mozes Goudsmit (birth 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Elchanan Mozes Goudsmit (birth 30 MRT 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Eliaser Leizer Mozes Goudsmit (birth 18 OKT 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Eva Chava Benedictus Goudsmit (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Isaac Itsak Joseph Goudsmit (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died OKT 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Isaac Itsak Mozes Goudsmit Goldsmit (birth 4 Dec 1767 Amsterdam - died 27 Jul 1839 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Joseph Isaac Itsak Goudsmit Goldsmit (birth Feb 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Joseph Levie Leib Goldsmit (birth 1695 Frankfurt - died 1 MRT 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Levie Isaac Itsak Goudsmit (birth 30 Jul 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Levie Joseph Goudsmit (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 18 OKT 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Meyer Isaac Itsak Goudsmit (birth 25 OKT 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Meyer Mozes Goudsmit (birth 15 Jan 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Mozes Abraham (birth ONG 1730 - died 19 Aug 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Mozes Benedictus Goudsmit (birth 24 MRT 1794 Amsterdam - died 11 Aug 1841 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Mozes Joseph Goudsmit (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 16 Feb 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hamel, Sara Mozes Goudsmit (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 18 Sep 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hes, Aron Salomon Shlomo
Levie-Hes, Rebecca Aron (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 21 Jul 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoenderman, Betje Pes Isaac (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Aron Jacob Posthumus (birth 3 Aug 1783 Amsterdam - died 17 Dec 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Beni Bracha Jacob Posthumus (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 28 Dec 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Jacob Jacob Posthumus (birth 9 MEI 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Jacob Liepman Posthumus (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 2 Apr 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Liepman Jacob Posthumus (birth 1774 Amsterdam - died 14 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Mietje Michela Jacob Posthumus (birth 1791 Amsterdam - died 2 Jan 1865 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Mozes Jacob Posthumus (birth 21 Nov 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizeman, Samuel Jacob Posthumus (birth 23 MEI 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizensocher, Aron Joseph Leving (birth 6 Dec 1791 Amsterdam - died 17 Jan 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hoizensocher, Joseph Aron Leving (birth 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie-Horlogemacher, Barend Berman Philip Feibel Costima (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Horlogemacher, Betje Beile Barend Berman Costima (birth 31 Aug 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Horlogemacher, David Barend Berman Costima (birth 31 Aug 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Horlogemacher, Hijman Chaim Barend Berman Costima (birth 22 Jun 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Horlogemacher, Joseph Meyer Roozeboom (birth 19 Apr 1781 Amsterdam - died 11 Nov 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie-Horlogemacher, Levie Joseph Roozeboom (birth 30 Aug 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hozenman, Eliaser Lazi Mozes Kouseband (birth 1737 Eijsinge - died 28 Aug 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hozenman, Jacob Eliaser Lazi Boekman (birth 4 Feb 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hozenman, Lea Eliaser Lazi Broekman (birth Apr 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hozenman, Mozes Eliaser Lazi B(r)oekman (birth 17 Nov 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hozensocher, Philip Feibel Aron (birth Sep 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Huhnerkoper, Abraham Mozes (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 25 Jul 1756 Amsterdam)
Levie-Hurwits, Gittel Isaac
Levie-Italiaander, Anna Channa Israel Azriel
Levie-Italiaander, Israel Azriel
Levie-Kan, Roelof Isaac Luijken (birth ONG 1766 - died 30 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Abraham Salomon Zanwil (birth 9 Jul 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Eliaser Liepman Moses (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Elkana Salomon Zanwil (birth 30 Aug 1754 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Joseph Jozale Salomon Zanwil (birth 25 Apr 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Mietje Mink Eliaser Liepman (birth 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Mozes Salomon Zanwil (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanes, Mozes
Levie-Kanes, Salomon Zanwil Mozes
Levie-Kanis, Jolle Joel Josua Heschel Kannes (birth 24 Nov 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Joseph Juzpe Meyer (birth 17 Jun 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Joseph Mozes Kannes (birth Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Josua Heschel Mozes Kannes (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 21 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Meyer Mozes (birth ONG 1765 Amsterdam - died 13 OKT 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Mozes Eliaser Liepman Kannes (birth 6 MRT 1741 Amsterdam - died 12 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Samuel Zanwil Meyer Canes (birth 17 Nov 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kanis, Vrouwtje Mozes Kannes (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 22 Jul 1847 Wageningen)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Abraham Levie Leib (birth 1712 Mannheim)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Abraham Lion Levie Karels (birth 8 MEI 1773 Amsterdam - died 14 Apr 1842 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Alexander Netanel Abraham Karelsen (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 1 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, David Abraham Karels (birth 16 Nov 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Ephraim Abraham Karels (birth 13 OKT 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Ephraim Levie Leib Karelsh (birth 6 Jul 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Hendele Abraham Karels (birth 23 Dec 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Hendele Levie Leib Karelsh (birth 3 Aug 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Jacob Levie Karelsh (birth 5 Jul 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Levie Abraham Karels (birth 25 OKT 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Levie Abraham Karelsh (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Mozes Alexander Netanel Karelsen (birth 27 Feb 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Sara Abraham Karelsch (birth 23 Dec 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Karlsruhe, Sara Serche Abraham (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kassel, Michiel Mozes (birth 1710 Koningsbergen)
Levie-Kesnich, Abraham Jacob Kesnar (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 4 Jan 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Barend Farli Abraham Kesnar (birth 20 Aug 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Barend Ferli Jacob (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 2 OKT 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Barend Yissachar-Farli Levie Leib (birth 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Barend Yissachar-Ferli Mozes (died 1728 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, David Jacob Notraal (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Elias Leizer Mozes (died 8 Jan 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Gelle Levie Leib (birth Sep 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Isaac Barend Ferli (birth OKT 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Isaac Itsak Levie Leib (birth ONG 1750 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Jacob Barend Ferli (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died 6 Jan 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Jacob Isaac Itsak (birth MRT 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Jacob Jokeb Elias Leizer (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 18 MEI 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Joseph Juzpe Barend Ferli (birth Apr 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Judith Jetta Barend Farli (birth 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Levie Barend Ferli (birth 10 Jun 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Levie Barend (birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Marianne Margalith Barend Yissachar-Ferli (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Mozes Barend Ferli (birth MRT 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Mozes Elias Leizer (birth 1 Sep 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Mozes
Levie-Kesnich, Philip Peis Abraham Kesnar (birth 24 Jun 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Philip Peis Barend Ferli (birth 23 Aug 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Raphael Barend Ferli (birth Sep 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Salomon Zalman Lion Leib Kesner (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Salomon Zelig Abraham Kesnar (birth 17 Aug 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Salomon Zelig Barend Ferli (birth 4 Nov 1770 Amsterdam - died 20 Jan 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Schoontje Sjeine Jacob Jokeb (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 9 Jan 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Schoontje Sjeine Jacob (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 25 Sep 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Schoontje Sjeine Salomon Zalman Kesner (birth 4 Apr 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Simon Barend (birth 1703 Amsterdam - died Jan 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kesnich, Wolf Jacob (died 18 Jan 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kirchlautern, Ester Levie Judaleib (died 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kleef, Aron Kosman (died 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kleef, Hijman Chaim Joseph Joel (birth 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kleef, Kosman Philip Feibel Costima (birth ONG 1770 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kleef, Philip Feibel Aron Kosman Costima (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kleef, Sipora Tsipor Philip Feibel Costima (birth 3 Jan 1781 Amsterdam - died 31 Jul 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koekoek, Betje Beile Mozes Colijn (birth 1799 Amsterdam - died 25 MRT 1839 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koekoek, Ester Pes Samuel (died 21 OKT 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koekoek, Marianne Gelle Abraham de Groot (birth ONG 1792)
Levie-Koekoek, Mozes Mozus Samuel Zanwil Colijn (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koekoek, Philip Peis Mozes Colijn (birth 1796 Amsterdam - died 16 Jun 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koekoek, Salomon Samuel (birth 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koekoek, Samuel Zanwil Mozes Mozus Colijn (birth 24 Jun 1811 Amsterdam - died 27 OKT 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kopernaas, Mozes Philip Peis Lappenman (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 17 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koppels, Abraham Meyer (birth 9 Aug 1805 Amsterdam - died 23 Jan 1839 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koppels, Marcus Mordechai Abraham Cappels (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Koppels, Meyer Abraham (birth 17 Aug 1764 Amsterdam - died 17 Jul 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kruyer, Joseph Jozale Salomon Zalman (birth 1 Apr 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kruyer, Mietje Salomon (birth 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kruyer, Mozes Salomon Zalman (birth 16 OKT 1759 Amsterdam)
Levie-Kruyer, Salomon Zalman Aron (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 26 Feb 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Langer, Marcus Meyer Meyer (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 3 Apr 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Abraham Mozes (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 14 OKT 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Abraham Salomon Shlomo (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Benedictus Mozes (birth 20 Jun 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Clara Gelle Salomon Shlomo (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 6 OKT 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Jacob Jokeb Marcus (died 29 Jul 1746 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Jacob Jokeb Mozes (birth 18 OKT 1753 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Joseph Jeis Mozes (birth 13 Feb 1745 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Judith Juttele Salomon Shlomo (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Levie Mozes (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1853 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Marcus Mordechai Abraham (birth 12 Jul 1810 Amsterdam - died 18 Nov 1850 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Marcus Mordechai
Levie-Lap, Marianne Mink Jacob Jokeb (birth 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Mozes Jacob Jokeb (birth 1717 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Rachel Salomon Shlomo (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 14 Nov 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Salomon Kalman Mozes (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 11 Feb 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Salomon Shlomo Marcus Mordechai (died 29 MRT 1736 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lap, Salomon Shlomo Mozes (birth 15 Sep 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lavino, David
Levie-Leeuwarden, Abraham Salomon Zalman (birth 29 MRT 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Elisabeth Beile Salomon Zalman (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 3 Jan 1832 Rotterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Ester Salomon Zalman (birth 8 Nov 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Ezechiel Yecheskel David Leons (birth ONG 1760 Rotterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Goedje Gitche Salomon Shlomo-Zalman (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 20 Nov 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Isaac Itsak Salomon Zalman (birth 25 Apr 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Jacob Isaac (birth 16 Jan 1749 Leeuwarden - died 25 MRT 1796 Rotterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Jacob Jokeb Salomon Zalman (birth 10 Jun 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Levie Leib
Levie-Leeuwarden, Levie Salomon Zalman Lapunie (birth 25 Aug 1776 Amsterdam - died 1 MRT 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Levie Salomon Zalman (birth 31 MRT 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Philip Peis Salomon Zalman Lapunie (birth 22 Jun 1780 Amsterdam - died 23 Aug 1840 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Rachel Rechla Salomon Zalman (birth 7 Jun 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Rebecca Jacob (birth 1781 Rotterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Salomon Shlomo David (birth ONG 1756 Rotterdam - died 25 Aug 1790 Rotterdam)
Levie-Leeuwarden, Salomon Zalman Levie (birth 1718 Rotterdam - died 18 OKT 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leeuwe, Levij Jacob Levee (birth ONG 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Leiden, David Aron v.Praag (birth 1771 The Hague)
Levie-Lemgo, Bele Samuel Goudsmit (birth 29 Jan 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Blim Samuel Goudsmit (birth Apr 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Ephraim Samuel Goudsmit (birth 23 Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Femmetje Vrouwtje Frumet Levie Judaleib Goudsmit (birth 1710 Lemgo - died 1 Dec 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Joseph Marcus Mordechai (birth 28 MEI 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Levie Leib Samuel Goudsmit (died 26 OKT 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Levie Marcus Mordechai (birth 8 Dec 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Marcus Mordechai Israel Israel-Arye (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 9 Aug 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Philip Liepman Samuel Goudsmit (birth 18 Nov 1764 Amsterdam - died 26 MEI 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Rachel Rechla Marcus Mordechai (birth 1778 Amsterdam - died 5 Nov 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Roosje Reizche Marcus (birth 19 OKT 1781 Amsterdam - died 24 MEI 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Samuel Levie Leib Goudsmit (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 1 Apr 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lemgo, Vrouwtje Freidche Marcus Mordechai (birth 19 Dec 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lor, Andries Salomon v.d.Stempel (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 16 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lor, Meyer Andries Anshil v.d.Stempel (birth 29 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Lor, Salomon Kalman Andries Anshil v.d.Stempel (birth 14 Jul 1811 Amsterdam - died 12 Sep 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Maarsen, Anna Channa Joseph (birth 1730 Maarssen - died 4 Jun 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Maarsen, Bele Joseph (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 11 Dec 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Maarsen, Clara Gelle Joseph (birth ONG 1729 Maarssen)
Levie-Maarsen, Hartog Hirsch Jacob Jokeb Rabbie (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 25 MRT 1844 Amsterdam)
Levie-Maarsen, Jacob Abraham Rebbie (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 6 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Maarsen, Joseph Abraham (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Maarsen, Joseph Samuel (birth ONG 1710 Maarssen)
Levie-Mal'ach, Levie Joseph (died 24 Jul 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Manheim, Roosje Reizche Meyer (birth 1791 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matje, Eliaser Leizer Jacob (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died MEI 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matje, Jacob Eliaser Leizer (birth 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matje, Jacob Isaac
Levie-Matrassemacher, Abraham Leendert Leizer Bas (birth 20 Jul 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matrassemacher, Andries Anshil Leendert Leizer Bas (birth 20 Jul 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matrassemacher, Eliaser Leendert Leizer Salomon Zalman Bas (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 14 Jul 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matrassemacher, Lion Eliaser Leizer Bas (birth 18 Aug 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Matrassemacher, Salomon Zalman Leendert Leizer Bas (birth 14 MRT 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mattenman, Levie Samson Shabtay v.d.Bokken (birth 27 Dec 1778 Amsterdam - died 1845 Amsterdam)
Levie-Meijerink, Sipora Tsipor Meyer (birth 1699 Amsterdam)
Levie-Melamed, Jacob Levie Arieleib Geleerd (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 25 OKT 1849 Amsterdam)
Levie-Melamed, Levie Arieleib
Levie-Melamed, Philip Pinchas Levie Arieleib Geleerd (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Abraham Joseph Juzpe Schmalkalden (died 1 Apr 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Michiel Schmalkalen (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 19 Dec 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Hijman Chaim Joseph Juzpe (died 12 Jul 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Judith Jetche Hijman Chaim (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 2 Nov 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Lea Michiel Yechiel Schmalkalen (birth 1702 Amsterdam - died 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Margaretha Gittele Abraham (birth 1771 Den Ham - died 18 OKT 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Michiel Yechiel Joseph Juzpe Schmalkalen (birth 1686 Amsterdam - died MRT 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Mozes Hijman Chaim (birth 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Mozes Michiel Schmalkalen (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died Aug 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Rachel Hijman Chaim (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Schoontje Sjeine Hijman Chaim (birth ONG 1781 Amsterdam - died 14 Jul 1821 Amsterdam)
Levie-Menist, Vogeltje Hijman (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Milchman, Marcus Mordechai Mozes Melkman Melker (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie-Miller, Marretje Mirjam Levie Leib (birth 1719 Amsterdam - died OKT 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Minist, Jacob Jokeb Michiel (birth 1717 Amsterdam)
Levie-Minist, Michiel Jacob Menist (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 29 Apr 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Molenman, Levie Leib Marcus Mordechai (died 26 Jun 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Molenman, Marcus Meyer Levie Leib v.Heeks (birth 1755 Frankfurt - died 18 Sep 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Monnikedam, Benjamin Wolf Philip Uri-Peis (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie-Monnikedam, Elias Leizer Philip (birth 1741 Monnikendam - died VR 1791)
Levie-Monnikedam, Jacob Eliaser Beffie (birth 1773 Monnikedam - died 8 Feb 1844 Wildervank)
Levie-Montanhes, Abraham Chaim
Levie-Montesinos, David Abraham (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Montezinos, Abraham Jacob (birth 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Moscou, Judic Joseph (birth ONG 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Andries Asher Daniel Netanel Goldeket (birth Sep 1761 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Anna Daniel Joseph Goldeket (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 31 Jul 1841 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Daniel Netanel Eliaser Zoes Goudeket (birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 24 MEI 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Daniel Netanel Joseph Goldeket (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Daniel Netanel Marcus Mordechai Goldeket (birth 12 Jan 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Eliaser Zoesman Joseph Goldeket (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 19 Jul 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Levie Eliaser Zoes Goudeket (birth 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mulder, Marcus Mordechai Daniel Netanel Goldeket (birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1839 Amsterdam)
Levie-Muller, Anna Channa Joseph (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Muller, Hartog Hirsch (birth 17 Jul 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Mutsenmacher, Ruben Levie Leib (died 15 MEI 1774 Amsterdam)
Levien, Wolf (birth Halberstadt)
Levie-Naskitel, Isaac Itsak Ruben Witbaard (birth 14 Feb 1808 Amsterdam)
Levien-Jacobson, Jacob Abraham (birth ONG 1805 Rotterdam)
Levie-Norden, Kalman Klonimus Salomon Shalom (died 24 Jan 1731 Amsterdam)
Levie-Okem, Salomon Kalman David (birth 1724 Amsterdam - died 5 OKT 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Pakketreger, Aron Salomon Shlomo (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died Jan 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Pakketreger, Salomon Shlomo Aron (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 11 Feb 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Paruykenmacher, Abraham Isaac Eizik Dribbel (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 10 Aug 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Paruykenmacher, Isaac Eizik Raphael Dribbel (birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Paruykenmacher, Salomon Zelig Isaac Eizik Dribbel (birth 3 Feb 1765 Amsterdam - died 4 Apr 1828 Amsterdam)
Levie-Paruykenmacher, Schoontje Sjeine Abraham (birth 5 MRT 1811 Amsterdam - died 11-17 Sep 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Polak, Valentijn Yoshua-Falk (died Jul 1712 Amsterdam)
Levie-Porcelijnkramer, Abraham Salomon Shlomo (birth 1744 Sittard)
Levie-Postelijn, Samuel Zanwil David (died 28 OKT 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Postelijn, Vrouwtje Freidche Samuel Zanwil (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Pouer, Judith Leman
Levie-Preger, Benjamin Wolf Ephraim v.Praag (birth 11 Jul 1765 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Preger, Celia Emanuel v.Praag (birth 1716 Amsterdam - died OKT 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Preger, Emanuel Menachem-Menke Mozes v.Praag (died 1757 Amsterdam)
Levie-Preger, Mozes Emanuel Menke v.Praag (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 7 MEI 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Preger, Rachel Rechla Emanuel Menachem-Menke v.Praag (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 7 Jan 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie-Preger, Samuel David v.Praag (birth 1727 Prague - died 3 Jul 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Bartje Hartog Prins Boekverkoper (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Betje Rebecca Hartog Hirts Prins Boekverkoper (birth 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Grietje Judith Gitche Hartog Hirts Prins Boekverkoper (birth 11 Apr 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Hartog Hirts Simon Prins Boekverkoper (birth ONG 1740 - died 22 Apr 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Judith Gitche Mozes Papier (birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 9 MEI 1857 Leeuwarden)
Levie-Prins, Meintje Mink Simon (birth 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Mozes Simon Papier (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 22 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Simon Hartog Hirts Prins Boekverkoper (birth 15 OKT 1778 Amsterdam - died 11 Jul 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Simon Hartog Naftali (birth 1692 Amsterdam - died 1762 Amsterdam)
Levie-Prins, Simon Mozes Papier (birth 16 MEI 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Pruikemacher, Sara Eliaser Leizer Smaaje (birth 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Pruikemaker, Clara Keile Isaac Eizik Dribbel (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 7 MEI 1861 Amsterdam)
Levie-Pruikemaker, Gompert Gumpel Barend Ber (birth 1734 Amsterdam)
Levie-R"D, Benjamin Wolf Salomon Sho'el de Jong (birth 24 MRT 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-R"D, Salomon Sho'el Benjamin Wolf de Jonge (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1815 Leerdam)
Levie-Raps, Abraham Benjamin Rappes (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 22 Jun 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rebbe, Clara Jacob (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 5 OKT 1853 Amsterdam)
Levie-Reis, Mata Jacob Jokeb
Levie-Renz, Aaltje Hitsele Hartog Hirts (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Levie-Riche, Jacob Jekli Philip Peis (birth Dec 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie-Riche, Mozes
Levie-Riche, Philip Peis Mozes (birth 1732 Riesauw - died 31 MEI 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Riche, Rachel Philip Peis (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 2 Nov 1841 Amsterdam)
Levie-Riche, Tobias Tuvia Mozes Polak (birth 1739 Amsterdam?)
Levie-Roeach, Aaltje Hala David Beest (birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 9 Aug 1844 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Abraham Joseph (birth 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Barend Farli David Boleman (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Barend Ferli Simon (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 20 Nov 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Bele Simon (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 2 Jan 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Branca Brendele Salomon Zalman Beest (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, David Isaac (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, David Joseph (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1805 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, David Mozes (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 21 Sep 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, David Simon (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Eliaser Leizer David (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 14 Jun 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Ester David (birth 1738 Amsterdam - died Sep 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Hanna David (birth Aug 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Hijman Chaim Barend Ferli Wind (birth 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Isaac Itsak David
Levie-Roeach, Isaac Joseph (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 21 Apr 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Isaac Salomon v.Beets (birth 29 Apr 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Isaac Simon (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1809 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Jacob David Simon v.d.Wind (birth 1778 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Jonas Simon (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Joseph Isaac (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 30 Jan 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Joseph Simon Rouach (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Levie Isaac Rootjes (birth 6 Jun 1777 Amsterdam - died 16 Nov 1853 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Marianne David v.d.Winden (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 27 Sep 1857 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Marianne David (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Marretje David (birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 29 OKT 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Meyer Joseph (birth 17 Feb 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Mietje Isaac (birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 21 MEI 1837 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Mozes Barend Farli Boleman (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 3 Jun 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Mozes David (died Sep 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Mozes Hijman Chaim Wind (birth 20 Aug 1810 Amsterdam - died 2 Aug 1844 Norg_Veenhuizen)
Levie-Roeach, Mozes Isaac (birth 26 Jun 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Rebecca Mozes Boleman (birth 24 MRT 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Salomon Shlomo Joseph (birth 5 Nov 1740 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Salomon Zalman David (died 9 OKT 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Salomon Zalman Joseph (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Sara Isaac (birth 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Sara Mozes Boleman (birth ONG 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Simon Isaac Itsak (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roeach, Vogeltje Fegle Jacob v.d.Wind (birth 4 Jul 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Akiba Emanuel Mendele Asscher (birth 12 Jan 1784 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Aron Asser Anshil (birth ONG 1732)
Levie-Rofe, Aron Emanuel Mendele Asscher (birth 2 Jan 1782 Amsterdam - died 8 Feb 1846 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Asser Anshil Emanuel Mendele Asscher (birth 5 Sep 1764 Amsterdam - died 11 Feb 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Asser Anshil Samuel Mendele (birth 1699 Amsterdam - died Jul 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Benjamin Emanuel Mendele Asscher (birth 13 Dec 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Benjamin Jochem v.Emden (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Dorothea Asser (birth 1722 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Emanuel Mendele Asser Anshil Asscher (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 4 Apr 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Emanuel Mendele Asser Anshil Asscher (birth Jun 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Ephraim Emanuel Mendele Asscher (birth 22 MEI 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Hartog Hirts Alexander Ziskind v.Emden (birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Heijman Chaim Asser Anshil Asscher (birth Dec 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Henriette Hitsele Jochem Jochanan v.Emden (birth Apr 1774 Amsterdam - died 22 MEI 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Jochem Jochanan Asser Anshil (birth ONG 1733 - died Sep 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Jochem Jochanan Benjamin v.Emden (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 2 Aug 1826 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Jochem Jochanan Benjamin v.Emden (birth 30 MEI 1802 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Kosman Jochem Jochanan v.Emden (birth 24 Feb 1785 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Marianne Mirjam Emanuel Asscher (died 2 Nov 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Mozes Salomon Meshulam Asscher (birth 27 Apr 1799 Amsterdam - died 3 Apr 1881 Leeuwarden)
Levie-Rofe, Rachel Rechla Jochem Jochanan v.Emden (birth Jul 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Rebecca Jochem Jochanan v.Emden (birth OKT 1778 Amsterdam - died 1848 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Salomon Meshulam Emanuel Mendele Asscher (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 19 Sep 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Samuel Hartog Hirts v.Emden (birth Feb 1724 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rofe, Sara Drese Asser Anshil (birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roit, Aron Hartog Hirsch Leving (birth 14 Apr 1807 Amsterdam - died 14 OKT 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roit, Sara Aron Kouseman Leving (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1842 Amsterdam)
Levie-Roiter, Benjamin Aron (birth Apr 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Abraham Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth 1 Jan 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Abraham Wolf de Jonge (birth 19 Jan 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Benedictus Elias Eitje (birth ONG 1751 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, David Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth 17 Jan 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Elias Eli' Elias Eli' Eitje (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 2 Sep 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Elias Eliaser Leizer (birth 11 Feb 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Eliaser Leizer Elias (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 23 Aug 1803 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Eva Heva Elias Eitje (birth Jan 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Fegle Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth 29 Nov 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Hijman Jacob-Chaim Magnus Man Fleur (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 10 MRT 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Isaac Itsak Wolf de Jong (birth 3 Jul 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Jacob Jokeb Benjamin Wolf de Jong (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 12 Dec 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Jacob Jokeb Wolf de Jong (birth 21 Jul 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Judith Elias (birth 1747 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Lea Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth 25 Nov 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Mozes Kosman Elias (died VR 1802)
Levie-Rotterdam, Mozes Kosman Simon Levinord (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Salomon Shlomo Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth 24 MRT 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Sara Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth Sep 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Wolf Jacob Jokeb de Jong (birth 2 Nov 1774 Amsterdam - died 18 Jul 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rotterdam, Zadok Elias Eitje (birth 1801 Amsterdam - died 8 Aug 1849 Amsterdam)
Levie-Ruach, Sara Tserle David (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rusje, Marianne Mirjam Meyer Drees (birth 27 Jul 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Rusje, Meyer Salomon Drees
Levie-Scheyer, Mozes Nathan Schuijer (birth 20 MRT 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Scheyer, Nathan Daniel Yechiel Schuijer (birth 1742 Frankfurt - died 16 Aug 1808 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schieler, Marianne Merle Nathan Silas (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 14 Feb 1855 Appingedam)
Levie-Schieler, Matje Mata Nathan Sieles (birth 1782 Amsterdam - died 1 MEI 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schieler, Meyer Salomon Zundel de Jongh (birth 6 Jan 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schlizer, Marianne Mirjam Levie Leib (birth 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schlizer, Roosje Reits Hartog Hirsch v.d.Sluis (birth 16 Jun 1784 Amsterdam - died 30 OKT 1835 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schmalkalden, Joseph Juzpa Isaac (died 27 Jul 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schmalkalden, Marcus Meyer Joseph Roeg (birth 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schmalkalden, Meyer Samuel Roeg (birth 31 Jan 1784 Amsterdam - died 29 Jul 1836 Utrecht)
Levie-Schmalkalden, Samuel Joseph Roeg
Levie-Schmalkalden, Samuel Marcus Meyer (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schneider, Marcus Mordechai Abraham Soldeer (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schneider, Roosje Reizche Marcus Mordechai Soldeer (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 9 Sep 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schnitsel, Abraham Benedictus Snitsler (birth 23 Jan 1778 Amsterdam - died 11 Jan 1831 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schnitsler, Abraham Salomon Zalman (died 5 Feb 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schnitsler, Femmetje Frumet Mozes (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1847 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Abraham Aberle David Obadya (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 12 Jul 1801 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Barendje Peyer Joel (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Hijman Chaim Israel (died 12 Aug 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Isaac Itsak Raphael Zwartverver (birth ONG 1777 Amsterdam - died 26 MRT 1842 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Isaac Itsak
Levie-Schoelapper, Joel Barend Yissachar-Ber (died Sep 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Joseph Abraham Aberle Kurk (birth 10 MEI 1790 Amsterdam - died 14 MEI 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Joseph Raphael Swartverver (birth 1780 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Levie Joel Kerkhoff (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 12 Apr 1825 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Meyer Joel (birth 23 Nov 1751 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoelapper, Meyer Raphael (birth 14 Feb 1787 Amsterdam - died 30 Jul 1862 Norg_Veenhuizen)
Levie-Schoelapper, Roosje Reizche Joel (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 18 Jan 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoenlapper, Israel Isserle Hijman Chaim de Bruin (birth ONG 1757 - died 30 MRT 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schoenlapper, Rebecca Hijman Chaim (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwarzer, Benjamin Bendit Abraham (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died MEI 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwarzer, Joseph Jozale-Jeis Abraham (died OKT 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwarzer, Salomon Shalom Joseph Jeis (birth MRT 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwarzer, Salomon Zalman Abraham Swart (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 11 Dec 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwarzer, Wolf Joseph Jeis (birth Jul 1743 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwelim, Benjamin Jacob (birth 1699 Amsterdam - died 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwerents, Elias? Jesaya Yoshua Meyer (birth 1704 Posenouw - died Jul 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwerents, Eliaser Leizer Jesaya (birth Jun 1766 Amsterdam)
Levie-Schwerents, Joseph Jesaya (birth Aug 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Segal(son?), Joseph Levie Leib Savelson (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 12 OKT 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Segal(son?), Levie Joseph Savelson (birth ONG 1759 - died 24 OKT 1829 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shaplach, Nathan Mozes (birth Schopfchs - died 15 Jan 1802 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shekel, Abraham Mozes de Jong (birth 23 MEI 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shekel, David Salomon Shlomo de Jong (birth 1 Sep 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shekel, Gerrit Gershon Mozes de Jong (birth 5 OKT 1808 Amsterdam - died 17 OKT 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shekel, Mozes Salomon de Jong (birth 31 Jan 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shekel, Salomon Shlomo Abraham de Jong (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 21 Jun 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Shekel, Salomon Zelig Salomon Shlomo de Jong (birth 8 Jul 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Sluis, Elias Elchanan Samuel
Levie-Sluizer, Abraham Eliaser Leizer Content (birth 15 Nov 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Smaaje, Marretje Mirjam Simon Shmaya (birth 1671 Amsterdam - died 1727 Amsterdam)
Levie-Snitsler, Louisa Lea Mozes Snitselaar (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 1 Jan 1830 Amsterdam)
Leviesteen, Hanna Emanuel (birth ONG 1803 Buuren)
Leviesteijn, Hester Emanuel (birth 1808 Buuren - died 15 Aug 1884 Maassluis)
Leviestein, Emanuel Moses
Levie-Stokvis, Joseph Jozlen Levie Leib (died Jan 1742 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Abraham Levie (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1807 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Aron Salomon (birth ONG 1692 Amsterdam - died Sep 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Hartog Hirts Samuel Tas (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 18 Sep 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Judic Sedike? Jent Levie Leib (birth 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Salomon Zalman Samuel (birth 26 MEI 1750 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Samuel Aron (birth 1723 Amsterdam)
Levie-T"Sh, Simon Aron (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 10 Jun 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Abraham Salomon (birth ONG 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Emanuel Mendele Salomon Zalman Tas (birth 10 Feb 1786 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1820 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Hartog Hirsch Jacob Jokeb Tasch (birth 23 Sep 1810 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Jacob Jokeb Levie Leib Tas (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1822 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Jacob Jokeb Salomon Shlomo-Zalman (birth 1694 Amsterdam - died 1758 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Jacob Jokeb Salomon Zalman Tas (birth 28 Nov 1781 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Leendert Eliaser Levie Leib Tas (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 25 Nov 1838 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Levie Jacob Tas (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 12 MRT 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Marretje Margalioth Gola Jacob Jokeb (birth 1725 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Mozes Jacob Jokeb (birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 9 Nov 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Salomon Zalman Jacob Jokeb (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tabakspinner, Salomon Zalman Levie Leib Tas (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 1 Nov 1814 Amsterdam)
Levie-Tas, Schoontje Sjeine Salomon Zalman Tabakspinder (birth 1778 Amsterdam - died 24 Nov 1842 Amsterdam)
Levie-v.Amesfoort, Hartog Hirsch Lammert Lemel
Levie-v.Berlijn, Edil Abraham (birth ONG 1710 Berlijn - died MRT 1741 Amsterdam)
Levie-v.Berlijn, Jetje Jeresh Abraham (birth 1723 Berlijn - died MEI 1763 Amsterdam)
Leviev.Coevorden, Eva (died 15 Aug 1810 Groningen)
Levie-v.Dam, Isaac Aron (birth 1694 Dam)
Levie-v.Gelder, Jonas Samuel
Levie-v.Gelder, Nathan Jonas (birth ONG 1746 Harderwijk - died 23 MRT 1829 Harderwijk)
Levie-v.Glogau, Hartog Hirsch (birth Glogau)
Levie-v.Glogau, Levie Hartog Zwi-Hirsch (birth 1754 Kloks [=?Glogau] - died 31 MRT 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie-v.Glogau, Mozes Hartog Hirsch v.d.Water (birth 1759 Langsberg - died 17 MRT 1820 Leiden)
Levie-v.Harmelstein, Anna Hindele Levie Judaleib (birth 1708 Amsterdam)
Levie-v.Opstein, Jacob Hartog Zwi (birth 1689 Lutske)
Levie-Vellenman, Abraham Samuel Zanwil (birth 1 Dec 1787 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Andries Anshil Aron (birth 15 Jun 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Aron Levie Leib (birth ONG 1745 - died 17 Sep 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Asser Abraham
Levie-Vellenman, Asser Samuel Zanwil (birth 17 Jan 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Isaac Eizik Asser Kroeze (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1832 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Joseph Salomon Zanwil Kroeze (birth 2 Aug 1789 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Mozes Samuel Zanwil (birth 28 Apr 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Salomon Zelig Samuel Zanwil Croese (birth 26 Jan 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vellenman, Samuel Zanwil Asser (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 20 Sep 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Victoria, Abraham Jacob Italiaander (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 9 Dec1736 Amsterdam)
Levie-Victoria, Jacob Abraham Italiaander (birth 1683 Amsterdam - died Sep 1723 Amsterdam)
Levie-Victoria, Mordechai Abraham Italiaander (birth 1677 Amsterdam - died Feb 1719 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vischschraper, Bele Abigael Biena Levie Leib (birth 1782 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vries, Hijman Chaim Isaac Itsak (birth 2 Sep 1798 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vries, Isaac Salomon (birth 1761 Rotterdam - died 7 OKT 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie-Vries, Rosette Isaac (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wassertreger, Abraham David Mezritsch (birth 24 Dec 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wassertreger, Barend Ber David Mezritsch (birth 2 Aug 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wassertreger, David Barend Ber Mezritsch (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 23 Jan 1813 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wassertreger, Isaac Itsak David Mezritsch (birth Aug 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wassertreger, Jacob David Mezritsch (birth 1 Jan 1777 Amsterdam)
Levie-Waterman, Vogeltje Fegle Levie Kerkhoff (birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wezep, Clara Keile Mozes de Jong (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1845 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wezep, Henriette Gitche Mozes de Jong (birth 1779 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Aaltje Eddel Hartog Lemon (birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Abraham Elias Ries (birth 1699 Hamburg)
Levie-Wiener, Abraham Elias Schnitsel (birth 9 Apr 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Abraham Mozes Schnitsel (birth 1712 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Abraham Mozes Schnitsler (birth 20 Jan 1760 Amsterdam - died 3 Jan 1819 Rotterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Barend Ber Mozes Schnitsel (birth Amsterdam - died 1744 Enkhuizen)
Levie-Wiener, Barend Ber Samuel Zanwil Ries (birth 1737 Hamburg - died 23 Feb 1786 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Benedictus Marcus Mordechai Schnitsel (birth ONG 1730 - died 22 MEI 1797 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Benedictus Pinchas Mozes Schnitsler (birth Apr 1755 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Clara Gelle Koppel Hartlooper v.Weenen (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 31 Jul 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, David Mozes Schnitsel (died MRT 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Duifje Teipche Samson Gaauwlooper v.Weenen (birth 30 Apr 1790 Amsterdam - died 16 Apr 1833 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Elias Abraham Ries (birth 1748 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Elias Liepman Schnitsel (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 8 Jun 1818 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Elias Ries
Levie-Wiener, Eliazer Leizer Israel Azriel Snitselaar (birth 4 Jul 1747 Amsterdam - died 28 MEI 1824 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Emanuel Menke Mozes Schnitsler (birth 28 OKT 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Ester Abraham Schnitsel (birth 1743 Enkhuizen - died 25 Apr 1811 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Ester Benedictus Schnitsel (birth 5 Apr 1760 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Ester Liepman Schnitsel (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 19 Aug 1812 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Ester Mozes Snitsler (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 20 Jan 1841 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Eva Abraham Schnitsel (birth ONG 1739 Enkhuizen - died 1819 Nijmegen)
Levie-Wiener, Eva Mozes (birth 1705 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Hartog Hirsch Leman
Levie-Wiener, Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Samuel Zanwil Ries (birth 1739 Hamburg - died 10 MRT 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Hijman Chaim Mozes (birth 1713 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Isaac Itsak Koppel Hardtlooper v.Weenen (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 1 Jun 1819 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Isaac Itsak Mozes Schnitsler (birth 3 Feb 1767 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Isaac Itsak Samson Gaauwlooper v.Weenen (birth 9 Jul 1792 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Isaac Zekli Samson Gaauwlooper v.Weenen (birth 6 Feb 1783 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Israel Azriel Elias Schnitsel (birth 29 Jun 1804 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Israel Azriel Mozes (birth 1703 Amsterdam - died 1763 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Jacob Hartog Hirsch Ries (birth 25 Nov 1773 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Joseph Elias Snitsler (birth 21 Aug 1806 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Joseph Israel Azriel Schnitsel (birth Feb 1749 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Joseph Mozes Schnitsler (birth 1701 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Joseph Samson Gaauwlooper v.Weenen (birth 12 Jun 1781 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Joseph Samuel Zanwil Ries (birth 26 Jun 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Juda Barend Ber Ries (birth ONG 1770)
Levie-Wiener, Judith Jettele Barend Ber Ries (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Koppel v.Weenen
Levie-Wiener, Lea Hartog Lemon (birth 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Levie Abraham Schnitsel (birth 1747 Enkhuizen - died 1822 Nijmegen)
Levie-Wiener, Levie Hartog Hirsch Ries (birth 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Liepman Elias Schnitsel (birth 10 Apr 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Liepman Mozes Schnitsel (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 17 Dec 1774 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Liepman Mozes Schnitsler (birth 18 Apr 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Lion Leib Elias Schnitsel (birth 20 Aug 1788 Amsterdam - died 1842 Kenten-Bergheim/Erft)
Levie-Wiener, Marcus Mordechai Benedictus Schnitsel (birth 25 Apr 1771 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Marcus Mordechai Mozes Schnitsel (birth ONG 1706)
Levie-Wiener, Marianne Mirele Hartog Hirsch Leman (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1827 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Marianne Mirjam Mozes Schnitsler (birth 16 Apr 1765 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1830 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Marretje Schnitsel (birth 1744 Enkhuizen - died 1825 Enkhuizen)
Levie-Wiener, Matje Abraham Schnitsel (birth 1754 Enkhuizen - died 22 MRT 1834 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Meyer Abraham Schnitsel (birth Dec 1749 Enkhuizen)
Levie-Wiener, Mirjam Israel Azriel Schnitsler (died 11 MEI 1793 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Mozes Abraham Schnitsel (died 15 Feb 1728 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Mozes Elias Snitsler (birth 18 Dec 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Mozes Israel Azriel Schnitsler (birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1816 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Mozes Joseph Schnitsler (died 17 MRT 1791 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Mozes Liepman Snitsler (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 4 MRT 1795 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Philip Peis Mozes Snitsler (birth 24 Jan 1772 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Samson Koppel Gaauwlooper v.Weenen (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1817 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Samuel Zanwil Barend Ber Ries (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1842 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Samuel Zanwil Levie Leib Ries (birth 26 Dec 1790 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Samuel Zanwil Ries
Levie-Wiener, Sientje Elias Schnitsel (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Simon Simcha Elias Schnitsel (birth 22 Nov 1799 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Sipora Liepman Schnitsel (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1796 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Sophia Shifra Barend Ber Ries (birth 1778 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Sophia Tsipor Hartog Hirsch Ries (birth 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Wiener, Vrouwtje Freidche Benedictus Schnitsel (birth 7 Jun 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zanb, Hartog Hirsch Marcus Meyer (birth 2 Jun 1776 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zanb, Israel Azriel Marcus Meyer (birth 9 Dec 1770 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zanb, Marcus Meyer Mozes (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 3 Jun 1800 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zanb, Moshe Marcus Meyer (birth 21 Aug 1765 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zanb, Salomon Zalman Marcus Meyer (birth 2 Apr 1768 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zanb, Shneor-Netanel Marcus Meyer (birth 8 Feb 1775 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zetser, Abraham Jacob Jokeb (birth 1706 Amsterdam - died Jul 1769 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zetser, Jacob Jokeb Mozes
Levie-Zetser, Sara Jacob Jokeb (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died Aug 1764 Amsterdam)
Levie-Zuckerle, Andries Asher
Levie-Zuckerle, Roosje Asher (died Jun 1773 Amsterdam)
Levi-Hamburg, Meerle Andries Snapperts (died 15 MRT 1761 Amsterdam)
Levij, Aaltje Alexander (birth ONG 1792 Utrecht)
Levij, Aaron (birth ONG 1753 Lippenrode - Germany)
Levij, Abraham Salomon (birth 17 Feb 1802 The Hague)
Levij, Antje Emanuel (birth ONG 1749 - died 9 OKT 1814 Rotterdam)
Levij, Clara Izaak
Levij, Daniel Jacob (birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam)
Levij, Debora Philip (birth 1742 Rotterdam - died 26 Nov 1811 Rotterdam)
Levij, Edward (birth Dec 1812 Hamburg)
Levij, Froukje Marcus (birth 1767 - died 15 Jul 1856 Leeuwarden)
Levij, Hanna (died 28 Aug 1832 Amsterdam)
Levij, Henriette Gittele Hartog Hirsch (birth ONG 1815 Suriname)
Levij, Hijman Joseph (birth ONG 1791 Rotterdam)
Levij, Isaac Levie (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Levij, Isaac Lion (birth ONG 1805 Halberstadt)
Levij, Jeltje Marcus de Vries (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 15 MRT 1863 Leeuwarden)
Levij, Jonas Ephraim Dresde (birth 30 OKT 1819 Utrecht - died 2 Feb 1902 Rotterdam)
Levij, Judic Elias (died 27 Jun 1781 Maarssen)
Levij, Judik Beer (birth ONG 1794 Doetinchem - died 31 Jul 1872 Goor)
Levij, Judith Mordechaij (birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam - died 25 Jul 1886 Steenwijk)
Levij, Leentje
Levij, Levie Mozes (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam)
Levij, Mietje David (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam)
Levij, Nathan (birth 14 MRT 1802)
Levij, Peres Perets Hartog Hirsch (died 27 Jan 1808)
Levij, Rachel Henoch (birth 1765 Oldenzaal - died 30 MRT 1843 Amsterdam)
Levij, Rebecca (died 24 Nov 1806 Zwolle)
Levij, Rebecca
Levij, Rosa Meyer (birth ONG 1801 Stadt Lohn - Prussia)
Levij, Salomon
Levij, Salomon
Levij, Sara Salomon (birth 25 Aug 1798 Wageningen)
Levij, Sara (birth Rotterdam)
Levij, Sara
Levij, Schoontje Joseph
Levij, Sientje Schoontje
Levijn, Pincus Selig (birth ONG 1805 Kurnik - Prussia)
Levijsohn, Henrietta (birth 1793 Frankfurt)
Levijssohn, David Henry (birth 1805 Rotterdam)
Levijssohn, Henry Hartog
Levijssohn, Sally (birth 1792 Rotterdam)
Levijt, Beletje Hartog (birth ONG 1804 Rotterdam)
Levijt, Sara Hartog (birth ONG 1798 Gouda)
Levin, Jacob Jokeb Meyer Israel-Meyer
Levin, Meyer (birth Kopenhagen)
Leving, Anna Levie Liepman (died 4 Jan 1796 Amsterdam)
Leving, Machdelina Malka Joseph (birth 25 Aug 1804 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1844 Amsterdam)
Leving, Mozes Joseph (birth 11 Apr 1783 Amsterdam)
Leving-Levie, Naatje Nucha Joseph (birth 6 Dec 1791 Amsterdam - died 20 Jan 1847 Amsterdam)
Leving-Levie, Rachel Aron (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 5 Sep 1832 Amsterdam)
Leving-Levie, Rosette Rachel Rechla Joseph (birth 18 Feb 1782 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1843 Amsterdam)
Levinord, Telle Simon (birth ONG 1759 Amsterdam - died 26 Nov 1819 Amsterdam)
Levinson, Alexander (birth ONG 1768)
Levinson, Betje (birth ONG 1806 Bergen Op Zoom)
Levinson, Isaac (birth Bergen Op Zoom)
Levinson, Johanna (birth ONG 1797 Greitswald - Swedish Pommeren, died 27 Jul 1854 Zierikzee)
Levinson, Levi (birth Bergen Op Zoom)
Levison, Abraham Levi (birth ONG 1787 Uithoorn)
Levison, Betje Bliem Meyer (birth ONG 1781 - died 15 MRT 1816 Utrecht)
Levison, Ester (birth 21 MEI 1811 Middelburg)
Levison, Goedje Gitche Mozes (birth 22 Dec 1809 Amsterdam)
Levison, Hesje Meyer (birth ONG 1792 Utrecht - died 5 Nov 1852 Utrecht)
Levison, Jacob Meyer (birth ONG 1801 Utrecht - died ONG 1843)
Levison, Joseph Meyer
Levison, Juda Meyer (birth ONG 1793 Utrecht - died 1 Nov 1833 The Hague)
Levison, Meyer Juda (birth ONG 1757 - died 28 Nov 1836 Utrecht)
Levison, Mozes Levi (birth ONG 1788 Uithoorn)
Levison, Naatje (birth ONG 1801 - died 10 Jun 1829 Amsterdam)
Levison, Salomon Isaac (birth ONG 1787)
Levison, Sara Mozes (birth ONG 1819 Uithoorn)
Levison, Sophia Mozes (birth ONG 1818 Uithoorn)
Levissen, Abraham Salomon (birth ONG 1795 Leiden)
Levissom, Eva (birth 13 OKT 1798 Leiden)
Levisson, Cato (birth ONG 1801 Rotterdam?)
Levisson, Israel Salomon Shabtay (birth ONG 1789 Leiden)
Levisson, Leentje (birth ONG 1793 Leiden - died 15 Sep 1853 Rotterdam)
Levisson, Levij Salomon (birth ONG 1804 Leiden)
Levisson, Mathijs (birth Jan 1798 Leiden)
Levisson, Mietje (birth 27 Jan 1802 Leiden - died 25 Sep 1843 Maassluis)
Levisson, Mozes Levie Liepman (birth 21 MRT 1760 Leiden - died 20 Feb 1802 Leiden)
Levisson, Mozes (birth ONG 1785 Leiden - died 17 Dec 1842 Rotterdam)
Levisson, Pieternelletje Abraham
Levisson, Rebecca Abraham (birth ONG 1787 Bodegraven - died 21 Sep 1861 Leiden)
Levisson, Sallij Shabtay Israel (birth ONG 1842 Amsterdam - died 1 Dec 1914 Amsterdam)
Levisson, Salomon Shabtay Levi Liepman-Elieser (birth 16 Apr 1758 Leiden - died 2 Feb 1834 Rotterdam)
Levisson, Tobias Israel (birth ONG 1830 Amsterdam - died 10 Jan 1853 Amsterdam)
Levits, Moses (birth ONG 1802 Amersfoort - died 21 Jan 1875 Amersfoort)
Levy, Moyse (birth Antwerpen)
Levyssohn, Joseph Henry (birth 1800 - died 4 MRT 1883 Arnhem)
Lewijt, Hartog Isaac
Lewijt, Mozes Hartog (birth ONG 1805 Rotterdam)
Lewijt, Sara Hartog (birth ONG 1798 Gouda)
Lewit, Saul Jonas (birth ONG 1749 Amsterdam - died 29 MRT 1823 Amsterdam)
Lezer, Bettien Meyer (birth 14 Feb 1816 Assen)
Lida, Channa David (died 17 Apr 1747 Amsterdam)
Lidt, Sara Marcus
Lieberman, Mozes Israel (birth ONG 1782 Buuren - died 4 Jun 1812 Amsterdam)
Lieberman, Mozes Israel (birth Utrecht)
Liebman, Lea Abraham (birth ONG 1709)
Liebman, Marianne Mirjam Abraham (birth 1710 Halberstadt - died 1756 Amsterdam)
Liebman, N.N. Abraham (died 1732 Amsterdam)
Liefman, Judith Levij (birth ONG 1749 Kaldenkirchen - died 4 Dec 1828 Medemblik)
Liefman, Liefman Alexander (birth 1815 Winschoten)
Liefmans, Clara Abraham (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Liefmans, Levie Liepman (birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam)
Liefmans, Salomon Liepman (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam - died 27 Feb 1840 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Abraham Levie (birth Feb 1768 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Branca Breinche Levie (birth 1723 Meerse)
Liepman, Branca Sprints Philip (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1811 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Duifje Teibche Philip (birth 1753 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Duifje (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 1826 Hoorn)
Liepman, Ester Lion (birth ONG 1774 - died 13 Feb 1839 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Ester Philip (birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 25 Jul 1783 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Ester (birth ONG 1737 The Hague - died 18 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Ester (died MRT 1742 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Eva Chava Levi (died 29 Nov 1773 Leiden)
Liepman, Eva Chava (birth ONG 1710)
Liepman, Eva Chava (died 1759 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Eva Levie (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1824 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Hartog Hirts (birth 1751 Halberstadt)
Liepman, Isaac Itsak Levie (birth MEI 1774 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Israel Abraham (birth 1688 Berlijn)
Liepman, Jacob Eliaser (birth 1737 Hofgeismar)
Liepman, Judith (died 1751 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Marianne Merle Levie (birth 10 OKT 1759 Amsterdam - died 11 MRT 1790 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Mozes Levie (birth 1731 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Naatje Knendele Levie (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1797 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Rebecca (birth ONG 1745 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1824 Haarlem)
Liepman, Sara Levie (birth 1738 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Vrouwtje Fraadche Salomon (birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 27 Feb 1794 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Wife of (died 1784 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Wife of (died 30 Aug 1716 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Wife of (died 4 MRT 1805 Amsterdam)
Liepman, Wolf
Liepmann, Aron Abraham (birth 1818 Emden)
Liepman-Schachne, Maria Levie (birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 1764 Amsterdam)
Liepman-Shachne, Alexander Sender Levie (died 1760 Amsterdam)
Liepman-Shachne, Wife of (died 1729 Amsterdam)
Liepman-Shachne?, Vrouwtje Zacharias (died 1776 Amsterdam)
Lierens, Barend Benedictus Levie (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam - died 28 MEI 1830 Amsterdam)
Lierens, Debora Levie (birth 1785 Amsterdam)
Lierens, Hanna Levie (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam - died 1 Nov 1858 Haarlem)
Lierens, Hartog Leman (birth ONG 1784 Amsterdam - died 23 OKT 1831 Amsterdam)
Lierens, Joseph Juda (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam)
Lierens, Mietje Levie (birth 1798 Amsterdam)
Lieveman, Elias Benni Bendit Mechanicus Wing (birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam - died 6 MEI 1839 Amsterdam)
Lieveman, Joseph Benni Bendit Mechanicus (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam - died 29 Apr 1840 Amsterdam)
Lievendaal, Eva Mozes
Lijdesdorf, Joseph Juzpe Raphael (birth ONG 1752 - died 6 MRT 1820 Weesperkarspel)
Lijdesdorff, Isaac Itsak Raphael (birth ONG 1760 - died 8 Feb 1833 Amsterdam)
Lijmer, Abraham Jacob Koppel (birth 30 OKT 1804 Amsterdam)
Lijmer, David Jacob Koppel (birth 26 Nov 1807 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1835 Amsterdam)
Lijmer, Pinchas Jacob Koppel (birth 28 Apr 1802 Amsterdam - died 2 Feb 1820 Amsterdam)
Lijmer, Pinchas
Lijmer, Sara David (birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam)
Lijmer-Levie, David Wolf (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam)
Lijmer-Levie, Isaac David (birth ONG 1826 Amsterdam)
Lijmer-Levie, Wolf David (birth ONG 1825 Amsterdam - died 7 Jul 1896 Amsterdam)
Lijtsen, Lea Meyer Speelman (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam - died 1867 Amsterdam)
Lijva, Eliza Salomon
Likadorschneider, Betje Pes Simon Sine Brat (birth 1786 Amsterdam)
Likadorschneider, Clara Kler Simon Sine Brat (birth 1786 Amsterdam)
Likadorschneider, Simon Sinai David Brat (birth 1749 Flotton - died 12 Jan 1821 Amsterdam)
Lilech, Abraham Levie Leib (birth 1740 Frankfurt)
Limb(o)urg, Emanuel Man Gershon (birth METZ - died 1815 Amsterdam)
Limburg, Anna David (birth 1769 Limburg - died 18 Apr 1821 Amsterdam)
Limburg, Jacob Elkan (birth ONG 1822 The Hague)
Limburg, Jonas Yona-Yecheskel Andries Anshil (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 20 Dec 1823 Amsterdam)
Limburg, Kaatje Jonas Aandagt (birth 1774 Amsterdam)
Limoeneman, Anna Jacob
Limoeneman, Emanuel Menke Levie Leib Kwietser (birth 24 Jan 1776 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1817 Amsterdam)
Limoeneman, Hijntje Hendele Levie Kwietzer (birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 10 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Limoeneman, Levie Emanuel (birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1800 Amsterdam)
Limoeneman, Levie Zacharias Yissachar (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 14 Dec 1800 Amsterdam)
Limoeneman, Samuel Zanwil Levie Fruijtkoper (birth 1759 Amsterdam)
Limoeneman, Zacharias Yissachar Levie Leib Fruijt (birth ONG 1771 Amsterdam - died 6 Nov 1821 Amsterdam)
Limoenenman, Eliaser Leizer Aron Bronkhorst (birth ONG 1763 - died 22 MEI 1830 Amsterdam)
Limoenenman, Hartog Hirts Asser Ebers(t) (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 23 Sep 1821 Amsterdam)
Limoenenman, Joseph Juda Levie Elieser-Liepman Auerhaan (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1804 Amsterdam)
Limoenenman, Juda Mozes Auerhaan (birth 23 Feb 1805 Amsterdam)
Limoenenman, Levie David Tevle Frenkel Aufpasser (birth ONG 1776 - died 18 Sep 1831 Amsterdam)
Limoenenman, Meyer Mozes Citroen (birth Westerborg)
Limoenenman, Mozes Juda Auerhaan (birth 1780 Amsterdam)
Limoenensocher, Emanuel Menke Jacob (birth 1717 Curt_Limburg - died Aug 1773 Amsterdam)
Linde, Rebecca Isaac (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 27 Sep 1820 Amsterdam)
Linden, Matje Mata Isaac Itsak (birth 1784 Amsterdam)
Linden, Nathan Philip (birth 1753 Lidham)
Linden, Philip Peis Nathan (birth 1 Jan 1782 Amsterdam)
Linden, Wolf Isaac (birth ONG 1764 - died 31 MEI 1839 Amsterdam)
Linder, Israel Leizer Jacob Linda
Ling, Frances (birth ONG 1761 - died 18 OKT 1845 St.Alban Woodstr, London)
Lingen, Benjamin Wolf Elieser Leizer (birth ONG 1740 Hilversum)
Lingen, Elieser Leizer Nathan
Lingen, Nente Elieser Leizer (birth ONG 1741 Hilversum)
Linneburg, Esther Philip Bottenheim (birth Hamburg)
Linneman-Levie, Abraham Mozes
Linneman-Levie, Zelie Zelda Abraham (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 11 Dec 1799 Amsterdam)
Linnewiel, Abraham Gompert Levie (birth 1733 Frankfurt)
Linse, Eva Salomon (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam)
Linse-Levie, Elias Salomon Shlomo (birth 11 Aug 1791 Amsterdam)
Linse-Levie, Hartog Hirsch Salomon Shlomo (birth 20 Apr 1793 Amsterdam - died 1873 Amsterdam)
Linse-Levie, Levie Salomon (birth 31 MRT 1807 Amsterdam)
Linse-Levie, Salomon Shlomo Abraham (birth 1751 Metz - died 17 Jun 1820 Amsterdam)
Lint, Jacob Isaac (birth ONG 1769 Amsterdam - died 15 OKT 1818 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Bele Boele Jacob (birth 1775 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Betje Pessie Jacob (birth 1791 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Daniel Gedalya Samuel Metz (died 7 Dec 1790 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Hartog Hirsch Jacob (birth Sep 1774 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Hartog Hirts Mozes Metz (birth 29 MRT 1778 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Jacob Alexander Sander Sender (birth ONG 1744 - died 16 Jan 1827 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Meyer Jacob (birth 1780 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1848 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Mozes Samuel Metz (birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 19 Aug 1808 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Saartje Jacob (birth ONG 1783 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Samuel Daniel Gedalya Metz (birth 24 OKT 1760 Amsterdam - died 31 Aug 1814 Amsterdam)
Linteman, Sander Sender Jacob (birth ONG 1778 Amsterdam - died 29 Dec 1847 Amsterdam)
Lintheim, Sara Joseph Juzpe (birth 1780 Amsterdam - died ONG 1827)
Lints-Cohen, David Levie Juda-Moshe (birth 1695 Linz - died Jan 1747 Amsterdam)
Lints-Cohen, Gracia Kres David (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 14 MRT 1826 Amsterdam)
Lintum-Drukker, Levie David (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 1781 Amsterdam)
Lintz-Cohen, Vrouwtje Frumet David (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1795 Amsterdam)
Linz, Sara Sprints Joseph? Meyer (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Lion, Bernard Barend Ber Wolf (birth ONG 1751 - died 19 OKT 1842 Amsterdam)
Lion, Cato Salomon
Lion, Isaac Heijman (birth ONG 1803 - died 2 Jun 1815 Amsterdam)
Lion, Jacob Jokeb Levie Leib (birth ONG 1780)
Lion, Levie Benedictus (birth ONG 1786 Hoorn - died 13 Jan 1826 Haarlem)
Lion, Malca Andreas (birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam)
Lion, Marianne Jacob (birth ONG 1810 Zaandam)
Lion, Mietje Levie (birth 1791 Amsterdam)
Lion, Roosje Levie
Lion, Sander (birth 1695 Groenlo)
Lion, Sophia Marcus (birth ONG 1788 Maastricht)
Lioni, Betje Pessi Levie (birth 1790 Amsterdam - died 23 MRT 1834 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Branca Branie Brendele Levie (birth 1788 Amsterdam - died 4 OKT 1825 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Cato Margalith Eliaser Leizer (birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam - died 15 Aug 1834 Amsterdam)
Lioni, David Eliazer (birth 8 Sep 1806 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Eliaser Leizer Isaac
Lioni, Eliaser Leizer Joseph (birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam - died 7 Nov 1834 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Eliaser Leizer Levie (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 1 Jan 1846 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Hartog Hirsch Isaac (birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam - died 21 MEI 1842 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Helena Eliazer (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Isaac Eliazer (birth 5 Jan 1814 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Joseph Eliaser (birth 26 MRT 1803 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Joseph Levie Lion (birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 17 Apr 1827 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Judic Joseph (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Levij Isaac (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1834 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Marianne Isaac (birth 26 MEI 1816 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Naatje Levie (birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Samuel Joseph (birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam - died 17 MEI 1825 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Sara Eliaser Leizer (birth 1 MEI 1810 Amsterdam - died 1 OKT 1811 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Sara Joseph (birth 5 Jan 1810 Amsterdam - died 1847 Amsterdam)
Lioni, Sara Levie (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 8 Jun 1814 Amsterdam)
Lip, Mozes Marcus (birth ONG 1778 - died 14 Aug 1851 Amsterdam)
Lip, Rachel Mozes (birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam)
Lip, Sara Mozes (birth ONG 1818 Amsterdam)
Lip, Vogel Jacob (birth 1786 Amsterdam - died ONG 1814)
Lipman, Samuel Philip (birth ONG 1796 London)
Lippman, Rachel (birth ONG 1815 Luxemburg)
Lippschutz, Andries Anshil Israel (birth 5 Jul 1811 Amsterdam)
Lippschutz, Bracha Salomon Shlomo
Lippschutz, Jachet Israel (birth 17 MEI 1809 Amsterdam - died 14 Jun 1812 Amsterdam)
Lippschutz, Josua Yoshua Salomon Shlomo (birth 1787 Neuwied)
Lippschutz, Meyer Salomon Shlomo (birth 1783 Neuwied - died 6 Nov 1811 Amsterdam)
Lippschutz, Salomon Shlomo (birth Neuwied)
Lipschits, Levie Joseph
Lipschits, Mariana (birth ONG 1837 Twello)
Lipschits, Salomon Shlomo Meyer (birth 28 Dec 1809 Amsterdam)
Lipschutz, Salomon Mordechai
Lissa, Aron Joseph Polak (birth 25 Feb 1782 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Barend Ber
Lissa, Bele Bonele David (birth 1748 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Betje Hartog (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Lissa, David Barend Ber (birth 1717 Amsterdam - died 5 OKT 1794 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Debora (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam - died 4 Dec 1837 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Grietje Gittele David Snoek (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 6 MEI 1821 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Hanna Levie (birth ONG 1814 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Hartog Hirsch Wolf (birth ONG 1753 - died 10 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Hyacinthe (birth ONG 1819 The Hague)
Lissa, Joseph David (birth 1757 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Josua Hartog (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Klaartje Lion (birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Levie David (birth 27 Jan 1760 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Lion Leib Hartog Hirsch (birth 1786 Amsterdam - died 1864 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Marianne Hartog (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Mozes (birth ONG 1757 Lissa - Poland - died 15 MEI 1847 The Hague)
Lissa, Samson Joseph (birth 1730 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Samuel Joseph (birth 15 Jan 1792 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Wijsman Berman Hartog Hirsch (birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam - died 1847 Amsterdam)
Lissa, Wolf Hartog (birth 1789 Amsterdam)
Lissauer, Abraham David (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1832 Amsterdam)
Lissauer, Barend Jacob (birth ONG 1828 Amsterdam)
Lissauer, Betje Blihm Samuel (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam - died 1854 Amsterdam)
Lissauer, Betje Meyer (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam - died 11 MEI 1840 Amsterdam)
Lissauer, Levie Abraham (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Lissauer, Salomon Samuel Klisser (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam)
Lissaur, David Meyer (birth 22 Apr 1795 Amsterdam)
Lissaur, Joseph Abraham (birth 21 Apr 1806 Amsterdam)
Lissaur, Mozes Abraham (birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam - died 10 Feb 1840 Amsterdam)
Lisse-Levie, Mietje Mindele Mozes (birth 1787 Amsterdam - died 3 Jul 1841 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Aaltje Ella Wolf (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1834 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Abigael Fegle David (birth ONG 1729 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Abraham Barend Ber Trompetter (birth MEI 1775 Amsterdam - died 14 Aug 1815 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Abraham Trompetter (died 30 OKT 1763 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Andries Anshil Jacob Garf (birth 23 Dec 1787 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Anna Channa Barend Ber Trompetter (birth 27 MRT 1765 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Anna Levie Trompetter (birth 1782 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Barend Ber Abraham Trompetter (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 26 MRT 1809 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Barend Ber Philip Feibel Trompetter (birth 23 Sep 1810 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Barend Ber Salomon Zalman Dreese (birth 19 Dec 1803 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Bele Joel Dreese (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1815 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Beletje Mozes (birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam - died 16 Apr 1818 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Beletje Philip (birth ONG 1772 - died 1 Apr 1828 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Betje Perla Joseph (birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 16 OKT 1811 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Branca David (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 29 Apr 1767 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Clara Philip Hartog (birth 1787 Amsterdam)
Lisser, David Abraham Lissaur (birth 20 Dec 1789 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1843 Amsterdam)
Lisser, David Alexander
Lisser, David Jacob (died Feb 1729 Amsterdam)
Lisser, David Lissaur
Lisser, David Samuel Lissauer (birth Sep 1799 Amsterdam - died 12 MEI 1879 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Eliaser Leizer Barend Ber Trompetter (birth 19 MRT 1763 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Ester David (birth 1717 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Eva Chava Salomon Zalman (birth Dec 1783 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Gerrit Gershon Salomon Zalman Dreese (birth 12 Jun 1807 Amsterdam - died 4 Nov 1819 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Gerson Joel Dreese (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 16 Nov 1841 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Hartog Hirsch Marcus Mordechai (birth 2 Jun 1797 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Hartog Hirsch Philip Feibel Lesser (birth 24 Apr 1773 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Hartog Philip (birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam - died 16 Feb 1824 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Isaac Eizik Hijman Polk (birth 1772 Lissa - died 13 Jan 1837 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Jacob Abraham Lissaur (birth 19 Nov 1794 Amsterdam - died 27 Jul 1848 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Jacob Marcus Mordechai (birth 11 Jul 1794 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Jacob Salomon Kalman Garf (birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 16 MEI 1816 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joel Gerson Dreese (birth 21 MEI 1786 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joel Gerson (birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 4 Sep 1780 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joel Salomon Zalman Dreese (birth 25 Jun 1800 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joseph Aron Polak (birth 12 Feb 1809 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joseph Barend Ber Trompetter (birth MRT 1758 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joseph David (birth 1757 Lisse - died 6 Jun 1805 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Joseph Juzpe Philip Feibel Trompetter (birth 29 Dec 1808 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Judith Jetche Mozes Hamburg (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1820 Hoorn)
Lisser, Levie Abraham Trompetter (birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1809 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Levie Samuel Klisser (birth 28 MEI 1795 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Lucas Lekish Gerson Dreese (birth 17 Aug 1801 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Marcus Mordechai Philip Liepman (birth ONG 1766 - died 4 Apr 1826 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Marianne Merle Joseph Polak (birth 1785 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Meyer David Lissaur (birth 1765 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Mietje Mindele Barend Ber Trompetter (birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 1824 Hoorn)
Lisser, Mozes David (birth ONG 1751 Amsterdam - died 14 Dec 1817 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Mozes Levie Leib Hamburg (birth 1732 Hamburg)
Lisser, Nathan Isaac Eizik Polk (birth 5 Apr 1811 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Philip Feibel Barend Trompetter (birth 27 Sep 1778 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Philip Feibel Hartog Hirsch (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1812 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Philip Feibel Hartog Hirts (birth ONG 1740 - died 14 MEI 1813 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Philip Liepman
Lisser, Prinsje Sprints Philip Liepman
Lisser, Rachel Rechla David (birth 1724 Amsterdam - died 6 MEI 1787 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Rachel Reichele David (birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 22 Feb 1793 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Salomon Kalman Jacob Jokeb (birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 17 MRT 1790 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Salomon Marcus (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Salomon Zalman Gerson Dreese (birth 8 Sep 1787 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Salomon Zalman Joel Dreese (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 5 Sep 1834 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Salomon Zalman Wolf (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 4 Jul 1796 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Samuel David Lissauer (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1833 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Samuel Philip (birth ONG 1771 - died 21 Nov 1821 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Sara Barend Ber Trompetter (birth 1775 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Sara David (birth 1728 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Sara Joel Dreese (birth 1766 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Sara Philip Feibel Lesser (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1857 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Sara Sera Joel Dreeze (birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1836 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Simon Salomon Kalman (birth Feb 1774 Amsterdam)
Lisser, Wolf Salomon (died 20 Sep 1778 Amsterdam)
Lisser-Levie, Mozes Hartog Hirsch (birth 1753 Amsterdam)
Lit, Marianna Jonker (birth ONG 1810 Rotterdam)
Lit, Salomon Zalman Isaac Itsak (birth Weinheim - died 24 MEI 1799 Rotterdam)
Littau, Judith Gitche Jacob (birth 1682 Amsterdam)
Littwak, Abraham Juda (birth 14 Aug 1799 Amsterdam)
Littwak, Juda (birth 1764 Lidwek Polen - died 14 Jan 1836 Amsterdam)
Littwak, Matje Juda (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Lob, Hartog Jacob (birth 2 MEI 1812 Amsterdam)
Lob, Isaac Jacob (birth 12 Apr 1814 Amsterdam)
Lob, Jacob Jokeb Isaac Itsak (birth ONG 1781 Tilchene - near Warsaw)
Lob, Marianne Levie (birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam)
Lob, Marianne Salomon (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam)
Lob, Rebecka Jacob (birth 29 Dec 1815 Amsterdam)
Lob, Sara Isaac (birth 1800 Fielingshausen - Prussia)
Lobatto, Ruiel Cohen (birth ONG 1814 Amsterdam)
Lobbeg, Gerrit Getschlik Abraham Lubbig (birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 1828 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Betje Bloeme Blihm Samuel (birth 1805 Amsterdam - died 3 Nov 1831 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Grietje Gittele Samuel (birth 22 Apr 1810 Amsterdam - died 22 Jun 1889 Rotterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Isaac Itzig Jacob
Lob-Cohen, Isaac Salomon Samuel (birth 4 Jul 1802 Amsterdam - died 13 Aug 1772 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Levie Isaac Itsak (birth 22 Jul 1764 Amsterdam - died 26 Dec 1838 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Matje Mirjam Samuel (birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam - died 6 Apr 1857 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Roosje Reitse (birth 1807 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1849 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Sally Selle Salomon Zalman (birth 28 Apr 1811 Amsterdam - died 3 Jul 1854 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Salomon Zalman Isaac Itsak (birth 1781 Filene - died 9 Apr 1847 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Salomon Zalman Isaac (birth 16 Dec 1767)
Lob-Cohen, Samuel Isaac Itsak (birth 5 Feb 1766 Amsterdam - died 7 Jan 1837 Amsterdam)
Lob-Cohen, Sara Tserla Isaac Itsak (birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 31 MRT 1840 Amsterdam)
Lobo, Benjamin Jessurun (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Lobo, Daniel Jessurun (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam - died 25 OKT 1833 Amsterdam)
Lobo, David Jessurun (birth 1706 Amsterdam)
Lobo, Ester Benjamin (birth ONG 1820 Amsterdam)
Lobo, Jacob Jessurun (birth 1754 Amsterdam)
Lobo, Rachel Jessurun (birth 1757 Amsterdam)
Lobo, Rebecca Mozes Jessurun (birth 30 Aug 1764 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Aaltje Wolf (birth ONG 1783 Amsterdam - died 22 MEI 1856 Kampen)
Lochem, Abraham Jacob (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam - died 30 Jul 1815 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Benjamin Wolf Levie Liepman (birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1788 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Branca Brein Jacob (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam - died 7 MRT 1867 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Branca Brein Levie Liepman (birth 1756 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Clara Keile Benjamin Wolf Benjamins (birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 3 Jan 1847 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Duifje Nathan (birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Jacob Levie Liepman (birth 8 Apr 1767 Amsterdam - died 18 MEI 1815 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Joseph Jozale
Lochem, Joseph Samuel (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 29 Apr 1817 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Levie Liepman Jacob (birth 22 Feb 1797 Amsterdam)
Lochem, N.N. Joseph Jozale
Lochem, Philip Peis Levie Liepman Loggem (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 24 Nov 1832 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Reijna Rana Jacob (birth 24 Aug 1810 Amsterdam)
Lochem, Salomon Samuel Zanwil Joseph Jozale (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 11 MEI 1795 Amsterdam)
Locher, Annaatje Salomon (birth ONG 1777 Amsterdam)
Locher, Ariaantje Isaac (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Locher, Bendit Benjamin Wolf (birth Jun 1717 Amsterdam)
Locher, Benjamin Wolf Levie (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 12 Sep 1811 Amsterdam)
Locher, Benjamin Wolf Mozes (died 1745 Amsterdam)
Locher, Benjamin Wolf Nathan (birth ONG 1734 Amsterdam)
Locher, Clara Nathan (birth ONG 1765 Amsterdam - died 27 MEI 1816 Amsterdam)
Locher, Duifje Thea Levie Leib (birth ONG 1768 Amsterdam - died 6 OKT 1827 Amsterdam)
Locher, Eva Abraham (died 12 Jun 1831 Amsterdam)
Locher, Hanna Levie
Locher, Hartog Hirts Mozes (birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 19 Jul 1790 Amsterdam)
Locher, Hartog Levie (birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1811 Amsterdam)
Locher, Hartog Nathan (birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 17 MRT 1793 Amsterdam)
Locher, Hijman Chaim Philip Feibel (birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1804 Amsterdam)
Locher, Isaac Abraham (birth 1756 Amsterdam)
Locher, Jonas Elchanan Philip Uri-Feibel (birth 1728 Amsterdam)
Locher, Judith Jent Mozes (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 15 MRT 1832 Amsterdam)
Locher, Kaatje Jacob (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam)
Locher, Lea Jacob (birth ONG 1784 Amsterdam - died 19 Aug 1833 Amsterdam)
Locher, Levie Benjamin Wolf (birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 1778 Amsterdam)
Locher, Levie Hartog Hirts (birth 18 Sep 1770 Amsterdam - died 9 Aug 1829 Deventer)
Locher, Levie Philip Feibel (birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 7 Jan 1769 Amsterdam)
Locher, Levie (died 1723 Amsterdam)
Locher, Mozes Benjamin Wolf (birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 1758 Amsterdam)
Locher, Mozes Hartog Hirts (birth 30 Apr 1779 Amsterdam - died 27 OKT 1819 Amsterdam)
Locher, Mozes Levie (birth 1710 Amsterdam - died 1765 Amsterdam)
Locher, Mozes Nathan (birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1805 Amsterdam)
Locher, Nathan Benjamin Wolf (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1764 Amsterdam)
Locher, Nathan Hartog Hirts (birth 17 MRT 1784 Amsterdam - died 29 MRT 1846 Zaandam)
Locher, Philip Abraham (birth 22 MEI 1757 Amsterdam - died 2 Apr 1820 Amsterdam)
Locher, Philip Feibel Jacob (died OKT 1748 Amsterdam)
Locher, Reyna Reinche Benjamin Wolf (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 1764 Amsterdam)
Locher, Roosje Isaac (birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam)
Locher, Roosje Rodesh Abraham Logger (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 26 Feb 1841 Amsterdam)
Locher, Roosje Rodesh Philip Feibel (birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 31 Aug 1790 Amsterdam)
Locher, Salomon Mozes (birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 9 MRT 1802 Amsterdam)
Locher, Salomon Shauel Philip Feibel (birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 10 MRT 1799 Amsterdam)
Locher, Samuel Hartog Hirts (birth 5 MRT 1787 Amsterdam)
Locher, Sara Abraham (birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 31 OKT 1796 Amsterdam)
Locher, Sara Hijman (birth 1782 Amsterdam - died 9 MEI 1847 Amsterdam)
Locher, Sara Levie (died 1768 Amsterdam)
Locher, Simon Sine Hartog Hirts (birth 15 Feb 1786 Amsterdam)
Locher, Vrouwtje Peyer Benjamin Wolf (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1802 Amsterdam)
Lochum, Philip Benjamin (birth 3 Aug 1792 Amsterdam - died 29 Aug 1855 Norg_Veenhuizen)
Lodas, Leentje Lea Leendert
Lodmir, Vrouwtje Freidche Salomon Shlomo (birth ONG 1708)
Loedel, Vrouwtje Philip (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Loer, Heintje Levie (birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam)
Loerie, Elias Levie (birth ONG 1769 Amsterdam - died 2 Jun 1839 Amsterdam)
Loesa, David Tevle Isaac Itsak (birth 26 Nov 1809 Amsterdam)
Loesa, Debora Isaac (birth 22 OKT 1812 Amsterdam)
Loesa, Ester Isaac (birth 11 Dec 1813 Amsterdam)
Loesa, Judic Isaac (birth 17 Jul 1816 Amsterdam)
Loesa, Lea Isaac (birth ONG 1821 Amsterdam)
Loesa, Wolf Isaac (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam)
Loete, Isaac Nathan (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Loete, Leentje Nathan Loude (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam)
Loete, Marcus Mordechai Nathan (birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam)
Loew, Sara (birth ONG 1803 Gernsheim near Darmstadt - died 12 Feb 1828 Amsterdam)
Loewenstam, Heinrich Joachim (birth 1815 Lissa - Prussia)
Loewenstam, Louise Leonora Levie Heijmans (birth 1790 Rotterdam - died 1 Aug 1852 Rotterdam)
Loewenstam, Naphtalie Mozes (birth ONG 1780 Volien - Poland)
Loewenstam, Sara Levie (birth ONG 1801 Leeuwarden - died 6 OKT 1848 Amsterdam)
Loewenstamm, Abraham-Nachman Mozes (birth MRT 1772 Amsterdam)
Loewenstamm, Bertha Benedicta Levie Heijmans
Loewenstamm, Levie Mozes (birth MEI 1775 Amsterdam)
Loewenstamm, Mirjam Mozes (birth Dec 1768 Amsterdam)
Loewenstamm, Mozes Saul (birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1815 Amsterdam)
Loewenstamm, Rosalie Mozes (birth ONG 1773 - died 15 Jan 1835 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Anna Hendele Benjamin Bendit (birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 1780 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Benjamin Baruch-Bendit Joseph Juzpe (birth 1711 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Benjamin Ze'ev-Wolf David Tevle (birth 24 MEI 1786 Amsterdam - died 13 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Betje Pes Levie Leib (birth 1787 Amsterdam - died 4 Sep 1833 Amsterdam)
Loeza, David Tevle Benjamin Benedictus (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 5 Jan 1800 Amsterdam)
Loeza, David Tevle Isaac Itsak (birth ONG 1740 Amsterdam - died 24 Jul 1801 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Ezechiel Yecheskel Gompert Gumpel (birth 12 MRT 1807 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Ezechiel Yecheskel Joseph Juzpe (birth 30 Jul 1777 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Gompert Gumpel David Tevle (birth 21 Sep 1778 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Gompert Gumpel Joseph Juzpe (birth 1770 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1844 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Hendele David Tevle (birth MRT 1782 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Hijman Chaim Simon (birth 4 Jan 1797 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Isaac Gompel (birth 13 Jan 1806 Amsterdam - died 9 Jun 1872 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Isaac Itsak Joseph Juzpe (birth 1702 Amsterdam - died 28 Sep 1780 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Isaac Itsak Joseph Juzpe (birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 20 MRT 1826 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Jacob Isaac (birth ONG 1806 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Johanna Isaac (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 22 MRT 1814 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Joseph Juzpe David Tevle (birth 16 Jan 1806 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Joseph Juzpe Gompert Gumpel (birth 7 Jul 1802 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Joseph Juzpe Isaac Itsak (birth ONG 1732 Amsterdam - died 1 Jan 1810 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Joseph Juzpe Simon (birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 10 Jul 1794 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Joseph Juzpe (died 8 Jul 1717 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Judic Gompel (birth 27 Jul 1799 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1828 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Levie David Tevle (birth 3 Sep 1772 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Levie Joseph Juzpe (died 20 Dec 1804 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Manus Man Joseph Juzpe (birth 11 Sep 1764 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Moses Joseph Juzpe (birth 29 MEI 1760 Amsterdam - died 23 MRT 1827 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Roosje Isaac (birth 12 Dec 1809 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1884 Beverwijk)
Loeza, Roosje Joseph (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 1782 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Roosje Reinche David Tevle (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Saartje Gompel (birth 10 MRT 1801 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1867 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Simon Joseph Juzpe (birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1728 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Simon Joseph Juzpe (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 21 Dec 1817 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Trijntje Ezechiel (birth ONG 1839 Amsterdam)
Loeza, Trijntje Gompel (birth 17 Sep 1804 Amsterdam - died 4 Nov 1838 Amsterdam)
Loezen, Isaac Itsak Philip Feibel (birth 21 OKT 1789 Amsterdam - died 9 Sep 1842 Amsterdam)
Lofer, Ester Joseph Jozlen (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 1769 Amsterdam)
Lofer, Joseph Jozlen (died Jun 1711 Amsterdam)
Lofer, Roosje Reizche Joseph Jozale (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 1728 Amsterdam)
Logcher, Pietertje (birth ONG 1814 Zaandam - died 9 Aug 1866 Zaandam)
Loggen, Ester
Loggen, Sara Levie Liepman Benjamin (birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 9 MEI 1841 Amsterdam)
Logger, Abraham Hartog Hirts (birth 24 Jun 1777 Amsterdam)
Logger, Abraham Hijman
Logger, Abraham Levie (birth between 1 and 6 Jul 1799 Amsterdam)
Logger, Abraham Levij (birth 25 Jul 1805 Deventer - died 3 Feb 1847 Woerden)
Logger, Abraham Mozes (birth 29 MRT 1798 Amsterdam)
Logger, Benjamin Jacob (birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 19 Feb 1821 Amsterdam)
Logger, Benjamin Levij (birth 2 Jul 1801 Leiden)
Logger, Benjamin Wolf Mozes (birth 25 Feb 1794 Amsterdam)
Logger, Clara Gelle Hartog (birth 8 Feb 1785 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1872 Deventer)
Logger, Emanuel Mantje Levie (birth 13 Aug 1797 Amsterdam)
Logger, Eva Jacob (birth 1789 Amsterdam)
Logger, Hartog Levij (birth 29 Jul 1810 Deventer)
Logger, Hartog Nathan (birth ONG 1813 Zaandam - died 16 Sep 1867 Zaandam)
Logger, Jacob Hijman Chaim (birth 10 Jan 1780 Amsterdam - died 16 Dec 1827 Amsterdam)
Logger, Judic Benjamin Wolf (birth ONG 1770 Amsterdam - died 12 MRT 1830 Amsterdam)
Logger, Kaatje Levij (birth 28 Jul 1803 Deventer - died 30 Jun 1899 Amsterdam)
Logger, Levie Abraham (birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 16 Jul 1826 Leiden)
Logger, Levie Mozes (birth 1787 Amsterdam)
Logger, Mietje Merle Levie Leib (birth ONG 1804 Leiden - died 18 MEI 1880 Amsterdam)
Logger, Mozes Levie Leib (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 22 Aug 1799 Amsterdam)
Logger, Philippus (birth ONG 1803 Leiden)
Logger, Rachel Levij (birth 16 Jun 1808 Deventer - died 4 Feb 1843 Deventer)
Logger, Roosie Hijman (birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam)
Logger, Roosje Levij (birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam - died 19 Sep 1822 Leiden)
Logger, Roosje Reizche Meyer (birth ONG 1790 The Hague - died 9 Jun 1821 Amsterdam)
Logger, Sara Benjamin (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Logger, Sara Nathan (birth ONG 1740 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1812 Amsterdam)
Logger, Schoontje Benjamin (birth ONG 1803 The Hague)
Logger, Schoontje Mozes (birth 16 MRT 1811 Amsterdam)
Logger, Vrouwtje Fraadche Jacob (birth 1766 Amsterdam - died 12 Apr 1855 Amsterdam)
Logger, Wife of Abraham (died 31 Aug 1790 Amsterdam)
Logher, Benedictus Levie (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 9 MRT 1808 Amsterdam)
Logher, David Levij (birth 20 Dec 1802 Deventer - died 5 MEI 1832 Enschede)
Logher, Leentje Hartog (died ONG 1818)
Logher, Maartje Mata Hartog Hirts (birth 1792 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1821 Zaandam)
Logher, Vrouwtje Nathan (birth ONG 1816 Zaandam)
Lohmans, Ester Abraham (birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam)
Lohmans, Jacques Jacob Abraham (birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam - died 23 Jun 1826 Amsterdam)
Loonsteijn, Branca Brein Hartog Hirts (birth 1757 Koblenz - died 23 Dec 1833 Amsterdam)
Loonsteijn, Levie Meyer (birth 31 Dec 1794 Amsterdam)
Loonsteijn, Rachel Aron
Loonstein, Alexander Mozes (birth 1711 Koblenz)
Loonstein, Alida Salomon (birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Barend Ber Samuel Zanwil Zeeman (birth 25 Dec 1763 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1835 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Betje Nathan (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Ester Nathan Neta (birth 27 Sep 1792 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Esther Meyer
Loonstein, Eva Heva Levie leib (birth 1788 Amsterdam - died 29 MEI 1818 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Hartog Alexander (birth ONG 1754 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1823 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Hartog Hirts Salomon Zanwil (birth 25 Jan 1775 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Hendele Nathan Neta (birth 25 Jan 1789 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Isaac Eizik Mozes (birth 21 Aug 1763 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Lea (birth 1811 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Levie Salomon Zanwil (birth 4 Nov 1767 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Levie
Loonstein, Marianne Salomon (birth ONG 1772 Amsterdam - died 19 OKT 1832 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Meyer Nathan Neta (birth 1 Jan 1795 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Mozes Aron (birth Lonstein - died 27 Apr 1780 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Mozes Jacob (birth ONG 1832 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Mozes Nathan (birth 9 Sep 1786 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Mozes Salomon Shlomo (birth 3 Apr 1810 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Nathan Neta Mozes (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 7 MRT 1825 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Rachel Rechla Mozes (birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 11 Jan 1816 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Rachel Rechla Nathan Neta (birth 19 Dec 1793 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Salomon Shlomo Mozes (birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Salomon Zanwil Hartog Hirts (birth 1738 Kampen)
Loonstein, Sara Barend Ber Zeeman (birth 22 MEI 1811 Amsterdam - died 18 Jun 1828 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Sara Nathan (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam)
Loonstein, Simon Meyer (birth 1 MEI 1801 Amsterdam)
Loonstijn, Brijntje Levie (birth ONG 1746 - died 26 Feb 1817 Amsterdam)
Loonstijn, Jacob Nathan (birth 6 Jun 1791 Amsterdam)
Looper, Aaltje Samuel (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Looper, Mozes Hartog (birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam - died 21 MEI 1866 Amersfoort)
Looper, Samuel Isaac Loopuit (birth ONG 1757 - died 5 Apr 1813 Amsterdam)
Looper, Sara (birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam)
Loopuit, Jacob Samuel (birth 1800 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1873 Amsterdam)
Loopuit, Klaartje Jacob (birth 6 MEI 1822 Amsterdam - died 23 Aug 1888 Amsterdam)
Loos, Barend Salomon (birth ONG 1769 - died 20 Sep 1824 Amsterdam)
Loos, Mozes Salomon (birth ONG 1780 Amsterdam - died 19 Apr 1834 Amsterdam)
Loos, Rebecca Hartog Hirsch (birth ONG 1826 Amsterdam - died 1872 Amsterdam)
Loos, Salomon Gerrit (birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam)
Loos-Levie, Gittele Hartog Hirsch
Lootje, Joseph Meyer (birth 10 Aug 1789 Amsterdam)
Lootje, Matje Meyer (birth ONG 1787 Amsterdam)
Lootje, Matje Meyer (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Lootje, Mozes Marcus Meyer (birth 11 Nov 1794 Amsterdam - died 1842 Amsterdam)
Loots, Anna David (birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 14 Dec 1835 Amsterdam)
Lootsteen, Leentje (birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam)
Lootsteen, Levie Mozes (birth 11 Jan 1821 Amsterdam)
Lootsteen, Mozes Levie (birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam)
Loper, David Joseph Jozale (birth 1709 Amsterdam - died Apr 1741 Amsterdam)
Loper, Vrouwtje Freidche David (birth 2 Jul 1740 Amsterdam)
Lopes, David Rodriguez (birth 24 Jan 1767 Amsterdam)
Lopes, David v.Moses Rodrigues (birth 5 OKT 1819 Amsterdam)
Lopes, Ester David Rodrigues (birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam)
Lopes, Mozes David Rodriguez (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1870 Amsterdam)
Lopes, Rachel Mozes Rodrigues (birth ONG 1822 Amsterdam)
Lopes, Rachel Rodrigues (birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam)
Lorian, Jochem Jochanan Levie Luria
Lorje, Cornelia Levie (birth Rotterdam)
Lorje, Johanna Levie (birth ONG 1766 Rotterdam - died 2 MRT 1838 Heenvliet)
Lorje, Lea Levie (died ONG 1809)
Lorje, Mozes Levy (birth ONG 1774 Rotterdam)
Lorree, Hendrikje Gittele Samuel (birth ONG 1734 - died 24 Nov 1812 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, David Nathan Loete (birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1833 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, Nathan Neta David Loete (birth 1784 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, Nathan Neta Salomon Shlomo (birth Dec 1778 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, Nathan Salomon Shlomo (birth 1710 Altorff - died 23 Dec 1770 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, Roosje Reitsche Salomon Shlomo (birth Apr 1771 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, Sabatay Nathan Loete (birth 6 Aug 1810 Amsterdam - died 1856 Amsterdam)
Lotaringen, Salomon Shlomo Nathan (birth 1746 Amsterdam)
Loterij, Jetje Hartog (birth ONG 1808 Utrecht? - died 6 Apr 1855 Utrecht)
Loterij-Levie, Hanna Hena Hartog Hirsch (birth 23 Apr 1811 Amsterdam - died 19 OKT 1813 Amsterdam)
Loterij-Levie, Hartog Hirsch Meyer (birth 7 Sep 1787 Amsterdam)
Loterij-Levie, Jacob Isaac Eizik (birth 19 Sep 1810 Amsterdam)
Loterijman, Jacob Hartog (birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam)
Loterijman-Levie, Meyer Isaac (birth ONG 1740 Hessen Kassel - died 10 Sep 1826 Amsterdam)
Lotering, Ester Nathan (birth ONG 1748 Amsterdam - died 2 MRT 1826 Amsterdam)
Lotez, Salomon Shlomo Samuel (birth 1725 Hamburg - died 11 Dec 1791 Amsterdam)
Lotje, Alexander Salomon Zalman (birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 1741 Amsterdam)
Lotje, Joseph Salomon Shlomo-Zalman (birth 1704 Amsterdam - died Sep 1771 Amsterdam)
Lotje, Levie Meyer (birth 24 Aug 1779 Amsterdam)
Lotje, Marcus Meyer Joseph (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 27 MRT 1810 Amsterdam)
Lotje, Salomon Shlomo-Zalman (died Jun 1712 Amsterdam)
Louis, Elias Emanuel mendele (birth 30 Sep 1803 Amsterdam - died Jan 1807 Amsterdam)
Louis, Emanuel Mendele Elias (birth 1772 Berlijn)
Loukse, Levie Samuel (birth ONG 1762 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Loup, Ester (died 1873 The Hague)
Lourier, Ester Salomon (birth ONG 1756 Ernsbach - Germany, died 22 Nov 1814 Amsterdam)
Loustein, Meyer Mozes Loonstein (birth 1746 Worms - died 3 MRT 1820 Amsterdam)
Lubag, Mietje Abraham
Lubbig, David Samuel Mot (birth 7 Apr 1788 Amsterdam - died 1854 Amsterdam)
Lubbig, Samuel Gerrit Getschlik Mot (birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 12 Jan 1830 Amsterdam)
Lubeck, David Wolf Kronenburg (birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1805 Amsterdam)
Lubeck, Levie David Kronenburg (birth MEI 1788 Amsterdam)
Lubeck, Mozes David Kronenburg (birth Jan 1789 Amsterdam)
Lubeg, Aaltje Edil Levie Leib (birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1836 Amsterdam)
Lubeg, Judik Abraham (birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam - died 6 Aug 1833 Amsterdam)
Lubek, Abraham Abraham (birth ONG 1769 - died 13 Feb 1837 Amsterdam)
Lubek, David Wolf Fischman (birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1805 Amsterdam)
Lubich, Bele Nathan Neta Vissel (birth 1784 Amsterdam - died 13 Nov 1846 Amsterdam)
Lubich, Hartog Hirts Nathan Neta Fischel (birth 10 Nov 1764 Amsterdam - died 13 Apr 1836 Amsterdam)
Lubich, Mozes Nathan Vissel (birth 26 Aug 1772 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1847 Amsterdam)
Lubig, Isaac Eizik Nathan Neta Visschel (birth 23 Jul 1778 Amsterdam - died 23 Aug 1836 Amsterdam)
Lubig, Samuel Levij (birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam)
Lubliner, Aaltje Ella Hijman Chaim Heijmans (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 4 Apr 1828 Amsterdam)
Lubliner, Eliaser Leizer David (died 12 Apr 1797 Amsterdam)
Lubliner, Hijman Chaim Elias (died 10 MEI 1801 Amsterdam)
Lubliner, Marcus Mordechai Hijman Chaim Berlijn (birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 23 Apr 1818 Amsterdam)
Lubliner, Marianne Merle Levie Leib (birth ONG 1730 - died 27 Dec 1815 Amsterdam)
Lubliner, Sara Zisi Hijman Chaim (birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 28 Aug 1830 Amsterdam)
Lucas, Betje (birth ONG 1750 - died 5 Dec 1826 Amsterdam)
Lucas, Rachel
Lucasse, Annaatje Simon (birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam)
Lucasse, Simon Roelof (birth ONG 1782 Amsterdam)
Ludel, Abraham Philip Peis (birth 2 Feb 1811 Amsterdam)
Ludel, Philip Peis Abraham (birth 28 Aug 1764 Amsterdam - died 25 Aug 1813 Amsterdam)
Ludel, Salomon Zalman Philip Peis (birth 26 MRT 1731 Amsterdam)
Ludel, Sophia Shifra Philip Peis (birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam)
Luder, David Tevle Joseph Juzpe Loeza (birth 23 Jul 1767 Amsterdam - died 11 Aug 1828 Amsterdam)
Luijken, Lea Roelof (birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam)
Luikan, Sara Roelof (birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam)
Luks, Aron Samuel (birth 31 Aug 1799 Amsterdam - died 31 MEI 1876 Amsterdam)
Luks, Betje Samuel (birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1828 Amsterdam)
Luks, Heintje Samuel (birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam)
Luks, Judic Gittele Samuel (birth 1790 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1866 Amsterdam)
Luks, Judith Jetche Samuel (birth 1787 Amsterdam - died 28 Jun 1850 Amsterdam)
Luks, Rachel Aron (birth 1825 Amsterdam)
Luks-Levie, Elias Hela Samuel (birth 10 Nov 1801 Amsterdam - died 22 Sep 1872 Amsterdam)
Luria, Barend Ber Jochem Jochanan (birth Jul 1771 Amsterdam)
Luria, Betje Perel Levie Leib (birth 4 Dec 1809 Amsterdam - died 29 Jan 1815 Amsterdam)
Luria, Clara Preizche Levie Leib (birth 1701 Amsterdam - died MRT 1760 Amsterdam)
Luria, Edel Levie Leib (birth 1696 Amsterdam)
Luria, Elias Jochem Jochanan Snoek (birth 17 Nov 1768 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1833 Amsterdam)
Luria, Elias Levie (birth 1702 Amsterdam - died Jun 1749 Amsterdam)
Luria, Ester Jochem Jochanan (birth 1684 Hamburg - died 1736 Maarssen)
Luria, Jochem Jochanan Elias (birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 28 OKT 1783 Amsterdam)
Luria, Jochem Jochanan
Luria, Levie Elias (died 4 Jul 1799 Amsterdam)
Luria, Levie Jochem Jochanan (died 1722 Amsterdam)
Luria, Levie Jochem Snoek (birth 1779 Amsterdam)
Luria, Pes Peschi Jochanan (died 1734 Amsterdam)
Luria, Salomon Zelig Jochem Jochanan (birth 1773 Amsterdam - died ONG 1814)
Luria, Samuel Levie Leib (birth 15 Jan 1778 Amsterdam)
Luria, Samuel Levie (birth 1707 Amsterdam)
Luria, Sebilla Tsifra Jochem Jochanan (birth 1681 Hamburg - died 1749 Amsterdam)
Luria, Simon Levie Leib Snoek (birth Jun 1807 Amsterdam)
Lusa, Debora Wolf (birth 17 Jul 1815 Amsterdam)
Lute, Judith Gittele David (birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 17 Nov 1828 Amsterdam)
Lutsker, Israel Samuel (birth 1732 Amsterdam)
Lutsker, Jonas Salomon Kalman (birth Feb 1762 Amsterdam - died Sep 1762 Amsterdam)
Lutsker, Kalman Israel (birth 14 Feb 1770 Amsterdam)
Lutsker, Salomon Kalman Samuel
Lutsker, Samuel
Lutteraan, David (birth 10 Jun 1818 Zwolle)
Lux-Levie, Salomon Samuel Elias Chanoch-Henli (birth 1762 Amsterdam)
Luza, Branco Joseph (birth ONG 1780 Amsterdam - died 9 OKT 1840 Amsterdam)
Luza, David Wolf (birth ONG 1825 Amsterdam)
Luzern, David Salomon Shalom (birth 1711 Amsterdam)
Luzern, Sara Joseph (birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 1765 Amsterdam)
Luzern, Schoontje Sjeinche David (birth ONG 1708)
Lvov, Haije Chaya Mozes (birth Schwabach)
Lyons, Jane (birth 5 Dec 1824 New York - died 1 Sep 1898 New York)